예제 #1
        private async Task <string> SendSurvey(string surveyId, Survey survey, string recipient, string token, string closingTime, GraphServiceClient graphClient)
            // Build up the card
            Card card = new Card();

            card.ThemeColor = "00B200";
            card.Title      = survey.Name;
            card.Text       = "Survey closes at **" + closingTime + " (UTC)**";

            card.HideOriginalBody = true;
            card.Sections         = new List <Section>();

            Section section = new Section();

            section.Title   = survey.QuestionTitle;
            section.Actions = new List <MessageCard.Action>();

            ActionCard actionCard = new ActionCard();

            actionCard.Name   = "Respond";
            actionCard.Inputs = new List <Input>();

            MultichoiceInput input = new MultichoiceInput();

            input.Id         = "input";
            input.IsRequired = true;
            input.Title      = "Select an option";
            input.Choices    = new List <Choice>();

            string[] choices = survey.QuestionChoices.Split(';');
            for (int i = 0; i < choices.Length; i++)
                input.Choices.Add(new Choice()
                    Display = choices[i], Value = (i + 1).ToString()

            actionCard.Actions = new List <ExternalAction>()
                // This HttpPOST action is defined so the following request is sent to the service:
                // POST <service URL>
                // <Other HTTP headers>
                // ContentType: application/json
                // {
                //      "UserId": "<id of user>",
                //      "SurveyId": "<id of the survey being responded to>",
                //      "Response": "{{input.value}}"
                // }
                new HttpPOST()
                    Name            = "Submit",
                    Target          = "https://...", // TODO: Fix this with the real URL to web API
                    Body            = "{ \"UserId\": \"" + recipient + "\", \"SurveyId\": \"" + surveyId + "\", \"LimitedToken\": \"" + token + "\", \"Response\": \"{{input.value}}\" }",
                    BodyContentType = "application/json"


            Recipient toRecip = new Recipient()
                EmailAddress = new EmailAddress()
                    Address = recipient

            // Create the message
            Message actionableMessage = new Message()
                Subject      = "RESPONSE REQUESTED: " + survey.Name,
                ToRecipients = new List <Recipient>()
                Body = new ItemBody()
                    ContentType = BodyType.Html,
                    Content     = LoadSurveyMessageBody(card)

                await graphClient.Me.SendMail(actionableMessage, true).Request().PostAsync();
            catch (ServiceException graphEx)
                return(string.Format("Send to {0} failed - {1}: {2}", recipient, graphEx.Error.Code, graphEx.Error.Message));

예제 #2
        public MessageCard SetupConnector()
            MessageCard payload = new MessageCard();

            payload.type       = "MessageCard";
            payload.context    = "http://schema.org/extensions";
            payload.themeColor = "0076D7";
            payload.summary    = "Russel Rillema started running Margins Daily Calculator";
            Section section = new Section()
                activityTitle    = "Russel Rillema started running Margins Daily Calculator",
                activitySubtitle = "On McCloud",
                activityImage    = "https://teamsnodesample.azurewebsites.net/static/img/image5.png",
                markdown         = true
            Fact assignee = new Fact()
                name  = "Assigned to",
                value = "Unassigned"
            Fact dueDate = new Fact()
                name  = "Due date",
                value = "Mon May 01 2017 17:07:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)"
            Fact status = new Fact()
                name  = "Status",
                value = "Not started"


            PotentialAction comment = new PotentialAction()
                type   = "ActionCard",
                name   = "Add a comment",
                inputs = new List <Input>()
                    new TextInput()
                        id = "comment", isMultiline = false, title = "Add a comment here for this task"
                actions = new List <ConnectorWebHook.Models.Action>()
                    new ConnectorWebHook.Models.Action()
                        type = "HttpPOST", name = "Add comment", target = "http://..."
            PotentialAction setDueDate = new PotentialAction()
                type   = "ActionCard",
                name   = "Set due date",
                inputs = new List <Input>()
                    new DateInput()
                        id = "dueDate", title = "Enter a due date for this task"
                actions = new List <ConnectorWebHook.Models.Action>()
                    new ConnectorWebHook.Models.Action()
                        type = "HttpPOST", name = "Add comment", target = "http://..."
            MultichoiceInput multichoiceInput = new MultichoiceInput()
                id = "list", title = "Select a status", isMultiSelect = "false"

            multichoiceInput.choices.Add(new MultichoiceInputChoice()
                display = "In Progress", value = "1"
            multichoiceInput.choices.Add(new MultichoiceInputChoice()
                display = "Active", value = "2"
            multichoiceInput.choices.Add(new MultichoiceInputChoice()
                display = "Closed", value = "3"
            PotentialAction changeStatus = new PotentialAction()
                type   = "ActionCard",
                name   = "Change status",
                inputs = new List <Input>()
                actions = new List <ConnectorWebHook.Models.Action>()
                    new ConnectorWebHook.Models.Action()
                        type = "HttpPOST", name = "Add comment", target = "http://..."

