public static s_GridResult GetDataTable(string nd, int rows, int page, string sidx, string sord) { try { string _stdate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["_stdate"].ToString(); string _enddate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["_enddate"].ToString(); DateTime _enddateformatted = Convert.ToDateTime(_enddate); //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Start Date : " + _stdate + " End Date : " + _enddate, EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); string siteurl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); int startindex = (page - 1); int endindex = page; string gridqry = @" SELECT t_res.ResourceUID AS ResUID, t_proj.ProjectUID AS ProjUID, t_res.ResourceName AS ResName, CASE WHEN t_class.Type <> 0 THEN t_class.ClassNAME ELSE t_proj.ProjectName END AS ProjName, t_act.TimeByDay AS t_date, t_act.TimeByDay_DayOfWeek AS t_wkday, t_class.Type AS t_type, CASE WHEN ((t_act.TimeByDay_DayOfWeek = 1 OR t_act.TimeByDay_DayOfWeek = 7) AND (t_class.Type = 1)) THEN '0' WHEN (t_class.Type = 1 AND (t_act.ActualWorkBillable + t_act.ActualWorkNonBillable + t_act.ActualOvertimeWorkBillable + t_act.ActualOvertimeWorkNonBillable <= 4)) THEN '4' WHEN (t_class.Type = 1 AND (t_act.ActualWorkBillable + t_act.ActualWorkNonBillable + t_act.ActualOvertimeWorkBillable + t_act.ActualOvertimeWorkNonBillable > 4)) THEN '8' ELSE t_act.ActualWorkBillable + t_act.ActualWorkNonBillable + t_act.ActualOvertimeWorkBillable + t_act.ActualOvertimeWorkNonBillable END AS totaltime INTO [#t1] FROM MSP_TimesheetActual AS t_act INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetResource AS t_res ON t_act.LastChangedResourceNameUID = t_res.ResourceNameUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetLine AS t_line ON t_act.TimesheetLineUID = t_line.TimesheetLineUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetClass AS t_class ON t_line.ClassUID = t_class.ClassUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetProject AS t_proj ON t_line.ProjectNameUID = t_proj.ProjectNameUID WHERE (t_act.TimeByDay BETWEEN '" + _stdate + @"' AND '" + _enddate + @"') ORDER BY ResUID, t_date, t_type SELECT #t1.ResUID, #t1.ProjUID, #t1.ResName, #t1.ProjName, #t1.t_date, #t1.t_wkday, #t1.t_type, #t1.totaltime, ISNULL(dummyt1_nkwking.nonwktotal,0) AS nwktotal, ISNULL(dummyt1.daytotal,0) AS daytotal, CASE WHEN #t1.t_type <> 1 AND ((dummyt1_nkwking.nonwktotal = 4 AND dummyt1.daytotal >4)or (ISNULL(dummyt1_nkwking.nonwktotal,0) =8) or (ISNULL(dummyt1_nkwking.nonwktotal,0) = 0 AND dummyt1.daytotal > 8)) THEN (8-ISNULL(dummyt1_nkwking.nonwktotal,0))*#t1.totaltime/(CASE WHEN dummyt1.daytotal=0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL(dummyt1.daytotal,1) END) ELSE #t1.totaltime END AS normalizedtime into #t2 FROM #t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN( SELECT dummyt1_nwking.ResUID, dummyt1_nwking.t_date, SUM(dummyt1_nwking.totaltime) AS nonwktotal FROM [#t1] AS dummyt1_nwking WHERE (dummyt1_nwking.t_type = 1) GROUP BY dummyt1_nwking.ResUID, dummyt1_nwking.t_date --ORDER BY dummyt1_nwking.ResUID, dummyt1_nwking.t_date ) AS dummyt1_nkwking ON #t1.ResUID = dummyt1_nkwking.ResUID AND #t1.t_date = dummyt1_nkwking.t_date LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT dummyt1.ResUID, dummyt1.t_date, SUM(dummyt1.totaltime) AS daytotal FROM [#t1] AS dummyt1 WHERE (dummyt1.t_type <> 1) GROUP BY dummyt1.ResUID, dummyt1.t_date --ORDER BY dummyt1.ResUID, dummyt1.t_date ) AS dummyt1 ON #t1.ResUID = dummyt1.ResUID AND #t1.t_date = dummyt1.t_date ORDER BY #t1.ResUID, #t1.t_date, #t1.t_type drop table #t1 SELECT distinct TimeByDay AS missing_date,TimeDayOfTheWeek AS missing_wkday, t_Resources.ResUID AS missing_ResUID, t_Resources.ResName INTO #t3 FROM MSP_TimeByDay CROSS JOIN (SELECT distinct [#t2].ResUID, #t2.ResName FROM [#t2]) AS t_Resources WHERE (TimeByDay BETWEEN '" + _stdate + @"' AND '" + _enddate + @"') AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [#t2] WHERE MSP_TimeByDay.TimeByDay = [#t2].t_date AND t_Resources.ResUID = [#t2].ResUID)) INSERT INTO #t2 SELECT #t3.missing_ResUID, 'E38038FA-F8CA-47D1-BFD4-6B45B8462972',#t3.ResName,'NotClocked',#t3.missing_date, #t3.missing_wkday, 1, 8, 8,0,8 FROM #t3 WHERE #t3.missing_wkday <> '1' AND #t3.missing_wkday <> '7' drop table #t3 SELECT #t2.ResUID, SUM(#t2.normalizedtime) AS total_paid_leave INTO #t4 FROM #t2 WHERE #t2.t_type = 1 AND #t2.ProjName = 'Paid Leave-Public Holiday' GROUP By #t2.ResUID SELECT #t2.ResUID,#t2.ProjUID, SUM( (CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,14),#t2.normalizedtime) /(CASE WHEN nortotal.total_Proj = 0 THEN 1.0 ELSE CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,14),nortotal.total_Proj) END) )*CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,14),ISNULL(#t4.total_paid_leave,0)) + CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,14),#t2.normalizedtime) ) AS normalized_proj_time INTO #t5 FROM #t2 INNER JOIN (select #t2.ResUID, SUM(#t2.normalizedtime) AS total_Proj FROM #t2 WHERE t_type = 0 GROUP BY #t2.ResUID) AS nortotal ON #t2.ResUID = nortotal.ResUID LEFT OUTER JOIN #t4 ON #t2.ResUID = #t4.ResUID WHERE #t2.t_type = 0 GROUP BY #t2.ResUID, #t2.ProjUID, #t2.ProjName, #t2.t_type --select * from #t2 drop table #t4 SELECT #t2.ResUID, #t2.ProjUID, #t2.ProjName, #t2.t_type, SUM (convert(numeric(18,14),#t2.normalizedtime)) AS nor_time INTO #t6 FROM #t2 GROUP By #t2.ResUID, #t2.ProjUID, #t2.ProjName,#t2.t_type drop table #t2 select #t6.ResUID, #t6.ProjUID, #t6.ProjName, CASE WHEN #t6.t_type = 0 THEN #t5.normalized_proj_time ELSE #t6.nor_time END AS total_time, CASE WHEN #t6.t_type = 0 THEN (convert (float,#t5.normalized_proj_time)/res_total.res_total_time)*100 ELSE (convert(float,#t6.nor_time) /res_total.res_total_time)*100 END AS pct_total_time, #t6.t_type INTO #t7 from #t6 LEFT OUTER JOIN #t5 on #t6.ResUID = #t5.ResUID and #t6.ProjUID = #t5.ProjUID LEFT OUTER JOIN (select #t6.ResUID, SUM (#t6.nor_time) AS res_total_time FROM #t6 GROUP BY #t6.ResUID) AS res_total ON #t6.ResUID = res_total.ResUID where #t6.ProjName <> 'Paid Leave-Public Holiday' order by #t6.ResUID drop table #t5 drop table #t6 select #t7.ResUID, #t7.ProjUID, #t7.ProjName, #t7.total_time, #t7.pct_total_time,uv_res.ResourceName, ISNULL (uv_proj.Project_RC_Code, #t7.ProjName) AS costcode, ISNULL(uv_res.ResourceEmailAddress,'NoEmail') AS res_email FROM #t7 left outer join dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView as uv_res on #t7.ResUID = uv_res.ResourceUID left outer join dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView as uv_proj on #t7.ProjUID = uv_proj.ProjectUID order by #t7.resuid, #t7.t_type drop table #t7 "; string projwkspaceurlqry = @"SELECT ProjectUID, ProjectWorkspaceInternalHRef FROM MSP_EpmProject_UserView"; WindowsImpersonationContext wik = null; wik = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(IntPtr.Zero); s_GridResult result = new s_GridResult(); //string siteurl = "http://epmdr/2011"; //right now i am hard coding it in the myconfiguration itself try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(MyConfiguration.GetDataBaseConnectionString(siteurl)); con.Open(); DataSet dt = new DataSet(); DataSet pjwkspacerecord = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(new SqlCommand(gridqry, con)); adapter.Fill(dt); adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(new SqlCommand(projwkspaceurlqry, con)); adapter.Fill(pjwkspacerecord); DataTable maintbl = dt.Tables[0]; maintbl.Columns.Add("HRISID"); maintbl.Columns.Add("OLDEMPID"); maintbl.Columns.Add("PayRolStDate"); maintbl.Columns.Add("PayRolEntity"); maintbl.Columns.Add("staftype"); //maintbl.Columns.Add("ProjRole"); DataView view = new DataView(dt.Tables[0]); DataTable resourcelist = view.ToTable(true, "ResourceName", "res_email"); string resname = string.Empty; string resemail = string.Empty; //DataTable projlist = view.ToTable(true, "ProjUID", "ResourceName", "res_email"); try { using (SPSite site = new SPSite(MyConfiguration.frm_siteurl_GetSiteURL(siteurl))) { #region Project Role Manipulation /* * foreach (DataRow row in projlist.Rows) * { * foreach (DataRow siteurlrow in pjwkspacerecord.Tables[0].Select("ProjectUID ='" + row["ProjUID"] + "'")) * { * string pjwkspaceurl = siteurlrow["ProjectWorkspaceInternalHRef"].ToString(); * try * { * SPWeb pjwkspaceWeb = site.AllWebs["pjwkspaceurl"]; * try * { * SPList pjwkspace_list = pjwkspaceWeb.Lists["Project Resource Details"]; * SPQuery resdetailqry = new SPQuery(); * resdetailqry.Query = @" * <Where> * <Eq> * <FieldRef Name='Resource_x0020_Name' /> * <Value Type='User'>" + row["ResourceName"] + @"</Value> * </Eq> * </Where> * <OrderBy> * <FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='False' /> * </OrderBy> * <RowLimit>1</RowLimit>"; * SPListItemCollection resdetailitems = pjwkspace_list.GetItems(resdetailqry); * if (resdetailitems.Count > 0) * { * foreach (SPListItem itm in resdetailitems) * { * if ((itm.Fields.ContainsField("Project_x0020_Role")) && (itm["Project_x0020_Role"] != null)) * { * foreach (DataRow maintblrow in maintbl.Select("ProjectUID ='" + row["ProjUID"] + "'")) * { * maintblrow["ProjRole"] = itm["Project_x0020_Role"].ToString(); * } * } * else * { * MyConfiguration.ErrorLog(row["ResourceName"].ToString() + " don't have any Role in this Project", EventLogEntryType.Error); * * foreach (DataRow maintblrow in maintbl.Select("ProjUID ='" + row["ProjUID"] + "' AND ResourceName ='" + row["ResourceName"] + "'")) * { * maintblrow["ProjRole"] = "NA"; * } * } * } * } * else * { * MyConfiguration.ErrorLog(row["ProjUID"].ToString() + " Don't have any Resource Detail Record", EventLogEntryType.Error); * * foreach (DataRow maintblrow in maintbl.Select("ProjUID ='" + row["ProjUID"] + "' AND ResourceName ='" + row["ResourceName"] + "'")) * { * maintblrow["ProjRole"] = "NA"; * } * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * MyConfiguration.ErrorLog(row["ProjUID"].ToString() + " Don't have Resource Detail List", EventLogEntryType.Error); * foreach (DataRow maintblrow in maintbl.Select("ProjUID ='" + row["ProjUID"] + "'")) * { * maintblrow["ProjRole"] = "NA"; * } * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * MyConfiguration.ErrorLog(row["ProjUID"].ToString() + " Don't have Workspace", EventLogEntryType.Error); * foreach (DataRow maintblrow in maintbl.Select("ProjUID ='" + row["ProjUID"] + "'")) * { * maintblrow["ProjRole"] = "NA"; * } * } * } * } */ #endregion Project Role Manipulation foreach (DataRow row in resourcelist.Rows) { SPWeb hrWeb = site.AllWebs["HRMV02"]; //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("SPWeb URL : " + hrWeb.Url.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); //SPDataSource resdetds = new SPDataSource(); SPList res_detail = hrWeb.Lists["Resource Details"]; SPList seconded = hrWeb.Lists["Resource Secondment"]; SPQuery qry = new SPQuery(); qry.Query = @"<Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='EMail'/> <Value Type='Text'>" + row[1].ToString() + @"</Value> </Eq> </Where>"; //resdetds.List = hrWeb.Lists["Resource Details"]; SPListItemCollection items = res_detail.GetItems(qry); //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Resource Details Return Rows : " + items.Count, EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); if (items.Count > 0) { foreach (SPListItem itm in items) { #region Secondment Data manipulation SPQuery secondedqry = new SPQuery(); secondedqry.Query = @" <ViewFields> <FieldRef Name='Department' /> <FieldRef Name='From_x0020_Date' /> <FieldRef Name='To_x0020_Date' /> </ViewFields> <Where> <And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Resource_x0020_Name' /> <Value Type='Lookup'>" + itm["Resource Name"].ToString() + @"</Value> </Eq> <Leq> <FieldRef Name='From_x0020_Date' /> <Value Type='DateTime'>" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", _enddateformatted) + @"</Value> </Leq> </And> </Where> <OrderBy> <FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='False' /> </OrderBy> <RowLimit>1</RowLimit> "; //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("List Resource Name : " + itm["Resource Name"].ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("List Department Name : " + itm["Department"].ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); foreach (DataRow ro in maintbl.Select("res_email = '" + row[1].ToString() + "'")) { ro["ResourceName"] = itm["Resource Name"].ToString(); if ((itm.Fields.ContainsField("HRIS_x0020_ID")) && (itm["HRIS_x0020_ID"] != null)) { ro["HRISID"] = itm["HRIS_x0020_ID"].ToString(); } else { ro["HRISID"] = "-"; } if ((itm.Fields.ContainsField("Old_x0020_Emp_x0020_Num")) && (itm["Old_x0020_Emp_x0020_Num"] != null)) { ro["OLDEMPID"] = itm["Old_x0020_Emp_x0020_Num"].ToString(); } else { ro["OLDEMPID"] = "-"; } if ((itm.Fields.ContainsField("Date_x0020_On_x0020_Board")) && (itm["Date_x0020_On_x0020_Board"] != null)) { ro["PayRolStDate"] = itm["Date_x0020_On_x0020_Board"].ToString(); } else { ro["PayRolStDate"] = "01-01-1900"; } if ((itm.Fields.ContainsField("Department")) && (itm["Department"] != null)) { string[] deptname = itm["Department"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ';', '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); SPList deptlist = hrWeb.Lists["Department"]; SPListItem deptitem = deptlist.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(deptname[0].ToString())); string[] entityname = deptitem["Entity"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ';', '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); ro["PayRolEntity"] = entityname[1].ToString(); if (ro["ProjName"].ToString() != string.Empty && ro["ProjName"].ToString() == "Orignal Department") { ro["ProjName"] = deptname[1].ToString(); if ((deptitem.Fields.ContainsField("Cost_x0020_Code")) && (deptitem["Cost_x0020_Code"] != null)) { ro["costcode"] = deptitem["Cost_x0020_Code"].ToString(); } else { ro["costcode"] = deptname[1].ToString(); } } } else { ro["PayRolEntity"] = "-"; } if ((itm.Fields.ContainsField("Resource_x0020_Type")) && (itm["Resource_x0020_Type"] != null)) { ro["staftype"] = itm["Resource_x0020_Type"].ToString(); } else { ro["staftype"] = "-"; } SPListItemCollection secondeditems = seconded.GetItems(secondedqry); if (secondeditems.Count > 0) { foreach (SPListItem secondeditem in secondeditems) { if ((secondeditem.Fields.ContainsField("Department")) && (secondeditem["Department"] != null)) { string[] deptname = secondeditem["Department"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ';', '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); SPList deptlist = hrWeb.Lists["Department"]; SPListItem deptitem = deptlist.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(deptname[0].ToString())); string[] entityname = deptitem["Entity"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ';', '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); ro["PayRolEntity"] = entityname[1].ToString(); if (ro["ProjName"].ToString() != string.Empty && ro["ProjName"].ToString() == "TO BAU") { ro["ProjName"] = deptname[1].ToString(); if ((deptitem.Fields.ContainsField("Cost_x0020_Code")) && (deptitem["Cost_x0020_Code"] != null)) { ro["costcode"] = deptitem["Cost_x0020_Code"].ToString(); } else { ro["costcode"] = deptname[1].ToString(); } } //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Resource Name: " + ro["ResourceName"].ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Deptment: " + ro["ProjName"].ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); //MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Code: " + ro["costcode"].ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); } } } } #endregion Secondment Data manipulation } } else { foreach (DataRow ro in maintbl.Select("res_email = '" + row[1].ToString() + "'")) { ro["HRISID"] = "NA in HRM"; ro["OLDEMPID"] = "NA in HRM"; ro["PayRolStDate"] = "01-01-1900"; ro["PayRolEntity"] = "NA in HRM"; ro["staftype"] = "Internal"; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error in accessing SPSite" + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } List <s_RowData> rowsadded = new List <s_RowData>(); int idx = 1; maintbl.DefaultView.Sort = "staftype DESC"; try { foreach (DataRow row in maintbl.Rows) { s_RowData newrow = new s_RowData(); = idx++; //Tabel Column List -- ResUID - 0,ProjUID - 1,ProjName - 2,total_time - 3,pct_total_time - 4,ResourceName - 5, //costcode - 6,res_email - 7,HRISID - 8,OLDEMPID - 9,PayRolStDate - 10,PayRolEntity - 11,staftype - 12 newrow.cell = new string[8]; //total number of columns newrow.cell[0] = row[5].ToString(); //resource name from project server newrow.cell[1] = row[8].ToString(); //HRIS Number newrow.cell[2] = row[9].ToString(); //OldEmpNo newrow.cell[3] = row[11].ToString(); //Pay Role Entity newrow.cell[4] = row[10].ToString(); //Pay Role Start Date newrow.cell[5] = row[2].ToString(); //project name from server newrow.cell[6] = row[6].ToString(); //cost code newrow.cell[7] = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(row[3].ToString()) / 8); //total time clocked rowsadded.Add(newrow); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error At Manipulating Joson Data" + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } result.rows = rowsadded.ToArray(); = page; = dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; result.record = rowsadded.Count; }); } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error at SPSecurity Delegate :" + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error at web method due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return(new s_GridResult()); }
public static s_GridResult_subgrid GetSubGridData(string nd, int rows, int page, string sidx, string sord) { try { string _stdate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["_stdate"].ToString(); string _enddate = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["_enddate"].ToString(); string _periodname = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["_periodname"].ToString(); DateTime _enddateformatted = Convert.ToDateTime(_enddate); string siteurl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); var url = new Uri(siteurl); string rbsurl = url.Scheme + "://" + url.Host + ":" + url.Port + url.Segments[0] + url.Segments[1]; int startindex = (page - 1); int endindex = page; Guid adminguid; var resource_svc = new Resource(); adminguid = new Guid("6FF0A657-63BC-4390-8AAF-7EE5CE033088"); resource_svc.Url = "http://jump/cimb/_vti_bin/psi/resource.asmx"; if (url.Host.ToString() != "localhost") { //var rbs = new ReadRBSValues(System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials, "http://jump/cimb"); resource_svc.Url = rbsurl + "/_vti_bin/psi/resource.asmx"; } //var rbs = new ReadRBSValues(System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials, rbsurl); //var resuids = rbs.GetBottomLevelResouceUIDs(); resource_svc.UseDefaultCredentials = true; resource_svc.AllowAutoRedirect = true; Guid currentuserid = resource_svc.GetCurrentUserUid(); string res_under_curr_user = @" SELECT ResourceUID FROM dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView WHERE (RBS Like ( ( SELECT RBS FROM dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView WHERE ResourceUID = '" + currentuserid.ToString() + @"' ) +'.%') ) AND ResourceIsActive = 1 "; WindowsImpersonationContext wik = null; wik = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(IntPtr.Zero); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(MyConfiguration.GetDataBaseConnectionString(siteurl)); con.Open(); DataSet filterresourcelist = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter filterresourceadapter = new SqlDataAdapter(res_under_curr_user, con); filterresourceadapter.Fill(filterresourcelist); string filterresource = "("; foreach (DataRow row in filterresourcelist.Tables[0].Rows) { filterresource += "'" + row[0].ToString() + "',"; } /* foreach (var resuid in resuids) * { * filterresource += "'" + resuid.ToString() + "',"; * } */ filterresource = filterresource.Substring(0, filterresource.Length - 1) + ")"; MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("My Resource UIDs : " + filterresource, EventLogEntryType.Information); string gridqry = @" SELECT res.ResourceUID, res.ResourceName, res.RBS, tperiod.PeriodUID, tperiod.PeriodStatusID, tperiod.StartDate, tperiod.EndDate, tperiod.PeriodName, tperiod.LCID, ISNULL(TM_Name.ResourceName, 'Not Assigned') AS TM_Name INTO [#t1] FROM MSP_EpmResource_UserView AS TM_Name RIGHT OUTER JOIN MSP_EpmResource_UserView AS res ON TM_Name.ResourceUID = res.ResourceTimesheetManagerUID CROSS JOIN MSP_TimesheetPeriod AS tperiod WHERE (tperiod.StartDate BETWEEN ( (SELECT CASE WHEN (TimeDayOfTheWeek = 2) THEN '" + _stdate + @"' WHEN (TimeDayOfTheWeek = 1) THEN DATEADD(d,1, '" + _stdate + @"' ) ELSE DATEADD(d,(2-TimeDayofTheWeek), '" + _stdate + @"' ) END AS stdate FROM MSP_TimeByDay WHERE (TimeByDay = CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + _stdate + @"' , 102))) ) AND '" + _enddate + @"' ) AND (res.ResourceUID IN " + filterresource + @") SELECT [#t1].PeriodUID, [#t1].ResourceUID,[#t1].TM_Name, [#t1].RBS, [#t1].ResourceName, [#t1].PeriodName, ISNULl(tstatus.Description,'Not Created') AS [TimeSheet Status], [#t1].StartDate, [#t1].EndDate INTO #t2 FROM MSP_TimesheetStatus AS tstatus INNER JOIN MSP_Timesheet AS tsheet ON tstatus.TimesheetStatusID = tsheet.TimesheetStatusID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetResource AS tres ON tsheet.OwnerResourceNameUID = tres.ResourceNameUID RIGHT OUTER JOIN [#t1] ON [#t1].ResourceUID = tres.ResourceUID AND [#t1].PeriodUID = tsheet.PeriodUID drop table #t1 SELECT TM_Name, ResourceName, COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'In Progress') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS [In Progress], COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'Not Created') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS [Not Created], COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'Submitted') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS Submitted, COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'Approved') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS Approved FROM [#t2] --WHERE ([TimeSheet Status] <> 'Approved') AND (PeriodName = '" + _periodname + @"') WHERE (PeriodName = '" + _periodname + @"') GROUP BY PeriodName, TM_Name, ResourceName ORDER BY PeriodName, TM_Name, ResourceName /* SELECT PeriodName, COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'In Progress') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS [In Progress], COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'Not Created') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS [Not Created], COUNT(CASE WHEN ([TimeSheet Status] = 'Submitted') THEN [TimeSheet Status] END) AS Submitted FROM [#t2] WHERE ([TimeSheet Status] <> 'Approved') GROUP BY PeriodName ORDER BY PeriodName */ drop table #t2 "; s_GridResult_subgrid result = new s_GridResult_subgrid(); try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { DataSet dt = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(new SqlCommand(gridqry, con)); adapter.Fill(dt); DataTable maintbl = dt.Tables[0]; List <s_RowData_subgrid> rowsadded = new List <s_RowData_subgrid>(); int idx = 1; try { foreach (DataRow row in maintbl.Rows) { s_RowData_subgrid newrow = new s_RowData_subgrid(); = idx++; //Tabel Column List -- TM Name - 0,Resource Name - 1,In Progress - 2,Not Created - 3,Submitted - 4 newrow.cell = new string[6]; //total number of columns newrow.cell[0] = row[0].ToString(); //Timesheet Manager newrow.cell[1] = row[1].ToString(); //Resource Name newrow.cell[2] = row[2].ToString(); //In Progress newrow.cell[3] = row[3].ToString(); //Not Created newrow.cell[4] = row[4].ToString(); //Submitted newrow.cell[5] = row[5].ToString(); //Approved rowsadded.Add(newrow); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error At Manipulating Json Data" + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } result.rows = rowsadded.ToArray(); = page; = dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; result.record = rowsadded.Count; }); } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error at SPSecurity Delegate :" + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error at web method due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return(new s_GridResult_subgrid()); }
public static string GetDataTable(string resuid) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog(resuid, EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); string OutputXMLValue = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><rows>"; try { var curesuid = new Guid(resuid); string getresqry = @" SELECT ResourceUID FROM MSP_EpmResource_UserView WHERE (ResourceTimesheetManagerUID = '" + curesuid + @"')"; string siteurl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); WindowsImpersonationContext wik = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(IntPtr.Zero); try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate { var con = new SqlConnection(MyConfiguration.GetDataBaseConnectionString(siteurl)); con.Open(); var resoures_dt = new DataSet(); var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(new SqlCommand(getresqry, con)); adapter.Fill(resoures_dt); var res_uids = string.Empty; if (resoures_dt.Tables.Count > 0) { var resources_table = resoures_dt.Tables[0]; if (resources_table.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow ro in resources_table.Rows) { res_uids = res_uids + "'" + ro["ResourceUID"] + "',"; } } else { res_uids = "'" + curesuid + "',"; } } res_uids = "(" + res_uids.Substring(0, res_uids.Length - 1) + ")"; string gridqry = @" SELECT MSP_TimesheetResource.ResourceName, MSP_TimesheetPeriod.PeriodName, CASE WHEN (MSP_TimesheetProject.ProjectName = 'Administrative') THEN MSP_TimesheetClass.ClassName ELSE MSP_TimesheetProject.ProjectName END AS ProjectName, SUM(MSP_TimesheetActual.ActualWorkBillable + MSP_TimesheetActual.ActualWorkNonBillable + MSP_TimesheetActual.ActualOvertimeWorkBillable + MSP_TimesheetActual.ActualOvertimeWorkNonBillable) AS Actual, MSP_Timesheet.TimesheetUID FROM MSP_TimesheetPeriod INNER JOIN MSP_Timesheet ON MSP_TimesheetPeriod.PeriodUID = MSP_Timesheet.PeriodUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetActual INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetResource ON MSP_TimesheetActual.LastChangedResourceNameUID = MSP_TimesheetResource.ResourceNameUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetLine ON MSP_TimesheetActual.TimesheetLineUID = MSP_TimesheetLine.TimesheetLineUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetProject ON MSP_TimesheetLine.ProjectNameUID = MSP_TimesheetProject.ProjectNameUID ON MSP_Timesheet.OwnerResourceNameUID = MSP_TimesheetResource.ResourceNameUID AND MSP_Timesheet.TimesheetUID = MSP_TimesheetLine.TimesheetUID INNER JOIN MSP_TimesheetClass ON MSP_TimesheetLine.ClassUID = MSP_TimesheetClass.ClassUID WHERE (MSP_Timesheet.TimesheetStatusID = 1) AND (MSP_TimesheetResource.ResourceUID IN " + res_uids + @") GROUP BY MSP_TimesheetPeriod.PeriodName, MSP_TimesheetResource.ResourceName, CASE WHEN (MSP_TimesheetProject.ProjectName = 'Administrative') THEN MSP_TimesheetClass.ClassName ELSE MSP_TimesheetProject.ProjectName END, MSP_Timesheet.TimesheetUID "; // var dt = new DataSet(); adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(new SqlCommand(gridqry, con)); adapter.Fill(dt); if (dt.Tables.Count > 0) { var maintbl = dt.Tables[0]; OutputXMLValue += "<page>1</page><total>" + maintbl.Rows.Count + "</total><records>1</records>"; try { int RowIndex = 1; int resourceIndex; int periodIndex; //Tabel Column List -- ResourceName-0,PeriodName-1,ProjectName-2, Actual-3 // Get all the resource names first var resourcenames = from c in maintbl.AsEnumerable() group c by c["ResourceName"]; // loop for all the resources foreach (IGrouping <object, DataRow> grouping in resourcenames) { OutputXMLValue += "<row><cell>" + grouping.Key + "</cell>"; var periodnames = (from c in maintbl.AsEnumerable() where c.Field <string>("ResourceName"). Equals(grouping.Key) select c); var sum = periodnames.Sum(row => row.Field <decimal>("Actual")); OutputXMLValue += "<cell>" + sum + "</cell><cell>false</cell><cell>" + grouping.First()["TimesheetUID"] + "</cell><cell>1</cell><cell>0</cell>"; resourceIndex = RowIndex++; if (periodnames.Count() > 0) { OutputXMLValue += "<cell>false</cell><cell>true</cell></row>"; } else { OutputXMLValue += "<cell>true</cell><cell>true</cell></row>"; } var groupedperiodnames = from c in periodnames.AsEnumerable() group c by c["PeriodName"]; // loop for all the Periodnames foreach (IGrouping <object, DataRow> row in groupedperiodnames) { if (row.Count() > 0) { OutputXMLValue += "<row><cell>" + row.First()["PeriodName"] + "</cell>"; var projectnames = (from c in periodnames.AsEnumerable() where c.Field <string>( "PeriodName").Equals( row.First()["PeriodName"]) select c); sum = projectnames.Sum( r => r.Field <decimal>("Actual")); OutputXMLValue += "<cell>" + sum + "</cell><cell>false</cell><cell>" + row.First()["TimesheetUID"] + "</cell><cell>2</cell><cell>" + resourceIndex + "</cell>"; periodIndex = RowIndex++; if (projectnames.Count() > 0) { OutputXMLValue += "<cell>false</cell><cell>false</cell></row>"; } else { OutputXMLValue += "<cell>true</cell><cell>true</cell></row>"; } var groupedprojectnames = from c in projectnames.AsEnumerable() group c by c["ProjectName"]; // loop for all projectnames foreach ( IGrouping <object, DataRow> dataRows in groupedprojectnames) { if (dataRows.Count() > 0) { OutputXMLValue += "<row><cell>" + dataRows.First()["ProjectName"] + "</cell>"; OutputXMLValue += "<cell>" + dataRows.First()["Actual"] + "</cell><cell>false</cell><cell>" + dataRows.First()["TimesheetUID"] + "</cell><cell>3</cell><cell>" + periodIndex + "</cell>"; OutputXMLValue += "<cell>true</cell><cell>true</cell></row>"; RowIndex++; } } } } } //select c; } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error At Manipulating XML Data due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error at SPSecurity Delegate :" + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyConfiguration.ErrorLog("Error at web method due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return(OutputXMLValue + "</rows>"); }