/// <summary> /// Saves a <see cref="Level"/> object to disk as a standard compressed NBT stream. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the level was saved; false otherwise.</returns> /// <exception cref="LevelIOException">Thrown when an error is encountered writing out the level.</exception> public bool Save() { if (_world == null) { return(false); } try { NBTFile nf = new NBTFile(Path.Combine(_world.Path, "level.dat")); using (Stream zipstr = nf.GetDataOutputStream()) { if (zipstr == null) { NbtIOException nex = new NbtIOException("Failed to initialize compressed NBT stream for output"); nex.Data["Level"] = this; throw nex; } new NbtTree(BuildTree() as TagNodeCompound).WriteTo(zipstr); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LevelIOException lex = new LevelIOException("Could not save level file.", ex); lex.Data["Level"] = this; throw lex; } }
public override bool Save() { if (_world == null) { return(false); } try { string path = Path.Combine(_world.Path, _world.DataDirectory); NBTFile nf = new NBTFile(Path.Combine(path, "idcounts.dat")); using (Stream zipstr = nf.GetDataOutputStream(CompressionType.None)) { if (zipstr == null) { NbtIOException nex = new NbtIOException("Failed to initialize uncompressed NBT stream for output"); nex.Data["DataManager"] = this; throw nex; } new NbtTree(BuildTree() as TagNodeCompound).WriteTo(zipstr); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception lex = new Exception("Could not save idcounts.dat file.", ex); lex.Data["DataManager"] = this; throw lex; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves a <see cref="Map"/> object to disk as a standard compressed NBT stream. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the map was saved; false otherwise.</returns> /// <exception cref="Exception">Thrown when an error is encountered writing out the level.</exception> public bool Save() { if (_world == null) { return(false); } try { string path = Path.Combine(_world.Path, _world.DataDirectory); NBTFile nf = new NBTFile(Path.Combine(path, "map_" + _id + ".dat")); Stream zipstr = nf.GetDataOutputStream(); if (zipstr == null) { NbtIOException nex = new NbtIOException("Failed to initialize compressed NBT stream for output"); nex.Data["Map"] = this; throw nex; } new NbtTree(BuildTree() as TagNodeCompound).WriteTo(zipstr); zipstr.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception mex = new Exception("Could not save map file.", ex); // TODO: Exception Type mex.Data["Map"] = this; throw mex; } }
protected override void SaveCore() { var file = new NBTFile(_path); using (var str = file.GetDataOutputStream(_compressionType)) { _tree.WriteTo(str); } }
/// <summary> /// Exports the <see cref="Schematic"/> object to a schematic file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to write out the schematic file to.</param> public void Export(string path) { int xdim = _blockset.XDim; int ydim = _blockset.YDim; int zdim = _blockset.ZDim; byte[] blockData = new byte[xdim * ydim * zdim]; byte[] dataData = new byte[xdim * ydim * zdim]; YZXByteArray schemaBlocks = new YZXByteArray(_blockset.XDim, _blockset.YDim, _blockset.ZDim, blockData); YZXByteArray schemaData = new YZXByteArray(_blockset.XDim, _blockset.YDim, _blockset.ZDim, dataData); TagNodeList entities = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND); TagNodeList tileEntities = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < zdim; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { AlphaBlock block = _blockset.GetBlock(x, y, z); schemaBlocks[x, y, z] = (byte)block.ID; schemaData[x, y, z] = (byte)block.Data; TileEntity te = block.GetTileEntity(); if (te != null) { te.X = x; te.Y = y; te.Z = z; tileEntities.Add(te.BuildTree()); } } } } foreach (EntityTyped e in _entityset) { entities.Add(e.BuildTree()); } TagNodeCompound schematic = new TagNodeCompound(); schematic["Width"] = new TagNodeShort((short)xdim); schematic["Length"] = new TagNodeShort((short)zdim); schematic["Height"] = new TagNodeShort((short)ydim); schematic["Entities"] = entities; schematic["TileEntities"] = tileEntities; schematic["Materials"] = new TagNodeString("Alpha"); schematic["Blocks"] = new TagNodeByteArray(blockData); schematic["Data"] = new TagNodeByteArray(dataData); NBTFile schematicFile = new NBTFile(path); Stream nbtStream = schematicFile.GetDataOutputStream(); if (nbtStream == null) { return; } NbtTree tree = new NbtTree(schematic, "Schematic"); tree.WriteTo(nbtStream); nbtStream.Close(); }
private static void RunOptionsAndReturnExitCode(CliOptions opts) { Console.Clear(); var cgui = new ConsoleGui(); var pbBlocks = new ConsoleGuiProgressBar(0, 0, Console.WindowWidth, 0, 1) { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green, BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray }; var lBlocksTotal = new ConsoleGuiLabel(0, 1, "Total Blocks : {0}"); var lBlocksRemaining = new ConsoleGuiLabel(0, 2, "Remaining Blocks: {0}"); var lBlocksFailed = new ConsoleGuiLabel(0, 3, "Failed Blocks : {0}"); var lStatus = new ConsoleGuiLabel(0, 4, "Status : {0}"); cgui.Add(pbBlocks); cgui.Add(lBlocksTotal); cgui.Add(lBlocksRemaining); cgui.Add(lBlocksFailed); cgui.Add(lStatus); var failed = new List <int>(); var inputMap = NbtMap.Load(opts.InputMap); var outputMap = NbtMap.Load(opts.OutputMap); var inputSchematic = new NBTFile(opts.InputSchematic); var tag = new NbtTree(inputSchematic.GetDataInputStream()).Root; var bLower = tag["Blocks"].ToTagByteArray().Data; var addBlocks = new byte[(bLower.Length >> 1) + 1]; if (tag.ContainsKey("AddBlocks")) { addBlocks = tag["AddBlocks"].ToTagByteArray().Data; } lStatus.Value = "Processing..."; for (var index = 0; index < bLower.Length; index++) { short oldId; if ((index & 1) == 1) { oldId = (short)(((addBlocks[index >> 1] & 0x0F) << 8) + (bLower[index] & 0xFF)); } else { oldId = (short)(((addBlocks[index >> 1] & 0xF0) << 4) + (bLower[index] & 0xFF)); } if (!TranslateId(oldId, inputMap, outputMap, out var newId)) { failed.Add(oldId); } bLower[index] = (byte)(newId & 0xFF); addBlocks[index >> 1] = (byte)(((index & 1) == 1) ? addBlocks[index >> 1] & 0xF0 | (newId >> 8) & 0xF : addBlocks[index >> 1] & 0xF | ((newId >> 8) & 0xF) << 4); // Gui lBlocksTotal.Value = index + 1; lBlocksRemaining.Value = bLower.Length - index - 1; lBlocksFailed.Value = failed.Count; pbBlocks.Value = (float)index / bLower.Length; if (index % 10000 == 0) { cgui.Render(); } } cgui.Render(); tag["Blocks"] = new TagNodeByteArray(bLower); if (!tag.ContainsKey("AddBlocks")) { tag.Add("AddBlocks", new TagNodeByteArray(addBlocks)); } else { tag["AddBlocks"] = new TagNodeByteArray(addBlocks); } lStatus.Value = "Saving..."; cgui.Render(); var schematicFile = new NBTFile(opts.OutputSchematic); using (var nbtStream = schematicFile.GetDataOutputStream()) { if (nbtStream == null) { return; } var tree = new NbtTree(tag, "Schematic"); tree.WriteTo(nbtStream); } lStatus.Value = "Done. Press Enter."; cgui.Render(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var i in failed) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed ID: {i}"); } Console.ReadKey(); }