public List<UserDataObject> RetrieveAllUsers(string Fid) { try { List<UserDataObject> listOut = new List<UserDataObject>(); List<DataObject.UserDataObject> listReceived = BusinessLayer.Users.RetrieveAllUser(Fid); foreach (var item in listReceived) { UserDataObject Data = new UserDataObject(); Data.AutoId = item.AutoId; Data.City = item.City; Data.Dob = item.Dob; Data.EmailId = item.EmailId; Data.Name = item.Name; Data.PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber; Data.Uid = item.Uid; listOut.Add(Data); } return listOut; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Unexpected Error caused by " + ex.Source, ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
public RegisterDataObject RetrievePassword(DataObject.RegisterDataObject userData) { try { DataObject.RegisterDataObject Password = BusinessLayer.Accounts.Retrieve(userData); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password.Password)) { return new RegisterDataObject(); } else { RegisterDataObject Data = new RegisterDataObject(); Data.AutoId = Password.AutoId; Data.ConfirmPassword = Password.ConfirmPassword; Data.EmailId = Password.EmailId; Data.FullName = Password.FullName; Data.Guid = Password.Guid; Data.Password = Password.Password; Data.UserName = Password.UserName; return Data; } } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Unexpected Error caused by " + ex.Source, ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
public UserDataObject RetrieveUser(string userId) { try { DataObject.UserDataObject UserData = BusinessLayer.Users.RetrieveUser(userId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserData.AutoId)) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("No user found", "No User with such id was in the database"); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } else { UserDataObject Data = new UserDataObject(); Data.AutoId = UserData.AutoId; Data.City = UserData.City; Data.Dob = UserData.Dob; Data.EmailId = UserData.EmailId; Data.Name = UserData.Name; Data.PhoneNumber = UserData.PhoneNumber; Data.Uid = UserData.Uid; return Data; } } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Unexpected Error caused by " + ex.Source, ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
private bool Validar() { try { // http://localhost:29231/SolicitudServicio.svc/SolicitudServicio/Buscar/?idMotivo=1&idComercio=1&idModelo=1 HttpWebRequest req2 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( "http://localhost:29231/SolicitudServicio.svc/ObtenerPorCampos?idMotivo=" + ddlMotSol.SelectedValue + "&idComercio=" + ddlCli.SelectedValue + "&idModelo=" + ddlTerSol.SelectedValue); req2.Method = "GET"; HttpWebResponse res2 = (HttpWebResponse)req2.GetResponse(); StreamReader reader2 = new StreamReader(res2.GetResponseStream()); string solicitudJson2 = reader2.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); SolicitudServicioDTO solicitudObtenido = js.Deserialize <SolicitudServicioDTO>(solicitudJson2); } catch (WebException e) { HttpStatusCode code = ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusCode; string message = ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusDescription; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream()); string error = reader.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); MyCustomErrorDetail Observacion = js.Deserialize <MyCustomErrorDetail>(error); string sError = ""; sError = Observacion.ErrorDetails; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "showSaveMessageError", "<script language='javascript'>alert('" + sError + "');</script>"); } return(false); }
public string Register(DataObject.RegisterDataObject accountData) { try { BusinessLayer.Accounts.Register(accountData); return "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Error in Registering",ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
public SolicitudServicioDTO ObtenerPorCampos(int idMotivo, int idComercio, int idModelo) { SolicitudServicioDTO sol = SolicitudServicioDAO.GetByFields(idMotivo, idComercio, idModelo); if (sol != null) { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail(); customError.ErrorDetails = "SolicitudServicio existe"; customError.ErrorInfo = "SolicitudServicio existe. Para una nuevo registro, los campo motivo, comercio and modelo no deben estar registrado."; throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.Found); } return(sol); }
public string AddUser(DataObject.UserDataObject userData) { try { BusinessLayer.Users.CreateUser(userData); return "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Error in Adding User", ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
//public List<Entities.SolicitudServicioDTO> ListarBandeja(string fechaDesde, string fechaHasta, string estado, int empresaId) //{ // return SolicitudServicioDAO.GetBandeja( fechaDesde, fechaHasta, estado, empresaId); //} public Entities.SolicitudServicioDTO Obtener(int id) { SolicitudServicioDTO sol = SolicitudServicioDAO.Get(id); if (sol == null) { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail(); customError.ErrorDetails = "SolicitudServicio no existe"; customError.ErrorInfo = "No existe SolicitudServicio con id."; throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } return(sol); }
//for inserting distance from front-end json to database public void InsertDistanceInfo(List <Distance_Table> distance_info) { if (distance_info.Count() != 0) { EntitiesContext ec = new EntitiesContext(); ec.Distances.AddRange(distance_info); ec.SaveChanges(); } else { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Distance list not found", "Please check whether the list is successfully send!"); throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } }
public void InsertOptimalRoute_Config(ConfigOptimalRoute configData) { if (configData != null) { EntitiesContext ec = new EntitiesContext(); ec.OptimalRoute_Config.Add(configData); ec.SaveChanges(); } else { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Optimal Route Configuration not found", "Please check wheteher config properties with proper input type is provided!"); throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } }
public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer) { if (customer != null) { EntitiesContext ec = new EntitiesContext(); ec.Customers.Add(customer); ec.SaveChanges(); } else { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Correct customer details not found", "Please check all the customer fields entered are of correct type!"); throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } }
public IEnumerable <Customer> GetCustomer() { List <Customer> customerList = new List <Customer>(); EntitiesContext ec = new EntitiesContext(); customerList = (from cust in ec.Customers orderby cust.Id select cust).Skip(1).Take(7).ToList(); if (customerList.Count() == 0) { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Customers not found", "No customer list exists in the database! Please check the Database First!"); throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } return(customerList); }
public IEnumerable <ConfigOptimalRoute> GetOptimalRoute_Config() { List <ConfigOptimalRoute> configData = new List <ConfigOptimalRoute>(); EntitiesContext ec = new EntitiesContext(); configData = (from cust in ec.OptimalRoute_Config orderby cust.Unload_Time select cust).ToList(); if (configData.Count == 0) { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Configuration data not found", "No configuration properties list exists in the database! Please check the Database First!"); throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } return(configData); }
public UserProfile AuthenticateUser(string email, string password) { UserProfile user; try { user = SqlHelper.AuthenticateUser(email, password); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.Error(e); //return null; MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Error", "We are unable to connect to our services. Please retry later."); throw new System.ServiceModel.Web.WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } return(user); }
public string DeleteUser(string uid) { _log.Info("DeleteUser Entered"); _log.Debug("Parameter id:" + uid); try { BusinessLayer.Contacts.DeleteContact(uid); _log.Debug("Result : Success"); return "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error("Error in Deleting User :"******"Error in Deleting User", ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } finally { _log.Info("DeleteUser Exited"); } }
public string AddUser(Contact userData) { _log.Info("AddUser Entered"); _log.Debug("userData :" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.Indented)); try { BusinessLayer.Contacts.CreateContact(userData); _log.Debug("Result : Success"); return "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Error in Adding User", ex.Message); _log.Error("Error in Adding User" + ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } finally { _log.Info("AddUser Exited"); } }
public void UpdateCustomer(Customer customer) { if (customer != null) { EntitiesContext ec = new EntitiesContext(); var c = (from cust in ec.Customers where cust.Id == customer.Id select cust).First(); c.Name = customer.Name; c.PostCode = customer.PostCode; c.HouseNumber = customer.HouseNumber; c.Street = customer.Street; c.Telephone = customer.Telephone; c.Fax = customer.Fax; c.City = customer.City; ec.SaveChanges(); } else { MyCustomErrorDetail customError = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Correct customer details not provided", "Please check all the customer fields entered are of correct type!"); throw new WebFaultException <MyCustomErrorDetail>(customError, HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } }
public List<Contact> RetrieveAllUsers(string AccountRelatedId) { _log.Info("RetrieveAllUsers Entered"); _log.Debug("Parameter id:" + AccountRelatedId); try { List<Contact> ListOut = BusinessLayer.Contacts.RetrieveAllContact(AccountRelatedId); _log.Debug("Result :" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ListOut, Formatting.Indented)); return ListOut; } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error("Unexpected Error :" + ex.Message); MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Unexpected Error", ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } finally { _log.Info("RetrieveAllUsers Exited"); } }
public Contact RetrieveUser(string userId) { _log.Info("RetrieveUser Entered"); _log.Debug("Parameter :" + userId); try { Contact Data = BusinessLayer.Contacts.RetrieveContact(userId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data.AutoId)) { _log.Error("No User with such id was in the database"); MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("No user found", "No User with such id was in the database"); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } else { _log.Debug("Result :" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Data, Formatting.Indented)); return Data; } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error("Unexpected Error :" + ex.Message); MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Unexpected Error", ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } finally { _log.Info("RetrieveUser Exited"); } }
public string DeleteUser(string uid) { try { BusinessLayer.Users.DeleteUser(uid); return "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { MyCustomErrorDetail Error = new MyCustomErrorDetail("Error in Updating User", ex.Message); throw new WebFaultException<MyCustomErrorDetail>(Error, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }