예제 #1
        public void HttpPostWithFilesAndParameters3()
            // this method sends a file and checks for the number of bytes recieved
            HttpClient client     = new HttpClient();
            string     url        = "http://www.fiddler2.com/sandbox/FileForm.asp";
            HttpPost   postMethod = new HttpPost(new Uri(url));

            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;

            string fileName = "small-text.txt";

            StringBody stringBody1 = new StringBody(Encoding.ASCII, "1", "1_");


            FileInfo fi        = ResourceManager.GetResourceFileInfo(fileName);
            FileBody fileBody1 = new FileBody("fileentry", fileName, fi, "text/plain");


            StringBody stringBody2 = new StringBody(Encoding.ASCII, "_charset_", "windows-1252");


            HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, response.ResponseCode);
            string responseString = EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity);

            Assert.AreEqual(url, response.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri);
예제 #2
        public void HttpPostWithFilesAndParameters()
            // this method sends an empty file (or no file :)
            HttpClient client     = new HttpClient();
            HttpPost   postMethod = new HttpPost(new Uri(Constants.HTTP_MULTIPART_POST_200));

            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();
            StringBody      stringBody1     = new StringBody(Encoding.ASCII, "param1", "value1");

            StringBody stringBody2 = new StringBody(Encoding.ASCII, "param2", "!#$^&*((<>");

            FileBody fileBody1 = new FileBody("photo", "me.file", null);

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;
            HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, response.ResponseCode);
            string      responseString = EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity);
            MessageData md             = new MessageData();

            md.PostParameters.Add(new NameValuePair("param1", "value1"));
            md.PostParameters.Add(new NameValuePair("param2", "!#$^&*((<>"));
            md.Files.Add(new NameValuePair("me.file", "0"));
            Assert.AreEqual(md.ToString(), responseString);
            Assert.AreEqual(Constants.HTTP_MULTIPART_POST_200, response.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri);
예제 #3
 public RemoteMultipartRequest(ScheduledExecutorService workExecutor, HttpClientFactory
                               clientFactory, string method, Uri url, MultipartEntity multiPart, IDictionary <string
                                                                                                              , object> requestHeaders, RemoteRequestCompletionBlock onCompletion) : base(workExecutor
                                                                                                                                                                                          , clientFactory, method, url, null, requestHeaders, onCompletion)
     this.multiPart = multiPart;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 邮件发送
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="Content"></param>
        private static void SendMail(string to, string subject, string Content)
            HttpClient      client          = new HttpClient();
            HttpPost        postMethod      = new HttpPost(new Uri("http://sendcloud.sohu.com/webapi/mail.send.xml"));
            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;
            // 不同于登录SendCloud站点的帐号,您需要登录后台创建发信域名,获得对应发信域名下的帐号和密码才可以进行邮件的发送。
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "api_user", "*****@*****.**"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "api_key", "SdCc6gvb"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "from", "*****@*****.**"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "fromname", "XBA游戏网"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "to", to));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "subject", subject));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "html", Content));

            //FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(@"c:\SANCH5890V.jpg");

            //UTF8FileBody fileBody = new UTF8FileBody("file1", "SANCH5890V.jpg", fileInfo);

            HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

            if (response.ResponseCode == 200)
                LogMsg(" 发送邮件给:" + to + " 请求状态:" + response.ResponseCode + " 发送状态:" + EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity).Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r", ""));
                LogMsg(" 发送邮件给:" + to + " 请求状态:" + response.ResponseCode + " 发送状态:" + EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity).Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r", ""));
            //Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.ResponseCode);
            //Console.WriteLine("Response Content: " + EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity));
예제 #5
        public static void SendWelcomeMail(string userName, string email)
            HttpClient      client          = new HttpClient();
            HttpPost        postMethod      = new HttpPost(new Uri("http://sendcloud.sohu.com/webapi/mail.send_template.json"));
            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "template_invoke_name", "superjokes_register"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "substitution_vars", "{\"to\": [\"" + email + "\"], \"sub\" : { \"%username%\" : [\"" + userName + "\"]}}"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "api_user", "superjokes_cn"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "api_key", AppConfig.SendCloudKey));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "from", "*****@*****.**"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "fromname", "超级冷笑话"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "subject", "超级冷笑话注册邮件"));
            CodeScales.Http.Methods.HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

            var repCode   = response.ResponseCode;
            var repResult = EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity);
            //LogHelper.Info("reg:" + email + repResult + AppConfig.SendCloudKey);

            //Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.ResponseCode);
            //Console.WriteLine("Response Content: " + EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity));

            //Response.Write("Response Code: " + response.ResponseCode);
            //Response.Write("Response Content: " + EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity));
예제 #6
        public void testCorruptedByteRange()
            String eol        = "\r\n";
            String partString = eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 27-28/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "ag" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 9-9/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "e" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 27-32/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "ago" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + "--" + eol;

            try {
                MultipartEntity.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(partString)), BOUNDARY);
                Assert.Fail("corrupted byte range should throw a parse exception");
            } catch (MultipartException) {
                // expected
예제 #7
파일: 9kw.cs 프로젝트: HWask/IkariamBot
        public static string get_9kw_api_upload(string data)
            HttpClient client     = new HttpClient();
            HttpPost   postMethod = new HttpPost(new Uri("http://www.9kw.eu/index.cgi"));

            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;

            StringBody stringBody = new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "apikey", _9kw.apikey);


            StringBody stringBody3 = new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "source", "csapi");


            StringBody stringBody2 = new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "action", "usercaptchaupload");


            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(@data);
            FileBody fileBody = new FileBody("file-upload-01", data, fileInfo);


            HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

예제 #8
        protected MultipartEntity CreateMultipartBody <T>(T entity, string attachmentName, string attachmentPath) where T : BaseParameter
            MultipartEntity result = new MultipartEntity();

            var kvs = ResolveParameter(entity);

            foreach (var kv in kvs)
                result.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, kv.Key, kv.Value));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentPath))
                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(attachmentPath);
                var      fileName = Path.GetFileName(attachmentPath);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentName))
                    attachmentName = fileName;
                UTF8FileBody fileBody = new UTF8FileBody(attachmentName, fileName, fileInfo);

예제 #9
 public void testEmptyStream()
     try {
         MultipartEntity.FromStream(new MemoryStream(new byte[] {}), BOUNDARY);
         Assert.Fail("empty stream should throw a parse exception");
     } catch (MultipartException) {
         // expected
예제 #10
파일: Web.cs 프로젝트: jfreal/movidhep
        internal HttpClient InitializeTransport(out MultipartEntity multipartEntity, out HttpPost postMethod)
            var client = new HttpClient();

            postMethod = new HttpPost(new Uri(_restEndpoint));

            multipartEntity   = new MultipartEntity();
            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;
예제 #11
파일: Web.cs 프로젝트: jfreal/movidhep
        private void AttachFiles(ISendGrid message, MultipartEntity multipartEntity)
            var files = FetchFileBodies(message);

            files.ForEach(kvp => multipartEntity.AddBody(new FileBody("files[" + Path.GetFileName(kvp.Key) + "]", Path.GetFileName(kvp.Key), kvp.Value)));

            var streamingFiles = FetchStreamingFileBodies(message);

            streamingFiles.ForEach(kvp => multipartEntity.AddBody(new StreamedFileBody(kvp.Value, kvp.Key)));
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Old style login.
        /// Don't know on which devices this is actually used.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoOldLogin()
            var url = new UriBuilder("https", deviceIp, DevicePort, "/cgi-bin/login.cgi").Uri;

            var loginEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            loginEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(PartEncoding, "user", UserName));
            loginEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(PartEncoding, "passwd", password));
            httpClient.Post(url, loginEntity);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a command on the AppInstaller.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoCommand(string command, string barFilePath, bool includePackageId, bool includePackageName, string packageId)
            var url = new UriBuilder("https", deviceIp, DevicePort, "/cgi-bin/appInstaller.cgi").Uri;

            var entity = new MultipartEntity();

            AddParts(entity, command, barFilePath, includePackageId, includePackageName, packageId);
            var resp = httpClient.Post(url, entity);

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Post data onto the given URL and return the response.
        /// </summary>
        internal HttpWebResponse Post(Uri uri, MultipartEntity entity)
            var request = Initialize(WebRequest.Create(uri));

            request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
            request.Method        = "POST";
            request.ContentLength = entity.ContentLength;
            request.ContentType   = entity.ContentType;
            var postData = entity.Content;

            request.GetRequestStream().Write(postData, 0, postData.Length);
예제 #15
        public void testPartsNoCR()
            String eol        = "\n";
            String partString = eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 27-28/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "ag" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 9-9/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "e" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 5-5/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "s" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 4-4/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                " " + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 27-29/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "ago" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + "--" + eol;
            MultipartEntity entity = MultipartEntity.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(partString)),

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.Count(), 5, "Wrong number of parts");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[0].ContentType, "text/plain", "Part 1 content type is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[0].ContentExtent, new Extent(27, 2), "Part 1 range is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(entity[0].Data.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ag")), "Part 1 data is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[1].ContentType, "text/plain", "Part 2 content type is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[1].ContentExtent, new Extent(9, 1), "Part 2 range is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(entity[1].Data.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("e")), "Part 2 data is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[2].ContentType, "text/plain", "Part 3 content type is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[2].ContentExtent, new Extent(5, 1), "Part 3 range is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(entity[2].Data.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("s")), "Part 3 data is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[3].ContentType, "text/plain", "Part 4 content type is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[3].ContentExtent, new Extent(4, 1), "Part 4 range is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(entity[3].Data.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(" ")), "Part 4 data is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[4].ContentType, "text/plain", "Part 5 content type is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[4].ContentExtent, new Extent(27, 3), "Part 5 range is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(entity[4].Data.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ago")), "Part 5 data is wrong");
예제 #16
        public void testOnePart()
            String eol        = "\n";
            String partString = eol +
                                BOUNDARY + eol +
                                "Content-Type: text/plain" + eol +
                                "Content-Range: bytes 27-28/30" + eol +
                                eol +
                                "ag" + eol +
                                BOUNDARY + "--" + eol;
            MultipartEntity entity = MultipartEntity.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(partString)),

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.Count(), 1, "Wrong number of parts");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[0].ContentType, "text/plain", "Part 1 content type is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(entity[0].ContentExtent, new Extent(27, 2), "Part 1 range is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(entity[0].Data.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ag")), "Part 1 data is wrong");
예제 #17
        public static void VerifyNotice(string userName, string email, string jokeTitle, string jokeurl)
            HttpClient      client          = new HttpClient();
            HttpPost        postMethod      = new HttpPost(new Uri("http://sendcloud.sohu.com/webapi/mail.send_template.json"));
            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "template_invoke_name", "superjokes_verifynotice"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "substitution_vars", "{\"to\": [\"" + email + "\"], \"sub\" : { \"%username%\" : [\"" + userName + "\"],\"%joketitle%\":[\"" + jokeTitle + "\"],\"%jokeurl%\":[\"" + jokeurl + "\"]}}"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "api_user", "superjokes_cn"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "api_key", AppConfig.SendCloudKey));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "from", "*****@*****.**"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "fromname", "超级冷笑话"));
            multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "subject", "超级冷笑话审核通知"));
            CodeScales.Http.Methods.HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

            var repCode   = response.ResponseCode;
            var repResult = EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity);
            //LogHelper.Info("verify:" + email + repResult + AppConfig.SendCloudKey);
예제 #18
        public string postFile(string session, string fileName)
            int    GOOD_RETURN_CODE = 200;
            string subIdLocal       = "";

            FileStream imageFile = File.OpenRead(fileName);

            CodeScales.Http.HttpClient httpClient = new CodeScales.Http.HttpClient();
            HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(new Uri(url + "/api/upload/"));

            JsonObject      jsonObject = getUploadJSON(session);
            MultipartEntity reqEntity  = new MultipartEntity();

            StringBody stringBody = new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, "request-json", jsonObject.ToString());

            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
            FileBody fileBody = new FileBody("file", fileName, fileInfo);


            httpPost.Entity = reqEntity;
            HttpResponse response = httpClient.Execute(httpPost);

            String result = "";

            int respCode = response.ResponseCode;

            if (respCode == GOOD_RETURN_CODE)
                HttpEntity entity  = response.Entity;
                String     content = EntityUtils.ToString(entity);
                string     success = jsonGetValue(content, "status");
                subIdLocal = jsonGetValue(content, "subid");
                string hash = jsonGetValue(content, "hash");

예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Add parts to the entity.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddParts(MultipartEntity entity, string command, string barFilePath, bool includePackageId, bool includePackageName, string packageId)
     entity.AddBody(new StringBody(PartEncoding, "command", command));
     if (barFilePath != null)
         entity.AddBody(new FileBody("file", Path.GetFileName(barFilePath), new FileInfo(barFilePath), "application/zip"));
     if (includePackageId || includePackageName)
         string name = null;
         if (packageId == null)
             if (barFilePath == null)
                 throw new ArgumentNullException("barFilePath");
             var barFile = new BarFile(barFilePath);
             packageId = barFile.Manifest.PackageId;
             name      = barFile.Manifest.PackageName;
         if (includePackageId)
             if (packageId == null)
                 throw new ArgumentException("Missing Package-Id");
             entity.AddBody(new StringBody(PartEncoding, "package_id", packageId));
         if (includePackageName || (name != null))
             if (name == null)
                 throw new ArgumentException("Missing Package-Name");
             entity.AddBody(new StringBody(PartEncoding, "package_name", name));
예제 #20
        public void HttpPostWithFilesAndParameters2()
            // this method sends a file and checks for the number of bytes recieved
            HttpClient client     = new HttpClient();
            HttpPost   postMethod = new HttpPost(new Uri(Constants.HTTP_MULTIPART_POST_200));

            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity();

            string fileName = "big-text.txt";

            FileInfo fi        = ResourceManager.GetResourceFileInfo(fileName);
            FileBody fileBody1 = new FileBody("file", fileName, fi, "text/plain");

            postMethod.Entity = multipartEntity;

            StringBody stringBody1 = new StringBody(Encoding.ASCII, "param1", "value1");

            StringBody stringBody2 = new StringBody(Encoding.ASCII, "param2", "!#$^&*((<>");


            HttpResponse response = client.Execute(postMethod);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, response.ResponseCode);
            string      responseString = EntityUtils.ToString(response.Entity);
            MessageData md             = new MessageData();

            md.PostParameters.Add(new NameValuePair("param1", "value1"));
            md.PostParameters.Add(new NameValuePair("param2", "!#$^&*((<>"));
            md.Files.Add(new NameValuePair(fileName, fi.Length.ToString()));
            Assert.AreEqual(md.ToString(), responseString);
            Assert.AreEqual(Constants.HTTP_MULTIPART_POST_200, response.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri);
예제 #21
 // Encryption
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes a <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, encrypts it, and returns a MimeEntity with the associated
 /// content headers for encrypted content and the encrypted body.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, including content header and body, to encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="encryptingCertificate">The certificate used for encrytion</param>
 /// <returns>The encrypted mime entity.</returns>
 public MimeEntity Encrypt(MultipartEntity entity, X509Certificate2 encryptingCertificate)
     return Encrypt(entity.ToEntity(), encryptingCertificate);
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes a <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, encrypts it with a collection of certificates,
 /// and returns a MimeEntity with the associated
 /// content headers for encrypted content and the encrypted body.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// As specified in the S/MIME and CMS RFCs, encryption uses symetric encryption to encrypt the body, and
 /// certificate-based asymetric encryption to encrypt the encryption key used. With multiple certificates,
 /// there will be multiple copies of the encrypted encryption key.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="entity">The <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, including content header and body, to encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="encryptingCertificates">The collection of certificate used for encrytion</param>
 /// <returns>The encrypted mime entity.</returns>
 public MimeEntity Encrypt(MultipartEntity entity, X509Certificate2Collection encryptingCertificates)
     return Encrypt(entity.ToEntity(), encryptingCertificates);
예제 #23
 // Encryption
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes a <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, encrypts it, and returns a MimeEntity with the associated
 /// content headers for encrypted content and the encrypted body.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, including content header and body, to encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="encryptingCertificate">The certificate used for encrytion</param>
 /// <returns>The encrypted mime entity.</returns>
 public MimeEntity Encrypt(MultipartEntity entity, X509Certificate2 encryptingCertificate)
     return(Encrypt(entity.ToEntity(), encryptingCertificate));
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes a <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, encrypts it with a collection of certificates,
 /// and returns a MimeEntity with the associated
 /// content headers for encrypted content and the encrypted body.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// As specified in the S/MIME and CMS RFCs, encryption uses symetric encryption to encrypt the body, and
 /// certificate-based asymetric encryption to encrypt the encryption key used. With multiple certificates,
 /// there will be multiple copies of the encrypted encryption key.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="entity">The <see cref="MultipartEntity"/>, including content header and body, to encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="encryptingCertificates">The collection of certificate used for encrytion</param>
 /// <returns>The encrypted mime entity.</returns>
 public MimeEntity Encrypt(MultipartEntity entity, X509Certificate2Collection encryptingCertificates)
     return(Encrypt(entity.ToEntity(), encryptingCertificates));
예제 #25
파일: Web.cs 프로젝트: jfreal/movidhep
        private void AttachFormParams(ISendGrid message, MultipartEntity multipartEntity)
            var formParams = FetchFormParams(message);

            formParams.ForEach(kvp => multipartEntity.AddBody(new StringBody(Encoding.UTF8, kvp.Key, kvp.Value)));
예제 #26
파일: MimeEntity.cs 프로젝트: DM-TOR/nhin-d
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates this entity with the multipart entity, updating headers and body as appropriate.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="multipartEntity">The mulitpart entity to update.</param>
 public virtual void UpdateBody(MultipartEntity multipartEntity)
예제 #27
파일: MimeEntity.cs 프로젝트: DM-TOR/nhin-d
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates this entity with the multipart entity, updating headers and body as appropriate.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entities">The mulitpart entity to update.</param>
 public void SetParts(MultipartEntity entities)
     this.SetParts(entities, MimeSerializer.Default);
예제 #28
        private void AttachFiles(ISendGrid message, MultipartEntity multipartEntity)
            var files = FetchFileBodies(message);

            files.ForEach(kvp => multipartEntity.AddBody(new FileBody("files[" + kvp.Key + "]", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)));
예제 #29
        private bool UploadMultipartRevision(RevisionInternal revision)
            MultipartEntity multiPart             = null;
            IDictionary <string, object> revProps = revision.GetProperties();

            revProps.Put("_revisions", db.GetRevisionHistoryDict(revision));
            // TODO: refactor this to
            IDictionary <string, object> attachments = (IDictionary <string, object>)revProps.Get

            foreach (string attachmentKey in attachments.Keys)
                IDictionary <string, object> attachment = (IDictionary <string, object>)attachments
                if (attachment.ContainsKey("follows"))
                    if (multiPart == null)
                        multiPart = new MultipartEntity();
                            string   json        = Manager.GetObjectMapper().WriteValueAsString(revProps);
                            Encoding utf8charset = Sharpen.Extensions.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
                            multiPart.AddPart("param1", new StringBody(json, "application/json", utf8charset)
                        catch (IOException e)
                            throw new ArgumentException(e);
                    BlobStore   blobStore    = this.db.GetAttachments();
                    string      base64Digest = (string)attachment.Get("digest");
                    BlobKey     blobKey      = new BlobKey(base64Digest);
                    InputStream inputStream  = blobStore.BlobStreamForKey(blobKey);
                    if (inputStream == null)
                        Log.W(Database.Tag, "Unable to find blob file for blobKey: " + blobKey + " - Skipping upload of multipart revision."
                        multiPart = null;
                        string contentType = null;
                        if (attachment.ContainsKey("content_type"))
                            contentType = (string)attachment.Get("content_type");
                            if (attachment.ContainsKey("content-type"))
                                string message = string.Format("Found attachment that uses content-type" + " field name instead of content_type (see couchbase-lite-android"
                                                               + " issue #80): " + attachment);
                                Log.W(Database.Tag, message);
                        multiPart.AddPart(attachmentKey, new InputStreamBody(inputStream, contentType, attachmentKey
            if (multiPart == null)
            string path = string.Format("/%s?new_edits=false", revision.GetDocId());

            // TODO: need to throttle these requests
            Log.D(Database.Tag, "Uploadeding multipart request.  Revision: " + revision);
            Log.D(Database.Tag, this + "|" + Sharpen.Thread.CurrentThread() + ": uploadMultipartRevision() calling asyncTaskStarted()"
            SendAsyncMultipartRequest("PUT", path, multiPart, new _RemoteRequestCompletionBlock_411
            // TODO:
예제 #30
파일: MimeEntity.cs 프로젝트: DM-TOR/nhin-d
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates this entity with the multipart entity, updating headers and body as appropriate,
 /// using a custom serializer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entities">The mulitpart entity to update.</param>
 /// <param name="serializer">The serializer to use</param>
 public void SetParts(MultipartEntity entities, MimeSerializer serializer)
     this.SetParts(entities, entities.ContentType.ToString(), serializer);
예제 #31
        private bool UploadMultipartRevision(RevisionInternal revision)
            MultipartEntity multiPart             = null;
            IDictionary <string, object> revProps = revision.GetProperties();
            // TODO: refactor this to
            IDictionary <string, object> attachments = (IDictionary <string, object>)revProps.Get

            foreach (string attachmentKey in attachments.Keys)
                IDictionary <string, object> attachment = (IDictionary <string, object>)attachments
                if (attachment.ContainsKey("follows"))
                    if (multiPart == null)
                        multiPart = new MultipartEntity();
                            string   json        = Manager.GetObjectMapper().WriteValueAsString(revProps);
                            Encoding utf8charset = Sharpen.Extensions.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
                            multiPart.AddPart("param1", new StringBody(json, "application/json", utf8charset)
                        catch (IOException e)
                            throw new ArgumentException(e);
                    BlobStore   blobStore    = this.db.GetAttachments();
                    string      base64Digest = (string)attachment.Get("digest");
                    BlobKey     blobKey      = new BlobKey(base64Digest);
                    InputStream inputStream  = blobStore.BlobStreamForKey(blobKey);
                    if (inputStream == null)
                        Log.W(Log.TagSync, "Unable to find blob file for blobKey: %s - Skipping upload of multipart revision."
                              , blobKey);
                        multiPart = null;
                        string contentType = null;
                        if (attachment.ContainsKey("content_type"))
                            contentType = (string)attachment.Get("content_type");
                            if (attachment.ContainsKey("content-type"))
                                Log.W(Log.TagSync, "Found attachment that uses content-type" + " field name instead of content_type (see couchbase-lite-android"
                                      + " issue #80): %s", attachment);
                        multiPart.AddPart(attachmentKey, new InputStreamBody(inputStream, contentType, attachmentKey
            if (multiPart == null)
            string path = string.Format("/%s?new_edits=false", revision.GetDocId());

            Log.D(Log.TagSync, "Uploading multipart request.  Revision: %s", revision);
            Log.V(Log.TagSync, "%s | %s: uploadMultipartRevision() calling asyncTaskStarted()"
                  , this, Sharpen.Thread.CurrentThread());
            SendAsyncMultipartRequest("PUT", path, multiPart, new _RemoteRequestCompletionBlock_542
                                          (this, revision));
            // Server doesn't like multipart, eh? Fall back to JSON.
            //status 415 = "bad_content_type"