public MyRepairBlueprintToProduce(MyFixedPoint amount, MyBlueprintDefinitionBase blueprint, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId) : base(amount, blueprint)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Blueprint is MyRepairBlueprintDefinition, "MyRepairBlueprintToProduce class should be used together with blueprints type of MyRepairBlueprintDefinition only!");
     InventoryItemId = inventoryItemId;
     InventoryItemType = inventoryItemType;
     InventoryItemSubtypeId = inventoryItemSubtypeId;
예제 #2
        public void Load(MyCubeSize cubeSize, MyObjectBuilderType typeId, string subTypeId)
            var list = new SortedList<string, ComponentItemModel>();
            var contentPath = ToolboxUpdater.GetApplicationContentPath();
            var cubeDefinitions = SpaceEngineersCore.Resources.CubeBlockDefinitions.Where(c => c.CubeSize == cubeSize);

            foreach (var cubeDefinition in cubeDefinitions)
                var c = new ComponentItemModel
                    Name = cubeDefinition.DisplayNameText,
                    TypeId = cubeDefinition.Id.TypeId,
                    TypeIdString = cubeDefinition.Id.TypeId.ToString(),
                    SubtypeId = cubeDefinition.Id.SubtypeName,
                    TextureFile = (cubeDefinition.Icons == null || cubeDefinition.Icons.First() == null) ? null : SpaceEngineersCore.GetDataPathOrDefault(cubeDefinition.Icons.First(), Path.Combine(contentPath, cubeDefinition.Icons.First())),
                    Time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cubeDefinition.MaxIntegrity / cubeDefinition.IntegrityPointsPerSec),
                    Accessible = cubeDefinition.Public,
                    Mass = SpaceEngineersApi.FetchCubeBlockMass(cubeDefinition.Id.TypeId, cubeDefinition.CubeSize, cubeDefinition.Id.SubtypeName),
                    CubeSize = cubeDefinition.CubeSize,
                    Size = new BindableSize3DIModel(cubeDefinition.Size),

                list.Add(c.FriendlyName + c.TypeIdString + c.SubtypeId, c);

            foreach (var kvp in list)

            CubeItem = CubeList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TypeId == typeId && c.SubtypeId == subTypeId);
        protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)

            var ob = builder as MyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentItemsDefinition;
            MyDebug.AssertDebug(ob != null);

            m_itemDefinitions = new HashSet<MyStringHash>(MyStringHash.Comparer);
            m_definitionList = new List<MyStringHash>();

            System.Type classType = builder.Id.TypeId;
            var attribs = classType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyEnvironmentItemsAttribute), inherit: false);
            Debug.Assert(attribs.Length <= 1, "Environment item class can only have one EnvironmentItemDefinition attribute!");
            if (attribs.Length == 1)
                var attrib = attribs[0] as MyEnvironmentItemsAttribute;
                m_itemDefinitionType = attrib.ItemDefinitionType;
                m_itemDefinitionType = typeof(MyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentItemDefinition);

            Channel = ob.Channel;
            MaxViewDistance = ob.MaxViewDistance;
            SectorSize = ob.SectorSize;
            ItemSize = ob.ItemSize;
            Material = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(ob.PhysicalMaterial);
 public virtual bool CanStack(MyObjectBuilderType typeId, MyStringId subtypeId, MyItemFlags flags)
     if (flags == Flags &&
         typeId == TypeId &&
         subtypeId == SubtypeId)
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #5
 static SpaceEngineersTypes()
     AmmoMagazine = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine));
     PhysicalGunObject = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject));
     OxygenContainerObject = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_OxygenContainerObject));
     Ore = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore));
     Ingot = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot));
     Component = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Component));
     VoxelMaterialDefinition = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_VoxelMaterialDefinition));
     MedicalRoom = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom));
     Cockpit = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit));
     Thrust = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Thrust));
        public MySessionComponentBase()
            var type = GetType();
            var attr = (MySessionComponentDescriptor)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(MySessionComponentDescriptor), false);

            DebugName = type.Name;
            Priority = attr.Priority;
            UpdateOrder = attr.UpdateOrder;
            ObjectBuilderType = attr.ObjectBuilderType;

            if (ObjectBuilderType != MyObjectBuilderType.Invalid)
                MySessionComponentMapping.Map(GetType(), ObjectBuilderType);
        public MySessionComponentDescriptor(MyUpdateOrder updateOrder, int priority, Type obType)
            UpdateOrder = updateOrder;
            Priority = priority;
            ObjectBuilderType = obType;

            if (obType != null)
                Debug.Assert(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent).IsAssignableFrom(obType), obType.FullName);

                if (!typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent).IsAssignableFrom(obType))
                    ObjectBuilderType = MyObjectBuilderType.Invalid;
        public static MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock Upgrade(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cubeBlock, MyObjectBuilderType newType, string newSubType)
            var upgraded = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(newType, newSubType) as MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock;
            if (upgraded == null)
                Debug.Fail("Cannot upgrade cube block, upgraded block is not derived from " + typeof(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock).Name);
                return null;

            upgraded.EntityId = cubeBlock.EntityId;
            upgraded.Min = cubeBlock.Min;
            upgraded.m_orientation = cubeBlock.m_orientation;
            upgraded.IntegrityPercent = cubeBlock.IntegrityPercent;
            upgraded.BuildPercent = cubeBlock.BuildPercent;
            upgraded.BlockOrientation = cubeBlock.BlockOrientation;
            upgraded.ConstructionInventory = cubeBlock.ConstructionInventory;
            upgraded.ColorMaskHSV = cubeBlock.ColorMaskHSV;

            return upgraded;
        public static bool Map(Type type, MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType)
            Debug.Assert(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MySessionComponentBase)), "Type is not derived from session component");
            Debug.Assert(!m_objectBuilderTypeByType.ContainsKey(type), "Session component type is already mapped");
            Debug.Assert(!m_typeByObjectBuilderType.ContainsKey(objectBuilderType), "Session object builder is already mapped");

            if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MySessionComponentBase)))
                return false;

            if (!m_objectBuilderTypeByType.ContainsKey(type))
                m_objectBuilderTypeByType.Add(type, objectBuilderType);
                return false;

            if (!m_typeByObjectBuilderType.ContainsKey(objectBuilderType))
                m_typeByObjectBuilderType.Add(objectBuilderType, type);
                return false;

            return true;
        private void RepairInventoryItem(uint itemId, MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType, MyStringHash subtypeId, float amount)
            var inventory = (Entity as MyEntity).GetInventory();

            if (inventory == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Inventory was not found on the entity while trying to repair item in it!");

            var item = inventory.GetItemByID(itemId);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(item != null, "Item being repaired wasn't found by its Id in inventory");

            if (item.HasValue && item.Value.Content != null && item.Value.Content.TypeId == objectBuilderType && item.Value.Content.SubtypeId == subtypeId)
                float itemHP = item.Value.Content != null && item.Value.Content.DurabilityHP.HasValue ? item.Value.Content.DurabilityHP.Value : 0;

                itemHP += amount;
                itemHP = MathHelper.Clamp(itemHP, 0f, 100f);
                inventory.UpdateItem(item.GetDefinitionId(), itemId, null, itemHP);
예제 #11
 public static Type TryGetCreatedInstanceType(MyObjectBuilderType type)
     return m_objectFactory.TryGetProducedType(type);
 public static Type GetProducedType(MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType)
     return m_objectFactory.GetProducedType(objectBuilderType);
예제 #13
 public static bool PullAllRequest(IMyConveyorEndpointBlock start, MyInventory destinationInventory, long playerId, MyObjectBuilderType? typeId = null)
     bool ret = ItemPullAll(start, destinationInventory);
     return ret;
        public static HashSet <IMyTerminalBlock> GetGroupedBlocks(this IMyFunctionalBlock reference, MyObjectBuilderType objtype, string subtype = null)
            var blocks = new HashSet <IMyTerminalBlock>();

            if (MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper == null)

            var terminal = MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetTerminalSystemForGrid(reference.CubeGrid as IMyCubeGrid);

            if (terminal == null)   // This will get hit when leaving the world
            var groups        = new List <IMyBlockGroup>();
            var blocksInGroup = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();


            // Scan each group, looking for the FTL
            foreach (var group in groups)
                if (blocksInGroup.Contains(reference))
                    // We found one, grab the blocks we want
                    foreach (var block in blocksInGroup)
                        // Make sure the blocks match the type we're looking for
                        if (block.BlockDefinition.TypeId == objtype &&
                            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtype) ||
                            blocks.Add(block as IMyTerminalBlock);
예제 #15
 public static MyDefinitionBase GetDefinition(this MyDefinitionManager definitionManager, MyObjectBuilderType typeId, string subTypeId)
     return definitionManager.GetAllDefinitions().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id.TypeId == typeId && e.Id.SubtypeName == subTypeId);
 public SerializableDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderType typeId, string subtypeName)
     TypeId = typeId;
     SubtypeName = subtypeName;
예제 #17
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Price List Request for from '{0}'", SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");

            List <MarketStruct> markets;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FindMarket))
                var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromName(FindMarket);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");

            // TODO: combine multiple markets to list best Buy and Sell prices that isn't blacklisted.

            var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (market == null) //hmmm looks like market name parameter checking was started but never done
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "That market does not exist.");
                return;  //as I understand it this would only trigger if no markets are defined?
                //in which case should it read no markets exist?  but in that case
                // wont the count check above halt execution before this if statement???
                // remove these comments once read :)

            string reply = null;

                                                  // Background processing occurs within this block.
                    bool showAll = !ShowOre && !ShowIngot && !ShowComponent && !ShowAmmo && !ShowTools && !ShowGasses;

                    var orderedList = new Dictionary <MarketItemStruct, string>();
                    foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                        if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                        MyObjectBuilderType result;
                        if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                            var id      = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                            var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                            // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                            if (showAll ||
                                (ShowOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                                (ShowIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                                (ShowComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                                (ShowAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                                (ShowTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||   // guns, welders, hand drills, grinders.
                                (ShowGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject) || // aka gas bottle.
                                (ShowGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))
                            // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(marketItem.TypeId, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                                var name       = definition == null ? marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName();
                                orderedList.Add(marketItem, name);

                    orderedList = orderedList.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                    var str = new SeTextBuilder();
                    str.AppendLine("Market: {0}\r\n", market.DisplayName);
                    str.AddLeftTrim(550, "Item");
                    str.AddRightText(650, "Buy at");
                    str.AddRightText(850, "Sell at");

                    foreach (var kvp in orderedList)
                        decimal showBuy  = kvp.Key.BuyPrice;
                        decimal showSell = kvp.Key.SellPrice;
                        if ((EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling) && (market.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId))
                            showBuy  = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.BuyPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                            showSell = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.SellPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell);
                        // TODO: formatting of numbers, and currency name.
                        str.AddLeftTrim(550, kvp.Value);
                        str.AddRightText(650, showBuy.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        str.AddRightText(850, showSell.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                    reply = str.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
            }, delegate()
                                                  // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.
                if (reply != null)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", " ", reply);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
예제 #18
 public MyDefinitionId(MyRuntimeObjectBuilderId type, MyStringHash subtypeId)
     TypeId    = (MyObjectBuilderType)type;
     SubtypeId = subtypeId;
예제 #19
 public static Type GetProducedType(MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType) =>
예제 #20
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            // Only Admin can change Npc Market prices.
            if (!player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player without Admin \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set Default Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // Only Player can change their own Market prices.
            if (SenderSteamId != MarketId && MarketId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set another Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // TODO: do we check range to market?

            MyPhysicalItemDefinition definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType      result;

            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetPhysicalItemDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
                if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                    if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity of that item.");
                    //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

                if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Invalid quantity spectified");

            // Find the specified market.
            var market = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MarketId == MarketId);

            if (market == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");

            var marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);

            if (marketItem == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the items you are trying to set doesn't have a market entry!");
                // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

            MarketItemStruct configItem = null;

            if (player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                configItem = EconomyScript.Instance.Config.DefaultPrices.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendFormat("You just set '{0}'", definition.GetDisplayName());

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                marketItem.Quantity = ItemQuantity;
                msg.AppendFormat(", stock on hand to {0} units", ItemQuantity);

            // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.BuyPrice))
                if (ItemBuyPrice >= 0)
                    marketItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                    msg.AppendFormat(", buy price to {0}", ItemBuyPrice);

                    if (configItem != null)
                        configItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("; config updated.");
                    msg.AppendFormat(", could not set buy price to less than 0.");

            // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.SellPrice))
                if (ItemSellPrice >= 0)
                    marketItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                    msg.AppendFormat(", sell price to {0}", ItemSellPrice);

                    if (configItem != null)
                        configItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("; config updated.");
                    msg.AppendFormat(", could not set sell price to less than 0.");

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Blacklisted))
                marketItem.IsBlacklisted = !marketItem.IsBlacklisted;
                msg.AppendFormat(", blacklist to {0}", marketItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");

                if (configItem != null)
                    configItem.IsBlacklisted = marketItem.IsBlacklisted;
                    msg.AppendFormat("; config updated.");

            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", msg.ToString());
예제 #21
        public static void ProcessLcdBlock(IMyTextPanel textPanel)

            var writer = TextPanelWriter.Create(textPanel);

            // Use the update interval on the LCD Panel to determine how often the display is updated.
            // It can only go as fast as the timer calling this code is.
            float interval;

                interval = Math.Max((float)EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval, textPanel.GetValueFloat("ChangeIntervalSlider"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // The game may generate an exception from the GetValueFloat(GetValue) call.
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteException(ex, UpdateCrashMessage);
                EconomyScript.Instance.ClientLogger.WriteException(ex, UpdateCrashMessage);
                // We can't safely ignore this one if it doesn't work, because this can affect the display timing.
            if (writer.LastUpdate > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-interval))

            var       checkArray    = textPanel.GetPublicTitle().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var       showAll       = false;
            bool      showOre       = false;
            bool      showIngot     = false;
            bool      showComponent = false;
            bool      showAmmo      = false;
            bool      showTools     = false;
            bool      showGasses    = false;
            bool      showStock     = false;
            bool      showPrices    = true;
            bool      showTest1     = false;
            bool      showTest2     = false;
            StartFrom startFrom     = StartFrom.None; //if # is specified eg #20  then run the start line logic
            int       startLine     = 0;              //this is where our start line placeholder sits
            int       pageNo        = 1;

            // removed Linq, to reduce the looping through the array. This should only have to do one loop through all items in the array.
            foreach (var str in checkArray)
                if (str.Equals("stock", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showStock = true;
                if (str.Contains("#"))
                    string[] lineNo = str.Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (lineNo.Length != 0 && int.TryParse(lineNo[0], out startLine))
                        //this only runs if they put a number in
                        startFrom = StartFrom.Line;
                if (str.StartsWith("P", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (int.TryParse(str.Substring(1), out pageNo))
                        startFrom = StartFrom.Page;
                if (str.Equals("*", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    showAll = true;
                if (!showAll)
                    if (str.Equals("test1", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest1 = true;
                    else if (str.Equals("test2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTest2 = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showOre = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ingot", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showIngot = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("component", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showComponent = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("ammo", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showAmmo = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("tool", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showTools = true;
                    else if (str.StartsWith("gas", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        showGasses = true;

            bool showHelp = !showAll && !showOre && !showIngot && !showComponent && !showAmmo && !showTools && !showGasses;

            showPrices = !showStock || writer.IsWide;

            if (showTest1)
            if (showTest2)

            if (showHelp)
                writer.AddPublicLine("Please add a tag to the private or public title.");
                writer.AddPublicLine("ie., * ingot ore component ammo tools.");

            var buyColumn   = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
            var sellColumn  = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;
            var stockColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            if (showPrices && showStock)
                buyColumn   = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 280;
                sellColumn  = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 180;
                stockColumn = TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth - 0;

            // This might be a costly operation to run.
            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(textPanel.WorldMatrix.Translation);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« {0} »", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName);
                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, "« No market in range »");
                // TODO: not sure if we should display all markets, the cheapest market item, or the closet market.
                // LOGIC summary: it needs to show the cheapest in stock(in range) sell(to player) price, and the highest (in range) has funds buy(from player) price
                // but this logic depends on the buy/sell commands defaulting to the same buy/sell rules as above.
                // where buy /sell commands run out of funds or supply in a given market and need to pull from the next market
                //it will either have to stop at each price change and notify the player, and/or prompt to keep transacting at each new price, or blindly keep buying until the
                //order is filled, the market runs out of stock, or the money runs out. Blindly is probably not optimal unless we are using stockmarket logic (buy orders/offers)
                //so the prompt option is the safer
                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

                // Build a list of the items, so we can get the name so we can the sort the items by name.
                var list = new Dictionary <MarketItemStruct, string>();

                writer.AddPublicCenterLine(TextPanelWriter.LcdLineWidth / 2f, market.DisplayName);

                if (startFrom == StartFrom.Page)
                    // convert the page to lines required.
                    if (pageNo < 1)
                        pageNo = 1;
                    startLine = ((writer.DisplayLines - 2) * (pageNo - 1));
                    startFrom = StartFrom.Line;

                string fromLine = " (From item #" + startLine + ".)";
                writer.AddPublicText("« Market List");
                if (startLine >= 1)
                    startLine = 1; // needed for truncating end line.
                if (showPrices && showStock)
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, "Sell");
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(stockColumn, "Stock »");
                else if (showStock)
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(stockColumn, "Stock »");
                else if (showPrices)
                    writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, "Buy");
                    writer.AddPublicRightLine(sellColumn, "Sell »");

                foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                    if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                    MyObjectBuilderType result;
                    if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                        var id      = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                        var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                        //if (((Type)id.TypeId).IsSubclassOf(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject))) // TODO: Not valid call yet.

                        // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                        if (showAll ||
                            (showOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                            (showIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                            (showComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                            (showAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                            (showTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||   // guns, welders, hand drills, grinders.
                            (showGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject) || // aka gas bottle.
                            (showGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))        // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                            MyDefinitionBase definition;
                            if (MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition))
                                list.Add(marketItem, definition == null ? marketItem.TypeId + "/" + marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName());
                int line = 0;
                foreach (var kvp in list.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                    if (startFrom == StartFrom.Line && line < startLine) //if we have a start line specified skip all lines up to that
                    if (startFrom == StartFrom.Line && line - startLine >= writer.WholeDisplayLines - 2) // counts 2 lines of headers.
                        break;                                                                           // truncate the display and don't display the text on the bottom edge of the display.
                    writer.AddPublicLeftTrim(buyColumn - 120, kvp.Value);

                    decimal showBuy  = kvp.Key.BuyPrice;
                    decimal showSell = kvp.Key.SellPrice;
                    if ((EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling) && (market.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId))
                        showBuy  = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.BuyPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                        showSell = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.SellPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell);

                    if (showPrices && showStock)
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, showBuy.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, showSell.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));

                        // TODO: components and tools should be displayed as whole numbers. Will be hard to align with other values.
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(stockColumn, kvp.Key.Quantity.ToString("\t0.0000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture)); // TODO: recheck number of decimal places.
                    else if (showStock)                                                                                             //does this ever actually run? seems to already be in the above?
                        // TODO: components and tools should be displayed as whole numbers. Will be hard to align with other values.

                        writer.AddPublicRightText(stockColumn, kvp.Key.Quantity.ToString("\t0.0000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture)); // TODO: recheck number of decimal places.
                    else if (showPrices)
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(buyColumn, showBuy.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        writer.AddPublicRightText(sellColumn, showSell.ToString("\t0.000", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));

예제 #22
 public static void RegisterFromAssembly(Assembly assembly)
        public static IMyTerminalBlock GetShipController(this IMyFunctionalBlock ftl, string tag = "FTL")
            IMyTerminalBlock reference = null;
            var cockpitObjectBuilder   = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit));
            var rcObjectBuilder        = new MyObjectBuilderType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_RemoteControl));

            var cockpitlist = ftl.GetGroupedBlocks(cockpitObjectBuilder);
            var rclist      = ftl.GetGroupedBlocks(rcObjectBuilder);


            if (cockpitlist.Count != 0)
                // If it's grouped, just find the first non-passenger seat one
                foreach (var cockpit in cockpitlist)
                    var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(cockpit.BlockDefinition);

                    if (definition != null && definition is MyShipControllerDefinition && (definition as MyShipControllerDefinition).EnableShipControl)
                        //if (Globals.Debug)
                        //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Found grouped cockpit: " + cockpit.CustomName, 5000);

                        reference = cockpit;

                        // If this is a main cockpit, stop searching for any others and use this one
                        if (((cockpit as IMyCubeBlock).GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock() as MyObjectBuilder_ShipController).IsMainCockpit)
                return(reference);       // If there were any grouped cockpits, never continue looking

            var blocks       = new List <IMySlimBlock>();
            var filterBlocks = new HashSet <IMySlimBlock>();

            // Get a list of cockpit/remote control blocks
            // Might not work with modded cockpits
            (ftl.CubeGrid as IMyCubeGrid).GetBlocks(blocks,
                                                    (x) => x.FatBlock != null &&
                                                    (x.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == cockpitObjectBuilder ||
                                                     x.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == rcObjectBuilder

            // Loop through and filter by non-passenger
            foreach (var block in blocks)
                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition);

                if (definition != null && definition is MyShipControllerDefinition && (definition as MyShipControllerDefinition).EnableShipControl)

            //if (Globals.Debug)
            //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Cockpit count: " + filterBlocks.Count);

            if (filterBlocks.Count == 1)
                //if (Globals.Debug)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Found one cockpit: " + filterBlocks[0].FatBlock.DisplayNameText);
                // If we only found one cockpit, use that
                reference = filterBlocks.FirstElement().FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock;
            else if (filterBlocks.Count > 1)
                foreach (var block in filterBlocks)
                    if (block.FatBlock.DisplayNameText.Contains(tag))
                        if (Globals.Debug)
                            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Found named cockpit: " + block.FatBlock.DisplayNameText);
                        reference = block.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock;
                    else if (((block.FatBlock as IMyCubeBlock).GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock() as MyObjectBuilder_ShipController).IsMainCockpit)
                        if (Globals.Debug)
                            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Found main control cockpit: " + block.FatBlock.DisplayNameText);
                        reference = block.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock;
                    else if (((block.FatBlock as IMyCubeBlock).GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock() as MyObjectBuilder_ShipController).ControlThrusters)
                        if (Globals.Debug)
                            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Found thruster control cockpit: " + block.FatBlock.DisplayNameText);
                        reference = block.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock;

        private void AddItemToRepair_Request(MyFixedPoint amount, SerializableDefinitionId blueprintId, long senderEntityId, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
            if (IsLocked && senderEntityId != m_lockedByEntityId)

            MyMultiplayer.RaiseEvent(this, x => x.AddItemToRepair_Implementation, amount, blueprintId, inventoryItemId, inventoryItemType, inventoryItemSubtypeId);
예제 #25
 public DefinitionIdBlit(MyObjectBuilderType type, MyStringHash subtypeId)
     TypeId    = (MyRuntimeObjectBuilderId)type;
     SubtypeId = subtypeId;
예제 #26
 public override bool CanStack(MyObjectBuilderType type, MyStringHash subtypeId, MyItemFlags flags)
     return(false); // weapons shouldn't stack
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// register a constructor Action for a block
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objBuildType">type of block to create for</param>
 /// <param name="constructor">construcor wrapped in an Action</param>
 private void RegisterForBlock(MyObjectBuilderType objBuildType, Action<IMyCubeBlock> constructor)
     //myLogger.debugLog("Registered for block: " + objBuildType, "RegisterForBlock()", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
예제 #28
 public MyDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderType type, MyStringHash subtypeId)
     TypeId    = type;
     SubtypeId = subtypeId;
예제 #29
 public MyDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderType type, string subtypeName) :
     this(type, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(subtypeName))
예제 #30
        public bool DoDamage(float damage, MyStringHash damageType, bool sync, long attackerId)
            if (base.MarkedForClose)
            if (sync)
                if (!Sync.IsServer)
                MySyncDamage.DoDamageSynced(this, damage, damageType, attackerId);
            MyDamageInformation information = new MyDamageInformation(false, damage, damageType, attackerId);

            if (this.UseDamageSystem)
                MyDamageSystem.Static.RaiseBeforeDamageApplied(this, ref information);
            MyObjectBuilderType typeId = this.Item.Content.TypeId;

            if ((typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore)) || (typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot)))
                if (this.Item.Amount >= 1)
                    if (Sync.IsServer)
                        MyFloatingObjects.RemoveFloatingObject(this, (MyFixedPoint)information.Amount);
                    MyParticleEffect effect;
                    if (MyParticlesManager.TryCreateParticleEffect("Smoke_Construction", base.WorldMatrix, out effect))
                        effect.UserScale = 0.4f;
                    if (Sync.IsServer)
                this.m_health -= 10f * information.Amount;
                if (this.UseDamageSystem)
                    MyDamageSystem.Static.RaiseAfterDamageApplied(this, information);
                if (this.m_health < 0f)
                    MyParticleEffect         effect2;
                    MyPhysicalItemDefinition definition2;
                    if (MyParticlesManager.TryCreateParticleEffect("Smoke_Construction", base.WorldMatrix, out effect2))
                        effect2.UserScale = 0.4f;
                    if (Sync.IsServer)
                    if ((this.Item.Content.SubtypeId == m_explosives) && Sync.IsServer)
                        BoundingSphere  sphere        = new BoundingSphere((Vector3)base.WorldMatrix.Translation, (((float)this.Item.Amount) * 0.01f) + 0.5f);
                        MyExplosionInfo explosionInfo = new MyExplosionInfo {
                            PlayerDamage                    = 0f,
                            Damage                          = 800f,
                            ExplosionType                   = MyExplosionTypeEnum.WARHEAD_EXPLOSION_15,
                            ExplosionSphere                 = sphere,
                            LifespanMiliseconds             = 700,
                            HitEntity                       = this,
                            ParticleScale                   = 1f,
                            OwnerEntity                     = this,
                            Direction                       = new Vector3?((Vector3)base.WorldMatrix.Forward),
                            VoxelExplosionCenter            = sphere.Center,
                            ExplosionFlags                  = MyExplosionFlags.APPLY_DEFORMATION | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_SHRAPNELS | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_DECALS | MyExplosionFlags.APPLY_FORCE_AND_DAMAGE | MyExplosionFlags.AFFECT_VOXELS | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_DEBRIS,
                            VoxelCutoutScale                = 0.5f,
                            PlaySound                       = true,
                            ApplyForceAndDamage             = true,
                            ObjectsRemoveDelayInMiliseconds = 40
                        if (this.Physics != null)
                            explosionInfo.Velocity = this.Physics.LinearVelocity;
                        MyExplosions.AddExplosion(ref explosionInfo, true);
                    if (MyFakes.ENABLE_SCRAP && Sync.IsServer)
                        if (this.Item.Content.SubtypeId == ScrapBuilder.SubtypeId)
                        if (this.Item.Content.GetId().TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Component))
                            MyComponentDefinition componentDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetComponentDefinition((this.Item.Content as MyObjectBuilder_Component).GetId());
                            if (MyRandom.Instance.NextFloat() < componentDefinition.DropProbability)
                                MyFloatingObjects.Spawn(new MyPhysicalInventoryItem(this.Item.Amount * 0.8f, ScrapBuilder, 1f), base.PositionComp.GetPosition(), base.WorldMatrix.Forward, base.WorldMatrix.Up, null, null);
                    if (((this.ItemDefinition != null) && ((this.ItemDefinition.DestroyedPieceId != null) && Sync.IsServer)) && MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetPhysicalItemDefinition(this.ItemDefinition.DestroyedPieceId.Value, out definition2))
                        MyFloatingObjects.Spawn(definition2, base.WorldMatrix.Translation, base.WorldMatrix.Forward, base.WorldMatrix.Up, this.ItemDefinition.DestroyedPieces, 1f);
                    if (this.UseDamageSystem)
                        MyDamageSystem.Static.RaiseDestroyed(this, information);
예제 #31
 public T CreateNewObject <T>(MyObjectBuilderType typeId, string subtypeId)
     where T : MyObjectBuilder_Base
     return((T)MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(typeId, subtypeId));
예제 #32
		protected Disruption(IMyCubeGrid grid, MyObjectBuilderType[] affects)
			m_logger = new Logger(GetType().Name, () => grid.DisplayName);
			m_cache = CubeGridCache.GetFor(grid);
			m_affects = affects;
예제 #33
 public MySessionComponentDescriptor(MyUpdateOrder updateOrder, int priority, Type type)
     UpdateOrder       = updateOrder;
     Priority          = priority;
     ObjectBuilderType = type;
예제 #34
 public MyDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderType type) :
     this(type, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(null))
 public static Type TryGetMappedSessionComponentType(MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType)
     Type output = null;
     m_typeByObjectBuilderType.TryGetValue(objectBuilderType, out output);
     return output;
예제 #36
 public static MyComponentBase CreateInstanceByTypeId(MyObjectBuilderType type)
 public MySessionComponentDescriptor(MyUpdateOrder updateOrder, int priority, Type type)
     UpdateOrder = updateOrder;
     Priority = priority;
     ObjectBuilderType = type;
예제 #38
 public static Type GetCreatedInstanceType(MyObjectBuilderType type)
예제 #39
 public void Set(MyObjectBuilderType? itemTypeId)
     m_obType = itemTypeId;
 public MyInventoryConstraint RemoveObjectBuilderType(MyObjectBuilderType type)
 private void VerifyInputItemType(MyObjectBuilderType inputType)
     foreach (var item in Prerequisites)
         MyDebug.AssertDebug(inputType == item.Id.TypeId, "Not all input objects are of same type. Is this on purpose?");
예제 #42
        public MyGlobalEventHandler(Type objectBuilderType, string subtypeName)
            MyObjectBuilderType type = objectBuilderType;

            EventDefinitionId = new MyDefinitionId(type, subtypeName);
예제 #43
 public static MyComponentBase CreateInstanceByTypeId(MyObjectBuilderType type)
     return m_objectFactory.CreateInstance(type);
예제 #44
        protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)

            var definitionBuilder = (builder as MyObjectBuilder_ContainerDefinition);

            Flags = definitionBuilder.Flags;

            if (definitionBuilder.DefaultComponents != null && definitionBuilder.DefaultComponents.Length > 0)
                if (DefaultComponents == null)
                    DefaultComponents = new List <DefaultComponent>();
                foreach (var component in definitionBuilder.DefaultComponents)
                    DefaultComponent defComponent = new DefaultComponent();

                        if (component.BuilderType != null)
                            MyObjectBuilderType obType;
                            obType = MyObjectBuilderType.Parse(component.BuilderType);
                            defComponent.BuilderType = obType;
                    catch (Exception)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail(String.Format("Can not parse defined component builder type {0} for container {1}", component.BuilderType.ToString(), Id.ToString()));
                        MyLog.Default.WriteLine(String.Format("Container definition error: can not parse defined component type {0} for container {1}", component, Id.ToString()));

                        if (component.InstanceType != null)
                            Type runtimeType = Type.GetType(component.InstanceType, true);
                            defComponent.InstanceType = runtimeType;
                    catch (Exception)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail(String.Format("Can not parse defined component instance type {0} for container {1}", component.InstanceType.ToString(), Id.ToString()));
                        MyLog.Default.WriteLine(String.Format("Container definition error: can not parse defined component type {0} for container {1}", component, Id.ToString()));

                    defComponent.ForceCreate = component.ForceCreate;

                    if (component.SubtypeId != null)
                        defComponent.SubtypeId = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(component.SubtypeId);

                    if (defComponent.IsValid())
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail(String.Format("Defined component {0} for container {1} is invalid, none builder type or instance type is defined! Skipping it.", component, Id.ToString()));
                        MyLog.Default.WriteLine(String.Format("Defined component {0} for container {1} is invalid, none builder type or instance type is defined! Skipping it.", component, Id.ToString()));
        private bool IsItemInInventory(uint itemId, MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType, MyStringHash subtypeId)
            var inventory = (Entity as MyEntity).GetInventory();

            if (inventory == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Inventory was not found on the entity while trying to repair item in it!");
                return false;

            var item = inventory.GetItemByID(itemId);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(item != null, "Item being repaired wasn't found by its Id in inventory");

            if (item.HasValue && item.Value.Content != null)
                return item.Value.Content.TypeId == objectBuilderType && item.Value.Content.SubtypeId == subtypeId;

            return false;
예제 #46
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            // Only Admin can change Npc Market prices.
            if (!player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player without Admin \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set Default Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // Only Player can change their own Market prices.
            if (SenderSteamId != MarketId && MarketId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set another Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // TODO: do we check range to market?

            MyDefinitionBase    definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType result;

            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
                if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                    if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity of that item.");
                    //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

                if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Invalid quantity specified");

            // Find the specified market.
            List <MarketStruct> markets;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MarketZone))
                var character = player.GetCharacter();

                if (character == null)
                    // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "There is no market at your location to set.");

                var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position).Where(m => m.MarketId == MarketId).ToList();
                markets = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.Where(m => m.MarketId == MarketId && (MarketZone == "*" || m.DisplayName.Equals(MarketZone, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToList();

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, you are not near any markets currently or the market does not exist!");

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendFormat("Applying changes to : '{0}' {1}/{2}\r\n\r\n", definition.GetDisplayName(), ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName);

            foreach (var market in markets)
                msg.AppendFormat("Market: '{0}'\r\n", market.DisplayName);

                var marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                if (marketItem == null)
                    msg.AppendLine("Sorry, the items you are trying to set doesn't have a market entry!");
                    // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                    marketItem.Quantity = ItemQuantity;
                    msg.AppendFormat("Stock on hand to {0} units", ItemQuantity);

                // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.BuyPrice))
                    if (ItemBuyPrice >= 0)
                        marketItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Buy price to {0}", ItemBuyPrice);
                        msg.AppendFormat("Could not set buy price to less than 0.");

                // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.SellPrice))
                    if (ItemSellPrice >= 0)
                        marketItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Sell price to {0}", ItemSellPrice);
                        msg.AppendFormat("Could not set sell price to less than 0.");

                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Blacklisted))
                    marketItem.IsBlacklisted = !marketItem.IsBlacklisted;
                    msg.AppendFormat("Blacklist to {0}", marketItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");

            #region update config for the item

            MarketItemStruct configItem = null;
            if (player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                configItem = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultPrices.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);

            if (configItem != null)
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.BuyPrice))
                    if (ItemBuyPrice >= 0)
                        configItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Config updated Buy price to {0}", ItemBuyPrice);

                // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.SellPrice))
                    if (ItemSellPrice >= 0)
                        configItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Config updated Sell price to {0}", ItemSellPrice);

                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Blacklisted))
                    configItem.IsBlacklisted = !configItem.IsBlacklisted;
                    msg.AppendFormat("Config updated Blacklist to {0}", configItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");

                    // If config blacklisted, then all markets should be updated.
                    if (configItem.IsBlacklisted)
                        int counter = 0;
                        foreach (var market in EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets)
                            var marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                            if (marketItem != null && !marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                                marketItem.IsBlacklisted = true;

                        msg.AppendFormat("Config updated {0} Markets to also Blacklist to {1}.", counter, configItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");


            MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", " ", msg.ToString());
 public void AddItemToRepair(MyFixedPoint amount, MyBlueprintDefinitionBase blueprint, long senderEntityId, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
     SerializableDefinitionId blueprintId = blueprint.Id;
     MyMultiplayer.RaiseEvent(this, x => x.AddItemToRepair_Request, amount, blueprintId, senderEntityId, inventoryItemId, inventoryItemType, inventoryItemSubtypeId);
예제 #48
 public static Type GetProducedType(MyObjectBuilderType objectBuilderType)
        private void AddItemToRepair_Implementation(MyFixedPoint amount, SerializableDefinitionId blueprintId, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(amount > 0, "Adding zero or negative amount!");

            MyBlueprintDefinitionBase blueprint = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetBlueprintDefinition(blueprintId);

            if (blueprint == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Couldn't find blueprint definition for: " + blueprintId);

            Predicate<MyBlueprintToProduce> condition = x => (x is MyRepairBlueprintToProduce) && 
                                                             (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).Blueprint == blueprint &&
                                                             (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemId == inventoryItemId &&
                                                             (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemType == inventoryItemType &&
                                                             (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemSubtypeId == inventoryItemSubtypeId;
            MyRepairBlueprintToProduce itemToProduce = m_itemsToProduce.Find(condition) as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce;
            if (itemToProduce != null)
                itemToProduce.Amount = itemToProduce.Amount + amount;
                itemToProduce = new MyRepairBlueprintToProduce(amount, blueprint, inventoryItemId, inventoryItemType, inventoryItemSubtypeId);

            var handler = ProductionChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, itemToProduce);
예제 #50
        public override void ProcessServer()
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);

            // Get player steam ID
            var buyingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            MyPhysicalItemDefinition definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType      result;

            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetPhysicalItemDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item doesn't exist.", SenderSteamId);

            // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
            if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity to buy that item.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- invalid qantity.", SenderSteamId);
                //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

            if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You must provide a valid quantity to buy.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- invalid qantity.", SenderSteamId);

            // Who are we buying to?
            BankAccountStruct accountToSell;

            if (BuyFromMerchant)
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId);
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(FromUserName);

            if (accountToSell == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, player does not exist or have an account!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no account.", SenderSteamId);

            if (MarketManager.IsItemBlacklistedOnServer(ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName))
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you tried to buy is blacklisted on this server.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

            // Get the player's inventory, regardless of if they are in a ship, or a remote control cube.
            var character = buyingPlayer.GetCharacter();

            // TODO: do players in Cryochambers count as a valid trading partner? They should be alive, but the connected player may be offline.
            // I think we'll have to do lower level checks to see if a physical player is Online.
            if (character == null)
                // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                // Either way, there is no inventory.
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- player is dead.", SenderSteamId);

            // TODO: is a null check adaqaute?, or do we need to check for IsDead?
            // I don't think the chat console is accessible during respawn, only immediately after death.
            // Is it valid to be able to trade when freshly dead?
            //var identity = buyingPlayer.Identity();
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("CHECK", "Is Dead: {0}", identity.IsDead);

            //if (identity.IsDead)
            //    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
            //    return;

            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            MarketItemStruct marketItem = null;

            if (BuyFromMerchant || UseBankSellPrice)
                var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                if (markets.Count == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market in range.", SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: find market with best Sell price that isn't blacklisted.

                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();
                if (market == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market found.", SenderSteamId);

                marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                if (marketItem == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the items you are trying to buy doesn't have a market entry!");
                    // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you tried to buy is blacklisted in this market.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item is blacklisted in market.", SenderSteamId);

                // Verify that the items are in the player inventory.
                // TODO: later check trade block, cockpit inventory, cockpit ship inventory, inventory of targeted cube.

                if (UseBankSellPrice)
                    // The player is buying, but the *Market* will *sell* it to the player at this price.
                    ItemPrice = marketItem.SellPrice;

            var accountToBuy      = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);
            var transactionAmount = ItemPrice * ItemQuantity;

            // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
            if (!buyingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

            // TODO: admin check on ability to afford it?
            //[maybe later, our pay and reset commands let us steal money from npc anyway best to keep admin abuse features to minimum]
            //[we could put an admin check on blacklist however, allow admins to spawn even blacklisted gear]
            if (accountToBuy.BankBalance < transactionAmount)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you cannot afford {0} {1}!", transactionAmount, EconomyScript.Instance.Config.CurrencyName);
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- not enough money.", SenderSteamId);

            if (BuyFromMerchant) // and supply is not exhausted, or unlimited mode is not on.
                                 //This is a quick fix, ideally it should do a partial buy of what is left and post a buy offer for remainder
                // here we look up item price and transfer items and money as appropriate
                if (marketItem.Quantity >= ItemQuantity || !EconomyScript.Instance.Config.LimitedSupply)
                    marketItem.Quantity -= ItemQuantity; // reduce Market content.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- adding to inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                    var remainingToCollect = MessageSell.AddToInventories(buyingPlayer, ItemQuantity, definition.Id);


                    accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                    accountToSell.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                    accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                    accountToBuy.Date         = DateTime.Now;
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You just purchased {1} '{2}' for {0} {3}", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.Config.CurrencyName);

                    if (remainingToCollect > 0)
                        MarketManager.CreateStockHeld(buyingPlayer.SteamUserId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, remainingToCollect, ItemPrice);
                        // TODO: there should be a common command to collect items. Not use /sell.
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "There are {0} remaining to collect. Use '/sell collect'", remainingToCollect);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy complete by Steam Id '{0}' -- items bought.", SenderSteamId);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "There isn't '{0}' of {1} available to purchase! Only {2} available to buy!", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), marketItem.Quantity);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- not enough stock.", SenderSteamId);

            else if (FindOnMarket)
                // TODO: Here we find the best offer on the zone market

                // is it a player then?
                if (accountToSell.SteamId == buyingPlayer.SteamUserId)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you cannot buy from yourself!");

                // check if selling player is online and in range?
                var payingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(accountToSell.SteamId);

                if (EconomyScript.Instance.Config.LimitedRange && !Support.RangeCheck(buyingPlayer, payingPlayer))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you are not in range of that player!");

                if (payingPlayer == null)
                    // TODO: other player offline.
                    // TODO: other player is online.

            // this is a fall through from the above conditions not yet complete.
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Not yet complete.");
 public MyRepairBlueprintToProduce TryGetItemToRepair(uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
     return m_itemsToProduce.Find(x =>
         (x is MyRepairBlueprintToProduce) &&
         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemId == inventoryItemId &&
         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemType == inventoryItemType &&
         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemSubtypeId == inventoryItemSubtypeId) as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce;
예제 #52
        public static MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock Upgrade(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cubeBlock, MyObjectBuilderType newType, string newSubType)
            var upgraded = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(newType, newSubType) as MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock;

            if (upgraded == null)
                Debug.Fail("Cannot upgrade cube block, upgraded block is not derived from " + typeof(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock).Name);

            upgraded.EntityId              = cubeBlock.EntityId;
            upgraded.Min                   = cubeBlock.Min;
            upgraded.m_orientation         = cubeBlock.m_orientation;
            upgraded.IntegrityPercent      = cubeBlock.IntegrityPercent;
            upgraded.BuildPercent          = cubeBlock.BuildPercent;
            upgraded.BlockOrientation      = cubeBlock.BlockOrientation;
            upgraded.ConstructionInventory = cubeBlock.ConstructionInventory;
            upgraded.ColorMaskHSV          = cubeBlock.ColorMaskHSV;

예제 #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the constructor list mapped to a MyObjectBuilderType
 /// </summary>
 private List<Action<IMyCubeBlock>> BlockScriptConstructor(MyObjectBuilderType objBuildType)
     List<Action<IMyCubeBlock>> scripts;
     if (!AllBlockScriptConstructors.TryGetValue(objBuildType, out scripts))
         scripts = new List<Action<IMyCubeBlock>>();
         AllBlockScriptConstructors.Add(objBuildType, scripts);
     return scripts;
        public void AddItemToRepair(MyFixedPoint amount, MyBlueprintDefinitionBase blueprint, long senderEntityId, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
            SerializableDefinitionId blueprintId = blueprint.Id;

            MyMultiplayer.RaiseEvent(this, x => x.AddItemToRepair_Request, amount, blueprintId, senderEntityId, inventoryItemId, inventoryItemType, inventoryItemSubtypeId);
예제 #55
 public MyInventoryConstraint RemoveObjectBuilderType(MyObjectBuilderType type)
     return this;
        private void AddItemToRepair_Request(MyFixedPoint amount, SerializableDefinitionId blueprintId, long senderEntityId, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
            if (IsLocked && senderEntityId != m_lockedByEntityId)

            MyMultiplayer.RaiseEvent(this, x => x.AddItemToRepair_Implementation, amount, blueprintId, inventoryItemId, inventoryItemType, inventoryItemSubtypeId);
예제 #57
        private MyDefinitionId GetBackwardCompatibleDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderType typeId)
            if (typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret))
                return new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_WeaponDefinition), "LargeGatlingTurret");
            else if (typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeMissileTurret))
                return new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_WeaponDefinition), "LargeMissileTurret");
            else if (typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_InteriorTurret))
                return new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_WeaponDefinition), "LargeInteriorTurret");
            else if (typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncher)
                || typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncherReload))
                return new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_WeaponDefinition), "SmallMissileLauncher");
            else if (typeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallGatlingGun))
                return new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_WeaponDefinition), "GatlingGun");

            return new MyDefinitionId();
        private void AddItemToRepair_Implementation(MyFixedPoint amount, SerializableDefinitionId blueprintId, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(amount > 0, "Adding zero or negative amount!");

            MyBlueprintDefinitionBase blueprint = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetBlueprintDefinition(blueprintId);

            if (blueprint == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Couldn't find blueprint definition for: " + blueprintId);

            Predicate <MyBlueprintToProduce> condition = x => (x is MyRepairBlueprintToProduce) &&
                                                         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).Blueprint == blueprint &&
                                                         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemId == inventoryItemId &&
                                                         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemType == inventoryItemType &&
                                                         (x as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce).InventoryItemSubtypeId == inventoryItemSubtypeId;
            MyRepairBlueprintToProduce itemToProduce = m_itemsToProduce.Find(condition) as MyRepairBlueprintToProduce;

            if (itemToProduce != null)
                itemToProduce.Amount = itemToProduce.Amount + amount;
                itemToProduce = new MyRepairBlueprintToProduce(amount, blueprint, inventoryItemId, inventoryItemType, inventoryItemSubtypeId);

            var handler = ProductionChanged;

            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, itemToProduce);
 public MyRepairBlueprintToProduce(MyFixedPoint amount, MyBlueprintDefinitionBase blueprint, uint inventoryItemId, MyObjectBuilderType inventoryItemType, MyStringHash inventoryItemSubtypeId) : base(amount, blueprint)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Blueprint is MyRepairBlueprintDefinition, "MyRepairBlueprintToProduce class should be used together with blueprints type of MyRepairBlueprintDefinition only!");
     InventoryItemId        = inventoryItemId;
     InventoryItemType      = inventoryItemType;
     InventoryItemSubtypeId = inventoryItemSubtypeId;
예제 #60
 public static MyDefinitionBase GetDefinition(this MyDefinitionManager definitionManager, MyObjectBuilderType typeId, string subTypeId)
     return(definitionManager.GetAllDefinitions().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id.TypeId == typeId && e.Id.SubtypeName == subTypeId));