private string SendMailToMutiUser(string strTitle, string strCont, string strCondition) { string text = string.Empty; string text2 = " SELECT AutoID,UserName,Email,Mobile FROM cms_User WHERE Email<>'' "; if (!strCondition.IsNullOrEmpty()) { text2 = text2 + " AND " + strCondition; } DataTable dataTable = PageBase.dbo.GetDataTable(text2); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { string empty = string.Empty; MsgService.SendMail(dataRow["Email"].ToString(), strTitle, strCont, out empty); if (empty != "success") { text = text + "发送" + dataRow["Email"].ToString() + "邮件失败;"; } } } return(text); }
private static void startServer() { Console.WriteLine("Starting server..."); int port; try { port = 9000; // Hard code test if (port <= 0 || port > 65536) { throw new Exception(port + " is not a valid TCP port number."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("TCP port must be a positive number. Exception detail: " + ex.Message); return; } try { Console.WriteLine("Listening on " + port); _serviceApplication = ScsServiceBuilder.CreateService(new ScsTcpEndPoint(port)); _msgService = new MsgService(); _serviceApplication.AddService <IMsgService, MsgService>(_msgService); _msgService.UserListChanged += msgService_UserListChanged; _serviceApplication.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Started."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Service can not be started. Exception detail: " + ex.Message); return; } }
public MsgConsumer(MsgService msgService, Type msgType) { this.msgService = msgService; this.msgType = msgType; if (this.msgService != null) this.msgService.init(this); }
public FileVisionSource(string FileName, MsgService msgService) : base(msgService) { try { Globals.SOURCE_NAME = FileName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last().Split('.').First(); if (Constants.EVALUATE_SUCCESS_ENABLED /*&& Globals.FRAME_SIGN_HASH.Keys.Count==0*/ ) { Globals.FRAME_SIGN_HASH = new Hashtable(); String line = null; System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(Constants.base_folder + "labels_" + Globals.SOURCE_NAME + ".txt"); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] frameno_signno = line.Split(','); if (frameno_signno.Length < 2) { file.Close(); throw new Exception("Invalid label file for " + Globals.SOURCE_NAME); } Globals.FRAME_SIGN_HASH.Add(frameno_signno[0], line); Globals.FRAME_COUNT = long.Parse(line.Split(',').First())-1; } file.Close(); } // Set up the capture graph Configure(FileName); } catch { Dispose(); throw; } }
public ActionResult Send(string ToUserName, string ContentBody, string MsgType) { MsgParams msgParams = new MsgParams(); msgParams.touser = ToUserName; msgParams.msgtype = MsgType; MsgContent msgContent = new MsgContent(); msgContent.content = ContentBody; msgParams.text = msgContent; string req0 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgParams); string r1 = MsgService.Send(msgParams); return(Content(req0 + r1)); //SendMsgResponse response =(SendMsgResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(MsgService.Send(msgParams),typeof(SendMsgResponse)); //if (response.errcode == "0") //{ // return View("SendForm"); //}else //{ // return View("SendError"); //} }
private string SendSMSToMutiUser(string strCont, string strCondition) { ISMS iSMS = SMSProvider.Create(); string text = string.Empty; string text2 = " SELECT AutoID,UserName,Email,Mobile FROM cms_User WHERE Mobile<>'' "; if (!strCondition.IsNullOrEmpty()) { text2 = text2 + " AND " + strCondition; } DataTable dataTable = PageBase.dbo.GetDataTable(text2); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { string text3 = dataRow["Mobile"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3) && text3.Length.Equals(11)) { if (MsgService.SendSMS(text3, strCont) == 0) { text = text + "发送" + text3 + "短信失败;"; } } } } return(text); }
public static void Start() { _server = new Server { Services = { MsgService.BindService(new MsgServiceImpl()) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 40001, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; _server.Start(); }
private void SendMobileOnFH(OrdersInfo order, UserInfo user) { bool @bool = WebUtils.GetBool(base.GetConfigValue("IsSendSMSOnGoodsSend")); string configValue = base.GetConfigValue("SMSTmpOnGoodsSend"); if (@bool && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Mobile) && user.Mobile.Length == 11 && user != null) { MsgService.SendSMS(user.Mobile, configValue.Replace("${username}", user.UserName).Replace("${orderno}", order.OrderNo)); } }
/// <summary> /// 开始侦听 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnListen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddMsg("正在创建服务器..."); server = new MsgService(10, 7000); server.DoClientHandler += Receive; AddMsg("建服务器创建成功!"); Task.Run(() => { server.Receive(); }); AddMsg("服务器开始侦听..."); }
private void SendEmailOnFH(OrdersInfo order, UserInfo user) { bool @bool = WebUtils.GetBool(base.GetConfigValue("IsSendMailOnGoodsSend")); string configValue = base.GetConfigValue("MailTmpOnGoodsSend"); if (@bool && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email) && ValidateUtils.IsEmail(user.Email) && user != null) { MsgService.SendMail(user.Email, "您的订单已经发货", configValue.Replace("${username}", user.UserName).Replace("${orderno}", order.OrderNo).Replace("${sitename}", PageBase.config.SiteName).Replace("${send_date}", System.DateTime.Now.ToString())); } }
protected void btnok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsAuthorizedOp("Reply")) { base.ShowMsg("Không có thẩm quyền"); } else { string text = base.Server.HtmlEncode(this.txtReply.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { base.ShowMsg("请输入回复内容"); } else { FeedbackInfo dataById = SinGooCMS.BLL.Feedback.GetDataById(base.OpID); dataById.Replier = base.LoginAccount.AccountName; dataById.ReplyContent = text; dataById.ReplyDate = System.DateTime.Now; if (SinGooCMS.BLL.Feedback.Update(dataById)) { string @string = WebUtils.GetString(this.txtMail.Text); string strMailBody = string.Concat(new string[] { "来自管理员的回复:<br/><div style='border-bottom:1px solid #ccc'>", text, "</div><br/>", PageBase.config.SiteName, "(", PageBase.config.SiteDomain, ")" }); string empty = string.Empty; if (this.chkReply2Mail.Checked && ValidateUtils.IsEmail(@string)) { MsgService.SendMail(@string, "来自管理员的回复", strMailBody, out empty); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(empty) && "success" != empty) { base.ShowMsg(empty); PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "回复留言[" + + "] thành công,但发送邮件失败"); } else { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "回复留言[" + dataById.Title + "] thành công"); MessageUtils.DialogCloseAndParentReload(this); } } else { base.ShowMsg("回复留言失败"); } } } }
public void Start() { _server = new Server { Services = { MsgService.BindService(new MsgServiceImpl()) }, Ports = { new ServerPort(GrpcSettings.Value.IP, GrpcSettings.Value.Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; _server.Start(); Console.WriteLine($"Grpc ServerListening On Port {GrpcSettings.Value.Port}"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Server _server = new Server { Services = { MsgService.BindService(new MsgServiceImpl()) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("", 40001, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; _server.Start(); CreateWebHostBuilder(args) .UseUrls($"") .Build().Run(); }
private void GetMobildCode(string strSMSType) { string randomNumber = StringUtils.GetRandomNumber(5, true); string strContent = string.Empty; if (strSMSType == "reg") { strContent = base.GetConfigValue("RegSMSCheckCode").Replace("${checkcode}", randomNumber); } else if (strSMSType == "findpwd") { strContent = base.GetConfigValue("GetPwdSMSCheckCode").Replace("${username}", WebUtils.GetQueryString("username")).Replace("${checkcode}", randomNumber); } else if (strSMSType == "bind") { strContent = base.GetConfigValue("BindSMSCheckCode").Replace("${username}", WebUtils.GetQueryString("username")).Replace("${checkcode}", randomNumber); } string queryString = WebUtils.GetQueryString("paramval"); string s = "{\"ret\":\"fail\",\"timeout\":0,\"msg\":\"短信验证码发送失败\"}"; bool flag = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) { if ((strSMSType == "reg" || strSMSType == "bind") && SinGooCMS.BLL.User.IsExistsByMobile(queryString)) { s = "{\"ret\":\"exists\",\"timeout\":0,\"msg\":\"手机号码已经存在\"}"; } else { SMSInfo lastCheckCode = SMS.GetLastCheckCode(queryString); if (lastCheckCode != null) { System.TimeSpan timeSpan = System.DateTime.Now - lastCheckCode.AutoTimeStamp; if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds < 60.0) { flag = false; s = "{\"ret\":\"fail\",\"timeout\":" + (60.0 - timeSpan.TotalSeconds).ToString("f0") + ",\"msg\":\"发送间隔太短\"}"; } } if (flag) { if (MsgService.SendSMSCheckCode(queryString, strContent, randomNumber) > 0) { s = "{\"ret\":\"success\",\"timeout\":60,\"msg\":\"短信验证码发送成功,请注意查收!\"}"; } } } } base.Response.Write(s); }
public static void Start() { _server = new Server { Services = { MsgService.BindService(new MsgServiceImpl()) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 40001, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; _server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("grpc ServerListening On Port 40001"); Console.WriteLine("任意键退出..."); Console.ReadKey(); _server?.ShutdownAsync().Wait(); }
public static async Task RegisterAccountForPNS(UserInfo userInfo) { var isConnected = await ConnectivityManager.Instance.IsConnected(); if (isConnected) { MsgService mfaService = new MsgService(); string platformType = GetPlatformType(); var registrationId = await mfaService.Register(msgServiceUri, userInfo.PushRegistrationId, Settings.Current.DeviceToken, platformType, userInfo.PushTag); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationId) && userInfo.PushRegistrationId != registrationId) { Settings.Current.RegistrationId = registrationId; } } }
public ActionResult PublishHtml(string itemID, string toUserName, string genHtml) { var mdb = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master"); var mItem = mdb.GetItem(new Sitecore.Data.ID(itemID)); if (mItem == null) { return(Content("Item is not existing!")); } WCArticles articles = new WCArticles(); NewsParams newsParams = new NewsParams(); newsParams.show_cover_pic = 1; newsParams.need_open_comment = 1; newsParams.only_fans_can_comment = 1; newsParams.title = mItem.Fields["Title"].ToString(); = mItem.Fields["Author"].ToString(); newsParams.digest = mItem.Fields["Summary"].ToString(); newsParams.thumb_media_id = mItem.Fields["thumbnailID"].ToString(); newsParams.content_source_url = Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl(mItem); newsParams.content = MsgService.Base64Decode(Request.Params["genHtml"]); articles.Add(newsParams); NewsResponse newsResponse = (NewsResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(MsgService.AddNews(articles), typeof(NewsResponse)); using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { mItem.Editing.BeginEdit(); mItem["NewsID"] = newsResponse.Media_ID; mItem.Editing.EndEdit(); } RTMsgID rtMsgID = new RTMsgID(); rtMsgID.media_id = newsResponse.Media_ID; RTMessageInt rtMessageInt = new RTMessageInt(); rtMessageInt.touser = toUserName; rtMessageInt.msgtype = "mpnews"; rtMessageInt.mpnews = rtMsgID; string r = MsgService.SendRTMsg(rtMessageInt); return(Content(r)); }
private string SendSMSToCustom(string strRevicer, string strCont) { string text = string.Empty; string[] array = strRevicer.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (MsgService.SendSMS(array[i], strCont) == 0) { text = text + "发送" + array[i] + "短信失败;"; } } return(text); }
public ActionResult UploadImage() { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["file"]; MediaParams imgParams = new MediaParams(); imgParams.filename = file.FileName; imgParams.filelength = file.ContentLength; imgParams.contenttype = file.ContentType; = new byte[file.InputStream.Length]; file.InputStream.Read(, 0, (int)file.InputStream.Length); file.InputStream.Close(); string req0 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(imgParams) + "\r\n"; //string req0 = file.FileName.ToString(); string r1 = MsgService.UploadImg(imgParams); return(Content(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(r1))); }
private static int SendMail(string strTitle, string strBody) { string str = string.Empty; int num = 0; System.Collections.Generic.IList <DingYueInfo> list = SinGooCMS.BLL.DingYue.GetList(0, " IsTuiDing=0 ", "AutoID asc"); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { string empty = string.Empty; System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (ValidateUtils.IsEmail(list[i].Email)) { stringBuilder.Append(list[i].Email + ","); } if ((i + 1) % 5 == 0 || i >= list.Count - 1) { string empty2 = string.Empty; string strReciveMail = stringBuilder.ToString().Trim().TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); MsgService.SendMail(strReciveMail, strTitle, strBody, out empty2); if (empty2 != "success") { str = str + empty2 + ";"; } else { num += stringBuilder.ToString().Trim().TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }).Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length; } stringBuilder.Clear(); } } } return(num); }
private string SendMailToCustom(string strRevicer, string strTitle, string strCont) { string text = string.Empty; string[] array = strRevicer.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string empty = string.Empty; MsgService.SendMail(array[i], strTitle, strCont, out empty); if (empty != "success") { text = text + "发送" + array[i] + "邮件失败;"; } } return(text); }
void ThreadProc() { ClientMsg msg2 = new ClientMsg(); MsgService msgsvc = new MsgService(); try { while (true) { msg2 = msgsvc.GetMessageCS(); // get message out of receive queue - will block if queue is empty if (msg2.body != null) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, OnNewMessage, msg2); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("A handled exception just occurred: " + ex.Message, "Exception Sample", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } }
protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string @string = WebUtils.GetString(this.txtReciver.Text); if (ValidateUtils.IsEmail(@string)) { string empty = string.Empty; if (MsgService.SendMail(@string, PageBase.config.SiteName + "Các tin nhắn thử nghiệm", "Đây là một tin nhắn kiểm tra, nếu bạn nhận được thông báo này,Dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh hiệu quả!", out empty)) { base.ShowMsg("Thư được gửi thử nghiệm thành công"); } else { base.ShowMsg(empty); } } else { base.ShowMsg("E-mail người nhận không phải là một địa chỉ e-mail hợp lệ"); } }
public object Any(MsgRequest request) { DTOResponseLayUI dtoResponseLayUi = new DTOResponseLayUI(); MsgService msgService = new MsgService(); DTOResponse response; if (request.ACTION == 100) { response = msgService.GetList(request); } if (request.ACTION == OPAction.QUERYDETAIL1) { response = msgService.GetOplogList(request); } else { dtoResponseLayUi.code = -1; dtoResponseLayUi.msg = "未定义的操作类型:" + request.ACTION.ToString(); return((object)dtoResponseLayUi); } return(this.ConvertTo(response)); }
public void Process(WorkflowPipelineArgs args) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args"); ProcessorItem processorItem = args.ProcessorItem; if (processorItem != null) { Item innerItem = processorItem.InnerItem; string fullPath = innerItem.Paths.FullPath; string sendFrom = GetText(innerItem, "SendFrom", args); string toUser = GetText(innerItem, "ToUser", args); //string host = GetText(innerItem, "mail server", args); string messageTitle = GetText(innerItem, "MessageTitle", args); string messageBody = GetText(innerItem, "MessageBody", args); Error.Assert(toUser.Length > 0, "The 'To' field is not specified in the mail action item: " + fullPath); Error.Assert(sendFrom.Length > 0, "The 'From' field is not specified in the mail action item: " + fullPath); Error.Assert(messageTitle.Length > 0, "The 'Subject' field is not specified in the mail action item: " + fullPath); //Error.Assert(host.Length > 0, // "The 'Mail server' field is not specified in the mail action item: " + fullPath); //var message = new MailMessage(from, to); //message.Subject = subject; //message.Body = body; //new SmtpClient(host).Send(message); QYMsgParams qymsgParams = new QYMsgParams(); qymsgParams.touser = toUser; qymsgParams.msgtype = "text"; qymsgParams.agentid = AgentID; = "0"; MsgContent msgContent = new MsgContent(); msgContent.content = messageBody; qymsgParams.text = msgContent; string r1 = MsgService.QYSend(qymsgParams); } }
public NN_SURFProcessor(MsgService msgService, Constants.SignType signType) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { this.signType = signType; if (signs == null) { signs = new Bitmap[Constants.NUM_OF_SIGN_TYPES + 1]; ResizeBicubic resizer = new ResizeBicubic(32, 32); for (int i = 1; i <= Constants.NUM_OF_SIGN_TYPES; i++) { String file_name = "signs\\sign_" + (i < 10 ? ("0" + i) : ("" + i)) + ".bmp"; signs[i] = resizer.Apply((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(Constants.base_folder + file_name, false)); } } if (network == null) { network = Network.Load(Constants.base_folder + Constants.NN_SVM_SURF + "_" + (signType == Constants.SignType.circular ? "circle" : "triangle") + ".dat"); } }
public HoughLineProcessor(MsgService msgService) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { redMap = new byte[256]; greenMap = new byte[256]; blueMap = new byte[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { redMap[i] = (byte)(i > 196 ? 255 : 0); greenMap[i] = (byte)(i > 196 ? 255 : 0); blueMap[i] = (byte)(i > 206 ? 255 : 0); } }
public ActionResult ResetQuota(string appID) { string r = MsgService.ResetQuota(appID); return(Content(r)); }
public PanelDisplayProcessor(IPanelDisplay p, MsgService msgService) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { this.p = p; }
private Boolean UploadThumbnail(Item mItem) { MediaParams mediaParams = new MediaParams(); mediaParams.mediatype = "thumb"; var mField = (ImageField)mItem.Fields["Image"]; if (mField == null) { return(false); } MediaItem mediaItem = mField.MediaItem; if (mediaItem == null) { return(false); } mediaParams.filename = mediaItem.Name + "." + mediaItem.Extension; mediaParams.filelength = (int)mediaItem.GetMediaStream().Length; mediaParams.contenttype = mediaItem.MimeType; = new byte[(int)mediaItem.GetMediaStream().Length]; using (Stream stream = mediaItem.GetMediaStream()) { stream.Read(, 0, (int)mediaItem.GetMediaStream().Length); } MaterialResponse materialResponse = (MaterialResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(MsgService.AddMaterial(mediaParams), typeof(MaterialResponse)); using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { mItem.Editing.BeginEdit(); mItem["ThumbnailID"] = materialResponse.Media_Id; mItem["ThumbnailUrl"] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(materialResponse.Url); mItem.Editing.EndEdit(); } return(true); //return Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(materialResponse)); }
public BitmapMemoryVisionSource(MsgService msgService) : base(msgService) { isStarted = false; }
public LaneDetectorProcessor(MsgService msgService) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { for (int i = -10; i < 190; i++) { for (int j = -10; j < 190; j++) { theta_tx[(i + 180) % 180, (j + 180) % 180] = Statistics.NormalDistribution(j, i, 1, false); theta_ox[(i + 180) % 180, (j + 180) % 180] = Statistics.NormalDistribution(j, i, 2, false); } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HOUGH_RADIUS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_HOUGH_RADIUS; j++) { r_tx[i, j] = Statistics.NormalDistribution(j, i, 1, false); r_ox[i, j] = Statistics.NormalDistribution(j, i, 2, false); } } }
public DeviceVisionSource(MsgService msgService) : base(msgService) { try { // Set up the capture graph Configure(); } catch { Dispose(); throw; } }
public AutoBrightnessProcessor(double baseLum, Rectangle baseRect, MsgService msgService) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { this.baseLum = baseLum; this.baseRect = baseRect; }
private void SaveFeedback() { string formString = WebUtils.GetFormString("_uname"); string formString2 = WebUtils.GetFormString("_email"); string formString3 = WebUtils.GetFormString("_mobile"); string formString4 = WebUtils.GetFormString("_phone"); string formString5 = WebUtils.GetFormString("_title"); string formString6 = WebUtils.GetFormString("_content"); if (string.Compare(base.ValidateCode, WebUtils.GetFormString("_yzm"), true) != 0) { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("ValidateCodeIncorrect") + "\",\"status\":\"fail\"}"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formString)) { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("Feedback_UserNameEmpty") + "\",\"status\":\"fail\"}"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formString6)) { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("Feedback_ContentEmpty") + "\",\"status\":\"fail\"}"); } else { FeedbackInfo feedbackInfo = new FeedbackInfo { UserName = formString, Title = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formString5) ? base.GetCaption("Feedback_Title").Replace("${username}", formString) : formString5), Content = formString6, Email = formString2, Mobile = formString3, Telephone = formString4, IPaddress = IPUtils.GetIP(), Replier = string.Empty, ReplyContent = string.Empty, ReplyDate = new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1), IsAudit = true, Lang = base.cultureLang, AutoTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now }; int num = Feedback.Add(feedbackInfo); if (num > 0) { string empty = string.Empty; if (WebUtils.GetBool(base.GetConfigValue("IsSendMailForLY")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.GetConfigValue("ReciverEMail"))) { if (MsgService.SendMail(base.GetConfigValue("ReciverEMail"), formString5, feedbackInfo.Content, out empty)) { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("Feedback_Success") + "\",\"status\":\"success\"}"); } else { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("Feedback_SuccessButMailFail") + "\",\"status\":\"fail\"}"); } } else { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("Feedback_Success") + "\",\"status\":\"success\"}"); } } else { base.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + base.GetCaption("Feedback_Error") + "\",\"status\":\"fail\"}"); } } }
public TriangularSignDetectorProcessor(MsgService msgService, IPanelDisplay panel) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { this.panel = panel; }
public VPN(APIContext c) : base(c, "vpn") { canViewAllChannels = Program.AppInfo.Owner.Id == c.User?.Id; DB = Program.Services.GetRequiredService <MsgService>(); Webhooks = Program.Services.GetRequiredService <WebhookService>(); }
public ActionResult UploadMedia() { List <WechatMedia> mList = new List <WechatMedia>(); var mdb = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master"); var mItem = mdb.GetItem(Request.Params["myItem"]); var localItem = mdb.GetItem(Request.Params["localItem"]); if ((mItem == null) || (localItem == null)) { return(Content("Item is not existing!")); } if (!UploadThumbnail(mItem)) { //return UploadThumbnail(mItem); return(Content("Upload News Thumbnail failed!")); } //ChildList mChldren =(ChildList)mItem.GetChildren().Where(i => i.TemplateName == "Msg Paragraph"); ChildList mChildren = localItem.GetChildren(); if (mChildren == null) { return(Content("Children are empty!")); } MediaParams mediaParams = new MediaParams(); foreach (Item i in mChildren) { var mField = (ImageField)i.Fields["PImage"]; MediaItem mediaItem = mField.MediaItem; mediaParams.filename = mediaItem.Name + "." + mediaItem.Extension; mediaParams.filelength = (int)mediaItem.GetMediaStream().Length; mediaParams.contenttype = mediaItem.MimeType; = new byte[(int)mediaItem.GetMediaStream().Length]; using (Stream stream = mediaItem.GetMediaStream()) { stream.Read(, 0, (int)mediaItem.GetMediaStream().Length); } MediaUrl mediaUrl = (MediaUrl)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(MsgService.UploadImg(mediaParams), typeof(MediaUrl)); mList.Add(new WechatMedia { itemId = i.ID.ToString(), mediaId = null, mediaUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(mediaUrl.Url) }); } if (UpdateUrl(mList)) { return(Content("Update Media Urls Successfully")); } else { return(Content("Update Media Urls failed")); } }
public HistogramProcessor(MsgService msgService) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { }
public TextMsgDisplayProcessor(MsgService msgService, TextMsgHandler tmh) : base(msgService, TextMessage.msgType) { this.tmh = tmh; }
public AForgeProcessor(IFilter filter, MsgService msgService) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { if (filter == null) throw new NullReferenceException("Filter cannot be null"); this.filter = filter; }
public NN_Processor(MsgService msgService, Constants.SignType signType) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { this.signType = signType; if (signs == null) { signs = new Bitmap[Constants.NUM_OF_SIGN_TYPES + 1]; ResizeBicubic resizer = new ResizeBicubic(32, 32); for (int i = 1; i <= Constants.NUM_OF_SIGN_TYPES; i++) { String file_name = "signs\\sign_" + (i < 10 ? ("0" + i) : ("" + i)) + ".bmp"; signs[i] = resizer.Apply((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(Constants.base_folder + file_name, false)); } } if (networks == null) { networks = NNTrain.loadNetworks(); } }
public Controller() { //start service msgService = new MsgService(); }
public MsgInitiator(MsgService msgService) { this.msgService = msgService; this.msgService.init(null); }
public SVM_SURFProcessor(MsgService msgService, Constants.SignType signType) : base(msgService, VisionMessage.msgType) { this.signType = signType; if (signs == null) { signs = new Bitmap[Constants.NUM_OF_SIGN_TYPES + 1]; ResizeBicubic resizer = new ResizeBicubic(32, 32); for (int i = 1; i <= Constants.NUM_OF_SIGN_TYPES; i++) { String file_name = "signs\\sign_" + (i < 10 ? ("0" + i) : ("" + i)) + ".bmp"; signs[i] = resizer.Apply((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(Constants.base_folder + file_name, false)); } } if (model == null) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream stream = new FileStream(Constants.base_folder + Constants.NN_SVM_SURF + "_" + (signType == Constants.SignType.circular ? "circle" : "triangle") + ".dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); model = (Model)formatter.Deserialize(stream); stream.Close(); } }
private void GetMailCode(string strMailType) { string randomNumber = StringUtils.GetRandomNumber(5, true); string text = string.Empty; string strSubject = string.Empty; if (strMailType == "reg") { strSubject = "注册验证码"; text = base.GetConfigValue("RegMailCheckCode").Replace("${checkcode}", randomNumber); } else if (strMailType == "findpwd") { strSubject = "找回密码验证码"; text = base.GetConfigValue("GetPwdMailCheckCode").Replace("${username}", WebUtils.GetQueryString("username")).Replace("${checkcode}", randomNumber); } else if (strMailType == "bind") { strSubject = "会员绑定验证码"; text = base.GetConfigValue("BindMailCheckCode").Replace("${username}", WebUtils.GetQueryString("username")).Replace("${checkcode}", randomNumber); } string queryString = WebUtils.GetQueryString("paramval"); string s = "{\"ret\":\"fail\",\"timeout\":0,\"msg\":\"邮箱验证码发送失败\"}"; bool flag = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) { if ((strMailType == "reg" || strMailType == "bind") && SinGooCMS.BLL.User.IsExistsByEmail(queryString)) { s = "{\"ret\":\"exists\",\"timeout\":0,\"msg\":\"邮箱地址已存在\"}"; } else { SMSInfo lastCheckCode = SMS.GetLastCheckCode(queryString); if (lastCheckCode != null) { System.TimeSpan timeSpan = System.DateTime.Now - lastCheckCode.AutoTimeStamp; if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds < 60.0) { flag = false; s = "{\"ret\":\"fail\",\"timeout\":" + (60.0 - timeSpan.TotalSeconds).ToString("f0") + ",\"msg\":\"发送间隔太短\"}"; } } if (flag) { string empty = string.Empty; if (MsgService.SendMail(queryString, strSubject, text, out empty)) { SMSInfo entity = new SMSInfo { SMSMob = queryString, SMSText = text, SMSType = "CheckCode", ValidateCode = randomNumber, ReturnMsg = empty, Status = 1, AutoTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now }; SMS.Add(entity); s = "{\"ret\":\"success\",\"timeout\":60,\"msg\":\"邮箱验证码发送成功,请登录邮箱查收!\"}"; } else { s = "{\"ret\":\"fail\",\"timeout\":0,\"msg\":\"" + empty + "\"}"; } } } } base.Response.Write(s); }