private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Type type = typeof(FrameworkElement); // Get the DefaultStyleKeyProperty dependency // property of FrameworkElement FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField( "DefaultStyleKeyProperty", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); DependencyProperty defaultStyleKeyProperty = (DependencyProperty)fieldInfo.GetValue (MyProgressBar); // Get the value of the property for the // progress bar element object defaultStyleKey = MyProgressBar.GetValue(defaultStyleKeyProperty); // Get the style from the application's resources Style style = (Style)Application.Current.FindResource (defaultStyleKey); // Save the style to a string string styleXaml = XamlWriter.Save(style); }
private async void RegistarUser(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool a = verificaInter(); if (a == true) { try { MyProgressBar.IsVisible = true; Regis.IsEnabled = false; Log.IsEnabled = false; txtPassword.IsEnabled = false; txtUsername.IsEnabled = false; await MyProgressBar.ProgressTo(0.9, 500, Easing.SpringIn); await Navigation.PushAsync(new Registar()); Regis.IsEnabled = true; Log.IsEnabled = true; txtPassword.IsEnabled = true; txtUsername.IsEnabled = true; MyProgressBar.IsVisible = false; //await Navigation.PushAsync(new Registar()); } finally { Regis.IsEnabled = true; Log.IsEnabled = true; txtPassword.IsEnabled = true; txtUsername.IsEnabled = true; MyProgressBar.IsVisible = false; MyProgressBar.Progress = 0; //MainProgressBar.IsVisible = false; //Stackla.IsVisible = true; } //await Navigation.PushAsync(new Registar()); } else { DisplayAlert("Internet", "Turn On Internet", "OK"); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region [ Load/Save Database Methods ] /// <summary> /// Loads database from file. /// </summary> /// private void LoadDatabase(string filename, string caption, bool silent = false) { string progressInfo = "Loading database from '" + filename + "'..."; // Remove children from client area (probably referring to the contents // of the current database) // UnloadAllMdiChildForms(); // Create progress bar // MyProgressBar progress = new MyProgressBar(this, progressInfo); Exception lastException = null; VideoRentalOutlet loadedStore = null; string elapsedTime = string.Empty; // Deserialize database using our file stream with progress info. // try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); long fileLength = fileInfo.Exists ? fileInfo.Length : 0; using (FileStreamWithProgressBar fs = new FileStreamWithProgressBar( filename, FileMode.Open, progress, fileLength) ) { loadedStore = VideoRentalOutlet.Deserialize(fs); fs.StopTimer(); elapsedTime = " in " + fs.VerboseElapsedTime; } } catch (Exception ex) { lastException = ex; } progress.Quit(); if (loadedStore != null) { VideoStore = loadedStore; VideoStore.Changed += VideoStore_Changed; string info = VideoStore.TotalRecordsCount.ToString() + " records loaded from '" + filename + "'" + elapsedTime; if (silent) { this.InfoMessage = info; } else { info += "\n\n\n" + VideoStore.StatisticsInfo(info.Length) + "\n"; MessageBox.Show(info, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } UpdateTitle(); } else if (lastException != null) { MessageBox.Show( "There was an error while loading database.\n\n" + "Filename: " + filename + "\n\n" + "System Message:\n\n" + lastException.Message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region [ Methods Displaying Database Info and Contents ] /// <summary> /// Dumps full contents of database to file and shows the report in report box. /// </summary> /// private void DumpDatabase() { string progressInfo = "Dumping database contents as text..."; // Create progress bar // MyProgressBar progress = new MyProgressBar(this, progressInfo); progress.Minimum = 0; progress.Maximum = VideoStore.TotalRecordsCount; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("VROLib Database Format v" + VideoStore.Version); sb.AppendLine(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb.AppendLine(VideoStore.FullInfo()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb.AppendLine(VideoStore.Customers.FullInfo()); progress.Value += VideoStore.Customers.Count; progress.Refresh(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb.AppendLine(VideoStore.PriceList.FullInfo()); progress.Value += VideoStore.PriceList.Count; progress.Refresh(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb.AppendLine(VideoStore.Movies.FullInfo()); progress.Value += VideoStore.Movies.Count; progress.Refresh(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb.AppendLine(VideoStore.MovieExemplars.FullInfo()); progress.Value += VideoStore.MovieExemplars.Count; progress.Refresh(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// progress.Quit(); string report = sb.ToString(); try { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("VRO-dump.txt", report); sb.AppendLine("Dump saved to 'VRO-dump.txt'"); report = sb.ToString(); } catch {} ShowReport("Video Rental Outlet - Database Text Dump", report); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Adds number of test records to existing database. /// </summary> /// private void AddTestRecordsToDatabase(int extraRecords = 100) { DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show( "You are about to add random data to database!\n\nAre you sure?", "Add Test Records", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (answer != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } string progressInfo = "Adding random records to existing database..."; // Remove children from client area (probably referring to the contents // of the current database) // UnloadAllMdiChildForms(); // Create progress bar // MyProgressBar progress = new MyProgressBar(this, progressInfo); // Add records using VRO_TestSuite // try { // Create VRO test suite that will be used to add records to existing databse // VRO_TestSuite.StringWriter sb = new VRO_TestSuite.StringWriter(); VRO_TestSuite.TestClient_VRO test = new VRO_TestSuite.TestClient_VRO(sb); test.VideoStore = this.VideoStore; // Add records and maintain progress bar every 5th added record // for (int i = 1; i <= extraRecords; ++i) { if (i % 5 == 4) { progress.Value = i; progress.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); // increase responsiveness } try { test.AddTestRecords(); } catch { // Ignore any database violations as we try to insert random data } } this.InfoMessage = "Database now contains " + VideoStore.TotalRecordsCount + " records"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } progress.Quit(); #if TEXTUI if (MdiClient.ActiveChild != null) { MdiClient.Focus(); } #endif }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region [ Initialize Test Database and Add Test Records to Database Methods ] /// <summary> /// Initializes sample database using VRO_TestSuite (from ID132V Lab3a). /// </summary> /// private void InitializeTestDatabase() { DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show( "You are about to delete all current data!\n\nAre you sure?", "Initialize Sample Database", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (answer != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } UnloadAllMdiChildForms(); // Create progress bar // MyProgressBar progress = new MyProgressBar(this, "Initializing database..."); progress.Minimum = 0; progress.Maximum = 100; string report = null; try { VRO_TestSuite.StringWriter sb = new VRO_TestSuite.StringWriter(); VRO_TestSuite.TestClient_VRO test = new VRO_TestSuite.TestClient_VRO(sb); sb.WriteLine(); sb.WriteLine("Initializing Sample Database..."); test.CreateSampleDatabase(); progress.Value = 100; progress.Refresh(); report = sb.ToString(); if (test.VideoStore != null) { VideoStore = test.VideoStore; VideoStore.Changed += VideoStore_Changed; UpdateTitle(); } } catch (Exception ex) { report = ex.ToString(); } progress.Quit(); try { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("VRO-test.txt", report); report += "Report saved to to 'VRO-Test.txt'"; } catch {} ShowReport("Video Rental Outlet - Test Suite Report", report); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Serializes database to file. /// </summary> /// private void SaveDatabase(string filename, string caption, bool silent = false) { // Create progress bar string progressInfo = "Saving database to '" + filename + "'..."; // Create progress bar // MyProgressBar progress = new MyProgressBar(this, progressInfo); Exception lastException = null; bool succeded = false; string elapsedTime = string.Empty; // Serialize database using our file stream with progress info. // try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); long fileLength = fileInfo.Exists ? fileInfo.Length : 0; // Anticipate file length based on records count (if file length is 0 // or there was significant increase in database) // fileLength = Math.Max(VideoStore.TotalRecordsCount * 160, fileLength); using (FileStreamWithProgressBar fs = new FileStreamWithProgressBar( filename, FileMode.Create, progress, fileLength) ) { VideoStore.Serialize(fs); succeded = true; fs.StopTimer(); elapsedTime = " in " + fs.VerboseElapsedTime; } } catch (Exception ex) { lastException = ex; } progress.Quit(); // Report status // if (succeded) { string info = VideoStore.TotalRecordsCount.ToString() + " records saved to '" + filename + "'" + elapsedTime; if (silent) { this.InfoMessage = info; } else { MessageBox.Show( info + "\n\n\n" + VideoStore.StatisticsInfo(info.Length) + "\n", caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else if (lastException != null) { MessageBox.Show( "There was an error while saving database.\n\n" + "Filename: " + filename + "\n\n" + "System Message:\n" + lastException.Message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } }
/// <summary> /// Wait for the DUT measured voltage to drop at or below threshold specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="MeasurementType">Type of measurement to configure power supply for (Expect DC Voltage)</param> /// <param name="Value">Measured voltage value required to be considered done.</param> /// <param name="TimeOut">Timeout specified in milliseconds.</param> /// <param name="DataOut">If requesting a measurement, measured value will be stored here.</param> /// <param name="ErrorResponse">Error reponse of instrument. (+0,"No error") is a normal response with no error</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool MeasurementDischarge(CONFigureSubsystem_e MeasurementType, double Value, int TimeOut, out string DataOut, out string ErrorResponse) { DataOut = ErrorResponse = null; double measurement =0; MyProgressBar ProgressBar = new MyProgressBar(); Add(MeasurementType, MEASurementRange_e.DC100V, MEASurementResolution_e.DC100mV); SendCommand(out DataOut, out ErrorResponse); SetTimerInterval(TimeOut); ProgressBar.SetProgressMax(522); ProgressBar.SetLabelText("UUT Discharge Progress"); ProgressBar.UpdateProgress(519); ProgressBar.Show(); ProgressBar.Update(); while (bTimeoutFlag != true) { Add(RootCommands_e.Read); SendCommand(out DataOut, out ErrorResponse); measurement = Convert.ToDouble(DataOut); ProgressBar.UpdateProgress(Convert.ToInt16(measurement * 100)); ProgressBar.SetLabelText("UUT Discharge Progress, Voltage: " + String.Format("{0:0.00} VDC", measurement)); if (measurement < Value) break; myWaitHandle.WaitOne(30); } ProgressBar.Close(); tmr1.Stop(); if (bTimeoutFlag == true) { //Timed out return false; } else { //Success return true; } }
/// <summary> /// Waits for the DUT measured voltage to reach the threshold specified. Uses a progress bar for visual display. /// </summary> /// <param name="MeasurementType">Type of measurement to configure power supply for (Expect DC Voltage)</param> /// <param name="Value">Measured voltage value required to be considered done.</param> /// <param name="TimeOut">Timeout specified in milliseconds.</param> /// <param name="DataOut">If requesting a measurement, measured value will be stored here.</param> /// <param name="ErrorResponse">Error reponse of instrument. (+0,"No error") is a normal response with no error</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool MeasurementCharge(CONFigureSubsystem_e MeasurementType, double Value, int TimeOut, out string DataOut, out string ErrorResponse) { DataOut = ErrorResponse = null; double PreviousMeasurement = 0; MyProgressBar ProgressBar = new MyProgressBar(); bool ProgressFlag = false; Add(MeasurementType, MEASurementRange_e.DC10V, MEASurementResolution_e.DC100mV); SendCommand(out DataOut, out ErrorResponse); SetTimerInterval(TimeOut); ProgressBar.SetProgressMax(522); ProgressBar.SetLabelText("UUT Charging Progress"); ProgressBar.Show(); double measurement = 0; ProgressBar.Update(); while (bTimeoutFlag != true) { Add(RootCommands_e.Read); SendCommand(out DataOut, out ErrorResponse); measurement = Convert.ToDouble(DataOut); ProgressBar.UpdateProgress(Convert.ToInt16(measurement * 100)); ProgressBar.SetLabelText("UUT Charging Progress, Voltage: " + String.Format("{0:0.00} VDC",measurement)); if (measurement > Value) break; if (measurement > 4.5) ProgressFlag = true; if (ProgressFlag == false) { if (measurement <= (PreviousMeasurement - 0.1)) { ProgressBar.Close(); ErrorResponse = "PFM Circuit not charging, Current Measurement: " + measurement.ToString() + " Previous measurement: " + PreviousMeasurement.ToString() ; return false; } } PreviousMeasurement = measurement; myWaitHandle.WaitOne(50); } tmr1.Stop(); ProgressBar.Close(); if (bTimeoutFlag == true) { //Timed out ErrorResponse = "Timed Out, PFM Voltage measures: " + measurement.ToString(); return false; } else { //Success return true; } }
public GoNoGoStatusMainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "First Evidence GoNoGo System Monitor, version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); m_AppData = new APPLICATION_DATA(); m_Log = new ErrorLog(m_AppData); m_AppData.Logger =(object) m_Log; LPROCR_Lib LPRlib = new LPROCR_Lib(); // get plate min max to draw the min/max target boxes for the user to see LPRlib.GetMinMaxPlateSize(ref minW, ref maxW, ref minH, ref maxH); // fudge the min box size so the user will make the plate bigger minH += 20; minW += 40; m_ReceiveDataSingleton = new object(); jpegQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<JPEG>(30); m_PreviousPlateNumber = new string[4]; m_UneditedImages = new UNEDITEDIMAGES[4]; m_UneditedImages[0] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_UneditedImages[1] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_UneditedImages[2] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_UneditedImages[3] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_SystemStatusLock = new object(); m_SystemStatus = new SYSTEM_STATUS_STRINGS(); m_FullScreenPB = new bool[4]; m_FullScreenPB[0] = false; m_FullScreenPB[1] = false; m_FullScreenPB[2] = false; m_FullScreenPB[3] = false; this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(GoNoGoStatusMainForm_FormClosing); this.Resize +=new EventHandler(GoNoGoStatusMainForm_Resize); m_ServerConnection = new RCSClient( m_AppData); m_PollingThread = new Thread(PollingLoop); m_ServerConnection.MessageEventGenerators.OnRxChannelList += OnReceiveChannels; m_ServerConnection.MessageEventGenerators.OnRxJpeg += OnNewJpeg; m_ServerConnection.MessageEventGenerators.OnRxHealthStatus += OnRxStats; pb_ClickGenericHandler = new pb_ClickDelegate[4]; pb_ClickGenericHandler[0] = pb_Click0; pb_ClickGenericHandler[1] = pb_Click1; pb_ClickGenericHandler[2] = pb_Click2; pb_ClickGenericHandler[3] = pb_Click3; m_JpegPlayControl = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL[4]; m_JpegPlayControl[0] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); m_JpegPlayControl[1] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); m_JpegPlayControl[2] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); m_JpegPlayControl[3] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel = new MyProgressBar(); progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel.Location = new Point(10, 40); progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel.Size = new Size(groupBoxPlateProcessQueLevel.Size.Width-20, 30); groupBoxPlateProcessQueLevel.Controls.Add(progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel); buttonSaveCurrentImage.Visible = false; buttonSaveCurrentImage.Enabled = false; m_PollingThread.Start(); }
private void InitializeViews() { //this.GestureRecognizers.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.TapGestureRecognizer //{ // NumberOfTapsRequired = 1, // Command = new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () => { await MyLogger.Alert("Tapped"); }) //}); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(0, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(4, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(4, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(50, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(50, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(25, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(5, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); { LBname = new MyLabel(""); LBname.SetBinding(MyLabel.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("LBname")); this.Children.Add(new MyScrollView(ScrollOrientation.Horizontal) { Content = LBname }, 1, 0); } { AIprogress = new MyActivityIndicator(); AIprogress.SetBinding(MyActivityIndicator.IsVisibleProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("AIvisible")); AIprogress.SetBinding(MyActivityIndicator.IsRunningProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("AIvisible")); this.Children.Add(AIprogress, 0, 1); MyGrid.SetColumnSpan(AIprogress, this.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 2); } { PBprogress = new MyProgressBar(); PBprogress.SetBinding(MyProgressBar.IsVisibleProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("PBvisible")); PBprogress.SetBinding(MyProgressBar.ProgressProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("Progress")); this.Children.Add(PBprogress, 0, 1); MyGrid.SetColumnSpan(PBprogress, this.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 2); } { LBstatus = new MyLabel(""); LBstatus.SetBinding(MyLabel.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("LBstatus")); this.Children.Add(LBstatus, 2, 0); } { LBspeed = new MyLabel("1.404 MB/s"); LBspeed.SetBinding(MyLabel.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("LBspeed")); this.Children.Add(LBspeed, 3, 0); } { BTNmessage = new MyButton(""); BTNmessage.SetBinding(MyButton.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNmessage")); BTNmessage.SetBinding(MyButton.IsEnabledProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNmessageEnabled")); BTNmessage.SetBinding(MyButton.CommandProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNmessageClicked")); this.Children.Add(BTNmessage, 4, 0); MyGrid.SetRowSpan(BTNmessage, 2); } { BTNcontrol = new MyButton(""); BTNcontrol.SetBinding(MyButton.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNcontrol")); BTNcontrol.SetBinding(MyButton.IsEnabledProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNcontrolEnabled")); BTNcontrol.SetBinding(MyButton.CommandProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNcontrolClicked")); this.Children.Add(BTNcontrol, 5, 0); MyGrid.SetRowSpan(BTNcontrol, 2); } }
public GoNoGoStatusMainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "First Evidence GoNoGo System Monitor, version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); m_AppData = new APPLICATION_DATA(); m_Log = new ErrorLog(m_AppData); m_AppData.Logger = (object)m_Log; LPROCR_Lib LPRlib = new LPROCR_Lib(); // get plate min max to draw the min/max target boxes for the user to see LPRlib.GetMinMaxPlateSize(ref minW, ref maxW, ref minH, ref maxH); // fudge the min box size so the user will make the plate bigger minH += 20; minW += 40; m_ReceiveDataSingleton = new object(); jpegQ = new ThreadSafeQueue <JPEG>(30); m_PreviousPlateNumber = new string[4]; m_UneditedImages = new UNEDITEDIMAGES[4]; m_UneditedImages[0] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_UneditedImages[1] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_UneditedImages[2] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_UneditedImages[3] = new UNEDITEDIMAGES(); m_SystemStatusLock = new object(); m_SystemStatus = new SYSTEM_STATUS_STRINGS(); m_FullScreenPB = new bool[4]; m_FullScreenPB[0] = false; m_FullScreenPB[1] = false; m_FullScreenPB[2] = false; m_FullScreenPB[3] = false; this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(GoNoGoStatusMainForm_FormClosing); this.Resize += new EventHandler(GoNoGoStatusMainForm_Resize); m_ServerConnection = new RCSClient(m_AppData); m_PollingThread = new Thread(PollingLoop); m_ServerConnection.MessageEventGenerators.OnRxChannelList += OnReceiveChannels; m_ServerConnection.MessageEventGenerators.OnRxJpeg += OnNewJpeg; m_ServerConnection.MessageEventGenerators.OnRxHealthStatus += OnRxStats; pb_ClickGenericHandler = new pb_ClickDelegate[4]; pb_ClickGenericHandler[0] = pb_Click0; pb_ClickGenericHandler[1] = pb_Click1; pb_ClickGenericHandler[2] = pb_Click2; pb_ClickGenericHandler[3] = pb_Click3; m_JpegPlayControl = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL[4]; m_JpegPlayControl[0] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); m_JpegPlayControl[1] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); m_JpegPlayControl[2] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); m_JpegPlayControl[3] = new JPEG_PLAY_CONTROL(); progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel = new MyProgressBar(); progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel.Location = new Point(10, 40); progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel.Size = new Size(groupBoxPlateProcessQueLevel.Size.Width - 20, 30); groupBoxPlateProcessQueLevel.Controls.Add(progressBarPlateProcessQueueLevel); buttonSaveCurrentImage.Visible = false; buttonSaveCurrentImage.Enabled = false; m_PollingThread.Start(); }
public bool CopyModelAndImage(MyProgressBar bar, IFeatureDataSet srcFds, IFeatureDataSet tarFds) { bool flag = true; int num = 1; try { tarFds.DataSource.StartEditing(); IResourceManager resourceManager = srcFds as IResourceManager; IResourceManager resourceManager2 = tarFds as IResourceManager; EnumResName modelNames = resourceManager.GetModelNames(); int modelCount = resourceManager.GetModelCount(); while (modelNames.MoveNext()) { if (num % 100 == 0 || num == modelCount) { lock (bar) { if (bar.CallbackCancel) { bar.labelTooltip.Text = StringParser.Parse("${res:View_Cancling}"); bool result = false; return(result); } } } string current = modelNames.Current; Gvitech.CityMaker.Resource.IModel model = resourceManager.GetModel(current); Gvitech.CityMaker.Resource.IModel simplifiedModel = resourceManager.GetSimplifiedModel(current); if (!resourceManager2.ModelExist(current)) { resourceManager2.AddModel(current, model, simplifiedModel); LoggingService.Debug(string.Format("Copy model:{0}", current)); } num++; } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(modelNames); EnumResName imageNames = resourceManager.GetImageNames(); num = 1; resourceManager.GetImageCount(); while (imageNames.MoveNext()) { if (num % 100 == 0 || num == modelCount) { lock (bar) { if (bar.CallbackCancel) { bar.labelTooltip.Text = StringParser.Parse("${res:View_Cancling}"); bool result = false; return(result); } } } string current2 = imageNames.Current; IImage image = resourceManager.GetImage(current2); if (image != null && !resourceManager2.ImageExist(current2)) { resourceManager2.AddImage(current2, image); LoggingService.Debug(string.Format("Copy model:{0}", current2)); } num++; } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(imageNames); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex) { flag = false; } catch (System.Exception ex2) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex2.Message); flag = false; } finally { tarFds.DataSource.StopEditing(flag); } return(flag); }
private async void Login(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool a = verificaInter(); bool testar = true; if (txtPassword.Text == null || txtUsername.Text == null) { if (txtPassword.Text == null && txtUsername.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Please enter the username and password", "Ok"); } else if (txtUsername.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Please enter the username or email", "Ok"); } else if (txtPassword.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Please enter the password", "Ok"); } a = false; testar = false; } if (a == true) { String auxilia = sha256_hash(txtPassword.Text); var res = await dataService.GetLogin(txtUsername.Text, auxilia); // DisplayAlert("Error3", "entrou " + txtUsername.Text, "Ok"); try { switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: //padding = 10; break; case Device.Android: //padding = 0; ble = CrossBluetoothLE.Current; adapter = CrossBluetoothLE.Current.Adapter; VerEstado(); break; case Device.UWP: //padding = 0; //DisplayAlert("OIOI","OLA N","ASD"); break; default: //DisplayAlert("DEF", "FED", "ASD"); break; } if (res == true) { String a1 = txtUsername.Text; if (a1.Contains("@") == true) { //DisplayAlert("Error", "entrou "+txtUsername.ToString(), "Ok"); try { MyProgressBar.IsVisible = true; Regis.IsEnabled = false; Log.IsEnabled = false; txtUsername.IsEnabled = false; txtPassword.IsEnabled = false; await MyProgressBar.ProgressTo(0.9, 500, Easing.SpringIn); if (flag == true) { await PCLHelper.CriarArquivo("User.txt"); } await PCLHelper.WriteTextAllAsync("User.txt", a1); await Navigation.PushAsync(new Historico(a1)); txtPassword.Text = ""; } finally { Regis.IsEnabled = true; Log.IsEnabled = true; txtUsername.IsEnabled = true; txtPassword.IsEnabled = true; MyProgressBar.IsVisible = false; MyProgressBar.Progress = 0; } } else { Utilizador auxiliar = await dataService.GetUtilizadorByusernameAsync(a1); try { MyProgressBar.IsVisible = true; Regis.IsEnabled = false; Log.IsEnabled = false; await MyProgressBar.ProgressTo(0.9, 500, Easing.SpringIn); if (flag == true) { await PCLHelper.CriarArquivo("User.txt"); } await PCLHelper.WriteTextAllAsync("User.txt",; await Navigation.PushAsync(new Historico(; txtPassword.Text = ""; } finally { Regis.IsEnabled = true; Log.IsEnabled = true; MyProgressBar.IsVisible = false; MyProgressBar.Progress = 0; } } } else { await DisplayAlert("Error", "User or Password Wrong", "Ok"); } } catch (Exception ex) { //DisplayAlert("Error2", "User or Password Wrong", "Ok"); //Debug.WriteLine("Answer: " + ex); // DisplayAlert("Alert", "User or password wrong", "Ok"); } } else { if (testar == true) { DisplayAlert("Internet", "Connect your device to the internet", "OK"); } } }