MqttTransportHandler CreateTransportHandlerWithMockChannel(out IChannel channel, Action <object, ConnectionEventArgs> onConnectionOpenedCallback, Func <object, ConnectionEventArgs, Task> onConnectionClosedCallback)
            var _channel = Substitute.For <IChannel>();

            channel = _channel;
            MqttTransportHandler transport = null;

            // The channel factory creates the channel.  This gets called from inside OpenAsync.
            // Unfortunately, it needs access to the internals of the transport (like being able to call OnConnceted, which is passed into the Mqtt channel constructor, but we're not using that)
            Func <IPAddress, int, Task <IChannel> > factory = (a, i) =>
                return(Task <IChannel> .FromResult <IChannel>(_channel));

            transport = new MqttTransportHandler(new PipelineContext(), IotHubConnectionStringExtensions.Parse(DumpyConnectionString), new MqttTransportSettings(Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.TransportType.Mqtt_Tcp_Only), factory, onConnectionOpenedCallback, onConnectionClosedCallback);