public int DeletUser(string userid) { try { object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "ProDeleteUser", new SqlParameter("@userid", userid)); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int UpdateCategory(Int32 categoryid, string categoryname) { try { string query = "update t_Category set CategoryName='" + categoryname + "' where CategoryId='" + categoryid + "'"; object intVal = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intVal)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int CreateNewCategory(string categoryname) { try { string query = "insert into t_Category (CategoryName) values('" + categoryname + "')"; object intVal = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intVal)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int UpdateCartItemByCoupon(string carid, decimal totalpriceaftercoupon, Int32 finalshippingcharges) { try { string query = @"Update ShopingCart set CouponPrice = '" + totalpriceaftercoupon + "', FinalShippingCharges='" + finalshippingcharges + "' where CartId = '" + carid + "'"; object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int UpdateCartItem(Int32 quantity, decimal totalprice, string cartid) { try { string query = @"Update ShopingCart set Quantity = '" + quantity + "', TotalPrice = '" + totalprice + "' where CartId = '" + cartid + "'"; object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int UpdatePassword(string newpassword, string loginid) { try { string query = "Update t_login set Password='******' where LoginID='" + loginid + "'"; object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int AddVideoUrl(string videotitle, string videourl, string videourlid, string date) { try { string query = "Insert into t_video(videotitle,videourl,videourlid,video_date) values('" + videotitle + "','" + videourl + "','" + videourlid + "', '" + date + "')"; object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int ActiveWallet(string active, string loginid, int walletpin) { try { string query = "update Wallet set wallStatus='" + active + "', WalletPin='" + walletpin + "' where WalletId=(select WalletId from Wallet where UserId='" + loginid + "')"; object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public int UpdateUserInWishlist(string loginid, string wishid) { try { string query = "update t_Wishlist set UserId='" + loginid + "' where WishId='" + wishid + "'"; object intvalue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); return(Convert.ToInt32(intvalue)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public string getuserInfo(string Userid, string password) { DataTable dt_login = new DataTable(); string result = ""; dt_login = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteDataTable(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "SELECT loginid, username, loginattempt, password, logintype, Mobile, UserId FROM t_login where username='******' OR Mobile='" + Userid + "' and active='A'"); if (dt_login.Rows.Count > 0 && password == Convert.ToString(dt_login.Rows[0]["password"])) { if (Convert.ToInt64(dt_login.Rows[0]["loginattempt"]) >= 10) { result = "Your Account is Disabled, please contact to administrator"; } else { result = Convert.ToString(dt_login.Rows[0]["loginid"]) + "~" + Convert.ToString(dt_login.Rows[0]["username"]) + "~" + Convert.ToString(dt_login.Rows[0]["logintype"]) + "~" + Convert.ToString(dt_login.Rows[0]["UserId"]); string query = @"update t_login set loginattempt = 0 where username='******'"; object intReturnValue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); } } else { try { if (dt_login.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt64(dt_login.Rows[0]["loginattempt"]) >= 3) { result = "Your Account is Disabled, please contact to administrator"; } else { string query = @"update t_login set loginattempt =(loginattempt)+1 where username='******'"; object intReturnValue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); result = "Invalid username or Password, please try again."; } } else { result = "Invalid username or Password, please try again."; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } return(result); }
public static long OrderDtID(string col, string table) { int count = 0; while (true) { count = count + 1; string query = "select isnull(max(" + col + "),0) from " + table + ""; object intReturnValue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); if (Convert.ToInt64(intReturnValue) == 0) { intReturnValue = 1; } else { intReturnValue = Convert.ToInt64(intReturnValue) + 1; } return(Convert.ToInt64(intReturnValue)); } }
public static Int64 GenerateSUK(string col, string table) { int count = 0; while (true) { count = count + 1; string query = "select isnull(max(" + col + "), 0) from " + table + ""; object intReturnValue = MySqlDataAccess.ExecuteScalar(MySqlDataAccess.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query); string values = Convert.ToString(intReturnValue); values = values.Replace(@"NZ", ""); Int64 intvalue = 0; if (Convert.ToInt64(values) == 0) { intvalue = 1; } else { intvalue = Convert.ToInt64(values) + 1; } return(Convert.ToInt64(intvalue)); } }