public void Load(MyChessGame game) { Initialize(); foreach (var gameMove in game.Moves) { MakeMove(gameMove.Move); if (gameMove.SpecialMove != null) { switch (gameMove.SpecialMove) { case MyChessGameSpecialMove.PromotionToRook: ChangePromotion(PieceRank.Rook); break; case MyChessGameSpecialMove.PromotionToKnight: ChangePromotion(PieceRank.Knight); break; case MyChessGameSpecialMove.PromotionToBishop: ChangePromotion(PieceRank.Bishop); break; } } } }
private void MakeMoves(MyChessGame game) { _chessBoard.Initialize(); foreach (var gameMove in game.Moves) { _chessBoard.MakeMove(gameMove.Move); if (gameMove.SpecialMove != null) { switch (gameMove.SpecialMove) { case MyChessGameSpecialMove.PromotionToRook: _chessBoard.ChangePromotion(PieceRank.Rook); break; case MyChessGameSpecialMove.PromotionToKnight: _chessBoard.ChangePromotion(PieceRank.Knight); break; case MyChessGameSpecialMove.PromotionToBishop: _chessBoard.ChangePromotion(PieceRank.Bishop); break; } } } }
public byte[] Compact(MyChessGame game) { var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(game); var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json); using var input = new MemoryStream(buffer); using var output = new MemoryStream(); using var compressor = new BrotliStream(output, CompressionMode.Compress); input.CopyTo(compressor); compressor.Flush(); return(output.ToArray()); }
public async Task Create_New_Game() { // Arrange var expectedWhitePlayer = "user123"; var expectedBlackPlayer = "user456"; var user = new AuthenticatedUser() { Name = "abc", PreferredUsername = "******", UserIdentifier = "u1", ProviderIdentifier = "p1" }; // Player creating the game await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.Users, new UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "u1", RowKey = "p1", UserID = "user123" }); // Opponent await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.Users, new UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "u2", RowKey = "p2", UserID = "user456" }); await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.UserID2User, new UserID2UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "user456", RowKey = "user456", UserPrimaryKey = "u2", UserRowKey = "p2" }); var gameToCreate = new MyChessGame(); gameToCreate.Players.Black.ID = "user456"; gameToCreate.Moves.Add(new MyChessGameMove()); // Act var actual = await _gamesHandler.CreateGameAsync(user, gameToCreate); // Assert Assert.Null(actual.Error); Assert.NotNull(actual.Game); Assert.Equal(expectedWhitePlayer, actual.Game?.Players.White.ID); Assert.Equal(expectedBlackPlayer, actual.Game?.Players.Black.ID); }
public void Compress_Decompress_Test() { // Arrange var expected = new MyChessGame { ID = "abc" }; expected.Players.Black.ID = "def"; var buffer = _compactor.Compact(expected); // Act var actual = _compactor.Decompress(buffer); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected.ID, actual.ID); Assert.Equal(expected.Players.Black.ID, actual.Players.Black.ID); }
public async Task Create_Game_Fails_Due_Invalid_Opponent_Test() { // Arrange var expected = typeof(ObjectResult); var expectedError = "1234"; var game = new MyChessGame() { Name = "great game", State = "Normal", Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }; game.Players.White.ID = "p1"; game.Players.Black.ID = "p3"; game.Moves.Add(new MyChessGameMove() { Move = "A2A3", Comment = "Cool move", Start = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1), End = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }); _gamesHandlerStub.Error = new Models.HandlerError() { Instance = "some text/1234" }; var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("", "Games.ReadWrite")); _securityValidatorStub.ClaimsPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); var req = HttpRequestHelper.Create("POST", body: game, query: new Dictionary <string, Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues>()); // Act var actual = await _gamesFunction.Run(req, SignalRHelper.Create(), "abc"); // Assert Assert.IsType(expected, actual); var body = actual as ObjectResult; var actualError = body?.Value as ProblemDetails; Assert.EndsWith(expectedError, actualError?.Instance); }
public async Task Create_Game_Test() { // Arrange var expected = typeof(CreatedResult); var expectedGameID = "abc"; var game = new MyChessGame() { Name = "great game", State = "Normal", Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }; game.Players.White.ID = "p1"; game.Players.Black.ID = "p2"; game.Moves.Add(new MyChessGameMove() { Move = "A2A3", Comment = "Cool move", Start = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1), End = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }); _gamesHandlerStub.SingleGame = new MyChessGame() { ID = "abc" }; var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(); identity.AddClaim(new Claim("", "Games.ReadWrite")); _securityValidatorStub.ClaimsPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); var req = HttpRequestHelper.Create("POST", body: game, query: new Dictionary <string, Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues>()); // Act var actual = await _gamesFunction.Run(req, SignalRHelper.Create(), "abc"); // Assert Assert.IsType(expected, actual); var body = actual as CreatedResult; var actualGame = body?.Value as MyChessGame; Assert.Equal(expectedGameID, actualGame?.ID); }
public async Task Create_New_Game_But_No_Opponent_Found() { // Arrange var expected = "2103"; // GameHandlerOpponentNotFound var user = new AuthenticatedUser() { Name = "abc", PreferredUsername = "******", UserIdentifier = "u", ProviderIdentifier = "p" }; var gameToCreate = new MyChessGame(); // Act var actual = await _gamesHandler.CreateGameAsync(user, gameToCreate); // Assert Assert.Null(actual.Game); Assert.NotNull(actual.Error); Assert.EndsWith(expected, actual.Error?.Instance); }
public async Task Move_Game_To_Archive() { // Arrange var expectedWaitingForYou = 0; var expectedWaitingForOpponent = 0; var expectedArchive = 2; var user1 = new AuthenticatedUser() { Name = "abc", PreferredUsername = "******", UserIdentifier = "u1", ProviderIdentifier = "p1" }; // Player creating the game await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.Users, new UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "u1", RowKey = "p1", UserID = "user123" }); await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.UserID2User, new UserID2UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "user123", RowKey = "user123", UserPrimaryKey = "u1", UserRowKey = "p1" }); // Opponent await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.Users, new UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "u2", RowKey = "p2", UserID = "user456" }); var game = new MyChessGame { ID = "aaa" }; game.Players.White.ID = "user123"; game.Players.Black.ID = "user456"; var moves = new string[] { "E2E4", // White Pawn "A7A6", // Black Pawn "F1C4", // White Bishop "H7H6", // Black Pawn "D1F3", // White Queen "A6A5" // Black Pawn }; foreach (var m in moves) { game.Moves.Add(new MyChessGameMove() { Move = m }); } var compactor = new Compactor(); var data = compactor.Compact(game); await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.GamesWaitingForYou, new GameEntity() { PartitionKey = "user123", RowKey = "aaa", Data = data }); // White Queen var finalMove = new MyChessGameMove() { Move = "F3F7" }; // Act var actual = await _gamesHandler.AddMoveAsync(user1, "aaa", finalMove); // Assert Assert.Null(actual); var actualWaitingForYou = _context.Tables[TableNames.GamesWaitingForYou].Count; var actualWaitingForOpponent = _context.Tables[TableNames.GamesWaitingForOpponent].Count; var actualWaitingArchive = _context.Tables[TableNames.GamesArchive].Count; Assert.Equal(expectedWaitingForYou, actualWaitingForYou); Assert.Equal(expectedWaitingForOpponent, actualWaitingForOpponent); Assert.Equal(expectedArchive, actualWaitingArchive); }
public async Task Add_Move_To_Existing_Game() { // Arrange var expectedWaitingForYou = 1; var expectedWaitingForOpponent = 1; var user1 = new AuthenticatedUser() { Name = "abc", PreferredUsername = "******", UserIdentifier = "u1", ProviderIdentifier = "p1" }; var user2 = new AuthenticatedUser() { Name = "def", PreferredUsername = "******", UserIdentifier = "u2", ProviderIdentifier = "p2" }; // Player creating the game await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.Users, new UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "u1", RowKey = "p1", UserID = "user123" }); // Opponent await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.Users, new UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "u2", RowKey = "p2", UserID = "user456" }); await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.UserID2User, new UserID2UserEntity() { PartitionKey = "user456", RowKey = "user456", UserPrimaryKey = "u2", UserRowKey = "p2" }); var gameToCreate = new MyChessGame(); gameToCreate.Players.Black.ID = "user456"; gameToCreate.Moves.Add(new MyChessGameMove() { Move = "A2A3" }); var createResponse = await _gamesHandler.CreateGameAsync(user1, gameToCreate); var gameID = createResponse.Game?.ID; var move = new MyChessGameMove() { Move = "A7A6" }; // Act var actual = await _gamesHandler.AddMoveAsync(user2, gameID, move); // Assert Assert.Null(actual); var actualWaitingForYou = _context.Tables[TableNames.GamesWaitingForYou].Count; var actualWaitingForOpponent = _context.Tables[TableNames.GamesWaitingForOpponent].Count; Assert.Equal(expectedWaitingForYou, actualWaitingForYou); Assert.Equal(expectedWaitingForOpponent, actualWaitingForOpponent); }
public async Task <(MyChessGame?Game, HandlerError?Error)> CreateGameAsync(AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser, MyChessGame game) { var opponentID = game.Players.Black.ID; var opponent = await GetUserByUserIDAsync(opponentID); if (opponent == null) { return(null, new HandlerError() { Instance = LoggingEvents.CreateLinkToProblemDescription(LoggingEvents.GameHandlerOpponentNotFound), Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Title = "User not found", Detail = "For some reason your opponent could not be found" }); } var user = await GetOrCreateUserAsync(authenticatedUser); game.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); game.Players.White.ID = user.UserID; var data = _compactor.Compact(game); // TODO: Validate game data var comment = game.Moves[0].Comment; await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.GamesWaitingForYou, new GameEntity { PartitionKey = opponentID, RowKey = game.ID, Data = data }); await _context.UpsertAsync(TableNames.GamesWaitingForOpponent, new GameEntity { PartitionKey = user.UserID, RowKey = game.ID, Data = data }); await _notificationHandler.SendNotificationAsync(opponentID, game.ID, comment); return(game, null); }