예제 #1
파일: DeviceInfo.cs 프로젝트: ridsl22/AURA
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        public void NoteCEMConfigMsg(Msg_UICEMConfigInfoADU msg)
            if (msg == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("msg");

            if (!inConnectSequence_)
                return;                  // EARLY RETURN!
            GotCEMConfig    = true;
            DeviceIsPresent = true;

            // In case the CEM has an "old" (pre-Hello) firmware version, we'll establish an initial
            // Config version that can be replaced should a CEMHello come in. This version will be:
            // 1.0: if the CEM supports 4-char vehicle names (>= v. 2.9.0)
            // 0.5: if the CEM doesn't support 4-char vehicle names

            ConfigVersion = (((msg.Config.Caps) & AURACaps.FourCharName) != 0)
                          ? new TwoPartVersion(1, 0)
                          : new TwoPartVersion(0, 5);

            //MainWindow.Log.WriteToLog(LogConfigAURA.ADUConnect, "CONNECT: Got CEMConfig msg.");
예제 #2
파일: AURA_Core.cs 프로젝트: ridsl22/AURA
 private void HandleUICEMConfigInfoADUMsg(Msg_UICEMConfigInfoADU msg)
     isDeviceConnected = true;
     //cemConfig = msg.Config;
     //	cemConfig.NamePrefix = machineConfig.MachineName.Substring(0, machineConfig.MachineName.IndexOf(" "));
     //	cemConfig.NameNumber = Convert.ToUInt32(machineConfig.MachineName.Substring(machineConfig.MachineName.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1));
     //catch { }
     //SendMgmtMsg(new Msg_UISetCEMConfigADU(cemConfig));