public void Handle(NodeUpdate message)

            if (message.From != null)
                var actualNode = MyNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == message.NodeId);
                actualNode.Height += 5;
                actualNode.Width  += 5;

                var nodeFrom = MyNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Convert.ToString(message.From.Value));
                var nodeTo   = MyNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Convert.ToString(message.NodeId));

                LineModel line = new LineModel
                    Stroke = Brushes.Gray,

                    X1 = nodeFrom.X + (nodeFrom.Width / 2),
                    Y1 = nodeFrom.Y + (nodeFrom.Height / 2),
                    X2 = nodeTo.X + (nodeTo.Width / 2),
                    Y2 = nodeTo.Y + (nodeTo.Height / 2),

                    StrokeThickness = 3
        //   Internal Events
        private void AccountTLV_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            int accountID  = -1;
            int envelopeID = -1;

            MyNodes nodeType = (this.accTLV.FocusedNode as BaseNode).NodeType;

            switch (nodeType)
            case MyNodes.AENode:
                AENode aeNode = this.accTLV.FocusedNode as AENode;
                accountID  = aeNode.AccountID;
                envelopeID = aeNode.EnvelopeID;

            case MyNodes.Account:
                accountID = (this.accTLV.FocusedNode as AccountNode).AccountID;

            case MyNodes.Envelope:
                envelopeID = (this.accTLV.FocusedNode as EnvelopeNode).EnvelopeID;

            case MyNodes.Root:
            case MyNodes.AccountType:
            case MyNodes.EnvelopeGroup:

            if (accountID != selectedAccountID || envelopeID != selectedEnvelopeID)
                OnSelectedAccountEnvelopeChanged(new SelectedAccountEnvelopeChangedEventArgs(accountID, envelopeID));
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to set the key value pair in HashTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public void set(string key, int value)
            //Setting index value to hash function
            int index = hash(key);

            //If hash function is empty (nothing stored)
            if (data[index] == null)
                //Create a new key value node
                data[index] = new MyNodes();
            //Else, add Node to hash table at hash function index
            data[index].Add(new MyNode(key, value));
예제 #4
 public AddForm(MyNodes select = null)
     if (select != null)
         newUser       = select;
         tb_name.Text  = select.Text;
         tb_email.Text = select.Email;
         newUser = new MyNodes();
예제 #5
        public object Get(string key)
            int     address       = _hash(key);
            MyNodes currentBucket =[address];

            if (currentBucket != null)
                foreach (var node in currentBucket)
                    if (node.key == key)
        private void AccountTLV_NotifyBeforeExpand(Node node, bool isExpanding)
            if (!isExpanding || node.Nodes.Count > 0)

            MyNodes nodeType = (node as BaseNode).NodeType;

            switch (nodeType)
            case MyNodes.Root:
                this.handleThisRootNode(node as RootNode);

            case MyNodes.AccountType:
                this.handleThisTypeNode(node as TypeNode);

            case MyNodes.EnvelopeGroup:
                this.handleThisGroupNode(node as GroupNode);

            case MyNodes.Account:
                this.handleThisAccountNode(node as AccountNode);

            case MyNodes.Envelope:
                this.handleThisEnvelopeNode(node as EnvelopeNode);

            if (node.Nodes.Count > 0)
                node.HasChildren = true;
                node.HasChildren = false;
예제 #7
        private void OpenFile(object parameter)
            OpenFileDialog opd = new OpenFileDialog();

            opd.Filter = "XML File *.xml|*.xml";

                if (opd.ShowDialog() == true)
                    XmlDocument xDoc = MLHelper.GetMLDocument(opd.FileName);

                    MLNode retNode = MLHelper.ParserML(xDoc.DocumentElement);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Parser Error!");
        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Algorithm Implementation Function /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        private void BellmanFordAlgo(Graph graph, MyNodes sourceNode)                         // takes in a graph reference and a source node reference as argument
            Dictionary <MyNodes, NodeValue> Distance = new Dictionary <MyNodes, NodeValue>(); // creates a dictionary of nodes as keys and nodevalues as values

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Nodelist.Count; i++)
                NodeValue nodeValue = new NodeValue(graph.Nodelist[i], float.MaxValue); // creates node value with the cost of all nodes to max value and all prev nodes for that node as the node itself
                Distance.Add(graph.Nodelist[i], nodeValue);                             // adds the node value to the dictionary.

            Distance[sourceNode].Cost = 0;                     // changes the cost of the source node to 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Nodelist.Count; i++)     // for each vertice.
                for (int j = 0; j < graph.Edgelist.Count; j++) // traverses each edge in the list
                    MyNodes startNode = graph.Edgelist[j].A;
                    MyNodes endtNode  = graph.Edgelist[j].B;
                    float   w         = graph.Edgelist[j].weight;

                    if (Distance[startNode].Cost != float.MaxValue && ((Distance[startNode].Cost + w) < Distance[endtNode].Cost)) // checks if the edge originates from a source node and if the cost of destination node is higher than the cost of movement from source node
                        Distance[endtNode].Cost     = Distance[startNode].Cost + w;                                               // updates the cost if its higher than the traversal cost
                        Distance[endtNode].prevNode = startNode;                                                                  // updates the previous node of the destination node as the source node of the edge.
            //foreach (KeyValuePair<MyNodes, NodeValue> pair in Distance)
            //    Debug.Log("Coordinates: " + pair.Key.x + "," + pair.Key.y + "Cost: " + pair.Value.Cost);
            path = new Stack <MyNodes>();                              // creates a stack for the path.
            path.Push(Destination);                                    // pushes the destination node as the first input.

            while (Distance[path.Peek()].prevNode.ID != sourceNode.ID) // while the previous node is not the source node of the 1st node in stack
                path.Push(Distance[path.Peek()].prevNode);             // pushes in the previous node.
            ShowPath = true;                                           // gives the green light to start showing the path.
예제 #9
 protected BaseNode(MyNodes nodeType, String name)
     : base(name)
     this.NodeType = nodeType;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   User Input Functions   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        void Update()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))  // these three modes let you choose what type of setting you wish to make for the grid
                Debug.Log("Add Wall");
                wallMode  = true;
                endMode   = false;
                startMode = false;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
                Debug.Log("Set source node");
                wallMode  = false;
                endMode   = false;
                startMode = true;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))
                Debug.Log("Set end node");
                wallMode  = false;
                endMode   = true;
                startMode = false;

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && wallMode)
                x = (Input.mousePosition.x - Input.mousePosition.x % 50) / 50;  //deciphers the coordinates on the grid where we click
                y = (Input.mousePosition.y - Input.mousePosition.y % 50) / 50;
                //Debug.Log(x + "    " + y);
                GameObject gO = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <Transform>().Find("Buttons").GetComponent <Transform>()) as GameObject; // creates a button object on the grid to show a wall
                gO.transform.position = Cm.ViewportToScreenPoint(new Vector3((x / 16) + 1 / 32f, (y / 12) + 1 / 24f, 0));                                                 // places the object at the correct grid

                foreach (MyNodes node in graph.Nodelist)
                    if (node.x == x && node.y == y)
                        if (!(notToUse.Contains(node.ID)))        // checks which node has these coordinates and adds its ID to a list.
                        //graph.Nodelist.Remove(node);                                                       // attempts to remove that node from the list
                        // node.setUsability(0);                                                             // attempts to set usabilty as non usable
                        //Debug.Log("Unusable Node: " + node.x + "," + node.y + "-usability(" + node.isUsable + ")");
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && endMode && !endpointExists)     // while endmode is on, alllows you to set the destination only once
                x = (Input.mousePosition.x - Input.mousePosition.x % 50) / 50; // this bit works the same as the wallmode except the prefab is different
                y = (Input.mousePosition.y - Input.mousePosition.y % 50) / 50;
                GameObject gO = Instantiate(endPrefab, GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <Transform>().Find("Buttons").GetComponent <Transform>()) as GameObject;
                gO.transform.position = Cm.ViewportToScreenPoint(new Vector3((x / 16) + 1 / 32f, (y / 12) + 1 / 24f, 0));
                endpointExists        = true;

                foreach (MyNodes node in graph.Nodelist)
                    if ((x == node.x) && (y == node.y))
                        Destination = node;                                                 // stores the reference to the node chosen to be the destination
                        Debug.Log("Destination Node Coordinates : " + Destination.x + "," + Destination.y);
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && startMode && !startPointExists) // allows the setting of initial point
                x = (Input.mousePosition.x - Input.mousePosition.x % 50) / 50; // this also works the same as the wall mode with different prefab
                y = (Input.mousePosition.y - Input.mousePosition.y % 50) / 50;
                GameObject gO = Instantiate(objectPrefab, GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <Transform>().Find("Buttons").GetComponent <Transform>()) as GameObject;
                gO.transform.position = Cm.ViewportToScreenPoint(new Vector3((x / 16) + 1 / 32f, (y / 12) + 1 / 24f, 0));
                startPointExists      = true;

                foreach (MyNodes node in graph.Nodelist)
                    if ((x == node.x) && (y == node.y))
                        Source = node;                                         // stores the reference to the node chosen to be the source.
                        Debug.Log("Start Node Coordinates : " + Source.x + "," + Source.y);
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))  // initiates the creation of edges and applies the path finding algorithm function after that
                //foreach (MyNodes node in graph.Nodelist)
                //    Debug.Log("ID: " + node.ID + ", Coordinates: " +node.x + "," + node.y + " , Usability: " + node.isUsable);
                //foreach(int i in notToUse)
                //    Debug.Log(i);
                BellmanFordAlgo(graph, Source);
 public NodeValue(MyNodes prevnode, float cost)
     prevNode = prevnode;
     Cost     = cost;
 public MyEdges(MyNodes a, MyNodes b, float w)
     weight = w;
     A      = a;
     B      = b;
 public void Execute(int index)
     ID = I * 12 + index;
     NodeList[index] = new MyNodes(I, index, ID);