override public void PrepareReplication()
            // Setup component for the next replication

            //SelectedCars = FormAgentSimulation.SelectedCars;
            MyMessage sprava = new MyMessage(MySim, SelectedCars);

            /* Hard setup of cars
             * int[] selectedCars = new int[5];
             * selectedCars[0] = 1;
             * selectedCars[1] = 1;
             * selectedCars[2] = 1;
             * selectedCars[3] = 1;
             * selectedCars[4] = 1;

            //int[] selectedCars = new int[5] { 0, 20, 0, 0, 0 };

            // MyMessage sprava = new MyMessage(MySim, selectedCars);

            sprava.Code      = Mc.Inicializacia;
            sprava.Addressee = MySim.FindAgent(SimId.AgentModelu);