private void PointInRelationToPlane(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 testPoint)
        MyVector2 planeDir = b - a;

        MyVector2 planeNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(planeDir.y, -planeDir.x));

        MyVector2 planePos = a + planeDir * 0.5f;

        //Positive if infront, negative if behind
        float distanceToPlane = _Geometry.DistanceFromPointToPlane(planeNormal, planePos, testPoint);

        Debug.Log("Distance: " + distanceToPlane);


        Gizmos.color =;

        Gizmos.DrawLine(a.ToVector3(), b.ToVector3());
        //Plane normal
        Gizmos.DrawLine(planePos.ToVector3(), planePos.ToVector3() + planeNormal.ToVector3() * 0.1f);

        Gizmos.color = Color.white;

        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(testPoint.ToVector3(), 0.1f);
예제 #2
        //Help method to calculate the normal from two points
        private static MyVector2 GetNormal(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b)
            MyVector2 lineDir = b - a;

            //Flip x with y and set one to negative to get the normal
            MyVector2 normal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDir.y, -lineDir.x));

예제 #3
        //Help method to calculate the average normal of two line segments
        private static MyVector2 GetAverageNormal(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c)
            MyVector2 normal_1 = GetNormal(a, b);
            MyVector2 normal_2 = GetNormal(b, c);

            MyVector2 averageNormal = (normal_1 + normal_2) * 0.5f;

            averageNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(averageNormal);

예제 #4
        // Arrow
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> Arrow(MyVector2 p1, MyVector2 p2, float lineWidth, float arrowSize)
            HashSet <Triangle2> arrowTriangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            //An arrow consists of two parts: the pointy part and the rectangular part

            //First we have to see if we can fit the parts
            MyVector2 lineDir = p2 - p1;

            float lineLength = MyVector2.Magnitude(lineDir);

            if (lineLength < arrowSize)
                Debug.Log("Cant make arrow because line is too short");


            //Make the arrow tip
            MyVector2 lineDirNormalized = MyVector2.Normalize(lineDir);

            MyVector2 arrowBottom = p2 - lineDirNormalized * arrowSize;

            MyVector2 lineNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDirNormalized.y, -lineDirNormalized.x));

            MyVector2 arrowBottom_R = arrowBottom + lineNormal * arrowSize * 0.5f;
            MyVector2 arrowBottom_L = arrowBottom - lineNormal * arrowSize * 0.5f;

            Triangle2 arrowTipTriangle = new Triangle2(p2, arrowBottom_R, arrowBottom_L);


            //Make the arrow rectangle
            float halfWidth = lineWidth * 0.5f;

            MyVector2 p1_T = p1 + lineNormal * halfWidth;
            MyVector2 p1_B = p1 - lineNormal * halfWidth;

            MyVector2 p2_T = arrowBottom + lineNormal * halfWidth;
            MyVector2 p2_B = arrowBottom - lineNormal * halfWidth;

            HashSet <Triangle2> rectangle = LineSegment(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T, p2_B);

            foreach (Triangle2 t in rectangle)

예제 #5
        //Help method to calculate the intersection point between two planes offset in normal direction by a width
        private static MyVector2 GetIntersectionPoint(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c, float halfWidth, bool isTopPoint)
            //Direction of the lines going to and from point b
            MyVector2 beforeDir = MyVector2.Normalize(b - a);

            MyVector2 afterDir = MyVector2.Normalize(c - b);

            MyVector2 beforeNormal = GetNormal(a, b);

            MyVector2 afterNormal = GetNormal(b, c);

            //Compare the normals!

            //normalDirFactor is used to determine if we want to top point (same direction as normal)
            float normalDirFactor = isTopPoint ? 1f : -1f;

            //If they are the same it means we have a straight line and thus we cant do plane-plane intersection
            //if (beforeNormal.Equals(afterNormal))
            //When comparing the normals, we cant use the regular small value because then
            //the line width goes to infinity when doing plane-plane intersection
            float dot = MyVector2.Dot(beforeNormal, afterNormal);

            //Dot is 1 if the point in the same dir and -1 if the point in the opposite dir
            float one = 1f - 0.01f;

            if (dot > one || dot < -one)
                MyVector2 averageNormal = MyVector2.Normalize((afterNormal + beforeNormal) * 0.5f);

                MyVector2 intersectionPoint = b + averageNormal * halfWidth * normalDirFactor;

                //Now we can calculate where the plane starts
                MyVector2 beforePlanePos = b + beforeNormal * halfWidth * normalDirFactor;

                MyVector2 afterPlanePos = b + afterNormal * halfWidth * normalDirFactor;

                Plane2 planeBefore = new Plane2(beforePlanePos, beforeNormal);

                Plane2 planeAfter = new Plane2(afterPlanePos, afterNormal);

                //Calculate the intersection point
                //We know they are intersecting, so we don't need to test that
                MyVector2 intersectionPoint = _Intersections.GetPlanePlaneIntersectionPoint(planeBefore, planeAfter);

예제 #6
        // Line segment
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> LineSegment(MyVector2 p1, MyVector2 p2, float width)
            MyVector2 lineDir = p2 - p1;

            MyVector2 lineNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDir.y, -lineDir.x));

            //Bake in the width in the normal
            lineNormal *= width * 0.5f;

            MyVector2 p1_T = p1 + lineNormal;
            MyVector2 p2_T = p2 + lineNormal;

            MyVector2 p1_B = p1 - lineNormal;
            MyVector2 p2_B = p2 - lineNormal;

            HashSet <Triangle2> lineTriangles = LineSegment(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T, p2_B);

        public double ErrorScore(List <MyVector2> points)
            foreach (MyVector2 p in points)
                mean += p;

            mean /= points.Count;
            double W = points.Count;

            double[,] C = new double[2, 2];
            foreach (MyVector2 point in points)
                C[0, 0] += (point.x - mean.x) * (point.x - mean.x);
                C[0, 1] += (point.x - mean.x) * (point.y - mean.y);

                C[1, 0] += (point.y - mean.y) * (point.x - mean.x);
                C[1, 1] += (point.y - mean.y) * (point.y - mean.y);

            C[0, 0] /= W;
            C[0, 1] /= W;
            C[1, 0] /= W;
            C[1, 1] /= W;

            Matrix2d CM  = new Matrix2d(C);
            SVD      svd = new SVD(C);
            //svd.w - eigen value, start from 1
            //svd.u - eigen vector, start from 1

            int max = 1, min = 2;

            if (svd.w[max] < svd.w[min])
                int temp = max;
                max = min;
                min = temp;

            double    major     = 2 * Math.Sqrt(svd.w[max]);
            MyVector2 majoraxis = new MyVector2(svd.u[1, max], svd.u[2, max]);

            majoraxis = majoraxis.Normalize();
            double    minor     = 2 * Math.Sqrt(svd.w[min]);
            MyVector2 minoraxis = new MyVector2(svd.u[1, min], svd.u[2, min]);

            minoraxis = minoraxis.Normalize();

            majorendp   = mean + majoraxis * major;
            majorstartp = mean - majoraxis * major;
            minorendp   = mean + minoraxis * minor;
            minorstartp = mean - minoraxis * minor;

            double error = Math.Abs(W - 4 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt(CM.Det()));

            error /= W;
            Console.WriteLine("Like a ellipse error: {0}", error); //10^-2 may be a good threshold

예제 #8
        // Connected line segments
        //isConnected means if the end points are connected to form a loop
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> ConnectedLineSegments(List <MyVector2> points, float width, bool isConnected)
            if (points != null && points.Count < 2)
                Debug.Log("Cant form a line with fewer than two points");


            //Generate the triangles
            HashSet <Triangle2> lineTriangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            //If the lines are connected we need to do plane-plane intersection to find the
            //coordinate where the lines meet at each point, or the line segments will
            //not get the same size
            //(There might be a better way to do it than with plane-plane intersection)
            List <MyVector2> topCoordinate    = new List <MyVector2>();
            List <MyVector2> bottomCoordinate = new List <MyVector2>();

            float halfWidth = width * 0.5f;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                MyVector2 p = points[i];

                //First point = special case if the lines are not connected
                if (i == 0 && !isConnected)
                    MyVector2 lineDir = points[1] - points[0];

                    MyVector2 lineNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDir.y, -lineDir.x));

                    topCoordinate.Add(p + lineNormal * halfWidth);

                    bottomCoordinate.Add(p - lineNormal * halfWidth);
                //Last point = special case if the lines are not connected
                else if (i == points.Count - 1 && !isConnected)
                    MyVector2 lineDir = p - points[points.Count - 2];

                    MyVector2 lineNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDir.y, -lineDir.x));

                    topCoordinate.Add(p + lineNormal * halfWidth);

                    bottomCoordinate.Add(p - lineNormal * halfWidth);
                    //Now we need to find the intersection points between the top line and the bottom line
                    MyVector2 p_before = points[MathUtility.ClampListIndex(i - 1, points.Count)];

                    MyVector2 p_after = points[MathUtility.ClampListIndex(i + 1, points.Count)];

                    MyVector2 pTop = GetIntersectionPoint(p_before, p, p_after, halfWidth, isTopPoint: true);

                    MyVector2 pBottom = GetIntersectionPoint(p_before, p, p_after, halfWidth, isTopPoint: false);




            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                //Skip the first point if it is not connected to the last point
                if (i == 0 && !isConnected)

                int i_minus_one = MathUtility.ClampListIndex(i - 1, points.Count);

                MyVector2 p1_T = topCoordinate[i_minus_one];
                MyVector2 p1_B = bottomCoordinate[i_minus_one];

                MyVector2 p2_T = topCoordinate[i];
                MyVector2 p2_B = bottomCoordinate[i];

                HashSet <Triangle2> triangles = LineSegment(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T, p2_B);

                foreach (Triangle2 t in triangles)

