예제 #1
        public void AESinCBC_Encrypt_Decrypt_Test()  //CBC = Cipher Block Chaining
            int BLOCKSIZE = 16;

            string OriginalMessage = "Now I rock a house party at the drop of a hat\nAnd I beat a body down with an aluminum bat";
            var    bytes           = MyConvert.TextToByteArray(OriginalMessage);
            var    PaddedBytes     = Pad.AddPkcs7(bytes, 128); //Pad the message to 128 bytes

            //The Key (16 bytes)
            string key      = "YELLOW SUBMARINE";
            string HexKey   = MyConvert.HexEncodePlainText(key);
            var    Keybytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(HexKey);

            //Initialization Vector (padded to BLOCKSIZE bytes)
            string IVHex   = Pad.PadHex(BLOCKSIZE * 2, "00");
            var    IVBytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(IVHex);

            var CiperBytes = MyCrypto.AES_CBC_Encrypt(PaddedBytes, Keybytes, IVBytes, BLOCKSIZE);

            var PlainBytes    = MyCrypto.AES_CBC_Decrypt(CiperBytes, Keybytes, IVBytes, BLOCKSIZE);
            var UnPaddedBytes = Pad.RemovePkcs7(PlainBytes); //Unpad the message
            var hexPlain      = MyConvert.BytesToHex(UnPaddedBytes);
            var PlainText     = MyConvert.HexToAscii(hexPlain);

            Assert.IsTrue(OriginalMessage == PlainText);
예제 #2
        public void Implement_CBC_mode_Test()  //CBC = Cipher Block Chaining
            var BLOCKSIZE = 16;

            string str   = Util.GetFile(10);
            string Hex   = MyConvert.Base64ToHex(str);
            var    bytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(Hex);

            //Initialization Vector (padded to BLOCKSIZE bytes)
            string IVHex   = Pad.PadHex(BLOCKSIZE * 2, "00");
            var    IVBytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(IVHex);

            //The Key
            string key      = "YELLOW SUBMARINE";
            string HexKey   = MyConvert.HexEncodePlainText(key);
            var    Keybytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(HexKey);

            //Perform my version of CBC
            var decryptedBytes = MyCrypto.AES_CBC_Decrypt(bytes, Keybytes, IVBytes, BLOCKSIZE);
            var HexResult      = MyConvert.BytesToHex(decryptedBytes);
            var Plain          = MyConvert.HexToAscii(HexResult);

            Assert.IsTrue("I'm back and I'm ringin' " == Plain.Substring(0, 25));  //25 is at least two blocks (of16) so i know i have the algo correct
예제 #3
        public void FixedXOR_Test2()
            string str          = Util.GetFile(6);
            string HextoDecrypt = MyConvert.Base64ToHex(str);
            var    Key          = "Terminator X: Bring the noise";
            var    HexKey       = Pad.PadKey(MyConvert.HexEncodePlainText(Key), HextoDecrypt.Length);
            var    DecryptedHex = MyCrypto.FixedXOR(HextoDecrypt, HexKey);
            var    Plain        = MyConvert.HexToAscii(DecryptedHex);

            Assert.IsTrue("I'm back and I'm ringin' " == Plain.Substring(0, 25));
예제 #4
        public void AESinECB_Test()  //ECB = Electronic Codebook
            string str   = Util.GetFile(7);
            string Hex   = MyConvert.Base64ToHex(str);
            var    bytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(Hex);

            string key      = "YELLOW SUBMARINE";
            string HexKey   = MyConvert.HexEncodePlainText(key);
            var    Keybytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(HexKey);

            var result    = MyCrypto.AES_ECB_Decrypt(bytes, Keybytes);
            var HexResult = MyConvert.BytesToHex(result);
            var Plain     = MyConvert.HexToAscii(HexResult);

            Assert.IsTrue("I'm back and I'm ringin' " == Plain.Substring(0, 25));
예제 #5
        public void AESinECB_Encrypt_Decrypt_Test()  //ECB = Electronic Codebook
            string OriginalMessage = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country";
            var    bytes           = MyConvert.TextToByteArray(OriginalMessage);
            var    PaddedBytes     = Pad.AddPkcs7(bytes, 128); //Pad the message to 128 bytes

            //The Key (16 bytes)
            string key      = "YELLOW SUBMARINE";
            string HexKey   = MyConvert.HexEncodePlainText(key);
            var    Keybytes = MyConvert.HexToByteArray(HexKey);

            var CiperBytes = MyCrypto.AES_ECB_Encrypt(PaddedBytes, Keybytes);

            var PlainBytes    = MyCrypto.AES_ECB_Decrypt(CiperBytes, Keybytes);
            var UnPaddedBytes = Pad.RemovePkcs7(PlainBytes); //Unpad the message
            var hexPlain      = MyConvert.BytesToHex(UnPaddedBytes);
            var PlainText     = MyConvert.HexToAscii(hexPlain);

            Assert.IsTrue(OriginalMessage == PlainText);