예제 #1
        public static String GetTemplateData(String templatename, NBrightInfo info)
            var controlMapPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/DesktopModules/NBright/NBrightBuy/Providers/ManualPaymentProvider");
            var templCtrl      = new NBrightCore.TemplateEngine.TemplateGetter(PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath, controlMapPath, "Themes\\config", "");
            var templ          = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(templatename, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
            var dic            = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            foreach (var d in StoreSettings.Current.Settings())
                dic.Add(d.Key, d.Value);
            foreach (var d in info.ToDictionary())
                if (dic.ContainsKey(d.Key))
                    dic[d.Key] = d.Value;
                    dic.Add(d.Key, d.Value);
            templ = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(templ, dic);
            templ = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(templ);
        public static String GetTemplateData(String templatename, NBrightInfo pluginInfo)
            var controlMapPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/DesktopModules/NBright/OS_SystemPay");
            var templCtrl      = new NBrightCore.TemplateEngine.TemplateGetter(PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath, controlMapPath, "Themes\\config", "");
            var templ          = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(templatename, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());

            templ = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(templ, pluginInfo.ToDictionary());
            templ = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(templ);
예제 #3
        private string GetReturnData(HttpContext context)
                var strOut = "";

                var strIn   = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
                var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
                var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

                objInfo.ItemID   = -1;
                objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
                objInfo.XMLData  = xmlData;
                var settings = objInfo.ToDictionary();

                var themeFolder = StoreSettings.Current.ThemeFolder;
                if (settings.ContainsKey("themefolder"))
                    themeFolder = settings["themefolder"];
                var templCtrl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetTemplateGetter(themeFolder);

                if (!settings.ContainsKey("portalid"))
                    settings.Add("portalid", PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString(""));                                    // aways make sure we have portalid in settings
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                // run SQL and template to return html
                if (settings.ContainsKey("sqltpl") && settings.ContainsKey("xsltpl"))
                    var strSql  = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(settings["sqltpl"], _uilang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
                    var xslTemp = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(settings["xsltpl"], _uilang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

                    // replace any settings tokens (This is used to place the form data into the SQL)
                    strSql = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(strSql, settings);
                    strSql = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(strSql);

                    strSql = GenXmlFunctions.StripSqlCommands(strSql); // don't allow anything to update through here.

                    strOut = objCtrl.GetSqlxml(strSql);
                    if (!strOut.StartsWith("<root>"))
                        strOut = "<root>" + strOut + "</root>";                               // always wrap with root node.
                    strOut = XslUtils.XslTransInMemory(strOut, xslTemp);

            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #4
        public static String RenderPluginAdminList(List <NBrightInfo> list, NBrightInfo ajaxInfo, int recordCount)
                if (NBrightBuyUtils.CheckRights())
                    if (list == null)
                    var strOut = "";

                    // select a specific entity data type for the product (used by plugins)
                    var themeFolder = ajaxInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/themefolder");
                    if (themeFolder == "")
                        themeFolder = "config";
                    var razortemplate = ajaxInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/razortemplate");
                    if (razortemplate == "")
                        razortemplate = "Admin_pluginsList.cshtml";

                    var passSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var s in ajaxInfo.ToDictionary())
                        if (!passSettings.ContainsKey(s.Key))
                            passSettings.Add(s.Key, s.Value);
                    foreach (var s in StoreSettings.Current.Settings()) // copy store setting, otherwise we get a byRef assignement
                        if (passSettings.ContainsKey(s.Key))
                            passSettings[s.Key] = s.Value;
                            passSettings.Add(s.Key, s.Value);

                    strOut = NBrightBuyUtils.RazorTemplRenderList(razortemplate, 0, "", list, TemplateRelPath, themeFolder, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), passSettings);

            catch (Exception ex)
        private Dictionary <String, String> GetAjaxFields(HttpContext context)
            var strIn   = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
            var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

            objInfo.ItemID   = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
            objInfo.XMLData  = xmlData;
            var dic = objInfo.ToDictionary();

예제 #6
 public static String GetTemplateData(String templatename, NBrightInfo info)
     var controlMapPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/DesktopModules/NBright/NBrightBuy/Providers/ManualPaymentProvider");
     var templCtrl = new NBrightCore.TemplateEngine.TemplateGetter(PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath, controlMapPath, "Themes\\config", "");
     var templ = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(templatename, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
     var dic = new Dictionary<String, String>();
     foreach (var d in StoreSettings.Current.Settings())
     foreach (var d in info.ToDictionary())
         if (dic.ContainsKey(d.Key))
             dic[d.Key] = d.Value;
             dic.Add(d.Key, d.Value);
     templ = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(templ, dic);
     templ = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(templ);
     return templ;
예제 #7
        private NBrightInfo GetAjaxFields(HttpContext context)
            var strIn   = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
            var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

            objInfo.ItemID   = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
            objInfo.XMLData  = xmlData;
            var dic = objInfo.ToDictionary();

            // set langauge if we have it passed.
            if (dic.ContainsKey("lang") && dic["lang"] != "")
                _lang = dic["lang"];

            // set the context  culturecode, so any DNN functions use the correct culture (entryurl tag token)
            if (_lang != "" && _lang != System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString())
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(_lang);
예제 #8
        private Dictionary<String, String> GetAjaxFields(HttpContext context)
            var strIn = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
            var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

            objInfo.ItemID = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
            objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
            var dic =  objInfo.ToDictionary();
            // set langauge if we have it passed.
            if (dic.ContainsKey("lang") && dic["lang"] != "") _lang = dic["lang"];

            // set the context  culturecode, so any DNN functions use the correct culture (entryurl tag token)
            if (_lang != "" && _lang != System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString()) System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(_lang);
            return dic;
예제 #9
        private string GetReturnData(HttpContext context)

                var strOut = "";

                var strIn = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
                var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
                var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

                objInfo.ItemID = -1;
                objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
                objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
                var settings = objInfo.ToDictionary();

                var themeFolder = StoreSettings.Current.ThemeFolder;
                if (settings.ContainsKey("themefolder")) themeFolder = settings["themefolder"];
                var templCtrl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetTemplateGetter(themeFolder);

                if (!settings.ContainsKey("portalid")) settings.Add("portalid", PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString("")); // aways make sure we have portalid in settings
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                // run SQL and template to return html
                if (settings.ContainsKey("sqltpl") && settings.ContainsKey("xsltpl"))
                    var strSql = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(settings["sqltpl"], _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
                    var xslTemp = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(settings["xsltpl"], _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

                    // replace any settings tokens (This is used to place the form data into the SQL)
                    strSql = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(strSql, settings);
                    strSql = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(strSql);

                    strSql = GenXmlFunctions.StripSqlCommands(strSql); // don't allow anything to update through here.

                    strOut = objCtrl.GetSqlxml(strSql);
                    if (!strOut.StartsWith("<root>")) strOut = "<root>" + strOut + "</root>"; // always wrap with root node.
                    strOut = XslUtils.XslTransInMemory(strOut, xslTemp);

                return strOut;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.ToString();
예제 #10
        private void UpdateRecord()
            var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(rpData, "", StoreSettings.Current.FolderImagesMapPath);
            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

            objInfo.ItemID   = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "POSTDATA";
            objInfo.XMLData  = xmlData;
            var settings = objInfo.ToDictionary(); // put the fieds into a dictionary, so we can get them easy.

            // check we don't have an invalid parentitemid
            var parentitemid = objInfo.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlparentcatid");
            var strOut       = "No Category ID ('itemid' hidden fields needed on input form)";

            if (settings.ContainsKey("itemid"))
                if (parentitemid != Convert.ToInt32(settings["itemid"]))
                    var catData = CategoryUtils.GetCategoryData(Convert.ToInt32(settings["itemid"]), StoreSettings.Current.EditLanguage);

                    // check we've not put a category under it's child
                    if (IsParentInChildren(catData, parentitemid))
                        NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "categoryactionsave", NotifyCode.fail);
                        var catDirectList   = catData.GetDirectArticles();
                        var oldparentitemId = catData.ParentItemId;
                        if (parentitemid != oldparentitemId)
                            // remove articles for category, so we realign the cascade records.
                            foreach (var p in catDirectList)
                                var prdData = new ProductData(p.ParentItemId, p.PortalId, p.Lang);


                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Edittype) && Edittype.ToLower() == "group")
                            var grptype = objInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlparentcatid");
                            var grp     = ModCtrl.GetByGuidKey(PortalSettings.PortalId, -1, "GROUP", grptype);
                            if (grp != null)
                                var newGuidKey = objInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/propertyref");
                                if (newGuidKey != "")
                                    newGuidKey = GetUniqueGuidKey(catData.CategoryId, Utils.UrlFriendly(newGuidKey));
                                catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey = newGuidKey;
                                catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref", newGuidKey);
                                catData.DataRecord.ParentItemId = grp.ItemID;
                                // list done using ddlgrouptype, in  GetCatList
                                catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlgrouptype", grptype);
                            // the base category ref cannot have language dependant refs, we therefore just use a unique key
                            var catref = catData.DataRecord.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref");
                            if (catref == "")
                                if (catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey == "")
                                    catref = Utils.GetUniqueKey().ToLower();
                                    catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref", catref);
                                    catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey = catref;
                                    catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref", catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey);
                            CategoryUtils.ValidateLangaugeRef(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(settings["itemid"])); // do validate so we update all refs and children refs

                        if (parentitemid != oldparentitemId)
                            // all all articles for category. so we realign the cascade records.
                            foreach (var p in catDirectList)
                                var prdData = new ProductData(p.ParentItemId, p.PortalId, p.Lang);

                        NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "categoryactionsave", NotifyCode.ok);
                    NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "categoryactionsave", NotifyCode.fail);
            NBrightBuyUtils.RemoveModCachePortalWide(PortalId); //clear any cache
예제 #11
        private void UpdateRecord()
            var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(rpData, "", StoreSettings.Current.FolderImagesMapPath);
            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();
            objInfo.ItemID = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "POSTDATA";
            objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
            var settings = objInfo.ToDictionary(); // put the fieds into a dictionary, so we can get them easy.

            var strOut = "No Category ID ('itemid' hidden fields needed on input form)";
            if (settings.ContainsKey("itemid"))
                var catData = CategoryUtils.GetCategoryData(Convert.ToInt32(settings["itemid"]), StoreSettings.Current.EditLanguage);


                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Edittype) && Edittype.ToLower() == "group")
                    var grptype = objInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlparentcatid");
                    var grp = ModCtrl.GetByGuidKey(PortalSettings.PortalId, -1, "GROUP", grptype);
                    if (grp != null)
                        var newGuidKey = objInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/propertyref");
                        if (newGuidKey != "") newGuidKey = GetUniqueGuidKey(catData.CategoryId, Utils.UrlFriendly(newGuidKey));
                        catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey = newGuidKey;
                        catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref", newGuidKey);
                        catData.DataRecord.ParentItemId = grp.ItemID;
                        // list done using ddlgrouptype, in  GetCatList
                        catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlgrouptype", grptype);
                    // the base category ref cannot have language dependant refs, we therefore just use a unique key
                    var catref = catData.DataRecord.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref");
                    if (catref == "")
                        if (catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey == "")
                            catref = Utils.GetUniqueKey().ToLower();
                            catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref", catref);
                            catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey = catref;
                            catData.DataRecord.SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref", catData.DataRecord.GUIDKey);
                    CategoryUtils.ValidateLangaugeRef(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(settings["itemid"])); // do validate so we update all refs and children refs
                NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "categoryactionsave", NotifyCode.fail);
            NBrightBuyUtils.RemoveModCachePortalWide(PortalId); //clear any cache
예제 #12
        public static String RenderProductAdminList(List <NBrightInfo> list, NBrightInfo ajaxInfo, int recordCount)
                if (NBrightBuyUtils.CheckRights())
                    if (list == null)
                    if (UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID <= 0)

                    var strOut = "";

                    // select a specific entity data type for the product (used by plugins)
                    var themeFolder   = "config";
                    var pageNumber    = ajaxInfo.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/hidden/pagenumber");
                    var pageSize      = ajaxInfo.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/hidden/pagesize");
                    var razortemplate = ajaxInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/razortemplate");
                    var editlang      = ajaxInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/editlang");
                    if (editlang == "")
                        editlang = Utils.GetCurrentCulture();

                    var templateControl = "/DesktopModules/NBright/OS_BulkEdit";

                    bool paging = pageSize > 0;

                    var passSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var s in ajaxInfo.ToDictionary())
                        passSettings.Add(s.Key, s.Value);
                    foreach (var s in StoreSettings.Current.Settings()) // copy store setting, otherwise we get a byRef assignement
                        if (passSettings.ContainsKey(s.Key))
                            passSettings[s.Key] = s.Value;
                            passSettings.Add(s.Key, s.Value);

                    strOut = NBrightBuyUtils.RazorTemplRenderList(razortemplate, 0, "", list, templateControl, themeFolder, editlang, passSettings);

                    // add paging if needed
                    if (paging && (recordCount > pageSize))
                        var pg = new NBrightCore.controls.PagingCtrl();
                        strOut += pg.RenderPager(recordCount, pageSize, pageNumber);

            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #13
        private List<NBrightInfo> GetAjaxInfoList(HttpContext context)
            var rtnList = new List<NBrightInfo>();
            var strIn = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
            var xmlDoc1 = new XmlDocument();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strIn))


                var xmlNodeList = xmlDoc1.SelectNodes("root/*");
                if (xmlNodeList != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode nod in xmlNodeList)
                        var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(nod.OuterXml, "");
                        var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

                        objInfo.ItemID = -1;
                        objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
                        objInfo.PortalId = PortalSettings.Current.PortalId;
            objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
                        var dic = objInfo.ToDictionary();
            // set langauge if we have it passed.
            if (dic.ContainsKey("lang") && dic["lang"] != "") _lang = dic["lang"];
            return rtnList;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Put Ajax data into a NBrightInfo class for processing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Http context</param>
        /// <param name="updatefields">If true only fields marked with update attribute are returned.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private NBrightInfo GetAjaxInfo(HttpContext context, Boolean updatefields = false)
            var strIn = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));

            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

            objInfo.ItemID = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
            objInfo.PortalId = PortalSettings.Current.PortalId;
            if (updatefields)
                var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
                objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
            var dic = objInfo.ToDictionary();
            // set langauge if we have it passed.
            if (dic.ContainsKey("lang") && dic["lang"] != "") _lang = dic["lang"];

            // set the context  culturecode, so any DNN functions use the correct culture (entryurl tag token)
            if (_lang != "" && _lang != System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString()) System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(_lang);
            objInfo.Lang = _lang; // make sure we have the langauge in the object.

            return objInfo;