async Task auth(bool is_admin) { MySQLServer.InputStatus status = await MySQLServer.login(loginBox.Value, passwordBox.Value, Response, is_admin); loginError.Text = "<br />"; passwordError.Text = "<br />"; if (status == MySQLServer.InputStatus.LoginRequired) { loginError.Text = "Login required"; } if (status == MySQLServer.InputStatus.PasswordRequired) { passwordError.Text = "Password required"; } if (status == MySQLServer.InputStatus.NoSuchUser) { loginError.Text = "No such user"; } if (status == MySQLServer.InputStatus.IncorrectPassword) { passwordError.Text = "Incorrect password"; } }
protected async void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLServer.InputStatus[] status = await MySQLServer.register(loginBox.Value, passwordBox.Value, emalBox.Value, Response); if (status[0] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.Succeed && status[0] == status[1] && status[0] == status[2]) { await MySQLServer.login(loginBox.Value, passwordBox.Value, Response, false); } else { loginError.Text = "This will be your username."; emailError.Text = "We'll occasionally send updates about your account to this inbox."; passwordError.Text = "Use at least one lowercase letter, one numeral, and seven characters."; loginError.CssClass = "lower-text"; emailError.CssClass = "lower-text"; passwordError.CssClass = "lower-text"; if (status[0] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.LoginRequired) { loginError.CssClass = "error-string"; loginError.Text = "Login required"; } if (status[1] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.EmailRequired) { emailError.CssClass = "error-string"; emailError.Text = "E-mail required"; } if (status[2] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.PasswordRequired) { passwordError.CssClass = "error-string"; passwordError.Text = "Password required"; } if (status[0] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.LoginAlreadyTaken) { loginError.CssClass = "error-string"; loginError.Text = "This login already taken"; } if (status[1] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.EmailAlreadyTaken) { emailError.CssClass = "error-string"; emailError.Text = "This e-mail already taken"; } if (status[2] == MySQLServer.InputStatus.ShortPassword) { passwordError.CssClass = "error-string"; passwordError.Text = "Password must be longer than 6 characters"; } } }