public void Init(GameObject go, SerializedObject so) { if (go == null) { return; } gameObject = go; serializedObject = so; // SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(assetImporter); modelBones = MyAvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(gameObject.transform, false, null); //m_IsBiped = AvatarBipedMapper.IsBiped(gameObject.transform, null); // Handle human bones if (m_Bones == null) { m_Bones = MyAvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(serializedObject, modelBones); } //ValidateMapping(); //m_CurrentTransformEditorFoldout = true; //m_HasSkinnedMesh = (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>() != null); // Handle pose //InitPose(); //// Repaint //SceneView.RepaintAll(); }
//protected void PerformAutoMapping() //{ // AutoMapping(); // ValidateMapping(); // SceneView.RepaintAll(); //} //protected void PerformBipedMapping() //{ // BipedMapping(); // ValidateMapping(); // SceneView.RepaintAll(); //} //protected void AutoMapping() //{ // Dictionary<int, Transform> mapping = AvatarAutoMapper.MapBones(gameObject.transform, modelBones); // foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Transform> kvp in mapping) // { // MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone = m_Bones[kvp.Key]; // bone.bone = kvp.Value; // bone.Serialize(serializedObject); // } //} //protected void BipedMapping() //{ // Dictionary<int, Transform> mapping = AvatarBipedMapper.MapBones(gameObject.transform); // foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Transform> kvp in mapping) // { // MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone = m_Bones[kvp.Key]; // bone.bone = kvp.Value; // bone.Serialize(serializedObject); // } //} //protected void ClearMapping() //{ // if (serializedObject != null) // { // Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(this, "Clear Mapping"); // MyAvatarSetupTool.ClearHumanBoneArray(serializedObject); // ResetBones(); // ValidateMapping(); // SceneView.RepaintAll(); // } //} //protected Vector4 QuaternionToVector4(Quaternion rot) //{ // return new Vector4(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); //} //protected Quaternion Vector4ToQuaternion(Vector4 rot) //{ // return new Quaternion(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); //} //protected bool IsAnyBodyPartActive() //{ // // Avatar body part has nothing to show // for (int i = 1; i < m_BodyPartToggle.Length; i++) // { // if (m_BodyPartToggle[i]) // return true; // } // return false; //} //private void UpdateSelectedBone() //{ // // Look for selected bone slot // int oldSelectedBoneIndex = s_SelectedBoneIndex; // if (s_SelectedBoneIndex < 0 || s_SelectedBoneIndex >= m_Bones.Length || m_Bones[s_SelectedBoneIndex].bone != Selection.activeTransform) // { // s_SelectedBoneIndex = -1; // if (Selection.activeTransform != null) // { // for (int i = 0; i < m_Bones.Length; i++) // { // if (m_Bones[i].bone == Selection.activeTransform) // { // s_SelectedBoneIndex = i; // break; // } // } // } // } // if (s_SelectedBoneIndex != oldSelectedBoneIndex) // { // // If selected bone changed, change visual to show image that contains that bone. // List<int> views = AvatarControl.GetViewsThatContainBone(s_SelectedBoneIndex); // if (views.Count > 0 && !views.Contains(m_BodyView)) // m_BodyView = views[0]; // } //} //protected void DisplayFoldout() //{ // Dictionary<Transform, bool> bones = modelBones; // EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize( * 16); // // Legend // EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // GUI.color = Color.grey; // GUILayout.Label(styles.dotFrameDotted.image, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); // GUI.color = Color.white; // GUILayout.Label("Optional Bone", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); // EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // // Avatar body part has nothing to show // for (int i = 1; i < m_BodyPartToggle.Length; i++) // { // if (m_BodyPartToggle[i]) // { // // Unfold body part ui whenever a new selection is made. // if ((s_DirtySelection == true) && (m_BodyPartFoldout[i] == false)) // { // for (int j = 0; j < m_BodyPartHumanBone[i].Length; j++) // { // int boneIndex = m_BodyPartHumanBone[i][j]; // if (s_SelectedBoneIndex == boneIndex) // m_BodyPartFoldout[i] = true; // } // } // m_BodyPartFoldout[i] = GUILayout.Toggle(m_BodyPartFoldout[i], styles.BodyPartMapping[i], EditorStyles.foldout); // EditorGUI.indentLevel++; // if (m_BodyPartFoldout[i]) // { // for (int j = 0; j < m_BodyPartHumanBone[i].Length; j++) // { // int boneIndex = m_BodyPartHumanBone[i][j]; // if (boneIndex == -1) // continue; // AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone = m_Bones[boneIndex]; // string displayBoneName = bone.humanBoneName; // // @TODO@MECANIM: do properly // if ((BodyPart)i == BodyPart.RightArm || (BodyPart)i == BodyPart.RightFingers || (BodyPart)i == BodyPart.RightLeg) // displayBoneName = displayBoneName.Replace("Right", ""); // if ((BodyPart)i == BodyPart.LeftArm || (BodyPart)i == BodyPart.LeftFingers || (BodyPart)i == BodyPart.LeftLeg) // displayBoneName = displayBoneName.Replace("Left", ""); // displayBoneName = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(displayBoneName); // Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); // Rect selectRect = r; // selectRect.width -= 15; // Rect rect = new Rect(r.x + EditorGUI.indent, r.y - 1, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper.kIconSize, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper.kIconSize); // bone.BoneDotGUI(rect, selectRect, boneIndex, true, false, true, serializedObject, this); // r.xMin += AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper.kIconSize; // Transform newBoneTransform = EditorGUI.ObjectField(r, new GUIContent(displayBoneName), bone.bone, typeof(Transform), true) as Transform; // if (newBoneTransform != bone.bone) // { // Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(this, "Avatar mapping modified"); // bone.bone = newBoneTransform; // bone.Serialize(serializedObject); // // User adding a bone manually, if it not in the modelBones dict, we must explictly add it // if (newBoneTransform != null && !bones.ContainsKey(newBoneTransform)) // bones[newBoneTransform] = true; // } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bone.error)) // { // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // GUILayout.Space(EditorGUI.indent + AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper.kIconSize + 4); // GUILayout.Label(bone.error, s_Styles.errorLabel); // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // } // } // } // EditorGUI.indentLevel--; // } // } // s_DirtySelection = false; // EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(; //} //bool TransformChanged(Transform tr) //{ // SerializedProperty bone = MyAvatarSetupTool.FindSkeletonBone(serializedObject, tr, false, false); // if (bone != null) // { // SerializedProperty positionP = bone.FindPropertyRelative(MyAvatarSetupTool.sPosition); // if (positionP != null && positionP.vector3Value != tr.localPosition) // return true; // SerializedProperty rotationP = bone.FindPropertyRelative(MyAvatarSetupTool.sRotation); // if (rotationP != null && rotationP.quaternionValue != tr.localRotation) // return true; // SerializedProperty scaleP = bone.FindPropertyRelative(MyAvatarSetupTool.sScale); // if (scaleP != null && scaleP.vector3Value != tr.localScale) // return true; // } // return false; //} protected BoneState GetBoneState(int i, out string error) { error = string.Empty; MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone = m_Bones[i]; if (bone.bone == null) { return(BoneState.None); } int ancestorIndex = MyAvatarSetupTool.GetFirstHumanBoneAncestor(m_Bones, i); MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper ancestor = m_Bones[ancestorIndex > 0 ? ancestorIndex : 0]; if (i == 0 && bone.bone.parent == null) { error = bone.messageName + " cannot be the root transform"; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } if (ancestor.bone != null && !bone.bone.IsChildOf(ancestor.bone)) { error = bone.messageName + " is not a child of " + ancestor.messageName + "."; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } if (i == (int)HumanBodyBones.UpperChest) { MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper chest = m_Bones[(int)HumanBodyBones.Chest]; if (chest.bone == null) { error = "Chest must be assigned before assigning UpperChest."; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } } // Hips bone is a special case, for hips GetFirstAnscestor return hips if (i != (int)HumanBodyBones.Jaw && ancestor.bone != null && ancestor.bone != bone.bone && (bone.bone.position - ancestor.bone.position).sqrMagnitude < Mathf.Epsilon) { error = bone.messageName + " has bone length of zero."; return(BoneState.BoneLenghtIsZero); } // Does this transfrom is already set //List<BoneWrapper> match = ArrayUtility.FindAll (m_BoneWrappers, delegate (Transform t) { return t == m_BoneWrappers[i].bone; }); IEnumerable <MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper> match = m_Bones.Where(f => f.bone == bone.bone); // when we search in the list we must add 1 because the bone is in this list if (match.Count() > 1) { error = bone.messageName + " is also assigned to "; bool first = true; for (int j = 0; j < m_Bones.Length; j++) { if (i != j && m_Bones[i].bone == m_Bones[j].bone) { if (first) { first = false; } else { error += ", "; } error += ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(m_Bones[j].humanBoneName); } } error += "."; return(BoneState.Duplicate); } else { return(BoneState.Valid); } }
//private void EnableBodyParts(bool[] toggles, params int[] parts) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < m_BodyPartToggle.Length; i++) // toggles[i] = false; // foreach (int i in parts) // toggles[i] = true; //} //private void HandleBodyView(int bodyView) //{ // if (bodyView == 0) // EnableBodyParts(m_BodyPartToggle, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8); // if (bodyView == 1) // EnableBodyParts(m_BodyPartToggle, 2); // if (bodyView == 2) // EnableBodyParts(m_BodyPartToggle, 4); // if (bodyView == 3) // EnableBodyParts(m_BodyPartToggle, 6); //} //Vector2 m_FoldoutScroll =; //protected void CopyPrefabPose() //{ // MyAvatarSetupTool.CopyPose(gameObject, prefab); // AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(serializedObject, root); // m_Inspector.Repaint(); //} //protected void SampleBindPose() //{ // AvatarSetupTool.SampleBindPose(gameObject); // AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(serializedObject, root); // m_Inspector.Repaint(); //} //protected void BipedPose() //{ // AvatarBipedMapper.BipedPose(gameObject, m_Bones); // AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(serializedObject, root); // m_Inspector.Repaint(); //} public MyAvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] MakePoseValid() { MyAvatarSetupTool.MakePoseValid(m_Bones); //MyAvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(serializedObject, root); return(m_Bones); }