예제 #1
        public double[] WindowStat(int i, int j)
            int index_p = 0;
            int new_r = 0, new_c = 0;
            var stat = new double[7];
            var hsv  = ToDouble(i, j);

            stat[0] = hsv[0];
            stat[1] = hsv[1];
            stat[2] = hsv[2];

            double[][] window = new double[3][];

            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                window[c] = new double[9];

            for (int r = i - 1; r <= i + 1; r++)
                for (int c = j - 1; c <= j + 1; c++)
                    new_r = r;
                    new_c = c;

                    if (r < 0)
                        new_r = 0;
                    if (r == _nrow)
                        new_r = _nrow - 1;
                    if (c < 0)
                        new_c = 0;
                    if (c == _ncol)
                        new_c = _ncol - 1;

                    var pp = ToDouble(new_r, new_c);
                    window[0][index_p] = pp[0];
                    window[1][index_p] = pp[1];
                    window[2][index_p] = pp[2];

            stat[0] = window[0][5];
            stat[1] = window[1][5];
            stat[2] = window[2][5];

            stat[3] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(window[0]);
            stat[4] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(window[1]);
            stat[5] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(window[2]);
            stat[6] = window[1].Average();
예제 #2
        public My3DMat <float> StandardDeviation(My3DMat <float> source)
            var mat    = new My3DMat <float>(source.Size[0], source.Size[1], source.Size[2]);
            int nrow   = source.Size[1];
            int ncol   = source.Size[2];
            int ncol_1 = ncol - 1;
            int nrow_1 = nrow - 1;

            var mat_source = source.Value[0];
            var vec5       = new float[5];

            // the first and the last columns
            for (int r = 1; r < nrow - 1; r++)
                vec5[0]            = mat_source[r - 1][0];
                vec5[1]            = mat_source[r - 1][1];
                vec5[2]            = mat_source[r][1];
                vec5[3]            = mat_source[r + 1][1];
                vec5[4]            = mat_source[r + 1][0];
                mat.Value[0][r][0] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);

                vec5[0] = mat_source[r - 1][ncol_1];
                vec5[1] = mat_source[r - 1][ncol_1 - 1];
                vec5[2] = mat_source[r][ncol_1 - 1];
                vec5[3] = mat_source[r + 1][ncol_1 - 1];
                vec5[4] = mat_source[r + 1][ncol_1];
                mat.Value[0][r][ncol_1] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);
            // the first and the last rows
            for (int c = 1; c < ncol - 1; c++)
                vec5[0]            = mat_source[0][c - 1];
                vec5[1]            = mat_source[1][c - 1];
                vec5[2]            = mat_source[1][c];
                vec5[3]            = mat_source[1][c + 1];
                vec5[4]            = mat_source[0][c + 1];
                mat.Value[0][0][c] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);

                vec5[0] = mat_source[nrow_1][c - 1];
                vec5[1] = mat_source[nrow_1 - 1][c - 1];
                vec5[2] = mat_source[nrow_1 - 1][c];
                vec5[3] = mat_source[nrow_1 - 1][c + 1];
                vec5[4] = mat_source[nrow_1][c + 1];

                mat.Value[0][nrow_1][c] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);

            float[] vec8 = new float[8];
            for (int r = 1; r < nrow - 1; r++)
                for (int c = 1; c < ncol - 1; c++)
                    vec8[0] = mat_source[r - 1][c - 1];
                    vec8[1] = mat_source[r - 1][c];
                    vec8[2] = mat_source[r - 1][c + 1];
                    vec8[3] = mat_source[r][c - 1];
                    vec8[4] = mat_source[r][c + 1];
                    vec8[5] = mat_source[r + 1][c - 1];
                    vec8[6] = mat_source[r + 1][c];
                    vec8[7] = mat_source[r + 1][c + 1];

                    mat.Value[0][r][c] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec8);

예제 #3
        public My3DMat <double> StandardDeviation(My3DMat <double> source)
            int nvar   = source.Size[0];
            int nrow   = source.Size[1];
            int ncol   = source.Size[2];
            var mat    = new My3DMat <double>(nvar, nrow, ncol);
            int ncol_1 = ncol - 1;
            int nrow_1 = nrow - 1;

            for (int v = 0; v < nvar; v++)
                var mat_source = source.Value[v];
                var vec5       = new double[5];
                // the first and the last columns
                for (int r = 1; r < nrow - 1; r++)
                    vec5[0]            = mat_source[r - 1][0];
                    vec5[1]            = mat_source[r - 1][1];
                    vec5[2]            = mat_source[r][1];
                    vec5[3]            = mat_source[r + 1][1];
                    vec5[4]            = mat_source[r + 1][0];
                    mat.Value[v][r][0] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);

                    vec5[0] = mat_source[r - 1][ncol_1];
                    vec5[1] = mat_source[r - 1][ncol_1 - 1];
                    vec5[2] = mat_source[r][ncol_1 - 1];
                    vec5[3] = mat_source[r + 1][ncol_1 - 1];
                    vec5[4] = mat_source[r + 1][ncol_1];
                    mat.Value[v][r][ncol_1] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);
                // the first and the last rows
                for (int c = 1; c < ncol - 1; c++)
                    vec5[0]            = mat_source[0][c - 1];
                    vec5[1]            = mat_source[1][c - 1];
                    vec5[2]            = mat_source[1][c];
                    vec5[3]            = mat_source[1][c + 1];
                    vec5[4]            = mat_source[0][c + 1];
                    mat.Value[v][0][c] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);

                    vec5[0] = mat_source[nrow_1][c - 1];
                    vec5[1] = mat_source[nrow_1 - 1][c - 1];
                    vec5[2] = mat_source[nrow_1 - 1][c];
                    vec5[3] = mat_source[nrow_1 - 1][c + 1];
                    vec5[4] = mat_source[nrow_1][c + 1];

                    mat.Value[v][nrow_1][c] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec5);

                double[] vec8 = new double[8];
                for (int r = 1; r < nrow - 1; r++)
                    for (int c = 1; c < ncol - 1; c++)
                        vec8[0] = mat_source[r - 1][c - 1];
                        vec8[1] = mat_source[r - 1][c];
                        vec8[2] = mat_source[r - 1][c + 1];
                        vec8[3] = mat_source[r][c - 1];
                        vec8[4] = mat_source[r][c + 1];
                        vec8[5] = mat_source[r + 1][c - 1];
                        vec8[6] = mat_source[r + 1][c];
                        vec8[7] = mat_source[r + 1][c + 1];

                        mat.Value[v][r][c] = MyStatisticsMath.StandardDeviation(vec8);
예제 #4
        public override bool Execute(DotSpatial.Data.ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            FileStream   fs = new FileStream(_OutputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

            var var_index = 0;
            var mat       = Get3DMat(Source, ref var_index);
            int progress  = 0;
            int nsteps    = mat.Size[1];
            var grid      = ProjectService.Project.Model.Grid as RegularGrid;

            if (grid != null)
                float[][] lonlat = null;
                if (CoornidateSystem == CS.GCS)
                    lonlat = grid.GetLonLatAxis();
                else if (CoornidateSystem == CS.PCS)
                    lonlat = grid.GetPCSAxis();
                var nrow  = grid.RowCount;
                var ncol  = grid.ColumnCount;
                var times = new float[nsteps];
                if (mat.DateTimes != null)
                    for (int t = 0; t < nsteps; t++)
                        times[t] = (float)mat.DateTimes[t].ToOADate();
                    for (int t = 0; t < nsteps; t++)
                        times[t] = (float)DateTime.Now.AddDays(t).ToOADate();


                for (int i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++)

                for (int t = 0; t < nsteps; t++)
                    var vec = mat[var_index, t.ToString(), ":"];
                    var mat_step = grid.ToMatrix <float>(vec, 0);
                    for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++)
                        for (int c = 0; c < ncol; c++)
                    progress = t * 100 / nsteps;
                    cancelProgressHandler.Progress("Package_Tool", progress, "Processing step:" + t);
