예제 #1
        private async Task <IPublicClientApplication> CreatePublicClientApplicationAsync(string authority, string clientId, Uri redirectUri)
            var httpFactoryAdaptor = new MsalHttpClientFactoryAdaptor(Context.HttpClientFactory);

            var appBuilder = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)

            // Listen to MSAL logs if GCM_TRACE_MSAUTH is set
            if (Context.Settings.IsMsalTracingEnabled)
                // If GCM secret tracing is enabled also enable "PII" logging in MSAL
                bool enablePiiLogging = Context.Trace.IsSecretTracingEnabled;

                appBuilder.WithLogging(OnMsalLogMessage, LogLevel.Verbose, enablePiiLogging, false);

            IPublicClientApplication app = appBuilder.Build();

            // Register the application token cache
            await RegisterTokenCacheAsync(app);

예제 #2
        private async Task <IPublicClientApplication> CreatePublicClientApplicationAsync(string authority, string clientId, Uri redirectUri)
            var httpFactoryAdaptor = new MsalHttpClientFactoryAdaptor(Context.HttpClientFactory);

            var appBuilder = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)

            // Listen to MSAL logs if GCM_TRACE_MSAUTH is set
            if (Context.Settings.IsMsalTracingEnabled)
                // If GCM secret tracing is enabled also enable "PII" logging in MSAL
                bool enablePiiLogging = Context.Trace.IsSecretTracingEnabled;

                appBuilder.WithLogging(OnMsalLogMessage, LogLevel.Verbose, enablePiiLogging, false);

            // If we have a parent window ID we should tell MSAL about it so it can parent any authentication dialogs
            // correctly. We only support this on Windows right now as MSAL only supports embedded/dialogs on Windows.
            if (PlatformUtils.IsWindows() && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Context.Settings.ParentWindowId) &&
                int.TryParse(Context.Settings.ParentWindowId, out int hWndInt) && hWndInt > 0)
                appBuilder.WithParentActivityOrWindow(() => new IntPtr(hWndInt));

            IPublicClientApplication app = appBuilder.Build();

            // Register the application token cache
            await RegisterTokenCacheAsync(app);
