public void add_movie_view() { //Arrange var controller = new MovieController(new MovieBLL(new MovieRepositoryStub())); //Act var result = (ViewResult)controller.AddMovie(); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(result.ViewName, ""); }
public void AddMovie() { Movie movieDetails = new Movie(); movieDetails.Name = "KGF"; MockDALLayer dllLayer = new MockDALLayer(); var controller = new MovieController(dllLayer); controller.AddMovie(movieDetails); DataTable result = controller.GetMovieDetails(movieDetails.Name); Assert.IsTrue(result.Rows.Count == 1); }
public void add_movie_POST_Fail() { //Arrange var controller = new MovieController(new MovieBLL(new MovieRepositoryStub())); var newMovie = new Movie(); newMovie.Title = ""; //Act var result = (ViewResult)controller.AddMovie(newMovie); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(result.ViewName, ""); }
public void add_movie_Validation_Fail() { //Arrange var controller = new MovieController(new MovieBLL(new MovieRepositoryStub())); var newMovie = new Movie(); controller.ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("Title", "Title field is empty"); //Act var result = (ViewResult)controller.AddMovie(newMovie); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(result.ViewData.ModelState.Count == 1); Assert.AreEqual(result.ViewName, ""); }
public async void AddsMovie() { var context = InMemoryDbContextFactory.GetDbContext(); var controller = new MovieController(context); var movie = new Movie { Title = "Testing Movie1" }; var response = await controller.AddMovie(movie); Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(response.Result); var okRes = (OkObjectResult)response.Result; Assert.Equal("Testing Movie1", ((Movie)okRes.Value).Title); }
public void AddMovieShouldThrow_WhenCalledWithInvalidParameters() { // Arrange var mockMovieService = new Mock <IMovieService>(); var mockRoleService = new Mock <IRoleService>(); var mockMapper = new Mock <IMapper>(); var mockFactory = new Mock <IMovieModelFactory>(); var controller = new MovieController(mockMovieService.Object, mockRoleService.Object, mockMapper.Object, mockFactory.Object); mockMovieService.Setup(x => x.AddMovie(It.IsAny <MovieModel>())) .Verifiable(); //Act & Assert Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => controller.AddMovie("", "nice movie", 1992, 120)); }
public void AddMovieSuccessfullyInvokeService_WhenCalledWithValidData() { // Arrange var mockMovieService = new Mock <IMovieService>(); var mockRoleService = new Mock <IRoleService>(); var mockMapper = new Mock <IMapper>(); var mockFactory = new Mock <IMovieModelFactory>(); var controller = new MovieController(mockMovieService.Object, mockRoleService.Object, mockMapper.Object, mockFactory.Object); // Act controller.AddMovie("TestTitle", "nice movie", 1992, 120); //Assert mockMovieService.Verify(x => x.AddMovie(It.IsAny <MovieModel>()), Times.Once); }
protected void createbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { idtxt.Enabled = false; Movie addmovie = new Movie(); addmovie.Name = nametxt.Text; addmovie.Description = descptxt.Text; addmovie.Rating = ratingtxt.Text; addmovie.ContentURL = urltxt.Text; addmovie.Duration = Convert.ToInt32(durationtxt.Text); addmovie.Price = Convert.ToDouble(pricetxt.Text); movie_controller.AddMovie(addmovie); statuslbl.Text = "New record created successfully"; idtxt.Enabled = true; }
public static async Task AddMovieAsync(Movie movie) { using (MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent("---------------" + (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds)) { content.Add(new StringContent(movie.Title), "Title"); content.Add(new StringContent(movie.Description), "Description"); content.Add(new StringContent(movie.Director), "Director"); content.Add(new StringContent(movie.Year.ToString()), "Year"); content.Add(new StringContent(movie.Price.ToString()), "Price"); content.Add(new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(ImageUtility.BitmapImageToByteArray(movie.Poster.Image, movie.Poster.Format))), "Poster", movie.Poster.FileName); using (HttpResponseMessage response = await MovieController.AddMovie(content)) { int status = (int)response.StatusCode; string body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (status == 200) { return; } else if (status == 400) { throw new Exception(body); } else if (status == 401) { throw new UnauthenticatedException(); } else if (status == 403) { throw new UnauthorizedException(); } else if (status == 500) { throw new ServerException(); } else { throw new Exception("An uncaught error occurred."); } } } }
private void AddMovie() { this.AddCmdCommand(); Movie movie = new Movie(); movie.Name = movieController.MovieRead(); Console.WriteLine("Enter actors:"); movie.Actors = movieController.ActorsRead(); Console.WriteLine("Enter director:"); movie.Director = movieController.DirectorRead(); movie.Description = movieController.DescriptionRead(); movie.Genre = genreController.GenreRead(); var userName = username; var user = userController.GetUser(userName); movie.UserId = user.Id; movie.MovieTags = new List <MovieTag>(); movieController.AddMovie(movie); this.ReturnToMainScreen(); }
public void add_movie_OK() { //Arrange var controller = new MovieController(new MovieBLL(new MovieRepositoryStub())); var newMovie = new Movie() { Id = 1, ImageAddress = "imageaddress.jpg", Title = "Title", Description = "Blockbaster Nr.1", Price = 150, Genre = "Fantasy", }; //Act var result = (RedirectToRouteResult)controller.AddMovie(newMovie); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(result.RouteName, ""); Assert.AreEqual(result.RouteValues.Values.First(), "ListMovies"); }
public void Start() { Boolean active = true; while (active) { Console.WriteLine("*******************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Hello and welcome to Buutti Movie Database!"); Console.WriteLine("Please insert your command (type \"help\" for the list of available commands)"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "help": PrintHelp(); break; case "quit": Console.WriteLine("Quitting application"); active = false; break; case "search": Search(); break; case "add": AddDialog(); break; case "remove": RemoveDialog(); break; case "print": printDetails(); break; case "dummies": controller.AddDummyMovies(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command, please try again\n"); break; } } void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine("\nHere’s a list of commands you can use!\n"); Console.WriteLine("help\tOpen this dialog."); Console.WriteLine("quit\tQuit the program.\n"); Console.WriteLine("search\tList movies by search term."); Console.WriteLine("add\tAdd a new movie to the database."); Console.WriteLine("remove\tRemove a movie from the database."); //extras Console.WriteLine("print\tPrint a list of the movies in the database"); Console.WriteLine("dummies\tAdd a selection of 2020s best movies to the database."); } void Search() { Console.WriteLine("Enter your search term:"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); List <Movie> filteredList = controller.GetFilteredMovies(input); switch (filteredList.Count) { case (0): Console.WriteLine($"No movies found with search term '{input}' :("); break; case (1): Console.WriteLine($"Found 1 movie with search term '{input}':"); break; default: Console.WriteLine($"Found {filteredList.Count} movies with search term '{input}':"); break; } foreach (Movie m in filteredList) { Console.WriteLine(m.Id + " " + m.Name + ", length: " + m.Length + "m"); } Console.WriteLine(); } void AddDialog() { try { Console.WriteLine("\nAdding a movie"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the details for the movie!"); Console.WriteLine("Name:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Description:"); string desc = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Length:"); int length = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); controller.AddMovie(name, desc, length); Console.WriteLine($"Movie {name} added!\n"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input: Give length in minutes."); Console.WriteLine("Movie not added. Please try again. \n"); } } void printDetails() { List <Movie> allMovies = controller.GetMovies(); if (allMovies.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No movies in the database. Please add a movie."); } foreach (Movie m in allMovies) { Console.WriteLine(m.Id + " " + m.Name + ", length: " + m.Length + "m"); } Console.WriteLine(""); } void RemoveDialog() { try { Console.WriteLine("Removing a movie."); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the movie you want to remove:"); int id = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"Removing movie {controller.GetMovies()[id].Name}. Are you sure (y/n)?"); string conf = Console.ReadLine(); switch (conf) { case "y": controller.RemoveMovie(id); Console.WriteLine("Movie removed from the database.\n"); break; case "n": Console.WriteLine("Cancelling removal.\n"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command. Please use \"y\" or \"n\""); break; } } catch (Exception e) { switch (e.GetType().Name) { case "FormatException": Console.WriteLine("Wrong input format. Please provide an id number. Type \"print\" for list of movies and ids\n"); break; case "ArgumentOutOfRangeException": Console.WriteLine("Invalid id number. Type \"print\" for list of movies and ids\n"); break; } } } }
private void saveButton_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleValueLabel.Text.Trim())) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Title is empty."); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directorValueLabel.Text.Trim())) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Directors is empty."); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(writerValueLabel.Text.Trim())) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Writers is empty."); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(starsValueLabel.Text.Trim())) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Stars is empty."); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptionValueLabel.Text.Trim())) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Description is empty."); } else if (_movie.Picture == null && _isNew) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Photo is empty."); } else if (_isUploaded) { if (_isNew) { MovieController.AddMovie( titleValueLabel.Text, descriptionValueLabel.Text, directorValueLabel.Text, writerValueLabel.Text, starsValueLabel.Text, _movie.Picture, genreValue.SelectedIndex + 1, dateValue.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ); } else { MovieController.UpdateMovie( _movie.Id, titleValueLabel.Text, descriptionValueLabel.Text, directorValueLabel.Text, writerValueLabel.Text, starsValueLabel.Text, _movie.Picture, genreValue.SelectedIndex + 1, dateValue.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ); } Program.MainForm.UserControlSelector(new MainPageUserControl(), true); } else { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); CustomMessageBox.Show(@"Photo is still uploading..."); } }