예제 #1
        public static LazyTranslation Get(this MsgPainter msg, int lang)
            int index = (int)msg;

            if (painterTranslations.Initialized(index))
                return(painterTranslations.GetWhenInited(index, lang));

            switch (msg)
            case MsgPainter.PreserveTransparency:
                msg.Translate("Preserve Transparency", "if every pixel of texture has alpha = 1 (Max) Unity will be save it as .png without transparency. To counter this " +
                              " I set first pixels to alpha 0.9. I know it is hacky, it you know a better way, let me know")
                .From(ukr, "Зберігати Альфа Канал", "Змінює прозорість першого пікселя на 0.9 щоб під час компресії алгоритм не забрав альфа канал.")


            case MsgPainter.BrushType:
                msg.Translate("Brush Type")
                .From(ukr, "Тип")
                .From(trk, "Fırça tipi", "Farklı tiplerde fırçalar vardır: bazısı yuvarlak, bazısı kare, bazısı daire çizer, bazısı resim boyar, vs.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitMode:
                msg.Translate("Blit Mode")
                .From(ukr, "Метод");

            case MsgPainter.LockToolToUseTransform:
                msg.Translate("Lock texture to use transform tools. Or click 'Hide transform tool'")
                .From(ukr, "Постав блок на текстурі щоб рухати обєкт, або натисни на 'Приховати трансформації' щоб не мішали.");

            case MsgPainter.HideTransformTool:
                msg.Translate("Hide transform tool").From(ukr, "Приховати трансформації");

            case MsgPainter.AboutPlaytimePainter:
                msg.Translate("About Playtime Painter Component",
                              ("This Component allows you to paint on this GameObject's Renderer's Material's Texture (Yes, there is a bit of hierarchy). It can also edit the mesh. " +
                               "All tools & configurations are accessible from within this inspector. " +
                               "Painting is applied to the texture in RAM. When Entering/Exiting Play mode or restarting Unity changes to texture will be reverted." +
                               "Load button on the bottom can reload pixels from original image file (Same as opening/closng Unity)." +
                               "Save button will apply changes to the original .png image. To save as new image, change name before saving and click Save As New. {0}" +
                               "Sometimes Painter's UI offers to change import settings, they will persist. " +
                               "Use Ctrl + Left Mouse Button to sample color of the texture." +
                               "Documentation is being integrated into the component (The blue '?' icons) .You can hide them from the Tool Settings. " +
                .From(trk, "Playtime Painter Komponenti Hakkında",
                      "Bu komponent  sizin bu objenin işleyicisinin (renderer) materyalinin dokusunu ( material's texture) boyayabilmenizi sağlar ( Evet, burada biraz hiyerarşi var). Ayrıca meshi de düzenleyebilirsiniz." +
                      "Bütün fonksiyonlar ve konfigurasyonlaraa bu inspektör üzerinden ulaşılabilir." +
                      "Herhangi bir değişiklik sadece dokunun çalışan kopyasına uygulanır ve Giriş/ Çıkış  Oyun modu ya da Unity'i yeniden başlatmak buna etki etmez." +
                      "En alttaki Load butonu çalışan kopyayı orjinal imge dosyasından yeniden yükler." +
                      "Save butonu orjinal dosyaya yapılan değişiklikleri uygulayacaktır. Yeni dosya kaydetmek için, kayıt etmeden önce dosya adını değiştirin ve Yeni Olarak Kaydet'e tıklayın." +
                      "Dokudan numune renk almak  için Ctrl + sol mouse butonuna tıklayın." +
                      "Tutorialı komponente katmaya  çalıştım (Maviye'?' tıklayın).Konfigürasyondan gizleyebilirsiniz."

            case MsgPainter.MeshProfileUsage:
                msg.Translate("Mesh Profile usage", ("If using projected UV, place sharpNormal in TANGENT. {0}" +
                                                     "Vectors should be placed in normal and tangent slots to batch correctly.{0}" +
                                                     "Keep uv1 as is for baked light and damage shaders.{0}" +
                                                     "I place Shadows in UV2{0}" +
                                                     "I place Edge in UV3.{0}").F(pegi.EnvironmentNl));

            case MsgPainter.Speed:
                .From(ukr, "Потік")
                .From(rus, "Скорость")
                .From(trk, "Hız", "Fırçanın ne kadar hızlı boyadığı.");

            case MsgPainter.Scale:
                .From(ukr, "розмір")
                .From(trk, "Boyut");

            case MsgPainter.Hardness:
                msg.Translate("Sharpness", "Makes edges more clear.")
                .From(ukr, "різкість", "Робить краї кісточки більш чіткими.")
                .From(trk, "Keskinlik", "Fırçanın kenarlarının ne kadar kalın ya da yumuşak olduğu. Sprey boya tutmak gibi duvara yakın (keskin) ya da uzak ( yumuşak).");

            case MsgPainter.CopyFrom:
                msg.Translate("Copy From")
                .From(ukr, "Копіювати з")
                .From(trk, "Buradan kopyalama", "Hangi resimden kopyalayacağı.");

            case MsgPainter.TextureSettings:
                msg.Translate("Texture settings")
                .From(ukr, "Налаштування текстури");

            case MsgPainter.previewRGBA:
                msg.Translate("Preview Edited RGBA",
                              "When using preview shader, only color channels you are currently editing will be visible in the preview. Useful when you want to edit only one color channel");

            case MsgPainter.AutoSelectMaterial:
                msg.Translate("Auto Select Materials", "As you paint, component will keep checking Sub Mesh index and will change painted material based on that index.");

            case MsgPainter.aboutDisableDocumentation:
                msg.Translate("Hide what?",
                              "This is an example of what will be hidden if you toggle this option (This blue question mark icons)")

            case MsgPainter.SampleColor:
                msg.Translate("Sampling Texture colors",
                              "To sample source color of the texture, hold Ctrl before clicking Left Mouse Button");

            case MsgPainter.PreviewRecommended:
                msg.Translate("Preview is recommended",
                              "It is recommended to use preview when using Alpha Blit as it will improve performance " +
                              "and enable brush transparency option.");

            case MsgPainter.AlphaBufferBlit:
                              "Will render brush to Alpha Buffer first and then use that Alpha buffer to render changes to texture. For Sphere brush helps avoid many various artifacts." +
                              "Using Preview will improve performance, as it will not apply changes to texture until you exit preview mode, or change any setting that affects blit mode. " +
                              "Using it without Preview will result in decreased performance in comparison to disabled Alpha Buffer as it will need to update original texture every frame to " +
                              "allow you to see the changes" +
                              "Please report any issues you encounter while using this, as this is a new feature, and there are planty of places where it can function not as desired. "


            case MsgPainter.Opacity:
                .From(ukr, "Непрозорість");

            case MsgPainter.SpreadSpeed:
                .From(ukr, "Поширення");

            case MsgPainter.BlurAmount:
                .From(ukr, "радіус");


                #region Brush Types
            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeNormal:
                msg.Translate("Normal", "Regular round texture space brush");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeDecal:
                msg.Translate("Decal ", "Paints volumetric decals. It uses alpha channel of the painted texture as height. Denting decals (think bullet holes)" +
                              "will subtract alpha if their depth is higher (deeper) and paint their color. Additive decals will add alpha if theirs is higher. ");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeLazy:
                msg.Translate("Lazy ", "Lazy brush will follow your mouse with a bit of a delay. It tries to paint a smooth line." +
                              " Also useful if you want to paint a semi-transparent line.");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeSphere:
                msg.Translate("Sphere ", "Sphere brush is very different from all other brushes. It uses world position to paint. " +
                              "It is perfect for working with complex meshes. It can even paint on animated skinned meshes.");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypePixel:
                msg.Translate("Pixel ", "Paints square pixel perfect shape. Recommended to use with Preview shader.");


                #region Blit Modes

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeAlpha:
                msg.Translate("Alpha Blit", "The most standard brush. It will gradually replace existing color with the color you are painting with. " +
                              "Keep in mind, if you are painting on texture with transparency (has areas you can see trough), also toggle Transparent Blit mode. " +
                              "Otherwise you'll see some weird outlines.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeAdd:
                msg.Translate("Add", "Adds brush color to texture color.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeSubtract:
                msg.Translate("Subtract", "Subtracts brush color from texture color.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeCopy:
                msg.Translate("Copy ", "Copies pixels from selected source texture to painted texture.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeMin:
                msg.Translate("Min ", "Paints smallest value between brush color and current texture color for each channel.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeMax:
                msg.Translate("Max ", "Paints highest value between brush color and current texture color for each channel.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeBlur:
                msg.Translate("Blur ", "Applies blur effect. Mixes each pixel's color with the color of pixels next to it.");

            case MsgPainter.
                msg.Translate("Pixel Reshape ", "This one is more in the experimental category. It writes distance from central pixel. Could be used to create texture with pixels shaped as hexagons, or bricks in the wall. "

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeBloom:
                    "Bloom ",
                    "Similar to Blur, but instead of blurring the colors, spreads brightness from bright pixels to darker ones");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeProjector:
                    "Projection ",
                    "Will create a camera that will serve as a projector. This mode is similar to Copy, but instead of matching UV coordinates of source and target it will sample source " +
                    "using projector. Only World Space brushes can use this Blit Mode. Currently only sphere brush is a world space brush. First step is usually to position projector camera. "

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeFiller:
                    "Ink Filler ",
                    " Inspired by comic books. After you paint BLACK lines, this brush will try to gradually fill the painted area with color without crossing those lines. ");

            case MsgPainter.Unnamed:
                    "Unnamed ",
                    "The selected class doesn't have a Readable name.");

            case MsgPainter.TransparentLayer:
                              "Toggle this ON if texture has transparent areas which will not be visible. This will affect how they are painted: color of the transparent areas will be neglected to avoid outline artifacts.")
                .From(ukr, "Прозора текстура", "Під час малювання прозорих частин їхнім кольором нехтується. Це допомогає уникнути небажаних контурів.");

            case MsgPainter.PleaseSelect:
                msg.Translate("Painter tool is not selected (Select it in the top left area)")
                .From(ukr, "Щоб редагувати текстуру або модель, оберіть Playtime Painter серед інструментів" +
                      " в лівому верхньому куті екрану.");

            case MsgPainter.MeshPoint:
                msg.Translate("Mesh Point", "Mesh Point contain a number of vertices which share the same position");

            case MsgPainter.Vertex:
                msg.Translate("Vertex", "Each vertex can contain information like : position, UV sets, normal, tangent, color");

            case MsgPainter.MeshPointPositionTool:
                msg.Translate("Points Position", ("LMB - Drag {1} {0} " +
                                                  "Alt - Move {1} To Grid {0}" +
                                                  "U - make Triangle unique. {0}" +
                                                  "M - merge with nearest {1} while dragging {0}" +
                                                  "This tool also contains functionality related to smoothing and sharpening of the edges.")
                              .F(pegi.EnvironmentNl, MsgPainter.MeshPoint.GetText()));

            case MsgPainter.RoundedGraphic:
                msg.Translate("Rounded Graphic",
                              "Rounded Graphic component provides additional data to pixel perfect UI shaders. Those shaders will often not display correctly in the scene view. " +
                              "Also they may be tricky at times so take note of all the warnings and hints that my show in this inspector." +

            return(painterTranslations.GetWhenInited(index, lang));
        public static LazyTranslation Get(this MsgPainter msg, int lang)
            int index = (int)msg;

            if (painterTranslations.Initialized(index))
                return(painterTranslations.GetWhenInited(index, lang));

            switch (msg)
            case MsgPainter.PreserveTransparency:
                msg.Translate("Preserve Transparency", "if every pixel of texture has alpha = 1 (Max) Unity will be save it as .png without transparency. To counter this " +
                              " I set first pixels to alpha 0.9. I know it is hacky, it you know a better way, let me know"); break;

            case MsgPainter.BrushType:
                msg.Translate("Brush Type");


            case MsgPainter.BlitMode:
                msg.Translate("Blit Mode");

            case MsgPainter.LockToolToUseTransform:
                msg.Translate("Lock texture to use transform tools. Or click 'Hide transform tool'");

            case MsgPainter.HideTransformTool:
                msg.Translate("Hide transform tool");

            case MsgPainter.AboutPlaytimePainter:
                msg.Translate("About Playtime Painter Component",
                              ("This Component allows you to paint on this GameObject's Renderer's Material's Texture (Yes, there is a bit of hierarchy). It can also edit the mesh. " +
                               "All tools & configurations are accessible from within this inspector. " +
                               "Painting is applied to the texture in RAM. When Entering/Exiting Play mode or restarting Unity changes to texture will be reverted." +
                               "Load button on the bottom can reload pixels from original image file (Same as opening/closng Unity)." +
                               "Save button will apply changes to the original .png image. To save as new image, change name before saving and click Save As New. {0}" +
                               "Sometimes Painter's UI offers to change import settings, they will persist. " +
                               "Use Ctrl + Left Mouse Button to sample color of the texture." +
                               "Documentation is being integrated into the component (The blue '?' icons) .You can hide them from the Tool Settings. " +

            case MsgPainter.MeshProfileUsage:
                msg.Translate("Mesh Profile usage", ("If using projected UV, place sharpNormal in TANGENT. {0}" +
                                                     "Vectors should be placed in normal and tangent slots to batch correctly.{0}" +
                                                     "Keep uv1 as is for baked light and damage shaders.{0}" +
                                                     "I place Shadows in UV2{0}" +
                                                     "I place Edge in UV3.{0}").F(pegi.EnvironmentNl));

            case MsgPainter.Flow:

            case MsgPainter.Scale:

            case MsgPainter.Hardness:
                msg.Translate("Sharpness", "Makes edges more clear.");

            case MsgPainter.CopyFrom:
                msg.Translate("Copy From");

            case MsgPainter.TextureSettings:
                msg.Translate("Fancy options");

            case MsgPainter.previewRGBA:
                msg.Translate("Preview Edited RGBA",
                              "When using preview shader, only color channels you are currently editing will be visible in the preview. Useful when you want to edit only one color channel");

            case MsgPainter.AutoSelectMaterial:
                msg.Translate("Auto Select Materials", "As you paint, component will keep checking Sub Mesh index and will change painted material based on that index.");

            case MsgPainter.aboutDisableDocumentation:
                msg.Translate("Hide what?",
                              "This is an example of what will be hidden if you toggle this option (This blue question mark icons)")

            case MsgPainter.SampleColor:
                msg.Translate("Sampling Texture colors",
                              "To sample source color of the texture, hold Ctrl before clicking Left Mouse Button");

            case MsgPainter.PreviewRecommended:
                msg.Translate("Preview is recommended",
                              "It is recommended to use preview when using Alpha Blit as it will improve performance " +
                              "and enable brush transparency option.");

            case MsgPainter.AlphaBufferBlit:
                              "Will render brush to Alpha Buffer first and then use that Alpha buffer to render changes to texture. For Sphere brush helps avoid many various artifacts." +
                              "Using Preview will improve performance, as it will not apply changes to texture until you exit preview mode, or change any setting that affects blit mode. " +
                              "Using it without Preview will result in decreased performance in comparison to disabled Alpha Buffer as it will need to update original texture every frame to " +
                              "allow you to see the changes" +
                              "Please report any issues you encounter while using this, as this is a new feature, and there are planty of places where it can function not as desired. "


            case MsgPainter.Opacity:

            case MsgPainter.SpreadSpeed:

            case MsgPainter.BlurAmount:


                #region Brush Types
            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeNormal:
                msg.Translate("Normal", "Regular round texture space brush");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeDecal:
                msg.Translate("Decal ", "Paints volumetric decals. It uses alpha channel of the painted texture as height. Denting decals (think bullet holes)" +
                              "will subtract alpha if their depth is higher (deeper) and paint their color. Additive decals will add alpha if theirs is higher. ");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeLazy:
                msg.Translate("Lazy ", "Lazy brush will follow your mouse with a bit of a delay. It tries to paint a smooth line." +
                              " Also useful if you want to paint a semi-transparent line.");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypeSphere:
                msg.Translate("Sphere ", "Sphere brush is very different from all other brushes. It uses world position to paint. " +
                              "It is perfect for working with complex meshes. It can even paint on animated skinned meshes.");

            case MsgPainter.BrushTypePixel:
                msg.Translate("Pixel ", "Paints square pixel perfect shape. Recommended to use with Preview shader.");


                #region Blit Modes

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeAlpha:
                msg.Translate("Alpha Blit", "The most standard brush. It will gradually replace existing color with the color you are painting with. " +
                              "Keep in mind, if you are painting on texture with transparency (has areas you can see trough), also toggle Transparent Blit mode. " +
                              "Otherwise you'll see some weird outlines.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeAdd:
                msg.Translate("Add", "Adds brush color to texture color.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeSubtract:
                msg.Translate("Subtract", "Subtracts brush color from texture color.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeCopy:
                msg.Translate("Copy ", "Copies pixels from selected source texture to painted texture.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeMin:
                msg.Translate("Min ", "Paints smallest value between brush color and current texture color for each channel.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeMax:
                msg.Translate("Max ", "Paints highest value between brush color and current texture color for each channel.");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeBlur:
                msg.Translate("Blur ", "Applies blur effect. Mixes each pixel's color with the color of pixels next to it.");

            case MsgPainter.
                msg.Translate("Pixel Reshape ", "This one is more in the experimental category. It writes distance from central pixel. Could be used to create texture with pixels shaped as hexagons, or bricks in the wall. "

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeBloom:
                    "Bloom ",
                    "Similar to Blur, but instead of blurring the colors, spreads brightness from bright pixels to darker ones");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeProjector:
                msg.Translate("Projection ",
                              "Will create a camera that will serve as a projector. This mode is similar to Copy, but instead of matching UV coordinates of source and target it will sample source " +
                              "using projector. Only World Space brushes can use this Blit Mode. Currently only sphere brush is a world space brush. First step is usually to position projector camera. "

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeFiller:
                msg.Translate("Ink Filler ",
                              " Inspired by comic books. After you paint BLACK lines, this brush will try to gradually fill the painted area with color without crossing those lines. ");

            case MsgPainter.BlitModeCustom:
                msg.Translate("Custom", "Plug your own shader");

            case MsgPainter.Unnamed:
                msg.Translate("Unnamed ",
                              "The selected class doesn't have a Readable name.");

            case MsgPainter.TransparentLayer:
                              "Toggle this ON if texture has transparent areas which will not be visible. This will affect how they are painted: color of the transparent areas will be neglected to avoid outline artifacts.")

            case MsgPainter.PleaseSelect:
                msg.Translate("Painter tool is not selected (Select it in the top left area)");

            case MsgPainter.MeshPoint:
                msg.Translate("Mesh Point", "Mesh Point contain a number of vertices which share the same position");

            case MsgPainter.Vertex:
                msg.Translate("Vertex", "Each vertex can contain information like : position, UV sets, normal, tangent, color");

            case MsgPainter.MeshPointPositionTool:
                msg.Translate("VERTICES", ("LMB - Drag {1} {0} " +
                                           "Alt - Move {1} To Grid {0}" +
                                           "U - make Triangle unique. {0}" +
                                           "M - merge with nearest {1} while dragging {0}" +
                                           "This tool also contains functionality related to smoothing and sharpening of the edges.")
                              .F(pegi.EnvironmentNl, MsgPainter.MeshPoint.GetText()));

            case MsgPainter.RoundedGraphic:
                msg.Translate("Rounded Graphic",
                              "Rounded Graphic component provides additional data to pixel perfect UI shaders. Those shaders will often not display correctly in the scene view. " +
                              "Also they may be tricky at times so take note of all the warnings and hints that my show in this inspector." +

            return(painterTranslations.GetWhenInited(index, lang));