예제 #1
        public static string GetFormattedString(MusicEra era) // Returns a user-friendly string representation of a MusicEras enum value
            if (era == MusicEra.Unknown)

            // Gets the two boundary years of the era and replaces "_" with "-", for example: "2000-2004"
            return(era.ToString().Remove(0, "Years_".Length).Replace('_', '-'));
예제 #2
        public static bool IsDateInEra(int year, MusicEra era) // Determines if a given year is in a given era
            if (year < 1940 || year > 2034)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(year), $"The date {year} is not in the supported range of eras.");
            if (era == MusicEra.Unknown)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine inclusion for unknown era.", nameof(era));

            string formattedEra = GetFormattedString(era);

            int minYear = Convert.ToInt32(formattedEra.Split('-')[0]);
            int maxYear = Convert.ToInt32(formattedEra.Split('-')[1]);

            return(minYear <= year && year <= maxYear);  // minYear <= year <= maxYear
예제 #3
        public static bool IsNewMillenium(MusicEra era) // Return true if the era is after 2000, and false if it's earlier
            if (era == MusicEra.Unknown)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(era), "Millenia cannot be determined about unknown era.");

            int eraValue = (int)era;

            if (eraValue < 40)
                return(true);                // 1940 is the earliest supported date from 1900s