예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an aaacontactinfo table row and an sdorgcontactinfo row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"><see cref="MspAccount"/></param>
        /// <returns>MspId of aaacontactinfo row</returns>
        private void CreateAccountInformation(MspAccount account)
            // Creates an aaacontactinfo table row that holds
            const string accContactInfoQuery = "INSERT INTO aaacontactinfo(contactinfo_id, emailid, landline, fax, web_url) " +
                                               "VALUES(nextval('contactinfo_id_ticket_seq'), @EmailAddress, @Tel, @Fax, @Website) RETURNING contactinfo_id";

            var accContactInfoParam = new
                Email   = account.EmailAddress,
                Tel     = account.TelephoneNumber,
                Fax     = account.FaxNumber,
                Website = account.WebsiteUrl

            //Creates a sdorgcontactinfo table row that links the account and the account information
            var accInfoId = Connection.ExecuteScalar <long>(accContactInfoQuery, accContactInfoParam, Transaction);

            const string accContactInfoLinkQuery = "INSERT INTO sdorgcontactinfo(org_id, contactinfo_id) " +
                                                   "VALUES (@AccountId, @InfoId)";

            var accContactInfoLinkParam = new
                AccountId = account.Id,
                InfoId    = accInfoId

            Connection.Execute(accContactInfoLinkQuery, accContactInfoLinkParam, Transaction);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates sitedefinition table row that holds site information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"></param>
        private void CreateSiteDefinition(MspAccount account)
            const string siteDefQuery = "INSERT INTO sitedefinition(siteid) " +
                                        "VALUES (@SiteId)";

            Connection.Execute(siteDefQuery, new { SiteId = account.DefaultSiteId }, Transaction);
예제 #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Update(MspAccount account)
            //Update account
            var ciId = UpdateAccountDefinition(account);

            UpdateAccountCode(account, ciId);
            UpdateCiReference(account, ciId);
예제 #4
        private void UpdateAccount(MspAccount account)
            const string query = "UPDATE sdorganization SET name = @Name, description = @Desc WHERE org_id = @MspId";

            var param = new
                Id   = account.Id,
                Name = account.Name,

            Connection.Execute(query, param, Transaction);
예제 #5
        private void UpdateCiReference(MspAccount account, long ciid)
            const string query = "UPDATE ci SET ciname = @Name, description = @Desc WHERE ciid = @CiId";

            var param = new
                CiId = ciid,
                Name = account.Name,

            Connection.Execute(query, param, Transaction);
예제 #6
        private void UpdateAccountCode(MspAccount account, long ciId)
            const string query = "UPDATE accountci SET attribute_303 = @Code, WHERE ciid = @CiId";

            var param = new
                CiId = ciId,
                Code = account.Code

            Connection.Execute(query, param, Transaction);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create sdorganisation table row from MSP account entity and sets the defaultSite MspId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The MSP account</param>
        private void CreateSite(ref MspAccount account)
            const string siteQuery = "INSERT INTO sdorganization(org_id, name, createdtime, description) " +
                                     "VALUES (nextval('sdo_id_ticket_seq'), @Name, @UnixTimeStamp, 'Site created from SIS Synchronisation') RETURNING org_id";

            var siteParam = new
                Name          = account.Name,
                UnixTimeStamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()

            account.DefaultSiteId = Connection.ExecuteScalar <long>(siteQuery, siteParam, Transaction);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a ci table row from a MSP account entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"><see cref="MspAccount"/></param>
        /// <returns>MspId of ci row</returns>
        private long CreateCiReference(MspAccount account)
            const string ciQuery = "INSERT INTO ci(ciid, citypeid, ciname, description, siteid) " +
                                   "VALUES(nextval('ci_id_ticket_seq'), 38, @Name, @Desc, @SiteId) RETURNING ciid";

            var ciParam = new
                Name   = account.Name,
                SiteId = account.DefaultSiteId

            return(Connection.ExecuteScalar <long>(ciQuery, ciParam, Transaction));
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a custom value row that represents the account code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"></param>
        /// <param name="ciId"></param>
        private void CreateAccountCode(MspAccount account, long ciId)
            const string query = "INSERT INTO accountci(ciid, attribute_303) " +
                                 "VALUES (@CiId, @Code)";

            var param = new
                CiId = ciId,
                Code = account.Code,

            Connection.Execute(query, param, Transaction);
예제 #10
        private long UpdateAccountDefinition(MspAccount account)
            var query = "UPDATE accountdefinition " +
                        "SET org_name = @Name, lastupdatedtime = @UnixTimeStamp " +
                        "WHERE org_id = @MspId RETURNING ciid";
            var param = new
                Name          = account.Name,
                UnixTimeStamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()

            return(Connection.ExecuteScalar <long>(query, param, Transaction));
예제 #11
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Create(MspAccount account)
            //Create account
            CreateAccount(ref account);

            //Create row with extra information regarding site
            CreateSite(ref account);

            //Create rows with extra information regarding account
            var ciId = CreateCiReference(account);

            CreateAccountDefinition(account, ciId);
            CreateAccountCode(account, ciId);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an accountdefinition table row that holds account information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"><see cref="MspAccount"/></param>
        /// <param name="ciId">MspId of ci row</param>
        private void CreateAccountDefinition(MspAccount account, long ciId)
            const string accDefQuery = "INSERT INTO accountdefinition(org_id, log_logo, head_logo, org_name, hasattachment, login_uri, defaultsiteid, ciid, lastupdatedtime) " +
                                       "VALUES(@AccountId, 'Default', 'Default', @Name, false, @LoginUri, @SiteId, @CiId, @UnixTimeStamp) ";

            var accDefParam = new
                AccountId     = account.Id,
                Name          = account.Name,
                LoginUri      = account.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower(),
                UnixTimeStamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(),
                SiteId        = account.DefaultSiteId,
                CiId          = ciId,

            Connection.Execute(accDefQuery, accDefParam, Transaction);
예제 #13
        private void UpdateAccountInformation(MspAccount account)
            const string query = "UPDATE aaacontactinfo " +
                                 "SET emailid = @EmailAddress, landline = @Tel, fax= @Fax, web_url = @Website " +
                                 "FROM sdorgcontactinfo " +
                                 "WHERE sdorgcontactinfo.contactinfo_id = aaacontactinfo.contactinfo_id " +
                                 "AND org_id = @MspId)";

            var param = new
                Email = account.EmailAddress,
                Tel   = account.TelephoneNumber,
                Fax   = account.FaxNumber,
                Id    = account.Id

            Connection.Execute(query, param, Transaction);
예제 #14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public MspAccount GetByCode(string code)
            MspAccount account = null;

            var result = Connection.Query("SELECT ad.org_id, ad.org_name, ad.defaultsiteid, ci.description, aci.emailid," +
                                          " aci.landline, aci.fax, aci.web_url, acci.attribute_303 FROM accountdefinition as ad" +
                                          " JOIN ci ON ad.ciid = ci.ciid" +
                                          " LEFT JOIN sdorgcontactinfo as sdoci ON ad.org_id = sdoci.org_id" +
                                          " LEFT JOIN accountci as acci ON ad.ciid = acci.ciid" +
                                          " LEFT JOIN aaacontactinfo as aci ON sdoci.contactinfo_id = aci.contactinfo_id" +
                                          " WHERE acci.attribute_303=@Code", new { Code = code }, Transaction).SingleOrDefault();

            if (result != null)
                account = MapAccount(result);

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronizes the MSP accounts
        /// </summary>
        public async Task SyncAccountsAsync()
            HashSet <IAccount> mspAccounts;

            using (var uow = _dapperUowFactory.Create())
                mspAccounts = uow.MspAccountRepository.GetAll().ToHashSet <IAccount>();

            var sisAccounts = await _sisAccountRepository.GetAllAsync();

            var sisAccountsHashSet = sisAccounts.ToHashSet <IAccount>();

            // Get updated/new accounts in SIS by comparing to MSP accounts
            var changedAccounts2 = sisAccountsHashSet.Except(mspAccounts, new AccountValueComparer()).ToList();

            // Get new accounts by finding all accounts that do not exists
            var newAccounts = changedAccounts2.Except(mspAccounts, new AccountEqualityComparer());

            // Get updated accounts by finding all accounts with a code that does exist in MSP
            var updatedAccounts = changedAccounts2.Intersect(mspAccounts, new AccountEqualityComparer());

            using (var uow = _dapperUowFactory.Create())
                foreach (var account in newAccounts)
                    var mspAccount = new MspAccount(account);
                foreach (var account in updatedAccounts)
                    var mspAccount = new MspAccount(account);