/// <summary>
        /// Recursively builds an answer lattice (Chinese words) from a Viterbi search graph
        /// of binary predictions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Recursively builds an answer lattice (Chinese words) from a Viterbi search graph
        /// of binary predictions. This function does a limited amount of post-processing:
        /// preserve white spaces of the input, and not segment between two latin characters or
        /// between two digits. Consequently, the probabilities of all paths in answerLattice
        /// may not sum to 1 (they do sum to 1 if no post processing applies).
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="tSource">Current node in Viterbi search graph.</param>
        /// <param name="aSource">Current node in answer lattice.</param>
        /// <param name="answer">Partial word starting at aSource.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeId">Currently unused node identifier for answer graph.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">Current position in docArray.</param>
        /// <param name="cost">Current cost of answer.</param>
        /// <param name="stateLinks">
        /// Maps nodes of the search graph to nodes in answer lattice
        /// (when paths of the search graph are recombined, paths of the answer lattice should be
        /// recombined as well, if at word boundary).
        /// </param>
        private void TagLatticeToAnswerLattice(DFSAState <string, int> tSource, DFSAState <string, int> aSource, StringBuilder answer, MutableInteger nodeId, int pos, double cost, IDictionary <DFSAState <string, int>, DFSAState <string, int> > stateLinks,
                                               DFSA <string, int> answerLattice, CoreLabel[] docArray)
            // Add "1" prediction after the end of the sentence, if applicable:
            if (tSource.IsAccepting() && tSource.ContinuingInputs().IsEmpty())
                tSource.AddTransition(new DFSATransition <string, int>(string.Empty, tSource, new DFSAState <string, int>(-1, null), "1", string.Empty, 0));
            // Get current label, character, and prediction:
            CoreLabel curLabel  = (pos < docArray.Length) ? docArray[pos] : null;
            string    curChr    = null;
            string    origSpace = null;

            if (curLabel != null)
                curChr = curLabel.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.OriginalCharAnnotation));
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((curChr.Length == 1));
                origSpace = curLabel.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SpaceBeforeAnnotation));
            // Get set of successors in search graph:
            ICollection <string> inputs = tSource.ContinuingInputs();
            // Only keep most probable transition out of initial state:
            string answerConstraint = null;

            if (pos == 0)
                double minCost = double.PositiveInfinity;
                // DFSATransition<String, Integer> bestTransition = null;
                foreach (string predictSpace in inputs)
                    DFSATransition <string, int> transition = tSource.Transition(predictSpace);
                    double transitionCost = transition.Score();
                    if (transitionCost < minCost)
                        if (predictSpace != null)
                            logger.Info(string.Format("mincost (%s): %e -> %e%n", predictSpace, minCost, transitionCost));
                            minCost          = transitionCost;
                            answerConstraint = predictSpace;
            // Follow along each transition:
            foreach (string predictSpace_1 in inputs)
                DFSATransition <string, int> transition = tSource.Transition(predictSpace_1);
                DFSAState <string, int>      tDest      = transition.Target();
                DFSAState <string, int>      newASource = aSource;
                //logger.info(String.format("tsource=%s tdest=%s asource=%s pos=%d predictSpace=%s%n", tSource, tDest, newASource, pos, predictSpace));
                StringBuilder newAnswer = new StringBuilder(answer.ToString());
                int           answerLen = newAnswer.Length;
                string        prevChr   = (answerLen > 0) ? newAnswer.Substring(answerLen - 1) : null;
                double        newCost   = cost;
                // Ignore paths starting with zero:
                if (answerConstraint != null && !answerConstraint.Equals(predictSpace_1))
                    logger.Info(string.Format("Skipping transition %s at pos 0.%n", predictSpace_1));
                // Ignore paths not consistent with input segmentation:
                if (flags.keepAllWhitespaces && "0".Equals(predictSpace_1) && "1".Equals(origSpace))
                    logger.Info(string.Format("Skipping non-boundary at pos %d, since space in the input.%n", pos));
                // Ignore paths adding segment boundaries between two latin characters, or between two digits:
                // (unless already present in original input)
                if ("1".Equals(predictSpace_1) && "0".Equals(origSpace) && prevChr != null && curChr != null)
                    char p = prevChr[0];
                    char c = curChr[0];
                    if (ChineseStringUtils.IsLetterASCII(p) && ChineseStringUtils.IsLetterASCII(c))
                        logger.Info(string.Format("Not hypothesizing a boundary at pos %d, since between two ASCII letters (%s and %s).%n", pos, prevChr, curChr));
                    if (ChineseUtils.IsNumber(p) && ChineseUtils.IsNumber(c))
                        logger.Info(string.Format("Not hypothesizing a boundary at pos %d, since between two numeral characters (%s and %s).%n", pos, prevChr, curChr));
                // If predictSpace==1, create a new transition in answer search graph:
                if ("1".Equals(predictSpace_1))
                    if (newAnswer.ToString().Length > 0)
                        // If answer destination node visited before, create a new edge and leave:
                        if (stateLinks.Contains(tSource))
                            DFSAState <string, int> aDest = stateLinks[tSource];
                            newASource.AddTransition(new DFSATransition <string, int>(string.Empty, newASource, aDest, newAnswer.ToString(), string.Empty, newCost));
                            //logger.info(String.format("new transition: asource=%s adest=%s edge=%s%n", newASource, aDest, newAnswer));
                        // If answer destination node not visited before, create it + new edge:
                        DFSAState <string, int> aDest_1 = new DFSAState <string, int>(nodeId, answerLattice, 0.0);
                        stateLinks[tSource] = aDest_1;
                        newASource.AddTransition(new DFSATransition <string, int>(string.Empty, newASource, aDest_1, newAnswer.ToString(), string.Empty, newCost));
                        //logger.info(String.format("new edge: adest=%s%n", newASource, aDest, newAnswer));
                        //logger.info(String.format("new transition: asource=%s adest=%s edge=%s%n%n%n", newASource, aDest, newAnswer));
                        // Reached an accepting state:
                        if (tSource.IsAccepting())
                        // Start new answer edge:
                        newASource = aDest_1;
                        newAnswer  = new StringBuilder();
                        newCost    = 0.0;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((curChr != null));
                newCost += transition.Score();
                if (newCost < flags.searchGraphPrune || ChineseStringUtils.IsLetterASCII(curChr[0]))
                    TagLatticeToAnswerLattice(tDest, newASource, newAnswer, nodeId, pos + 1, newCost, stateLinks, answerLattice, docArray);