private static void MapWishlistRoutes(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Wishlist - Add to Wishlist", "Apps/Ecommerce/AddToWishlist", new { controller = "Wishlist", action = "Add" }, new[] { typeof(WishlistController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Wishlist - Remove from Wishlist", "Apps/Ecommerce/RemoveFromWishlist", new { controller = "Wishlist", action = "Remove" }, new[] { typeof(WishlistController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Wishlist - Summary", "Apps/Ecommerce/WishlistSummary", new { controller = "Wishlist", action = "Summary" }, new[] { typeof(WishlistController).Namespace }); }
private static void MapUserAccount(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Update User Info", "user-account/handle/user-info", new { controller = "UserAccountInfo", action = "UpdateUserInfo" }, new[] { typeof(UserAccountInfoController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Update Password", "user-account/handle/update-password", new { controller = "UserAccountChangePassword", action = "UpdatePassword" }, new[] { typeof(UserAccountChangePasswordController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("User Account - Edit", "user-account/handle/edit-address", new { controller = "UserAccountEditAddress", action = "Edit" }, new[] { typeof(UserAccountEditAddressController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("User Account - Delete Address", "user-account/handle/delete-address/{id}", new { controller = "UserAccountAddresses", action = "DeleteAddress" }, new[] { typeof(UserAccountAddressesController).Namespace }); }
protected override void RegisterApp(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapAreaRoute("Commenting admin controllers", "Admin", "Admin/Apps/Commenting/{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] { typeof(CommentingSettingsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Add Comments Form", "comments/add/{id}", new { controller = "Comments", action = "Add" }, new[] { typeof(CommentsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Show Comments", "comments/Show/{id}", new { controller = "Comments", action = "Show" }, new[] { typeof(CommentsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Guest Comment", "comments/Post/Guest", new { controller = "Comments", action = "Guest" }, new[] { typeof(CommentsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Logged in Comment", "comments/Post/User", new { controller = "Comments", action = "LoggedIn" }, new[] { typeof(CommentsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Comment - Upvote", "comments/upvote", new { controller = "CommentVoting", action = "Upvote" }, new[] { typeof(CommentVotingController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Comment - Downvote", "comments/downvote", new { controller = "CommentVoting", action = "Downvote" }, new[] { typeof(CommentVotingController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Comment - Report", "comments/report", new { controller = "CommentReporting", action = "Report" }, new[] { typeof(CommentReportingController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Unique Username Check", "comments/username-check", new { controller = "CommentingUserAccount", action = "IsUniqueUsername" }, new[] { typeof(CommentingUserAccountController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Update Username", "comments/update-username", new { controller = "CommentingUserAccount", action = "UpdateUsername" }, new[] { typeof(CommentingUserAccountController).Namespace }); }
protected override void RegisterApp(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("External Login", "external-login", new { controller = "ExternalLogin", action = "Login" }); context.MapRoute("External Login Callback", "external-login/callback", new { controller = "ExternalLogin", action = "Callback" }); context.MapRoute("User Registration", "Registration/RegistrationDetails", new { controller = "Registration", action = "RegistrationDetails" }); context.MapRoute("User Registration - check email", "Registration/CheckEmailIsNotRegistered", new { controller = "Registration", action = "CheckEmailIsNotRegistered" }); context.MapRoute("UserAccountController - account details", "UserAccount/UserAccountDetails", new { controller = "UserAccount", action = "UserAccountDetails" }); context.MapRoute("UserAccountController - check email isn't already registered", "UserAccount/IsUniqueEmail", new { controller = "UserAccount", action = "IsUniqueEmail" }); context.MapRoute("UserAccountController - change password", "UserAccount/ChangePassword", new { controller = "UserAccount", action = "ChangePassword" }); }
protected override void RegisterApp(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Analytics handler", "analytics/log-page-view", new { controller = "Analytics", action = "LogPageView" }, new[] { typeof(AnalyticsController).Namespace }); }
public static void RegisterRoutes(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapAreaRoute("Admin controllers", "Admin", "Admin/Apps/Ecommerce/{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] { typeof(ProductController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Product Variant - GetPriceBreaksForProductVariant", "Apps/Ecommerce/ProductVariant/GetPriceBreaksForProductVariant", new { controller = "ProductVariant", action = "GetPriceBreaksForProductVariant" }); MapCartRoutes(context); MapCheckoutRoutes(context); MapPaymentMethodRoutes(context); MapRemoteValidationRoutes(context); MapWishlistRoutes(context); MapUserAccount(context); context.MapRoute("User Account Orders", "Apps/Ecommerce/UserAccount/UserAccountOrders", new { controller = "UserAccount", action = "UserAccountOrders" }); context.MapRoute("User Account - download Order PDF", "Apps/Ecommerce/OrderPdf/ExportOrderToPdf/{id}", new { controller = "OrderPdf", action = "ExportOrderToPdf" }, new[] { typeof(OrderPdfController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Product Search - Query", "search/query", new { controller = "ProductSearch", action = "Query" }, new[] { typeof(ProductSearchController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Product Search - Results", "search/results", new { controller = "ProductSearch", action = "Results" }, new[] { typeof(ProductSearchController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Brand Search - Query", "brand/search/query", new { controller = "Brand", action = "Query" }, new[] { typeof(BrandController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Brand Search - Results", "brand/search/results", new { controller = "Brand", action = "Results" }, new[] { typeof(BrandController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Category Container - Categories", "Apps/Ecommerce/CategoryContainer/Categories", new { controller = "CategoryContainer", action = "Categories" }, new[] { typeof(ProductContainer).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Export Google Base Feed", "export/google-base-feed", new { controller = "GoogleBaseFeed", action = "ExportProductsToGoogleBaseInResponse" }, new[] { typeof(GoogleBaseFeedController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Products - Back in stock request", "Apps/Ecommerce/Product/BackInStock", new { controller = "Product", action = "BackInStock" }, new[] { typeof(ProductController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Download Product", "digital-download/{guid}/{id}", new { controller = "DownloadOrderedFile", action = "Download" }, new[] { typeof(DownloadOrderedFileController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Product - Get Variant Details", "product/variant-details/{id}", new { controller = "ProductVariant", action = "Details" }, new[] { typeof(ProductVariantController).Namespace }); //Product Reviews context.MapRoute("Product Review", "Apps/Ecommerce/ProductReview/Add", new { controller = "ProductReview", action = "Add" }, new[] { typeof(ProductReviewController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Product Reviews Paging", "Apps/Ecommerce/ProductVariant/ProductReviews", new { controller = "ProductVariant", action = "ProductReviews" }); context.MapRoute("Product Review Helpfulness Vote Yes", "Apps/Ecommerce/ProductReview/HelpfulnessVotes", new { controller = "ProductReview", action = "HelpfulnessVotes" }, new[] { typeof(ProductReviewController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Product Review Helpfulness Vote No", "Apps/Ecommerce/ProductReview/UnhelpfulnessVotes", new { controller = "ProductReview", action = "UnhelpfulnessVotes" }, new[] { typeof(ProductReviewController).Namespace }); // Public Routes context.MapRoute("Generate Contact Us Map", "get-contact-map", new { controller = "ContactUs", action = "GenerateMap" }, new[] { typeof(ContactUsController).Namespace }); }
private static void MapCartRoutes(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Cart - Details", "Apps/Ecommerce/CartDetails", new { controller = "Cart", action = "Details" }, new[] { typeof(CartController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Header Summary", "Apps/Ecommerce/CartHeader", new { controller = "Cart", action = "HeaderSummary" }, new[] { typeof(CartController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Update Basket", "Apps/Ecommerce/UpdateBasket", new { controller = "Cart", action = "UpdateBasket" }, new[] { typeof(CartController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Empty Basket", "Apps/Ecommerce/EmptyBasket", new { controller = "EmptyBasket", action = "Empty" }, new[] { typeof(EmptyBasketController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Add to Cart", "Apps/Ecommerce/AddToCart", new { controller = "AddToCart", action = "Add" }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Delete Cart Item", "Apps/Ecommerce/DeleteCartItem", new { controller = "Cart", action = "DeleteCartItem" }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Apply Discount Code", "Apps/Ecommerce/ApplyDiscountCode", new { controller = "Discount", action = "Apply" }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Remove Discount Code", "Apps/Ecommerce/RemoveDiscountCode", new { controller = "Discount", action = "Remove" }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Apply Gift Card Code", "Apps/Ecommerce/ApplyGiftCardCode", new { controller = "GiftCard", action = "Apply" }, new[] { typeof(GiftCardController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Remove Gift Card Code", "Apps/Ecommerce/RemoveGiftCardCode", new { controller = "GiftCard", action = "Remove" }, new[] { typeof(GiftCardController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Save Gift Message", "Apps/Ecommerce/SaveGiftMessage", new { controller = "GiftMessage", action = "Save" }, new[] { typeof(GiftMessageController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Cart - Use Reward Points", "Apps/Ecommerce/UseRewardPoints", new { controller = "CartRewardPoints", action = "Save" }, new[] { typeof(CartRewardPointsController).Namespace }); }
private static void MapCheckoutRoutes(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Edit Shipping Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingAddress/ShippingAddress", new { controller = "SetShippingAddress", action = "ShippingAddress" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingAddressController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Show Shipping Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingAddress/ShowShippingAddress", new { controller = "SetShippingAddress", action = "ShowShippingAddress" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingAddressController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Set Shipping Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingAddress/SetAddress", new { controller = "SetShippingAddress", action = "SetAddress" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingAddressController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Awaiting Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingMethod/AwaitingAddress", new { controller = "SetShippingMethod", action = "AwaitingAddress" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingMethodController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Get Shipping Options", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingMethod/ShippingOptions", new { controller = "SetShippingMethod", action = "ShippingOptions" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingMethodController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Set Shipping Method", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingMethod/SetShipping", new { controller = "SetShippingMethod", action = "SetShipping" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingMethodController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Set Shipping Details - Set Shipping Date", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetShippingDate", new { controller = "SetShippingDate", action = "SetDate" }, new[] { typeof(SetShippingDateController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Enter Order Email - Set Order Email", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetOrderEmail", new { controller = "EnterOrderEmail", action = "SetOrderEmail" }, new[] { typeof(EnterOrderEmailController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Enter Order Email - Set Order Email And Login", "Apps/Ecommerce/SetOrderEmailAndLogin", new { controller = "EnterOrderEmail", action = "SetOrderEmailAndLogin" }, new[] { typeof(EnterOrderEmailController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Price Summary", "Apps/Ecommerce/Checkout/Summary", new { controller = "Checkout", action = "Summary" }, new[] { typeof(CheckoutController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Billing Address same as Shipping Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/PaymentDetails/BillingAddressSameAsShippingAddress", new { controller = "PaymentDetails", action = "BillingAddressSameAsShippingAddress" }, new[] { typeof(PaymentDetailsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Update Billing Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/PaymentDetails/UpdateBillingAddress", new { controller = "PaymentDetails", action = "UpdateBillingAddress" }, new[] { typeof(PaymentDetailsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Save Billing Address", "Apps/Ecommerce/PaymentDetails/SaveBillingAddress", new { controller = "PaymentDetails", action = "SaveBillingAddress" }, new[] { typeof(PaymentDetailsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Accept Terms And Conditions", "Apps/Ecommerce/terms-and-conditions/set", new { controller = "TermsAndConditions", action = "Set" }, new[] { typeof(TermsAndConditionsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Set Payment Method", "Apps/Ecommerce/PaymentDetails/SetPaymentMethod", new { controller = "PaymentDetails", action = "SetPaymentMethod" }, new[] { typeof(PaymentDetailsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Get Payment Methods", "Apps/Ecommerce/PaymentDetails/Methods", new { controller = "PaymentDetails", action = "Methods" }, new[] { typeof(PaymentDetailsController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Order Placed - Login and associate order", "order-placed/login", new { controller = "OrderPlaced", action = "LoginAndAssociateOrder" }, new[] { typeof(OrderPlacedController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Order Placed - Register and associate order - other", "order-placed/register", new { controller = "OrderPlaced", action = "RegisterAndAssociateOrder" }, new[] { typeof(OrderPlacedController).Namespace }); }
private static void MapPaymentMethodRoutes(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Cash On Delivery - Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/CashOnDelivery", new { controller = "CashOnDelivery", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(CashOnDeliveryController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Payment Not Required - Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/PaymentNotRequired", new { controller = "PaymentNotRequired", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(PaymentNotRequiredController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Paypoint - Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/Paypoint", new { controller = "Paypoint", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(PaypointController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("SagePay - Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/SagePay", new { controller = "SagePay", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(SagePayController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("PayPal Express Checkout - Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/PaypalExpressCheckout", new { controller = "PayPalExpressCheckout", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(PayPalExpressCheckoutController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("PayPal Express Checkout - SetExpressCheckout", "Apps/Ecommerce/PayPalExpress/SetExpressCheckout", new { controller = "PayPalExpressCheckout", action = "SetExpressCheckout" }, new[] { typeof(PayPalExpressCheckoutController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("PayPal Express Checkout - Reset", "Apps/Ecommerce/PayPalExpress/Reset", new { controller = "PayPalExpressCheckout", action = "Reset" }, new[] { typeof(PayPalExpressCheckoutController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("PayPal Express Checkout - IPN", "Apps/Ecommerce/PayPalExpress/IPN", new { controller = "PayPalExpressIPN", action = "Handle" }, new[] { typeof(PayPalExpressIPNController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - PayPal Return Handler", "Apps/Ecommerce/PayPalExpressCheckout/ReturnHandler", new { controller = "PayPalExpressCheckout", action = "Return" }, new[] { typeof(PayPalExpressCheckoutController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - PayPal Callback Handler", "Apps/Ecommerce/PayPalExpressCheckout/CallbackHandler", new { controller = "PayPalExpressCallback", action = "Handler" }, new[] { typeof(PayPalExpressCallbackController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Paypoint 3D Secure Redirect", "Apps/Ecommerce/Paypoint/3DSecureRedirect", new { controller = "Paypoint", action = "Redirect3DSecure" }, new[] { typeof(PaypointController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - Paypoint 3D Secure Response Handler", "Apps/Ecommerce/Paypoint/3DSecureReturnHandler", new { controller = "Paypoint", action = "Response3DSecure" }, new[] { typeof(PaypointController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - SagePay Notification Url", "Apps/Ecommerce/SagePay/Notification", new { controller = "SagePayNotification", action = "Notification" }, new[] { typeof(SagePayNotificationController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - SagePay Success Url", "Apps/Ecommerce/SagePay/Success/{vendorTxCode}", new { controller = "SagePayRedirect", action = "Success" }, new[] { typeof(SagePayRedirectController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - SagePay Success POST", "Apps/Ecommerce/SagePay/SuccessRedirect", new { controller = "SagePayRedirect", action = "SuccessPost" }, new[] { typeof(SagePayRedirectController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - SagePay Failed Url", "Apps/Ecommerce/SagePay/Failed/{vendorTxCode}", new { controller = "SagePayRedirect", action = "Failed" }, new[] { typeof(SagePayRedirectController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - SagePay Failed POST", "Apps/Ecommerce/SagePay/FailedRedirect", new { controller = "SagePayRedirect", action = "FailedPost" }, new[] { typeof(SagePayRedirectController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("WorldPay - Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/WorldPay", new { controller = "WorldPay", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(WorldPayController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Checkout - WorldPay Notification Url", "Apps/Ecommerce/WorldPay/Notification", new { controller = "WorldPay", action = "Notification" }, new[] { typeof(WorldPayController).Namespace }); //Charity Clear Routes context.MapRoute("CharityClear Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/CharityClear", new { controller = "CharityClear", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(CharityClearController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("CharityClear PaymentInfo Notification", "Apps/Ecommerce/CharityClear/Notification", new { controller = "CharityClear", action = "Notification" }, new[] { typeof(CharityClearController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Braintree Form", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/Braintree", new { controller = "Braintree", action = "Form" }, new[] { typeof(BraintreeController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Braintree Form Post", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/BraintreePayment/Card", new { controller = "Braintree", action = "MakePaymentCard" }, new[] { typeof(BraintreeController).Namespace }); context.MapRoute("Braintree Paypal Post", "Apps/Ecommerce/Confirm/BraintreePayment/Paypal", new { controller = "Braintree", action = "MakePaymentPaypal" }, new[] { typeof(BraintreeController).Namespace }); }
private static void MapRemoteValidationRoutes(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("Can add quantity to cart", "can-add-quantity", new { controller = "Cart", action = "CanAddQuantity" }, new[] { typeof(CartController).Namespace }); }
protected override void RegisterApp(MrCMSAppRegistrationContext context) { context.MapRoute("MFNav GetChildren", "MobileFriendlyNavigation/GetChildNodes", new { controller = "MobileFriendlyNavigation", action = "GetChildNodes" }); }