private void ReturnGridViewOriginalValues()
        // Create a recalculate object
        // Returns Component Table back to the original quote values
        // Sets ListPrice Label text
        // Returns the textboxes to the original submitted quote
        MyRecalculate recalculate = new MyRecalculate {
            LstMyComponent = this.OriginalLstMyComponent,
            GVComponent    = this.gvComponent,
            GVDiscount     = this.gvDiscount,
            GVTargetMargin = this.gvTargetMargin,
            Quantity       = Convert.ToInt32(this.QuantityReset),
            Discount       = Convert.ToDouble(this.DiscountReset)

        txtQuoteID.Text             = this.QuoteIDReset;
        txtQuantity.Text            = this.QuantityReset.ToString();
        txtDiscount.Text            = this.DiscountReset.ToString();
        chbDiscountWarranty.Checked = (bool)this.OriginalDiscountWarranty;
 private void Recalculate()
     // Checks if quote ID has changed, if so, resubmit the quote
     // Create a recalculate object
     // Use all information in the GridView to recalculate the Component Table
     // Sets ListPrice Label text
     if (txtQuoteID.Text == this.QuoteIDReset)
         MyRecalculate recalculate = new MyRecalculate {
             LstMyComponent          = this.LstMyComponent,
             GVComponent             = this.gvComponent,
             GVDiscount              = this.gvDiscount,
             GVTargetMargin          = this.gvTargetMargin,
             Quantity                = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuantity.Text),
             Discount                = Convert.ToDouble(txtDiscount.Text),
             DiscountWarrantyChecked = chbDiscountWarranty.Checked