예제 #1
        public Multibox GetIfNotPresent()
            Multibox Account = Accounts.FirstOrDefault();

            Account.MainAccount = true;

예제 #2
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            _childLayer = new Layer(Layer);

            _dropdown1 = new Dropdown
                new Title(() => "Top titleZZ 1!"),
                new List <IBit>
                new Link(() => "Link 1!", () => "/"),
                new Link(() => "Link 2!", () => "/"),
                new Link(() => "Link longer than the others!", () => "/"),
                new Arrow(
                    isStatic: false,
                    margin: () => new Size(5),
                    foregroundColor: () => Constants.Yellow_7,
                    fontSize: () => Number
                new Heading(
                    () => "H3 heading #1!", Heading.Size.H3, display: () => Display.InlineBlock,
                    margin: () => new Size(5, 10, 15), padding: () => new Size(3, 6),
                    fontWeight: () => 700, backgroundColor: () => Constants.Blue_7,
                    foregroundColor: () => Constants.Blue_7_Text
                new Title(
                    () => "Title #1!",
                    margin: () => new Size(5, 10, 15), padding: () => new Size(3, 6),
                    foregroundColor: () => Constants.Blue_7
                new Chip(
                    () => "A chip", backgroundColor: () => Constants.Green_4,
                    foregroundColor: () => Constants.Green_4_Text
                new Dropdown(
                    new Title(() => "Subtitle 1!"),
                    new List <IBit>
                    new Link(() => "Link 1!", () => "/"),
                    new Link(() => "Link 2!", () => "/"),
                    new Link(() => "Link longer than the others!", () => "/"),

            Button.Color NextColor(Button.Color current)
                return(current == Button.Color.Yellow ? Button.Color.Default : current + 1);

            _colorChangingButton = new Button
                () => "Color changing button",
                _ =>
                _colorChangingButtonColor = NextColor(_colorChangingButtonColor);
                () => _colorChangingButtonColor,
                isStatic: false,
                data: () => new Dictionary <string, BitGetters.DataValue>
                { "next-color", () => NextColor(_colorChangingButtonColor).ToString() },

            _buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(new List <Button>
                new Button(() =>
                    var arrowLeft = new Icon <MaterialIcon>("keyboard_arrow_right");
                    return("Button with content " + arrowLeft.Render().Content());
                }, _ => _modal1.Show(), pixelsHeight: () => 21.5, padding: () => new Size(2, 0, 2, 6)),
                new Button(() => "Button blue!", async _ => await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("async"),
                           () => Button.Color.Blue),
                new Button(() => "Button green!", _ => { }, () => Button.Color.Green, isDisabled: () => true),
                new Button(() => "Button orange!", _ => { }, () => Button.Color.Orange),
                new Button(() => "Button purple!", _ => { }, () => Button.Color.Purple, isHighlighted: () => true),
                new Button(() => "Button red!", _ => { }, () => Button.Color.Default,
                           tooltip: () => RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(100).ToString()),
                new Button(() => "Button yellow!", _ => { }, () => Button.Color.Default),

            // _buttonGroup2 = new ButtonGroup(new List<Button>
            // {
            // new ToggleButton(() => "Toggle #1", async b => await Task.CompletedTask, () => false),
            // });

            _modal1 = new Modal();

            _faker = new Faker <PopperTests.User>()
                     .RuleFor(u => u.ID, (f, u) => f.IndexFaker)
                     .RuleFor(u => u.Name, (f, u) => f.Name.FullName())
                     .RuleFor(u => u.Department, (f, u) => f.Commerce.Department());

            _users   = _faker.Generate(1000);
            _options = _users.Select(v => new PopperTests.Option
                Key           = v.ID.ToString(),
                Value         = v,
                OptionText    = $"{v.Name} - {v.Department}",
                SelectionText = v.Name,
                // Selected      = v.Name.StartsWith("A"),

            _multibox1 = new Multibox <PopperTests.User>
                JSRuntime, () => _options

            var checkbox1Value = false;

            checkbox1 = new Checkbox(c => checkbox1Value = c, isChecked: () => checkbox1Value,
                                     tooltip: () => checkbox1Value ? "Checkbox is checked" : null);
            checkbox2 = new Checkbox(async c => await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("async " + c), isChecked: () => true);
            checkbox3 = new Checkbox(c => { }, isDisabled: () => true);
            checkbox4 = new Checkbox(c => { }, isDisabled: () => true, isChecked: () => true);
            checkbox5 = new Checkbox(c => { }, isRequired: () => true);

            _headerGroup = new HeaderGroup(new List <Header>
                new Header(new List <IBit>
                    new Title(() => "Title of primary header"),
                    new Filler(),
                    new Chip(() => "Chip 1"),
                new Header(new List <IBit>
                    new Title(() => "Title of primary header 2"),
                    new Filler(),
                    new Chip(() => "Chip 2"),
                new Header(new List <IBit>
                    new TextLine(() => "TextLine of secondary header"),
                    new Filler(),
                    new Chip(() => "Chip 3"),
                }, Header.HeaderType.Secondary),
                new Header(new List <IBit>
                    new TextLine(() => "TextLine of secondary header 2"),
                    new Filler(),
                    new Chip(() => "Chip 4"),
                }, Header.HeaderType.Secondary),
            }, () => 500);

            _combobox = new Combobox <PopperTests.User>(JSRuntime, () => _options);

            _combobox.OnSelect += selected =>
                if (selected != null)