예제 #1
        private void buttonUsingADelegate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("\n**** Using A Delegate Demo ****\n");
            //Like C++ you can use a delegate to point to a Static method...
            MethodPointer1 objMP_A = new MethodPointer1(MyMethodPointerDemoClass.StaticMethod);

            //UN-Like C++ you can also use a delegate to point to a Instance method...
            MyMethodPointerDemoClass objC1 = new MyMethodPointerDemoClass();
            MethodPointer1 objMP_B = new MethodPointer1(objC1.InstanceMethod);

            //You can also "Invoke" a delegate by simply using it like a method call...

            //Using a Delegate, really creates an Invisible class with useful Meta-Data. 
            //the new class inherits from the base class called System.MulticastDelegate 
            System.Reflection.MethodInfo objMI = objMP_B.Method;
            Console.WriteLine("\n**** Meta-Data ****\n");
            Console.WriteLine("\tMethod Name: {0} ", objMI.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tMethod ReturnType: {0} ", objMI.ReturnType.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\tMethod Attributes: {0} ", objMI.Attributes.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\tMethod IsConstructor: {0} ", objMI.IsConstructor.ToString());
예제 #2
        private void buttonMulticasting_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("\n**** Multi Casting with Delegates Demo ****\n");

            MethodPointer1 objMP_D = MyMethodPointerDemoClass.StaticMethod;//Don't use the "+" sign for the first one
            objMP_D += new MyMethodPointerDemoClass().InstanceMethod; //Use the "+" sign to connect additional ones

            // You can fire all methods with one call if the underlining invisible Delegate class 
            // supports it. Since .NET 4.0 delegates inherit from System.MulticastDelegate
            // expect them to multicast.
            Console.WriteLine(objMP_D.Invoke("\nCalling only the last method hooked up!\n"));

            //If not, then you execute non-multicast delegates like this...
            Console.WriteLine("\nUsing a loop to execute all methods\n");
            if (objMP_D != null)
                foreach (MethodPointer1 p in objMP_D.GetInvocationList())
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + p.Invoke("Now Calling => " + p.Method.Name));