public override void LoadView()
            // Create a chart view that will display the chart.
            m_view = new NChartView();

            // Paste your license key here.
            m_view.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

            // Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
            m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartMargin(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

            // Create series that will be displayed on the chart.
            NChartAreaSeries series = new NChartAreaSeries();

            // Set brush that will fill that series with color.
            series.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush(UIColor.FromRGB(97, 206, 231));

            // Set data source for the series.
            series.DataSource = this;

            // Add series to the chart.

            // Create crosshair.
            NChartCrosshair cs = new NChartCrosshair();

            // Set color for crosshair's haris.
            cs.XHair.SetColor(UIColor.FromRGB(255, 0, 0));
            cs.YHair.SetColor(UIColor.FromRGB(0, 0, 255));

            // Set thickness for crosshair's hairs.
            cs.Thickness = 2.0f;

            // Set value for crosshair. Alternatively it's possible to create crosshair connected to chart point using the method
            // new NChartCrosshair (Color color, float thickness, NChartPoint targetPoint);
            cs.XHair.Value = 5.25;
            cs.YHair.Value = 13.0;

            // Set crosshair delegate to handle moving.
            cs.Delegate = this;

            // Set crosshair snapping to X-Axis ticks.
            cs.XHair.SnapToMinorTicks = true;
            cs.XHair.SnapToMajorTicks = true;

            // Add tooltip to the hair parallel to Y-Axis.
            cs.XHair.Tooltip = CreateTooltip();
            UpdateTooltipText(cs.XHair.Tooltip, cs.XHair.Value);

            // Add crosshair to the chart's coordinate system.

            // Update data in the chart.

            // Set chart view to the controller.
            this.View = m_view;
예제 #2
        private void LoadView()
            // Paste your license key here.
            mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

            // Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
            mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartMargin(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

            // Create area series with colors and add them to the chart.
            NChartAreaSeries series = new NChartAreaSeries();

            series.Brush      = new NChartSolidColorBrush(Color.Argb(255, 97, 205, 232));
            series.DataSource = this;

            // Create crosshair.
            NChartCrosshair cs = new NChartCrosshair();

            // Set color for crosshair's haris.
            cs.XHair.SetColor(Color.Argb(255, 255, 0, 0));
            cs.YHair.SetColor(Color.Argb(255, 0, 0, 255));

            // Set thickness for crosshair's hairs.
            cs.Thickness = 2.0f;

            // Set value for crosshair. Alternatively it's possible to create crosshair connected to chart point using the method
            // new NChartCrosshair (Color color, float thickness, NChartPoint targetPoint);
            cs.XHair.Value = 5.25;
            cs.YHair.Value = 13.0;

            // Set crosshair delegate to handle moving.
            cs.Delegate = this;

            // Set crosshair snapping to X-Axis ticks.
            cs.XHair.SnapToMinorTicks = true;
            cs.XHair.SnapToMajorTicks = true;

            // Add tooltip to the hair parallel to Y-Axis.
            cs.XHair.Tooltip = CreateTooltip();
            UpdateTooltipText(cs.XHair.Tooltip, cs.XHair.Value);

            // Add crosshair to the chart's coordinate system.

            // Update data in the chart.
예제 #3
 public void DidEndMoving(NChartCrosshair crosshair)
     UpdateTooltipText(crosshair.XHair.Tooltip, crosshair.XHair.Value);
예제 #4
 public void DidBeginMoving(NChartCrosshair crosshair)