// Methods tested : GetUTCTime public void TestBatch1() { int hr = 0; MpegDateAndTime dateAndTime = new MpegDateAndTime(); hr = tdt.GetUTCTime(out dateAndTime); Debug.Assert((hr == 0 && (dateAndTime.ToDateTime() > DateTime.MinValue)), "IDVB_TDT.GetUTCTime failed"); }
// Methods tested : GetCountOfRecords, GetRecordDuration, GetRecordEventId // GetRecordFreeCAMode, GetRecordRunningStatus, // GetRecordStartTime, GetSegmentLastSectionNumber // GetRecordCountOfDescriptors, GetRecordDescriptorByIndex // GetRecordDescriptorByTag public void TestBatch2() { int hr = 0; int recordCount = 0; hr = eit.GetCountOfRecords(out recordCount); Debug.Assert((hr == 0) && (recordCount != 0), "IDVB_EIT.GetCountOfRecords failed"); for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { // the results are dependent to the multiplex MpegDuration duration = new MpegDuration(); hr = eit.GetRecordDuration(i, out duration); Debug.Assert((hr == 0) && (duration.ToTimeSpan() > TimeSpan.Zero), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordDuration failed"); short eventId = 0; hr = eit.GetRecordEventId(i, out eventId); Debug.Assert((hr == 0) && (eventId != 0), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordEventId failed"); bool freeCAMode = true; hr = eit.GetRecordFreeCAMode(i, out freeCAMode); Debug.Assert((hr == 0), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordFreeCAMode failed"); RunningStatus runningStatus = 0; hr = eit.GetRecordRunningStatus(i, out runningStatus); Debug.Assert((hr == 0 && (runningStatus != 0)), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordRunningStatus failed"); MpegDateAndTime dateAndTime = new MpegDateAndTime(); hr = eit.GetRecordStartTime(i, out dateAndTime); Debug.Assert((hr == 0) && (dateAndTime.ToDateTime() > DateTime.MinValue), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordStartTime failed"); int descriptorCount = 0; hr = eit.GetRecordCountOfDescriptors(i, out descriptorCount); Debug.Assert((hr == 0 && (descriptorCount != 0)), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordCountOfDescriptors failed"); IGenericDescriptor descriptor = null; byte tag = 0; for (int j = 0; j < descriptorCount; j++) { hr = eit.GetRecordDescriptorByIndex(i, j, out descriptor); Debug.Assert((hr == 0 && (descriptor != null)), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordDescriptorByIndex failed"); hr = descriptor.GetTag(out tag); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(descriptor); } hr = eit.GetRecordDescriptorByTag(i, tag, null, out descriptor); Debug.Assert((hr == 0 && (descriptor != null)), "IDVB_EIT.GetRecordDescriptorByTag failed"); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(descriptor); } }
// Methods tested : GetUTCTime private void TestBatch1() { int hr = 0; MpegDateAndTime dateAndTime = new MpegDateAndTime(); hr = tot.GetUTCTime(out dateAndTime); Debug.Assert((hr == 0) && (dateAndTime.ToDateTime() > DateTime.MinValue), "IDVB_TOT.GetUTCTime failed"); Debug.WriteLine("Current UTC time is " + dateAndTime.ToDateTime().ToString()); }