예제 #1
        public static void PositionMultiPolygon(CALayer shape, MultiPolygon multiPolygon, IStyle style, IViewport viewport)
            var shapeLayer = shape as CAShapeLayer;
            var path       = multiPolygon.ToUIKit(viewport);

            //var frame = ConvertBoundingBox (multiPolygon.GetBoundingBox(), viewport);
            shapeLayer.Path = path.CGPath;
            //shape.Frame = frame;

             * if (viewport.Resolution > MinResolution || viewport.Resolution < MaxResolution) {
             *  //recalculate
             *  var newImage = RenderMultiPolygonOnLayer (multiPolygon, style, viewport);
             *  shape.Contents = newImage.Contents;
             *  shape.Frame = newImage.Frame;
             *  var resolution = ZoomHelper.ClipToExtremes (Resolutions, viewport.Resolution);
             *  MinResolution = ZoomHelper.ZoomOut (Resolutions, resolution);
             *  MaxResolution = ZoomHelper.ZoomIn (Resolutions, resolution);
             * } else {
             *  //reposition Geometry
             *  var frame = ConvertBoundingBox (multiPolygon.GetBoundingBox(), viewport);
             *  var newFrame = new RectangleF (frame.X, (frame.Y), frame.Width, frame.Height);
             *  shape.Frame = newFrame;
             *  //shape.Frame = frame;
             * }
예제 #2
        public static CALayer RenderMultiPolygonOnLayer(MultiPolygon multiPolygon, IStyle style, IViewport viewport)
            var tile = new CAShapeLayer();

            if (!(style is VectorStyle))
                throw new ArgumentException("Style is not of type VectorStyle");
            var vectorStyle = style as VectorStyle;

            var strokeAlpha = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Color.A / 255;
            var fillAlpha   = (float)vectorStyle.Fill.Color.A / 255;

            var strokeColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Outline.Color.R, vectorStyle.Outline.Color.G,
                                                      vectorStyle.Outline.Color.B), strokeAlpha);
            var fillColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Fill.Color.R, vectorStyle.Fill.Color.G,
                                                    vectorStyle.Fill.Color.B), fillAlpha);

            var path = multiPolygon.ToUIKit(viewport);

            tile.StrokeColor = strokeColor;
            tile.FillColor   = fillColor;
            tile.LineWidth   = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Width;
            tile.Path        = path.CGPath;

예제 #3
        private static CALayer RenderImage(MultiPolygon multiPolygon, IStyle style, IViewport viewport)
            var geom = new CAShapeLayer();

            if (!(style is VectorStyle))
                throw new ArgumentException("Style is not of type VectorStyle");
            var vectorStyle = style as VectorStyle;

            float strokeAlpha = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Color.A / 255;
            float fillAlpha   = (float)vectorStyle.Fill.Color.A / 255;
            var   strokeColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Outline.Color.R, vectorStyle.Outline.Color.G,
                                                        vectorStyle.Outline.Color.B), strokeAlpha);
            var fillColor = new CGColor(new CGColor(vectorStyle.Fill.Color.R, vectorStyle.Fill.Color.G,
                                                    vectorStyle.Fill.Color.B), fillAlpha);

            geom.StrokeColor = strokeColor;
            geom.FillColor   = fillColor;
            geom.LineWidth   = (float)vectorStyle.Outline.Width;

            var bbRect = GeometryRenderer.ConvertBoundingBox(multiPolygon.GetBoundingBox(), viewport);
            var offset = new System.Drawing.Point((int)bbRect.GetMinX(), (int)bbRect.GetMinY());

            GeometryExtension.OffSet = offset;

            var path  = multiPolygon.ToUIKit(viewport);
            var frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, (int)(bbRect.GetMaxX() - bbRect.GetMinX()), (int)(bbRect.GetMaxY() - bbRect.GetMinY()));
            var size  = frame.Size;

            geom.Path = path.CGPath;


            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();


            var image     = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
            var imageTile = new CALayer {
                Contents = image.CGImage, Frame = frame
