public void test_IsSimple() { //create a geomerty collection MultiLineString multiLS = CreateMLS(); Assertion.AssertEquals("IsSimple-1: ", false, multiLS.IsSimple()); //now try it with a null geometry collection GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(_precMod, _sRID); multiLS = gf.CreateMultiLineString(null); Assertion.AssertEquals("IsSimple-2: ", true, multiLS.IsSimple()); //now try it with a different geometry collection multiLS = CreateMLS1(); //TODO: This is really slow!!!!!!!!! Why? //Assertion.AssertEquals("IsSimple-3: ", false, multiLS.IsSimple()); //now try it with a mixed geometry collection multiLS = nonSimpleMLS(); Assertion.AssertEquals("IsSimple-4: ", false, multiLS.IsSimple()); //now try it with a closed geometry collection multiLS = closedMLS(); //TODO: Uncomment when IsSimple is working. Assertion.AssertEquals("IsSimple-5: ", true, multiLS.IsSimple()); }