예제 #1
        private async Task SendImageUsingReferenceAsync(List <string> objectIDs, ImageRef imageRef, int page = 1, string locationName = null, string batchID = null)
            //Create an image object.
            MultiProductImage image = new MultiProductImage
                ImageReference = imageRef.ImageReference,
                ObjectIDs      = objectIDs,
                //The type of display this image is meant for.
                //See Appendix A of the API reference for the full list.
                DisplayTypeName = "Chroma29",
                PageID          = page,

            //Send the image as a local override image
            if (locationName != null)
                image.LocationName = locationName;

            //Use a user supplied batchID
            //For more information on how to use this feature see section 5.1 of the System Management documentation.
            if (batchID != null)
                image.UserDefinedBatchID = batchID;

            var response = await _client.PostApiAsync <MultiProductImage>("api/objects/imagetomultipleobjects", image);

예제 #2
        public async Task SendImagesAsync()
            //A batch API endpoint can be used to send multiple requests together. This cuts down on excess HTTP traffic.

            //  Create the products we are going to assign the image to
            var products = new List <Product>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                products.Add(await AddProduct());

            //Create the content body for the batch request
            var batchID = "batch_" + Guid.NewGuid();
            MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent("mixed", batchID);

            //  Create the request for each image send that the batch is going to contain.
            foreach (Product product in products)
                //Create an image object.
                MultiProductImage image = new MultiProductImage
                    ObjectIDs = new List <string> {
                    //The type of display this image is meant for.
                    //See Appendix A of the API reference for the full list.
                    DisplayTypeName = "Chroma29",
                    PageID          = 1,
                    //Send the image as a local override image
                    LocationName = existingLocation1.Name,
                    //Use a user supplied batchID
                    //For more information on how to use this feature see section 5.1 of the System Management documentation.
                    UserDefinedBatchID = batchID

                //Create a message to send an image.
                //Create the different parts of the multipart content
                MultipartContent imageContent = new MultipartContent("related")
                    new ObjectContent <MultiProductImage>(image, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter())
                var imagePartContent = new ByteArrayContent(GetEmbeddedImageBytes("Chroma29_enquire_test_296x128.png"));
                imagePartContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png");

                HttpMessageContent sendImageContent = new HttpMessageContent(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, $"{ApiServer}/API/api/objects/imagetomultipleobjects"));
                sendImageContent.HttpRequestMessage.Content = imageContent;

            //  Now send all the image assigns as a single batch request.
            await SendBatchAndCheckReturnResponsesSuccessAsync(content);
예제 #3
        private async Task SendImage(List <string> objectIDs, int page = 1, string locationName = null, string batchID = null)
            //Create an image object.
            MultiProductImage image = new MultiProductImage
                ObjectIDs = objectIDs,
                //The type of display this image is meant for.
                //See Appendix A of the API reference for the full list.
                DisplayTypeName = "Chroma29",
                PageID          = page,

            //Send the image as a local override image
            if (locationName != null)
                image.LocationName = locationName;

            //Use a user supplied batchID
            //For more information on how to use this feature see section 5.1 of the System Management documentation.
            if (batchID != null)
                image.UserDefinedBatchID = batchID;

            //Add the image data to the request
            MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent("related");

            content.Add(new ObjectContent <MultiProductImage>(image, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()));
            var imagePartContent = new ByteArrayContent(GetEmbeddedImageBytes("Chroma29_enquire_test_296x128.png"));

            //The image type that is being supplied, either BMP, PBM or PNG. See API reference for details.
            imagePartContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png");

            //Finally send the request and check the result
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "api/objects/imagetomultipleobjects")
                Content = content

            var response = await _client.SendAsync(request);
