private void Set_Auto_Serial() { double dd = 0.0; try { if (dgv_loads.RowCount > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < dgv_loads.RowCount - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) { dgv_loads[2, 0].ReadOnly = true; dgv_loads[2, 0].Style.BackColor = Color.DarkKhaki; dgv_loads[2, 0].Value = ""; } else { dgv_loads[2, i].ReadOnly = false; dgv_loads[2, i].Style.BackColor = Color.White; //dgv_loads[2, i].Value = ""; } dgv_loads[0, i].Value = (i + 1); dd += MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_loads[2, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); } txt_load_distance.Text = dd.ToString("f3"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void SetValues() { try { slb02.D1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_d1.Text, 0); slb02.D2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_d2.Text, 0); slb02.Ads = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Ads.Text, 0); slb02.Alpha = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_alpha.Text, 0); slb02.B = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_B.Text, 0); slb02.Beta = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_beta.Text, 0); slb02.Delta = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_delta.Text, 0); slb02.Gamma = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_gamma.Text, 0); slb02.H1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_h1.Text, 0); slb02.H2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_h2.Text, 0); slb02.L = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_L.Text, 0); slb02.Lamda = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_lamda.Text, 0); slb02.LL = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_LL.Text, 0); slb02.Sigma_ck = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_sigma_ck.Text, 0); slb02.Sigma_y = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_sigma_y.Text, 0); slb02.Tc = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Tc.Text, 0); slb02.Slab_Load = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_slab_load.Text, 0); slb02.CalculateMethod(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void btn_get_beams_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double d = MyStrings.StringToDouble(cmb_flr_lvl.Text, 0.0); Draw_Floor_Layout(d); //Get_Beams(); panel1.Visible = true; }
private void btn_mload_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_mnos_uni.Text.Replace(',', ' '); kStr = kStr + " " + cmb_mload_type.Text; kStr = kStr + " " + cmb_mload_dir.Text; double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_mload_val.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_mload_d1.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_mload_d2.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); if (Node != null) { if (btn_mload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); //Node.Expand(); Node.ExpandAll(); } } else { this.Close(); } }
public void InitializeData() { #region USER DATA INPUT try { HFL = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_HFL.Text, 0.0); LWL = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_LWL.Text, 0.0); LBL = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_LBL.Text, 0.0); SDO = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_SDO.Text, 0.0); V1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_V1.Text, 0.0); S = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_S.Text, 0.0); n = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_n.Text, 0.0); F1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_F1.Text, 0.0); L = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_L.Text, 0.0); Ksb = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Ksb.Text, 0.0); F2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_F2.Text, 0.0); lst_dist.Clear(); lst_reduce_lvl.Clear(); double d = 0d; for (int i = 0; i < dgvRiver.RowCount - 1; i++) { if (dgvRiver[1, i].Value != null && double.TryParse(dgvRiver[1, i].Value.ToString(), out d)) { lst_dist.Add(d); } if (dgvRiver[2, i].Value != null && double.TryParse(dgvRiver[2, i].Value.ToString(), out d)) { lst_reduce_lvl.Add(d); } } HR_COL = new HR_Table_Collection(HFL, lst_dist[0], lst_reduce_lvl[0]); for (int i = 1; i < lst_dist.Count; i++) { HR_COL.Add(lst_dist[i], lst_reduce_lvl[i]); } A = HR_COL.A; P = HR_COL.P; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR! Read from user input. \n" + ex.ToString()); } #endregion }
private void btn_lload_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_mnos_lin.Text.Replace(',', ' '); kStr = kStr + " LIN "; kStr = kStr + " " + cmb_lload_dir.Text; double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_lload_start.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_lload_end.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } if (ASTRA_Data.Contains(kStr)) { ASTRA_Data.Remove(kStr); } ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); if (btn_lload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { if (Node != null) { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); //Node.Expand(); Node.ExpandAll(); } else { this.Close(); } } }
private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LDC.LoadNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(txt_load_no.Text, 0); LDC.Name = txt_load_name.Text; LDC.LoadCases.Clear(); LDC.Factors.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dgv_combinations.RowCount; i++) { LDC.LoadCases.Add(MyStrings.StringToInt(dgv_combinations[0, i].Value.ToString().ToUpper().Replace("LOAD CASE ", ""), 0)); LDC.Factors.Add(MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_combinations[1, i].Value.ToString(), 0)); } LDC.Set_Combination(); this.Close(); }
private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LLD = new LiveLoad(); MyStrings mlist = new MyStrings(cmb_Ana_load_type.Text, ':'); LLD.Type = MyStrings.StringToInt(mlist.StringList[0].Replace("TYPE ", ""), 0); LLD.X_Distance = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Ana_X.Text, 0.0); LLD.Y_Distance = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Ana_DL_Y.Text, 0.0); LLD.Z_Distance = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Ana_DL_Z.Text, 0.0); LLD.X_Increment = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_XINCR.Text, 0.0); LLD.Impact_Factor = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_Load_Impact.Text, 1.0); this.Close(); }
public void Draw_Joints() { //Clear_All(); ASTRADoc astdoc; //astdoc = new ASTRADoc(iACad.AstraDocument); astdoc = (iACad.AstraDocument); astdoc.Joints.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < DGV.Rows.Count; i++) { JointCoordinate jn = new JointCoordinate(); DGV[0, i].Value = i + 1; //jn.NodeNo = MyList.StringToInt(DGV[0, i].Value.ToString(), 0); jn.NodeNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(DGV[0, i].Value.ToString(), 0); jn.Point.x = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV[1, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); jn.Point.y = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV[2, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); jn.Point.z = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV[3, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); astdoc.Joints.Add(jn); } //iACad.Document.ActiveLayOut.Entities.EraseAll(); foreach (var item in iACad.Document.ActionLayout.Entities) { if (item is vdFigure) { vdFigure vf = item as vdFigure; if (vf.Layer.Name == "Nodes") { vf.Deleted = true; } } } iACad.Document.Redraw(true); astdoc.Joints.DrawJointsText(iACad.Document, 0.3); //iACad.AstraDocument = astdoc; //AST_DOC.Members.DrawMember(VDoc); //AST_DOC.Elements.DrawElements(VDoc); //AST_DOC.Supports.DrawSupport(VDoc); }
private void btn_new_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string txt_loads = ""; string txt_distances = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dgv_loads.RowCount - 1; i++) { txt_loads += dgv_loads[1, i].Value + " "; txt_distances += dgv_loads[2, i].Value + " "; } MLD = new MovingLoadData(); MLD.Type = MyStrings.StringToInt(txt_type.Text, 0); MLD.Name = txt_lm.Text; MLD.Loads = txt_loads; MLD.Distances = txt_distances; MLD.LoadWidth = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_load_width.Text, 0); //Load this.Close(); }
private void btn_aload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_mnos.Text.Replace(',', ' '); kStr = kStr + " PRESSURE "; double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_aload_val.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } else { return; } ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); if (Node != null) { if (btn_aload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); Node.ExpandAll(); } } else { this.Close(); } }
private void btn_jload_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_joint_number.Text.Replace(',', ' '); double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_init_temp.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " TEMP " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_final_temp.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); if (Node != null) { if (btn_jload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); Node.ExpandAll(); } } else { this.Close(); } }
public void setArea() { if (rbtn_dimension.Checked) { double b, d, ix, iy, iz, area, id, od; area = b = d = ix = iy = iz = id = od = 0; b = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_YD.Text, 0.0); d = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_ZD.Text, 0.0); id = 0.0d; od = 0.0d; if (b != 0.0 && d != 0.0) { area = b * d; ix = (b * d * d * d) / 12; iy = (d * b * b * b) / 12; iz = ix + iy; } else { area = (((Math.PI * od * od) / 4) - ((Math.PI * id * id) / 4)); ix = ((Math.PI / 64) * ((od * od * od * od) - (id * id * id * id))); iy = ix; iz = ix + iy; } //txt_AX.Text = area.ToString("0.000"); //txt_IX.Text = ix.ToString("0.000"); //txt_IY.Text = iy.ToString("0.000"); //txt_IZ.Text = iz.ToString("0.000"); //txt_AX.Text = area.ToString("0.000"); //txt_IX.Text = ix.ToString("0.000"); //txt_IY.Text = iy.ToString("0.000"); //txt_IZ.Text = iz.ToString("0.000"); } }
private void txt_pri_inc_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { txt_ele_inc.Text = (MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_pri_inc.Text, 0.0) * 5).ToString("0.00"); txt_sec_inc.Text = (MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_pri_inc.Text, 0.0) * 5).ToString("0.00"); }
public void Add_Structure_Joint_Load() { MemberIncidenceCollection all_beams = new MemberIncidenceCollection(); List <double> floors = new List <double>(); if (iACad.AstraDocument.Members.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in iACad.AstraDocument.Members) { if (item.StartNode.Y == item.EndNode.Y) { all_beams.Add(item); if (!floors.Contains(item.EndNode.Y)) { floors.Add(item.EndNode.Y); } } } } List <JointWeight> JointWeights = new List <JointWeight>(); List <int> joints = new List <int>(); floors.Sort(); double wght = 0.0; int indx = 0; double factor = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_factor.Text, 0.8); double unit_wt_wall = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_wall_uwgt.Text, 0.8); foreach (var item in all_beams) { JointWeight jw = new JointWeight(); jw.JointNo = item.StartNode.NodeNo; indx = floors.IndexOf(item.StartNode.Y); wght = 0.0; //double unit_wt_wall = 19.2; if (indx != -1) { if (indx + 1 < floors.Count) { if (item.Property == null) { MessageBox.Show("Member Property is not defined for Member No " + item.MemberNo, "ASTRA", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else { wght = item.Property.YD * item.Length * (floors[indx + 1] - floors[indx]) * unit_wt_wall; } } //wght = item.Property.ZD * item.Length * (floors[indx + 1] - floors[indx]) * 24.0; } if (wght != 0.0) { wght = wght * factor; jw = new JointWeight(); jw.JointNo = item.StartNode.NodeNo; jw.Weight = wght / 2; JointWeights.Add(jw); if (!joints.Contains(jw.JointNo)) { joints.Add(jw.JointNo); } jw = new JointWeight(); jw.JointNo = item.EndNode.NodeNo; jw.Weight = wght / 2; JointWeights.Add(jw); if (!joints.Contains(jw.JointNo)) { joints.Add(jw.JointNo); } } } //List<JointWeight> FinalWeights = new List<JointWeight>(); JointWeight jwt = null; jwt = null; dgv_str_jnt_wgt.Rows.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < joints.Count; j++) { jwt = new JointWeight(joints[j], 0.0); //FinalWeights.Add(jwt); for (int i = 0; i < JointWeights.Count; i++) { if (jwt.JointNo == JointWeights[i].JointNo) { jwt.Weight += JointWeights[i].Weight; } } dgv_str_jnt_wgt.Rows.Add(jwt.JointNo, jwt.Weight.ToString("f3")); //Node.Nodes.Add(jwt.ToString()); ASTRA_Data.Add(jwt.ToString()); } txt_joint_number.Text = ""; //FinalWeights.Add(jwt); //Node.Nodes.Add(jwt.ToString()); }
private void btn_jload_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_joint_number.Text.Replace(',', ' '); double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_fy.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr.Trim() + " WEIGHT " + dval.ToString("f3").Trim(); } if (kStr != "") { ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); } if (Node != null) { if (btn_jload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { if (kStr == "") { Node.Nodes.Clear(); ASTRA_Data.Clear(); if (dgv_str_jnt_wgt.Rows.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < dgv_str_jnt_wgt.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { kStr = dgv_str_jnt_wgt[0, i].Value.ToString() + " WEIGHT " + dgv_str_jnt_wgt[1, i].Value.ToString(); ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); } foreach (var item in ASTRA_Data) { Node.Nodes.Add(item); } } } else { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); } //Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); Node.ExpandAll(); } } else { this.Close(); } }
public void RunThread() { Design_Summary = new List <string>(); List <string> BOQ_Summary = new List <string>(); List <string> list = new List <string>(); #region TechSOFT Banner list.Add(""); list.Add(""); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t* ASTRA Pro Release 18.0 *"); list.Add("\t\t* TechSOFT Engineering Services *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t* DESIGN OF RCC FLANGED BEAM *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add("\t\tTHIS RESULT CREATED ON " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy AT HH:mm:ss") + " "); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add(""); list.Add(""); #endregion list.Add(string.Format("")); list.Add(string.Format("")); list.Add(string.Format("(Design Standard : BS 8110 / IS 456)")); list.Add(string.Format("")); int c = 0; int step = 1; MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.ON("Member Analysis...."); for (int i = 0; i < dgv_beams.RowCount; i++) { MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.SetValue(i, dgv_beams.RowCount); try { c = 1; BeamData bd = new BeamData(); bd.IsSelect = (bool)dgv_beams[c++, i].Value; if (bd.IsSelect) { Set_Grid_Color(i); c++; bd.BeamNos = dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(); bd.Continuous_BeamMembers = dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(); bd.Breadth = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.Depth = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.d1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.d2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.d3 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.d4 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //bd.d5 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //bd.d6 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); beamDes.Shear_Bar_dia = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AM1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AM2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AM3 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AM4 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AV1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AV2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); bd.AV3 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //All_Beam_Data.Add(bd); beamDes.Beam_Title = bd.BeamNos; beamDes.Beam_Nos = bd.Continuous_BeamMembers; beamDes.Bar_dia1 = bd.d1; beamDes.Bar_dia2 = bd.d2; beamDes.Bar_dia3 = bd.d3; beamDes.Bar_dia4 = bd.d4; //beamDes.Bar_dia5 = bd.d5; //beamDes.Bar_dia6 = bd.d6; beamDes.AM1 = bd.AM1; beamDes.AM2 = bd.AM2; beamDes.AM3 = bd.AM3; beamDes.AM4 = bd.AM4; beamDes.AV1 = bd.AV1; beamDes.AV2 = bd.AV2; beamDes.AV3 = bd.AV3; beamDes.D = bd.Depth * 1000; = bd.Breadth * 1000; if (beamDes.BOQ == null) { beamDes.BOQ = new Beam_BOQ(); } beamDes.BOQ.Section_B = bd.Breadth; beamDes.BOQ.Section_D = bd.Depth; beamDes.BOQ.Area = bd.Depth * bd.Breadth; //list.AddRange(beamDes.Design_Program_Loop(step++).ToArray()); list.AddRange(beamDes.Design_Program_Loop(i + 1).ToArray()); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("BEAM = {0}, FLOOR LEVEL = {1:f3} M", beamDes.Beam_Title, beamDes.BOQ.Floor_ELevation)); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("CONTINUOUS MEMBERS = {0}", beamDes.Beam_Nos)); Design_Summary.AddRange(beamDes.Design_Summary.ToArray()); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("BEAM = {0}, FLOOR LEVEL = {1:f3} M", beamDes.Beam_Title, beamDes.BOQ.Floor_ELevation)); BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("CONTINUOUS MEMBERS = {0}", beamDes.Beam_Nos)); BOQ_Summary.AddRange(beamDes.BOQ_Summary.ToArray()); BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); //beamDes.Calculate_Program_Loop(); dgv_beams[c++, i].Value = beamDes.IS_DESIGN_OK ? "OK" : "NOT OK"; Set_Grid_Color(i, true, beamDes.IS_DESIGN_OK); Add_Beam_BOQ(beamDes.BOQ); } //else // Set_Grid_Color(i); } catch (Exception exx) { } } MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.OFF(); list.Add(string.Format("")); list.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); list.Add(string.Format("TABLE 1 : PERMISSIBLE_SHEAR_STRESS")); list.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); list.Add(string.Format("")); list.AddRange(Tables.Get_File_Permissible_Shear_Stress().ToArray()); #region End of Report list.Add(""); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); list.Add("--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------"); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); #endregion End of Report File.WriteAllLines(beamDes.Report_File, list.ToArray()); string des_sum = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(beamDes.Get_Report_File(1)), "BEAM_DESIGN_SUMMARY.TXT"); File.WriteAllLines(des_sum, Design_Summary.ToArray()); des_sum = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(beamDes.Get_Report_File(1)), "BEAM_BOQ_SUMMARY.TXT"); File.WriteAllLines(des_sum, BOQ_Summary.ToArray()); }
private void Select_Members() { double d = MyStrings.StringToDouble(cmb_flr_lvl.Text, 0.0); dgv_beams.Rows.Clear(); cmb_sele_all.Checked = true; //for (int i = 0; i < AST_DOC.Members.Count; i++) //{ // var item = AST_DOC.Members[i]; // if (item.EndNode.Y == d && item.StartNode.Y == d) // { // dgv_beams.Rows.Add(true, item.MemberNo, "", item.Property.YD, item.Property.ZD); // } //} List <MemberIncidence> list_mem = new List <MemberIncidence>(); List <int> list_mem1 = new List <int>(); List <List <int> > list_conts = new List <List <int> >(); for (int c = 0; c < cmb_flr_lvl.Items.Count; c++) { d = MyStrings.StringToDouble(cmb_flr_lvl.Items[c].ToString(), 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < AST_DOC.Members.Count; i++) { var item = AST_DOC.Members[i]; if (item.EndNode.Y == d && item.StartNode.Y == d) //if (item.EndNode.Y == item.StartNode.Y) { list_mem.Add(item); } } } bool flag = false; MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.On = false; MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.ON("Reading continuous Beam Nos........"); MemberIncidence mi = null; int count = 1; double last_Y = 0.0; double am1, am2, am3, am4, av1, av2, av3; am1 = am2 = am3 = am4 = av1 = av2 = av3 = 0.0; JointCoordinateCollection cont_jcc = new JointCoordinateCollection(); int cnt = 1; for (int i = 0; i < list_mem.Count; i++) { MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.SetValue(i, list_mem.Count); flag = false; foreach (var item in list_conts) { if (item.Contains(list_mem[i].MemberNo)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { cont_jcc = new JointCoordinateCollection(); list_mem1 = Get_Continuous_Beams(list_mem[i], ref cont_jcc); list_conts.Add(list_mem1); #region var item = list_mem1; mi = AST_DOC.Members.Get_Member(item[0]); if (last_Y != mi.EndNode.Y) { count = 1; } beamDes.Get_All_Forces(cont_jcc, ref am1, ref am2, ref am3, ref am4, ref av1, ref av2, ref av3); dgv_beams.Rows.Add(cnt++, true, mi.EndNode.Y.ToString("f4"), "B" + (count++), MyStrings.Get_Array_Text(item), mi.Property.YD, mi.Property.ZD, d1, d2, d3, d4, //d5, d6, beamDes.Shear_Bar_dia, am1.ToString("f3"), am2.ToString("f3"), am3.ToString("f3"), am4.ToString("f3"), av1.ToString("f3"), av2.ToString("f3"), av3.ToString("f3"), ""); last_Y = mi.EndNode.Y; #endregion } } MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.OFF(); //MemberIncidence mi = null; //int count = 1; //double last_Y = 0.0; //double am1, am2, am3, am4, av1, av2, av3; //am1 = am2 = am3 = am4 = av1 = av2 = av3 = 0.0; //for (int i = 0; i < list_conts.Count; i++) //{ // var item = list_conts[i]; // mi = AST_DOC.Members.Get_Member(item[0]); // if (last_Y != mi.EndNode.Y) // { // count = 1; // } // dgv_beams.Rows.Add(i+1, true, mi.EndNode.Y.ToString("f3"), "B" + (count++), // MyStrings.Get_Array_Text(item), // mi.Property.YD, mi.Property.ZD, // d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, // beamDes.Shear_Bar_dia, // am1.ToString("f3"), // am2.ToString("f3"), // am3.ToString("f3"), // am4.ToString("f3"), // av1.ToString("f3"), // av2.ToString("f3"), // av3.ToString("f3"), // ""); // last_Y = mi.EndNode.Y; //} }
public void RunThread() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); #region TechSOFT Banner list.Add(""); list.Add(""); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t* ASTRA Pro Release 18.0 *"); list.Add("\t\t* TechSOFT Engineering Services *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t* DESIGN OF RCC COLUMN *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add("\t\tTHIS RESULT CREATED ON " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy AT HH:mm:ss") + " "); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add(""); #endregion int c = 0; int step = 1; string ColumnNos = ""; Design_Summary = new List <string>(); //int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dgv_columns.RowCount; i++) { try { c = 0; ColumnData cd = new ColumnData(); cd.IsSelect = (bool)dgv_columns[c++, i].Value; if (cd.IsSelect) { Set_Grid_Color(i); cd.ColumnNos = dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(); if (MessageBox.Show("Process Design Column " + cd.ColumnNos + " \n\nDo you want to continue ?", "ASTRA", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { break; } cd.Continuous_ColumnMembers = dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(); c++; cd.Breadth = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Depth = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Main_Bar_dia = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Bar_Nos = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Tie_Bar_Dia = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Pu = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Mux = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; cd.Muy = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); c++; //col_design.ColumnNos = All_Column_Data[i].Continuous_ColumnMembers; col_design.Beam_Nos = cd.Continuous_ColumnMembers; col_design.D = cd.Depth * 1000; col_design.b = cd.Breadth * 1000; col_design.bar_dia = cd.Main_Bar_dia; col_design.bar_nos = cd.Bar_Nos; col_design.tie_dia = cd.Tie_Bar_Dia; col_design.Pu = cd.Pu; col_design.Mux = cd.Mux; col_design.Muy = cd.Muy; //col_design.All_Column_Data.Clear(); col_design.Col_Data = cd; if (Design_Summary == null) { Design_Summary = new List <string>(); } Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("")); list.AddRange(col_design.Design_Program_Loop(i + 1).ToArray()); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("------------------------------------------------")); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("COLUMN = {0}", cd.ColumnNos)); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("CONTINUOUS MEMBERS = {0}", cd.Continuous_ColumnMembers)); Design_Summary.AddRange(col_design.Design_Summary.ToArray()); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("------------------------------------------------")); Set_Grid_Color(i, true, col_design.IS_DESIGN_OK); dgv_columns[c, i].Value = col_design.IS_DESIGN_OK ? " OK " : "NOT OK"; Add_Column_BOQ(col_design.BOQ); } } catch (Exception exx) { } } #region End of Report list.Add(""); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); list.Add("--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------"); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); #endregion End of Report Save_Data(); File.WriteAllLines(col_design.Report_File, list.ToArray()); string des_sum = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(col_design.Get_Report_File(1)), "COLUMN_DESIGN_SUMMARY.TXT"); File.WriteAllLines(des_sum, Design_Summary.ToArray()); MessageBox.Show(this, "Report file created in file " + col_design.Report_File); frmASTRAReport fap = new frmASTRAReport(col_design.Report_File); fap.Owner = this; fap.ShowDialog(); }
public void Load_Floor_Levels() { if (DGV_Joints == null) { return; } BeamTable = new Hashtable(); AllColumn = new List <int>(); selected_beams = new List <int>(); selected_columns = new List <int>(); List <double> flvls = new List <double>(); double d = 0.0; //JointCoordinateCollection //MemberIncidenceCollection MemberIncidence mi = new MemberIncidence(); //MemberIncidenceCollection mic = new MemberIncidenceCollection(); JointCoordinate jc = new JointCoordinate(); //JointCoordinateCollection jcc = new JointCoordinateCollection(); List <int> selected_mems = MyStrings.Get_Array_Intiger(kStr); for (int i = 0; i < DGV_Joints.RowCount; i++) { jc = new JointCoordinate(); jc.NodeNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(DGV_Joints[0, i].Value.ToString(), 0); jc.X = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV_Joints[1, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); jc.Y = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV_Joints[2, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); jc.Z = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV_Joints[3, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); jcc.Add(jc); } for (int i = 0; i < DGV_Members.RowCount; i++) { mi = new MemberIncidence(); mi.MemberNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(DGV_Members[0, i].Value.ToString(), 0); //jc.X = MyStrings.StringToDouble(DGV_Members[1, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); mi.StartNode.NodeNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(DGV_Members[2, i].Value.ToString(), 0); mi.EndNode.NodeNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(DGV_Members[3, i].Value.ToString(), 0); mic.Add(mi); } mic.CopyJointCoordinates(jcc); foreach (var item in mic) { if (item.StartNode.Y == item.EndNode.Y) { if (selected_mems.Contains(item.MemberNo)) { selected_beams.Add(item.MemberNo); } d = item.StartNode.Y; if (!flvls.Contains(d)) { flvls.Add(d); //cmb_floor_levels.Items.Add(d.ToString("f3")); } } else if (item.StartNode.X == item.EndNode.X && item.StartNode.Z == item.EndNode.Z) { if (selected_mems.Contains(item.MemberNo)) { selected_columns.Add(item.MemberNo); } AllColumn.Add(item.MemberNo); } } flvls.Sort(); List <int> mems = new List <int>(); List <int> all_beams = new List <int>(); foreach (var lvl in flvls) { cmb_floor_levels.Items.Add(lvl.ToString("f3")); mems = new List <int>(); foreach (var item in mic) { if (item.StartNode.Y == item.EndNode.Y) { d = item.StartNode.Y; if (lvl == d) { mems.Add(item.MemberNo); } } } BeamTable.Add(lvl.ToString("f3"), mems); all_beams.AddRange(mems.ToArray()); } BeamTable.Add("all", all_beams); }
public void RunThread() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); #region TechSOFT Banner list.Add(""); list.Add(""); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t* ASTRA Pro Release 18.0 *"); list.Add("\t\t* TechSOFT Engineering Services *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t* DESIGN OF ISOLATED FOUNDATION *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add("\t\tTHIS RESULT CREATED ON " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy AT HH:mm:ss") + " "); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add(""); #endregion int c = 0; int step = 1; string ColumnNos = ""; Design_Summary = new List <string>(); //int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dgv_columns.RowCount; i++) { try { c = 1; ColumnData cd = new ColumnData(); cd.IsSelect = (bool)dgv_columns[c++, i].Value; if (cd.IsSelect) { Set_Grid_Color(i, false, Foot_Des.IS_DESIGN_OK); Foot_Des.ColumnNo = dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(); c++; //Foot_Des.Continuous_ColumnMembers = dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(); Foot_Des.C1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.C2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.l = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.b = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.P1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.P2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.bar_dia = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.P = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Foot_Des.Mx = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //Foot_Des.Mx = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); list.AddRange(Foot_Des.Design_Program_Loop(i + 1).ToArray()); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("------------------------------------------------")); //Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("FOUNDATION = {0}, ELEVATION = {1} M", Foot_Des.F)); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("FOUNDATION = {0}", Foot_Des.ColumnNo)); //Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("CONTINUOUS MEMBERS = {0}", cd.Continuous_ColumnMembers)); Design_Summary.AddRange(Foot_Des.Design_Summary.ToArray()); Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("------------------------------------------------")); #region End of Report list.Add(""); #endregion End of Report dgv_columns[c, i].Value = Foot_Des.IS_DESIGN_OK ? " OK" : "NOT OK"; Set_Grid_Color(i, true, Foot_Des.IS_DESIGN_OK); Add_Foundation_BOQ(Foot_Des.BOQ); } } catch (Exception exx) { } } #region End of Report list.Add(""); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); list.Add("--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------"); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); #endregion End of Report File.WriteAllLines(Foot_Des.Report_File, list.ToArray()); string des_sum = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Foot_Des.Get_Report_File(1)), "FOUNDATION_DESIGN_SUMMARY.TXT"); File.WriteAllLines(des_sum, Design_Summary.ToArray()); }
private void btn_aload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_mnos.Text.Replace(',', ' '); kStr = kStr + " TH "; double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_thk_val.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " " + dval.ToString("f3"); } //else // return; //1 TO 234 TH 0.07 DEN 0.0 EXX 3.00934E6 EXY 531061 EXG 0.0 EYY 3.00934E6 EYG 0.0 GXY 1.23913E6 //dval = MyList.StringToDouble(txt_DEN_val.Text, 0.0); if (txt_DEN_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " DEN " + txt_DEN_val.Text; } if (txt_EXX_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " EXX " + txt_EXX_val.Text; } if (txt_EXY_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " EXY " + txt_EXY_val.Text; } if (txt_EXG_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " EXG " + txt_EXG_val.Text; } if (txt_EYY_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " EYY " + txt_EYY_val.Text; } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_EYG_val.Text, 0.0); if (txt_EYG_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " EYG " + txt_EYG_val.Text; } if (txt_GXY_val.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " GXY " + txt_GXY_val.Text; } if (TRV != null) { if (ASTRA_Data.Count > 0) { TRV.SelectedNode.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); TRV.Nodes.Add(kStr); } } else { this.Close(); } }
public void RunThread() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); #region TechSOFT Banner //list.Add(""); //list.Add(""); //list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); //list.Add("\t\t* ASTRA Pro Release 18.0 *"); //list.Add("\t\t* TechSOFT Engineering Services *"); //list.Add("\t\t* *"); //list.Add("\t\t* DESIGN OF RCC PILE FOUNDATION *"); //list.Add("\t\t* *"); //list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); //list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); //list.Add("\t\tTHIS RESULT CREATED ON " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy AT HH:mm:ss") + " "); //list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); //list.Add(""); #endregion int c = 0; int step = 1; string ColumnNos = ""; //int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dgv_columns.RowCount; i++) { try { c = 1; ColumnData cd = new ColumnData(); cd.IsSelect = (bool)dgv_columns[c++, i].Value; if (cd.IsSelect) { Set_Grid_Color(i, false, false); Pile_Design.ColumnNo = dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(); c++; if (MessageBox.Show("Process Design Pile Foundation " + Pile_Design.ColumnNo + " \n\nDou you want to continue ?", "ASTRA", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { break; } //Pile_Design.Continuous_ColumnMembers = dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(); Pile_Design.D = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //Pile_Design.PL = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.LPC = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.BPC = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.DPC = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.d1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.d2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.d3 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.P = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); Pile_Design.AM = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //Pile_Design.Mx = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); list.AddRange(Pile_Design.Design_Program_Loop(i + 1).ToArray()); dgv_columns[c, i].Value = Pile_Design.IS_DESIGN_OK ? " OK" : "NOT OK"; Set_Grid_Color(i, true, Pile_Design.IS_DESIGN_OK); Add_Foundation_BOQ(Pile_Design.BOQ); } } catch (Exception exx) { } } #region End of Report list.Add(""); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); list.Add("--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------"); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); #endregion End of Report File.WriteAllLines(Pile_Design.Report_File, list.ToArray()); //MessageBox.Show(this, "Report file created in file " + Pile_Design.Report_File); ////frmASTRAReport fap = new frmASTRAReport(Pile_Design.Report_File); ////fap.Owner = this; ////fap.Show(); //frmASTRAReport.OpenReport(Pile_Design.Report_File, this); Save_Data(); }
private void btn_jload_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; kStr = txt_joint_number.Text.Replace(',', ' '); double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_fx.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " FX " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_fy.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " FY " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_fz.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " FZ " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_mx.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " MX " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_my.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " MY " + dval.ToString("f3"); } dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_mz.Text, 0.0); if (dval != 0.0) { kStr = kStr + " MZ " + dval.ToString("f3"); } if (textBox1.Text != "") { kStr = kStr + " *" + textBox1.Text; } ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); if (Node != null) { if (btn_jload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); //Node.Expand(); Node.ExpandAll(); } } else { this.Close(); } }
private void btn_create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgv_combinations.RowCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Add a Load Definition.", "ASTRA", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } //iACad.AstraDocument if (Str_Analysis == null) { Str_Analysis = new StructureMemberAnalysis(iACad.AstraDocument.AnalysisFileName); } List <JointForce> jn_Force = Str_Analysis.list_joints; int loadno = ALL_Loads.Count + 1; List <string> jloads = new List <string>(); int i = 0; int load_eqx = loadno; int load_eqz = loadno; #region Chiranjit [2015 05 27] #endregion Chiranjit [2015 05 27] int sign_x = 1, sign_z = 1; switch (Direction) { case 1: //+X/+Z #region //+X/+Z sign_x = 1; sign_z = 1; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD +EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", sign_x * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD +EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", sign_z * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } #endregion //+X/+Z break; case 2: //-X/-Z #region -X/-Z sign_x = -1; sign_z = -1; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD -EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", sign_x * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD -EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", sign_z * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } #endregion //+X/+Z break; case 3: // +X/-Z #region +X/-Z sign_x = 1; sign_z = -1; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD +EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", sign_x * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD -EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", sign_z * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } #endregion //+X/+Z break; case 4: // -X/+Z #region -X/+Z sign_x = -1; sign_z = 1; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD -EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", sign_x * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD +EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", sign_z * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } #endregion //+X/+Z break; case 5: // +X/-X #region +X/-X sign_x = 1; sign_z = -1; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD +EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", sign_x * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD -EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", sign_z * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } #endregion //+X/+Z break; case 6: // +Z/-Z #region +Z/-Z sign_x = 1; sign_z = -1; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD +EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", sign_x * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD -EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", sign_z * Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); } #endregion //+X/+Z break; } //switch (Direction) //{ // case 1: //+X/+Z // jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD EQX", loadno)); // jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); // for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) // { // jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, // "FX", // Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); // } // loadno++; // load_eqz = loadno; // jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD EQZ", loadno)); // jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); // for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) // { // jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", // jn_Force[i].NodeNo, // "FZ", // Math.Abs(jn_Force[i].FY) * SC)); // } // break; //} //if (Direction != 6) //{ // jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD EQX", loadno)); // jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); // for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) // { // jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, // "FX", // jn_Force[i].FY * SC)); // } //} //if (Direction != 5) //{ // loadno++; // load_eqz = loadno; // jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD EQZ", loadno)); // jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); // for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) // { // jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", // jn_Force[i].NodeNo, // "FZ", // jn_Force[i].FY * SC)); // } //} //jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, dir, jn_Force[i].FY * sc)); //LDC.LoadNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(txt_load_no.Text, 0); //loadno++; LDC.LoadNo = loadno; LDC.Name = txt_load_name.Text; LDC.LoadCases.Clear(); LDC.Factors.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < dgv_combinations.RowCount; i++) { LDC.LoadCases.Add(MyStrings.StringToInt(dgv_combinations[0, i].Value.ToString().ToUpper().Replace("LOAD CASE ", ""), 0)); LDC.Factors.Add(MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_combinations[1, i].Value.ToString(), 0)); } //LDC.LoadCases.Add(LDC.LoadNo); //LDC.Factors.Add(MyStrings.StringToDouble(textBox1.Text, 0)); LDC.Set_Combination(); List <string> load_combs = new List <string>(); //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); if (Direction == 1 || Direction == 3 || Direction == 5) { loadno++; load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL+EQX)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqx, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } if (Direction == 2 || Direction == 4) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL-EQX)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} -{2}", LDC.Data, load_eqx, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqx, textBox1.Text)); } if (Direction == 5) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL-EQX)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); } if (Direction == 1 || Direction == 4) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL+EQZ)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } if (Direction == 2 || Direction == 3) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL-EQZ)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} -{2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } if (Direction == 6) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL+EQZ)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqx, textBox1.Text)); loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL-EQZ)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } string file_name = File_Seismic_Load; if (file_name == "") { file_name = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Str_Analysis.Analysis_File), "Seismic_Analysis"); if (!Directory.Exists(file_name)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(file_name); } file_name = Path.Combine(file_name, "Seismic_Analysis.TXT"); } File.WriteAllText(file_name, "Write Data"); if (Write_Seismic_Data != null) { Write_Seismic_Data(jloads, load_combs, file_name); } btn_process.Enabled = true; btn_view.Enabled = true; }
public static bool ReadLineCoordinates(string fileName, vdDocument doc) { //vdArray<vdLine> line_arr = new vdArray<vdLine>(); List <string> lstStr = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(fileName)); string kStr = ""; string option = ""; string SP, EP, TEXT, IP, Height; SP = EP = IP = TEXT = Height = ""; MyStrings mList = null; for (int i = 0; i < lstStr.Count; i++) { kStr = lstStr[i].Trim().TrimEnd().TrimStart(); if (kStr == "VD_LINE") { option = "VD_LINE"; i++; SP = lstStr[i].Replace("SP=", ""); i++; EP = lstStr[i].Replace("EP=", ""); } else if (kStr == "VD_TEXT") { option = "VD_TEXT"; i++; IP = lstStr[i].Replace("IP=", ""); i++; TEXT = lstStr[i].Replace("TEXT=", ""); i++; Height = lstStr[i].Replace("HEIGHT=", ""); } switch (option) { case "VD_LINE": mList = new MyStrings(MyStrings.RemoveAllSpaces(SP), ','); vdLine ln = new vdLine(); ln.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); ln.setDocumentDefaults(); ln.StartPoint.x = mList.GetDouble(0); ln.StartPoint.y = mList.GetDouble(1); ln.StartPoint.z = mList.GetDouble(2); mList = new MyStrings(MyStrings.RemoveAllSpaces(EP), ','); ln.EndPoint.x = mList.GetDouble(0); ln.EndPoint.y = mList.GetDouble(1); ln.EndPoint.z = mList.GetDouble(2); doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities.AddItem(ln); break; case "VD_TEXT": mList = new MyStrings(MyStrings.RemoveAllSpaces(IP), ','); vdText txt = new vdText(); txt.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); txt.setDocumentDefaults(); txt.InsertionPoint.x = mList.GetDouble(0); txt.InsertionPoint.y = mList.GetDouble(1); txt.InsertionPoint.z = mList.GetDouble(2); txt.TextString = TEXT; txt.Height = MyStrings.StringToDouble(Height, 0.01); doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities.AddItem(txt); break; } } lstStr.Clear(); //doc.ShowUCSAxis = false; //VectorDraw.Professional.ActionUtilities.vdCommandAction.View3D_VTop(doc); //doc.Redraw(true); return(true); }
public void RunThread() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); #region TechSOFT Banner list.Add(""); //list.Add(""); //list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); //list.Add("\t\t* ASTRA Pro Release 18.0 *"); //list.Add("\t\t* TechSOFT Engineering Services *"); //list.Add("\t\t* *"); //list.Add("\t\t* DESIGN OF RCC COLUMN *"); //list.Add("\t\t* *"); //list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); //list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); //list.Add("\t\tTHIS RESULT CREATED ON " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy AT HH:mm:ss") + " "); //list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); //list.Add(""); #endregion int c = 0; int step = 1; string ColumnNos = ""; bool flag = false; //int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dgv_columns.RowCount; i++) { try { c = 0; flag = (bool)dgv_columns[c++, i].Value; if (flag) { Set_Grid_Color(i); ////cd.ColumnNos = dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(); //if (MessageBox.Show("Process Design Column " + cd.ColumnNos + " \n\nDou you want to continue ?", // "ASTRA", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) //{ // break; //} //col_design.hf = (Floors[i + 1] - Floors[i]) * 1000; col_design.floor_level = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); col_design.FlightNos = MyStrings.StringToInt(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); col_design.hf = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); col_design.wl = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); col_design.bar_dia1 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); col_design.bar_dia2 = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_columns[c++, i].Value.ToString(), 0); list.AddRange(col_design.Design_Program_Loop(i + 1).ToArray()); Set_Grid_Color(i, true, col_design.IS_DESIGN_OK); dgv_columns[9, i].Value = col_design.IS_DESIGN_OK ? " OK " : "NOT OK"; Add_Staircase_BOQ(col_design.BOQ); } } catch (Exception exx) { } } #region End of Report list.Add(""); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); list.Add("--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------"); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); #endregion End of Report Save_Data(); File.WriteAllLines(col_design.Report_File, list.ToArray()); MessageBox.Show(this, "Report file created in file " + col_design.Report_File); frmASTRAReport fap = new frmASTRAReport(col_design.Report_File); fap.Owner = this; fap.ShowDialog(); }
private void btn_fload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string kStr = ""; //XRANGE 4 18 FLOAD -0.15 YRANGE 0 10.43 ZRANGE -1 5.4 GY //YRANGE 4 18 FLOAD -0.15 XRANGE 0 10.43 ZRANGE -1 5.4 GY //ZRANGE 4 18 FLOAD -0.15 XRANGE 0 10.43 YRANGE -1 5.4 GY double dval = 0.0; dval = MyStrings.StringToDouble(txt_pressure.Text, 0.0); if (rbtn_XLimit.Checked) { if (chk_One.Checked) { kStr = string.Format("XRANGE {0} {1} ONE {2} YRANGE {3} {4} ZRANGE {5} {6}", txt_X_min.Text, txt_X_max.Text, txt_pressure.Text, txt_Y_min.Text, txt_Y_max.Text, txt_Z_min.Text, txt_Z_max.Text); } else { kStr = string.Format("XRANGE {0} {1} FLOAD {2} YRANGE {3} {4} ZRANGE {5} {6}", txt_X_min.Text, txt_X_max.Text, txt_pressure.Text, txt_Y_min.Text, txt_Y_max.Text, txt_Z_min.Text, txt_Z_max.Text); } } else if (rbtn_YLimit.Checked) { if (chk_One.Checked) { kStr = string.Format("YRANGE {0} {1} ONE {2} XRANGE {3} {4} ZRANGE {5} {6}", txt_Y_min.Text, txt_Y_max.Text, txt_pressure.Text, txt_X_min.Text, txt_X_max.Text, txt_Z_min.Text, txt_Z_max.Text); } else { kStr = string.Format("YRANGE {0} {1} FLOAD {2} XRANGE {3} {4} ZRANGE {5} {6}", txt_Y_min.Text, txt_Y_max.Text, txt_pressure.Text, txt_X_min.Text, txt_X_max.Text, txt_Z_min.Text, txt_Z_max.Text); } } else if (rbtn_ZLimit.Checked) { if (chk_One.Checked) { kStr = string.Format("ZRANGE {0} {1} ONE {2} XRANGE {3} {4} YRANGE {5} {6}", txt_Z_min.Text, txt_Z_max.Text, txt_pressure.Text, txt_X_min.Text, txt_X_max.Text, txt_Y_min.Text, txt_Y_max.Text); } else { kStr = string.Format("ZRANGE {0} {1} FLOAD {2} XRANGE {3} {4} YRANGE {5} {6}", txt_Z_min.Text, txt_Z_max.Text, txt_pressure.Text, txt_X_min.Text, txt_X_max.Text, txt_Y_min.Text, txt_Y_max.Text); } } if (rbtn_GX.Checked) { kStr = kStr + " GX"; } else if (rbtn_GY.Checked) { kStr = kStr + " GY"; } else if (rbtn_GZ.Checked) { kStr = kStr + " GZ"; } ASTRA_Data.Add(kStr); if (Node != null) { if (btn_fload_add.Text == "Change") { Node.Text = kStr; this.Close(); } else { Node.Nodes.Add(kStr); Node.ExpandAll(); } } else { this.Close(); } }
private void btn_create_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //iACad.AstraDocument StructureMemberAnalysis Str_Analysis = new StructureMemberAnalysis(iACad.AstraDocument.AnalysisFileName); List <JointForce> jn_Force = Str_Analysis.list_joints; int loadno = ALL_Loads.Count + 1; List <string> jloads = new List <string>(); int i = 0; int load_eqx = loadno; int load_eqz = loadno; if (Direction != 6) { jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD EQX", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FX", jn_Force[i].FY * SC)); } } if (Direction != 5) { loadno++; load_eqz = loadno; jloads.Add(string.Format("LOAD {0} SEISMIC LOAD EQZ", loadno)); jloads.Add(string.Format("JOINT LOAD")); for (i = 0; i < jn_Force.Count; i++) { jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, "FZ", jn_Force[i].FY * SC)); } } //jloads.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2:f3}", jn_Force[i].NodeNo, dir, jn_Force[i].FY * sc)); //LDC.LoadNo = MyStrings.StringToInt(txt_load_no.Text, 0); //loadno++; LDC.LoadNo = loadno; LDC.Name = txt_load_name.Text; LDC.LoadCases.Clear(); LDC.Factors.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < dgv_combinations.RowCount; i++) { LDC.LoadCases.Add(MyStrings.StringToInt(dgv_combinations[0, i].Value.ToString().ToUpper().Replace("LOAD CASE ", ""), 0)); LDC.Factors.Add(MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_combinations[1, i].Value.ToString(), 0)); } //LDC.LoadCases.Add(LDC.LoadNo); //LDC.Factors.Add(MyStrings.StringToDouble(textBox1.Text, 0)); LDC.Set_Combination(); List <string> load_combs = new List <string>(); //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); if (Direction == 1 || Direction == 3 || Direction == 5) { loadno++; load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL+EQX)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqx, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } if (Direction == 2 || Direction == 4 || Direction == 5) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL-EQX)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} -{2}", LDC.Data, load_eqx, textBox1.Text)); } if (Direction == 1 || Direction == 4 || Direction == 6) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL+EQZ)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } if (Direction == 2 || Direction == 3 || Direction == 6) { loadno++; //load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} SEISMIC COMB", loadno)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("LOAD COMB {0} {1} (DL-EQZ)", loadno, textBox1.Text)); load_combs.Add(string.Format("{0} {1} -{2}", LDC.Data, load_eqz, textBox1.Text)); //load_combs.Add(LDC.Data); } string file_name = File_Seismic_Load; if (file_name == "") { file_name = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Str_Analysis.Analysis_File), "Seismic_Analysis"); if (!Directory.Exists(file_name)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(file_name); } file_name = Path.Combine(file_name, "Seismic_Analysis.TXT"); } File.WriteAllText(file_name, "Write Data"); if (Write_Seismic_Data != null) { Write_Seismic_Data(jloads, load_combs, file_name); RunAnalysis(file_name); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
public void RunThread() { Design_Summary = new List <string>(); List <string> BOQ_Summary = new List <string>(); List <string> list = new List <string>(); #region TechSOFT Banner list.Add(""); list.Add(""); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t* ASTRA Pro Release 18.0 *"); list.Add("\t\t* TechSOFT Engineering Services *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t* DESIGN OF RCC FLANGED BEAM *"); list.Add("\t\t* *"); list.Add("\t\t**********************************************"); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add("\t\tTHIS RESULT CREATED ON " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy AT HH:mm:ss") + " "); list.Add("\t\t----------------------------------------------"); list.Add(""); list.Add(""); #endregion list.Add(string.Format("")); list.Add(string.Format("")); list.Add(string.Format("(Design Standard : BS 8110 / IS 456)")); list.Add(string.Format("")); int c = 0; int step = 1; MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.ON("Member Analysis...."); for (int i = 0; i < dgv_beams.RowCount; i++) { MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.SetValue(i, dgv_beams.RowCount); try { c = 1; bool IsSelect = (bool)dgv_beams[c++, i].Value; if (IsSelect) { Set_Grid_Color(i); //beamDes.Floor_Level = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[2, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); beamDes.Floor_Level = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[2, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); beamDes.Beam_Nos = dgv_beams[3, i].Value.ToString(); beamDes.sectionName = dgv_beams[5, i].Value.ToString(); var dta = uC_SteelSections1.Get_BeamSection(beamDes.sectionName); var lst = dta.Data; beamDes.a = (dta.Area * 100); //beamDes.h = dta.Depth.ToString("f3"); beamDes.h = dta.Depth; //beamDes.h1 = dta.h.ToString("f3"); beamDes.Ixx = (dta.Ixx * 10000); //beamDes.Iyy = (dta.Iyy * 10000).ToString(); //beamDes.rxx = (dta.Rxx * 10).ToString(); //beamDes.ryy = (dta.Ryy * 10).ToString(); beamDes.Z = (dta.Zxx * 1000); = dta.WebThickness; // = dta..ToString("f3"); beamDes.w = (dta.Weight / 9.81); //beamDes.Bf = (dta.FlangeWidth).ToString(); if (lst.Count > 20) { beamDes.h1 = lst.GetDouble(17); beamDes.h2 = lst.GetDouble(18); } beamDes.M = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[7, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); beamDes.V = MyStrings.StringToDouble(dgv_beams[8, i].Value.ToString(), 0.0); //All_Beam_Data.Add(bd); //beamDes.Beam_Title = bd.BeamNos; //beamDes.Beam_Nos = bd.Continuous_BeamMembers; //beamDes.Bar_dia1 = bd.d1; //beamDes.Bar_dia2 = bd.d2; //beamDes.Bar_dia3 = bd.d3; //beamDes.Bar_dia4 = bd.d4; //beamDes.Bar_dia5 = bd.d5; //beamDes.Bar_dia6 = bd.d6; //beamDes.AM1 = bd.AM1; //beamDes.AM2 = bd.AM2; //beamDes.AM3 = bd.AM3; //beamDes.AM4 = bd.AM4; //beamDes.AV1 = bd.AV1; //beamDes.AV2 = bd.AV2; //beamDes.AV3 = bd.AV3; //beamDes.D = bd.Depth * 1000; // = bd.Breadth * 1000; //if (beamDes.BOQ == null) // beamDes.BOQ = new Beam_BOQ(); //beamDes.BOQ.Section_B = bd.Breadth; //beamDes.BOQ.Section_D = bd.Depth; //beamDes.BOQ.Area = bd.Depth * bd.Breadth; //list.AddRange(beamDes.Design_Program_Loop(step++).ToArray()); //list.AddRange(beamDes.Design_Program_Loop(i + 1).ToArray()); //Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); //Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("BEAM = {0}, FLOOR LEVEL = {1:f3} M", beamDes.Beam_Title, beamDes.BOQ.Floor_ELevation)); //Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("CONTINUOUS MEMBERS = {0}", beamDes.Beam_Nos)); //Design_Summary.AddRange(beamDes.Design_Summary.ToArray()); //Design_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); //BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); //BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("BEAM = {0}, FLOOR LEVEL = {1:f3} M", beamDes.Beam_Title, beamDes.BOQ.Floor_ELevation)); //BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("CONTINUOUS MEMBERS = {0}", beamDes.Beam_Nos)); //BOQ_Summary.AddRange(beamDes.BOQ_Summary.ToArray()); //BOQ_Summary.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); //beamDes.Calculate_Program_Loop(); beamDes.Calculate_Program(); dgv_beams[9, i].Value = beamDes.IS_DESIGN_OK ? "OK" : "NOT OK"; Set_Grid_Color(i, true, beamDes.IS_DESIGN_OK); //Add_Beam_BOQ(beamDes.BOQ); } //else // Set_Grid_Color(i); } catch (Exception exx) { } } MovingLoadAnalysis.frm_ProgressBar.OFF(); list.Add(string.Format("")); list.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); list.Add(string.Format("TABLE 1 : PERMISSIBLE_SHEAR_STRESS")); list.Add(string.Format("-------------------------------------")); list.Add(string.Format("")); list.AddRange(Tables.Get_File_Permissible_Shear_Stress().ToArray()); #region End of Report list.Add(""); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); list.Add("--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------"); list.Add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); #endregion End of Report //File.WriteAllLines(beamDes.Report_File, list.ToArray()); //string des_sum = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(beamDes.Get_Report_File(1)), "BEAM_DESIGN_SUMMARY.TXT"); //File.WriteAllLines(des_sum, Design_Summary.ToArray()); //des_sum = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(beamDes.Get_Report_File(1)), "BEAM_BOQ_SUMMARY.TXT"); //File.WriteAllLines(des_sum, BOQ_Summary.ToArray()); }