public override void Load(XPathNodeIterator iterator, MpeParser parser) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeGroup.Load()"); base.Load(iterator, parser); this.parser = parser; //Animation = parser.GetAnimation(iterator, "animation", Animation); //tags.Remove("animation"); // Mpe Specific Tags bool firstLoad = false; if (parser.GetString(iterator, "mpe/layout", null) == null) { MpeLog.Debug("This is a group that has never been opened with MPE!"); firstLoad = true; Left = 0; Top = 0; } LayoutStyle = parser.GetLayout(iterator, "mpe/layout", LayoutStyle); Spring = parser.GetBoolean(iterator, "mpe/spring", Spring); Spacing = parser.GetInt(iterator, "mpe/spacing", Spacing); Padding = parser.GetPadding(iterator, "mpe/padding", Padding); // Child Controls XPathNodeIterator i = iterator.Current.Select("control"); bool firstControl = true; int x = int.MaxValue; int y = int.MaxValue; int r = 0; int b = 0; while (i.MoveNext()) { XPathNodeIterator typeIterator = i.Current.SelectChildren("type", ""); if (typeIterator.MoveNext()) { MpeControlType ctype = MpeControlType.Create(typeIterator.Current.Value); if (firstControl && ctype == MpeControlType.Image) { firstControl = false; backImage.Load(i, parser); } else { MpeControl c = parser.CreateControl(ctype); Controls.Add(c); c.Load(i, parser); c.BringToFront(); if (firstLoad) { if (c.Left < x) { x = c.Left; } if (c.Top < y) { y = c.Top; } if ((c.Left + c.Width) > r) { r = c.Left + c.Width; } if ((c.Top + c.Height) > b) { b = c.Top + c.Height; } } } } } if (firstLoad) { MpeLog.Info("x=" + x + " y=" + y); Left = x - 4; Top = y - 4; for (int a = 0; a < Controls.Count; a++) { if (Controls[a] is MpeControl) { Controls[a].Left -= x - 4; Controls[a].Top -= y - 4; } } Width = r - x + 8; Height = b - y + 8; } if (Spring) { Width = parser.GetInt(iterator, "width", Width); Height = parser.GetInt(iterator, "height", Height); } Modified = false; }
public override void Load(XPathNodeIterator iterator, MpeParser parser) { MpeLog.Debug("MpeScreen.Load()"); this.parser = parser; XPathNodeIterator i = null; if (iterator == null) { throw new MpeParserException("The given iterator is invalid."); } if (iterator.Current.Name == "controls") { Width = parser.GetInt(iterator, "skin/width", Width); Height = parser.GetInt(iterator, "skin/height", Height); ScreenSize = MpeScreenSize.FromResolution(Width, Height); i = iterator.Current.Select("control[type='image']"); if (i.MoveNext()) { backImage.Load(i, parser); } Id = 0; } else if (iterator.Current.Name == "window") { string stype = parser.GetString(iterator, "type", ""); if (stype == MpeScreenType.Dialog.ToString().ToLower()) { screenType = MpeScreenType.Dialog; } else if (stype == MpeScreenType.OnScreenDisplay.ToString().ToLower()) { screenType = MpeScreenType.OnScreenDisplay; } else { screenType = MpeScreenType.Window; } Id = parser.GetInt(iterator, "id", Id); AllowOverlay = parser.GetBoolean(iterator, "allowoverlay", AllowOverlay); AutohideTopbar = parser.GetBoolean(iterator, "autohidetopbar", AutohideTopbar); DefaultControl = parser.GetInt(iterator, "defaultcontrol", DefaultControl); if (screenType == MpeScreenType.Dialog) { // Initialize the default screen MpeScreen defaultScreen = (MpeScreen)parser.GetControl(MpeControlType.Screen); if (defaultScreen == null) { throw new MpeParserException("Reference screen was never initialized and loaded"); } TextureBack = defaultScreen.TextureBack; Size = defaultScreen.Size; AllowDrop = false; // First create the dialog group MpeGroup dialog = (MpeGroup)parser.CreateControl(MpeControlType.Group); dialog.Id = DialogGroupId; dialog.LayoutStyle = MpeLayoutStyle.Grid; dialog.Parser = Parser; Controls.Add(dialog); // Add all the controls i = iterator.Current.Select("controls/control"); bool first = true; while (i.MoveNext()) { string s = parser.GetString(i, "type", ""); if (first && s == MpeControlType.Image.ToString()) { first = false; dialog.TextureBackImage.Load(i, parser); dialog.Size = dialog.TextureBackImage.Size; dialog.Location = dialog.TextureBackImage.Location; } else { XPathNodeIterator typeIterator = i.Current.SelectChildren("type", ""); if (typeIterator.MoveNext()) { MpeControlType type = MpeControlType.Create(typeIterator.Current.Value); MpeControl c = parser.CreateControl(type); dialog.Controls.Add(c); c.Load(i, parser); c.BringToFront(); } } } } else { AllowDrop = true; i = iterator.Current.Select("controls/control"); bool first = true; while (i.MoveNext()) { string s = parser.GetString(i, "type", ""); if (first && s == MpeControlType.Image.ToString()) { backImage.Load(i, parser); } else { XPathNodeIterator typeIterator = i.Current.SelectChildren("type", ""); if (typeIterator.MoveNext()) { MpeControlType type = MpeControlType.Create(typeIterator.Current.Value); MpeControl c = parser.CreateControl(type); Controls.Add(c); c.Load(i, parser); c.BringToFront(); } } first = false; } } } Modified = false; }