예제 #1
    void Update()
        int layerMask = 1 << 13;

        //layerMask = ~layerMask;
        Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 1000, layerMask);
        if (GrabAction.GetStateDown(handType))
            if (hit.collider)
                if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Turret"))
                    hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <TurretBehaviour>().enabled = false;
                    MuzzleEffect muzzle = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <MuzzleEffect>();
                    muzzle.enabled  = true;
                    muzzle.handType = handType;
                    muzzle.lookAt.ObjectToLookAt = AimTurret.objectToFollow;
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.forward, Color.yellow);
예제 #2
		public WeaponGun SetDefault()
			itemName            = "Unique Name";
			price               = 0;
			inventoryIcon       = "inventoryIcon.png";
			maxStack            = 1;
			rarity              = "common";
			description         = "Description of the weapon";
			shortdescription    = "Name of the weapon";
			image               = "image.png";
			handPosition        = new List<int>() { 0, 0 };
			firePosition        = new List<int>() { 20, 5 };
			recoilTime          = 1.0;
			level               = 1;
			tooltipKind         = "gun";
			weaponType          = "Custom Gun";
			itemTags            = new List<string>();
			fireTime            = 2.0;
			inaccuracy          = 0.05;
			twoHanded           = false;
			walkWhileFiring     = false;
			projectileType      = "Custom Projectile";
			powerProjectileType = "Charged Custom Projectile";
			powerProjectileTime = new List<double>() { 0.9, 60 };
			drawSpeedCurve      = "drawTimeMultiplier";
			drawPowerCurve      = "drawTimeMultiplier";
			projectile          = new Projectile(80, 0, 5, new List<int>() { 255, 255, 255 });
			muzzleEffect        = new MuzzleEffect(new List<FireSound>() { new FireSound("/sfx/gun/something.ogg") });

			return this;
예제 #3
		public WeaponStaff SetDefault()
			itemName          = "Unique Name";
			inventoryIcon     = "inventoryIcon.png";
			maxStack          = 0;
			rarity            = "common";
			description       = "Description of the weapon";
			shortdescription  = "Name of the weapon";
			image             = "image.png";
			handPosition      = new List<double>() { 0, 0 };
			firePosition      = new List<double>() { 20, 5 };
			level             = 10;
			fireTime          = 1.0;
			windupTime        = 1.0;
			cooldown          = 1;
			twoHanded         = true;
			fireOnRelease     = true;
			swingStart        = 10;
			swingFinish       = 0;
			coolingDownAngle  = 0;
			projectileType    = "Custom Projectile";
			projectile        = new Projectile(10, 5, new List<int>() { 255, 255, 255 });
			muzzleEffect      = new MuzzleEffect(new List<FireSound>() { new FireSound("/sfx/gun/something.ogg")});
			level1ChargeTime  = 0.5;
			level2ChargeTime  = 1;
			staffChargingGlow = new StaffChargingGlow("staffglow.png", 10, 1, 2, 3, 0.25, new List<int>() { 0, 5 });

			return this;