protected MultimediaDriveHandler(DriveInfo driveInfo, IEnumerable<MediaItem> mediaItems, MultiMediaType mediaType) : base(driveInfo)
   _mediaType = mediaType;
   _mediaItemsSubViewSpecification = new StaticViewSpecification(
       driveInfo.VolumeLabel + " (" + DriveUtils.GetDriveNameWithoutRootDirectory(driveInfo) + ")", new Guid[] {}, new Guid[] {});
   foreach (MediaItem item in mediaItems)
예제 #2
 protected MultimediaDriveHandler(DriveInfo driveInfo, IEnumerable <MediaItem> mediaItems, MultiMediaType mediaType) : base(driveInfo)
     _mediaType = mediaType;
     _mediaItemsSubViewSpecification = new StaticViewSpecification(
         driveInfo.VolumeLabel + " (" + DriveUtils.GetDriveNameWithoutRootDirectory(driveInfo) + ")", new Guid[] {}, new Guid[] {});
     foreach (MediaItem item in mediaItems)
예제 #3
        protected MultimediaDriveHandler(DriveInfo driveInfo, IEnumerable <Guid> necessaryMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> optionalMIATypeIds, MultiMediaType mediaType) : base(driveInfo)
            _mediaType = mediaType;
            string drive = driveInfo.Name;

            drive = drive.Substring(0, 2); // Clip potential '\\' at the end
            string directory = "/" + drive + "/";

            _mediaItemsSubViewSpecification = new LocalDirectoryViewSpecification(driveInfo.VolumeLabel + " (" + DriveUtils.GetDriveNameWithoutRootDirectory(driveInfo) + ")",
                                                                                  ResourcePath.BuildBaseProviderPath(LocalFsResourceProviderBase.LOCAL_FS_RESOURCE_PROVIDER_ID, directory),
                                                                                  necessaryMIATypeIds, optionalMIATypeIds);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Detects if the directory of the given <paramref name="resourcePath"/> contains video, image or audio media files and
 /// returns <see cref="MediaItem"/> instances for those files.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourcePath">The resource path instance for the directory to be examined.</param>
 /// <param name="videoMIATypeIds">Ids of the media item aspects to be extracted from video items.</param>
 /// <param name="imageMIATypeIds">Ids of the media item aspects to be extracted from image items.</param>
 /// <param name="audioMIATypeIds">Ids of the media item aspects to be extracted from audio items.</param>
 /// <param name="mediaItems">Returns a collection of media items in the given <paramref name="resourcePath"/> or <c>null</c>,
 /// if the return value is <see cref="MultiMediaType.None"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>Type of media items found.</returns>
 public static MultiMediaType DetectMultimedia(ResourcePath resourcePath,
                                               IEnumerable <Guid> videoMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> imageMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> audioMIATypeIds,
                                               out ICollection <MediaItem> mediaItems)
         mediaItems = new List <MediaItem>();
         IMediaAccessor     mediaAccessor = ServiceRegistration.Get <IMediaAccessor>();
         IEnumerable <Guid> meIds         = mediaAccessor.GetMetadataExtractorsForMIATypes(videoMIATypeIds.Union(imageMIATypeIds).Union(audioMIATypeIds));
         using (IResourceAccessor ra = new ResourceLocator(resourcePath).CreateAccessor())
             IFileSystemResourceAccessor directoryRA = ra as IFileSystemResourceAccessor;
             if (ra != null)
                 AddLocalMediaItemsRecursive(directoryRA, mediaItems, meIds, mediaAccessor);
         MultiMediaType result = MultiMediaType.None;
         foreach (MediaItem item in mediaItems)
         {                                      // Check the type of our extracted media items
             MultiMediaType itemType = GetTypeOfMediaItem(item);
             if (result == MultiMediaType.None) // Initialize the result type with the type of the first media item
                 result = itemType;
             else if (result != itemType) // Check if we have different item types
                 result = MultiMediaType.Diverse;
     catch (Exception e)
         ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("Error while detecting the media items in resource {0}", e, resourcePath);
         mediaItems = null;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Detects if the directory of the given <paramref name="resourcePath"/> contains video, image or audio media files.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourcePath">The resource path instance for the directory to be examined.</param>
 /// <param name="videoMIATypeIds">Ids of the media item aspects to be extracted from video items.</param>
 /// <param name="imageMIATypeIds">Ids of the media item aspects to be extracted from image items.</param>
 /// <param name="audioMIATypeIds">Ids of the media item aspects to be extracted from audio items.</param>
 /// if the return value is <see cref="MultiMediaType.None"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>Type of media items found.</returns>
 public static MultiMediaType DetectMultimedia(ResourcePath resourcePath,
                                               IEnumerable <Guid> videoMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> imageMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> audioMIATypeIds)
         MultiMediaType     result        = MultiMediaType.None;
         IMediaAccessor     mediaAccessor = ServiceRegistration.Get <IMediaAccessor>();
         IEnumerable <Guid> meIds         = mediaAccessor.GetMetadataExtractorsForMIATypes(videoMIATypeIds.Union(imageMIATypeIds).Union(audioMIATypeIds));
         using (IResourceAccessor ra = new ResourceLocator(resourcePath).CreateAccessor())
             IFileSystemResourceAccessor directoryRA = ra as IFileSystemResourceAccessor;
             if (ra != null)
                 DetectMultimediaTypeRecursive(directoryRA, meIds, mediaAccessor, ref result);
     catch (Exception e)
         ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("Error while detecting the media items in resource {0}", e, resourcePath);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MultimediaDriveHandler"/> if the drive of the given <paramref name="driveInfo"/> contains one or more
        /// media item files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driveInfo">Drive info object for the drive to examine.</param>
        /// <param name="videoMIATypeIds">Media item aspect types to be extracted from the video items. The given MIAs will be present
        /// in all created instance's video items.</param>
        /// <param name="imageMIATypeIds">Media item aspect types to be extracted from the image items. The given MIAs will be present
        /// in all created instance's image items.</param>
        /// <param name="audioMIATypeIds">Media item aspect types to be extracted from the audio items. The given MIAs will be present
        /// in all created instance's audio items.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="MultimediaDriveHandler"/> instance for the multimedia CD/DVD/BD or <c>null</c>, if the given drive doesn't contain
        /// media items.</returns>
        public static MultimediaDriveHandler TryCreateMultimediaCDDriveHandler(DriveInfo driveInfo,
                                                                               IEnumerable <Guid> videoMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> imageMIATypeIds, IEnumerable <Guid> audioMIATypeIds)
            string drive = driveInfo.Name;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(drive) || drive.Length < 2)
            drive = drive.Substring(0, 2); // Clip potential '\\' at the end
            string directory = drive + "\\";

            MultiMediaType mediaType = MultimediaDirectory.DetectMultimedia(directory, videoMIATypeIds, imageMIATypeIds, audioMIATypeIds);

            if (mediaType == MultiMediaType.None)

            IEnumerable <Guid> necessaryMIATypeIds = Consts.NECESSARY_BROWSING_MIAS;
            IEnumerable <Guid> optionalMIATypeIds  = videoMIATypeIds.Union(imageMIATypeIds).Union(audioMIATypeIds).Except(necessaryMIATypeIds);

            return(new MultimediaDriveHandler(driveInfo, necessaryMIATypeIds, optionalMIATypeIds, mediaType));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects media type of all media items which are found in the directory to the given <paramref name="directoryRA"/> or in any sub directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryRA">Directory resource to be recursively examined.</param>
        /// <param name="metadataExtractorIds">Ids of the metadata extractors to be applied to the resources.
        /// See <see cref="IMediaAccessor.LocalMetadataExtractors"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="mediaAccessor">The media accessor of the system.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The media type detected.</param>
        public static void DetectMultimediaTypeRecursive(IFileSystemResourceAccessor directoryRA, IEnumerable <Guid> metadataExtractorIds, IMediaAccessor mediaAccessor, ref MultiMediaType type)
            if (type == MultiMediaType.Diverse)

            ICollection <IFileSystemResourceAccessor> fileRAs = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles(directoryRA, false);

            if (fileRAs != null)
                foreach (IFileSystemResourceAccessor fileRA in fileRAs)
                        using (fileRA)
                            MediaItem item = mediaAccessor.CreateLocalMediaItem(fileRA, metadataExtractorIds);
                            if (item != null)
                                MultiMediaType itemType = GetTypeOfMediaItem(item);
                                if (type == MultiMediaType.None) // Initialize the result type with the type of the first media item
                                    type = itemType;
                                else if (type != itemType) // Check if we have different item types
                                    type = MultiMediaType.Diverse;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Info("MultimediaDirectoy: Error while detection of media type of file '{0}': {1}", fileRA.Path, e.Message);

            ICollection <IFileSystemResourceAccessor> directoryRAs = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetChildDirectories(directoryRA, false);

            if (directoryRAs != null)
                foreach (IFileSystemResourceAccessor subDirectoryRA in directoryRAs)
                        using (subDirectoryRA)
                            DetectMultimediaTypeRecursive(subDirectoryRA, metadataExtractorIds, mediaAccessor, ref type);
                            if (type == MultiMediaType.Diverse)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Info("MultimediaDirectoy: Error while detection of media type of folder '{0}': {1}", subDirectoryRA.Path, e.Message);