예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Display a page size option on the product list module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datatext"></param>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="attributes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEncodedString PageSizeDropDownList(String datatext, NBrightRazor model, String cssclass = "")
            if (datatext.StartsWith("ResourceKey:"))
                datatext = ResourceKey(datatext.Replace("ResourceKey:", "")).ToString();

            var navigationdata = new NavigationData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, model.ModuleRef);

            if (navigationdata.PageSize == "")
                navigationdata.PageSize = model.GetSetting("pagesize");

            var strOut = "";
            var datat  = datatext.Split(',');

            strOut = "<select class='pagesizedropdown" + model.ModuleRef + " " + cssclass + " '>";
            var c = 0;
            var s = "";

            foreach (var t in datat)
                var url   = "";
                var param = new List <String>();
                if (model.GetUrlParam("pagemid") != "")
                    param.Add("pagemid=" + model.ModuleId.ToString("D"));
                if (model.GetUrlParam("catid") != "")
                    param.Add("catid=" + model.GetUrlParam("catid").Trim());
                param.Add("pagesize=" + t);
                var paramlist = new string[param.Count];
                for (int lp = 0; lp < param.Count; lp++)
                    paramlist[lp] = param[lp];

                url = Globals.NavigateURL(PortalSettings.Current.ActiveTab.TabID, "", paramlist);

                s = "";
                if (t == navigationdata.PageSize)
                    s = "selected";

                strOut += "    <option value='" + t + "' " + s + " selectedurl='" + url + "' >" + t + "</option>";
                c      += 1;
            strOut += "</select>";

            strOut += "<script>";
            strOut += "$('.pagesizedropdown" + model.ModuleRef + "').change(function () { window.location.replace($('option:selected', this).attr('selectedurl')); });";
            strOut += "</script>";

            return(new RawString(strOut));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit Product url
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">NBrightInfo class of PRD type</param>
        /// <param name="model">Razor Model class (NBrightRazor)</param>
        /// <returns>Url to edit product</returns>
        public IEncodedString EditUrl(NBrightInfo info, NBrightRazor model, String ctrl = "products")
            var itemid = -1;

            if (info != null)
                itemid = info.ItemID;
            return(EditUrl(itemid, model, ctrl));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Render a razor template with an object, this method will include the object in the List of the NBrightRazor class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="razorTemplName"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleid"></param>
        /// <param name="cacheKey">If empty no cache done</param>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="templateControlPath"></param>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="lang"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RazorTemplRender(string razorTemplName, int moduleid, string cacheKey, object obj, string templateControlPath, string theme, string lang, Dictionary<string, string> settings)
            // do razor template
            var ckey = "NBrightBuyRazorOutput" + razorTemplName + "*" + cacheKey + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString() + "*" + lang;
            var razorTempl = (string)GetModCache(ckey);
            if (razorTempl == null)
                razorTempl = GetRazorTemplateData(razorTemplName, templateControlPath, theme, lang);
                if (razorTempl == "")
                    // check for non-razor templates
                    razorTemplName = razorTemplName.ToLower().Replace(".cshtml", ".html");
                    ckey = "NBrightBuyRazorOutput" + razorTemplName + "*" + cacheKey + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString() + "*" + lang; // reset cachekey
                    razorTempl = (string)GetModCache(ckey);
                    if (razorTempl != null)
                        return razorTempl;
                    razorTempl = GetRazorTemplateData(razorTemplName, templateControlPath, theme, lang);
                if (razorTempl != "")
                    if (obj == null) obj = new NBrightInfo(true);
                    var l = new List<object>();
                    if (settings == null) settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    var nbRazor = new NBrightRazor(l, settings, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString);
                    nbRazor.FullTemplateName = theme + "." + razorTemplName;
                    nbRazor.TemplateName = razorTemplName;
                    nbRazor.ThemeFolder = theme;

                    var razorTemplateKey = "NBrightBuyRazorKey" + theme + razorTemplName + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString() + "*" + lang;
                    razorTempl = RazorRender(nbRazor, razorTempl, razorTemplateKey, StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode);
                    if (cacheKey != "" && !StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode) SetModCache(moduleid, ckey, razorTempl); // only save to cache if we pass in a cache key.
                    razorTempl = "ERROR - Razor Template Not Found: " + theme + "." + razorTemplName;
            return razorTempl;
예제 #4
 public static string RazorTemplRenderList(string razorTemplName, int moduleid, string cacheKey, List<NBrightInfo> objList, string templateControlPath, string theme, string lang, Dictionary<string, string> settings)
     // do razor template
     var ckey = "NBrightBuyRazorOutput" + theme + razorTemplName + "*" + cacheKey + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString();
     var razorTempl = (string)GetModCache(ckey);
     if (razorTempl == null || StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode)
         razorTempl = GetRazorTemplateData(razorTemplName, templateControlPath, theme, lang);
         if (razorTempl != "")
             var nbRazor = new NBrightRazor(objList.Cast<object>().ToList(), settings, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString);
             nbRazor.ModuleId = moduleid;
             var razorTemplateKey = "NBrightBuyRazorKey" + theme + razorTemplName + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString();
             razorTempl = RazorRender(nbRazor, razorTempl, razorTemplateKey, StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode);
             if (cacheKey != "") SetModCache(moduleid, ckey, razorTempl); // only save to cache if we pass in a cache key.
     return razorTempl;
예제 #5
        public static Dictionary<string, string> RazorPreProcessTempl(string razorTemplName, string templateControlPath, string theme, string lang, Dictionary<string, string> settings, string moduleid = "")
            var cachekey = "preprocessmetadata" + theme + "." + razorTemplName + moduleid;

            // get cached data if there
            var cachedlist = (Dictionary<string, string>)Utils.GetCache(cachekey);
            if (cachedlist != null) return cachedlist;

            // build cache data from template.
            cachedlist = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var razorTemplate = GetRazorTemplateData(razorTemplName, templateControlPath, theme, lang);
            if (razorTemplate != "" && razorTemplate.Contains("AddPreProcessMetaData"))
                var obj = new NBrightInfo(true);
                obj.Lang = lang;
                obj.ModuleId = -1;
                var l = new List<object>();
                var modRazor = new NBrightRazor(l, settings, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString);
                modRazor.FullTemplateName = theme + "." + razorTemplName;
                modRazor.TemplateName = razorTemplName;
                modRazor.ThemeFolder = theme;
                    // do razor and cache preprocessmetadata
                    razorTemplate = RazorRender(modRazor, razorTemplate, cachekey, false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Only log exception, could be a error because of missing data.  The preprocessing doesn't care.
                cachedlist = (Dictionary<string, string>) Utils.GetCache(cachekey);
                if (cachedlist == null) cachedlist = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                Utils.SetCache(cachekey, cachedlist);
                cachedlist = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                Utils.SetCache(cachekey, cachedlist);
            return cachedlist;