예제 #1
 public void AddModifier(MovementModifier mod)
     if (!movementModifiers.Contains(mod))
예제 #2
 public void RemoveModifier(MovementModifier mod)
     if (movementModifiers.Contains(mod))
         Log.Info("Remove Mod");
예제 #3
 private void GenerateColliderForTile(int x, int y, MovementModifier modifier, bool solid)
     Vector2 tileCenter = GetLogicalCenterOfTile(x, y);
     ColliderWithModifier tileCollider = new ColliderWithModifier(modifier, solid)
         Position = tileCenter,
         Size     = new Vector2(32, 32)
예제 #4
파일: MoveUI.cs 프로젝트: pjrodrig/BasicRPG
 public void Deactivate()
     if (active)
         mod     = null;
         rolling = false;
         active  = false;
예제 #5
        public void TestApplyModifier_SwampWalk()
            MovementModifier modifier      = MovementModifier.SwampWalk;
            Vector4          speedLimits   = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            MethodInfo       applyModifier = physicsReflection.GetMethod("ApplyModifier", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            Vector4          result        = (Vector4)applyModifier.Invoke(null, new object[] { modifier, speedLimits });

            Assert.AreEqual(speedLimits.X, result.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(modifier.Function(speedLimits.Y, modifier.Value), result.Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(modifier.Function(speedLimits.Z, modifier.Value), result.Z);
            Assert.AreEqual(modifier.Function(speedLimits.W, modifier.Value), result.W);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new tile at the given coordinates and the given textures and creates a collider for it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="texture"></param>
        /// <param name="opt"></param>
        public void SetTileAt(int x, int y, BitmapImage texture, bool solid, MovementModifier modifier = null)
            //0 is the top since we go from top left so it has to be mirrored
            y = 15 - y;

            Tile tile = new Tile();

            GenerateColliderForTile(x, y, modifier, solid);
            Tiles[x, y]       = tile;
            tile.TilePosition = new Vector2(x, y);
            tile.ChunkParent  = this;
            tile.Texture      = texture;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the tile at the given coordinates in this chunk to the given tile type and registers a collider for it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="tileType"></param>
        /// <param name="imagePath"></param>
        public void SetTileAt(int x, int y, Tile tile, bool solid, MovementModifier modifier = null)
            //0 is the top since we go from top left so it has to be mirrored
            y = 15 - y;

            GenerateColliderForTile(x, y, modifier, solid);
            Tiles[x, y]       = tile;
            tile.TilePosition = new Vector2(x, y);
            tile.ChunkParent  = this;

            //Canvas.SetLeft(tile, (x * 32));
            //.SetTop(tile, (y * 32));
예제 #8
    public void ModifySpeed(MovementModifier pModifier)
        switch (pModifier)
        case MovementModifier.forward:
            //directionToMove = -1;
            movementModif = 5f;

        case MovementModifier.backward:
            //directionToMove = 1;
            movementModif = -3f;

        case MovementModifier.reset:
            //directionToMove = 1;
            movementModif = 0;
예제 #9
파일: MoveUI.cs 프로젝트: pjrodrig/BasicRPG
 public void Activate(MovementModifier mod, Action modCallback)
     if (!active)
         this.mod         = mod;
         this.modCallback = modCallback;
         if (initialRollPosition == Vector3.zero)
             initialRollPosition = rollBox.transform.position;
             rollBox.transform.position = initialRollPosition;
         choosingSpace = false;
         active = true;
        internal virtual void PostUpgradeModuleChange(int slotID, TechType techType, bool added, Hoverbike instance = null)
            if (parentHoverbike == null)
                if (instance != null)
                    Initialise(ref instance);

            // My first instinct is always to use switch() in situations like this, but you can't use switch() with non-const types.
            if (techType == techTypeWaterTravel)
                bHasTravelModule = HasTravelModule();
            else if (techType == techTypeHullModule)
                parentHoverbike.gameObject.EnsureComponent <HoverbikeStructuralIntegrityModifier>().SetActive(added);
            else if (techType == techTypeMobility)
                bHasTravelModule = HasTravelModule();
                if (GetModuleCount(TechType.HoverbikeJumpModule) < 1)
                    FieldInfo jump = typeof(Hoverbike).GetField("jumpEnabled", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    if (jump != null)
                        jump.SetValue(parentHoverbike, added);
            else if (techType == techTypeRepair)
                bHasSelfRepair = added;
            else if (techType == techTypeDurability)
                bHasSelfRepair = added;
                parentHoverbike.gameObject.EnsureComponent <HoverbikeStructuralIntegrityModifier>().SetActive(added);

            if (TryGetDefaultFloat("enginePowerConsumption", out float defaultPowerConsumption))
                float effectiveEfficiency = 1f;
                int   priority            = 0;
                //Log.LogDebug($"HoverbikeUpdate.PostUpgradeModuleChange(): applying efficiency modifiers");
                //foreach (EfficiencyModifier modifier in efficiencyModifiers)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <TechType, EfficiencyModifier> modifierPair in efficiencyModifiers)
                    EfficiencyModifier modifier = modifierPair.Value;
                    //Log.LogDebug($"Using modifier {modifier.ToString()}");
                    //int moduleCount = GetModuleCount(modifier.techType);
                    int moduleCount = GetModuleCount(modifierPair.Key);
                    if (moduleCount > 0)
                        moduleCount = Math.Min(moduleCount, modifier.maxUpgrades);                          // This could've been included as part of the assignment, but this way we only do the Min() call if it's needed.
                        if (modifier.priority > priority)
                            effectiveEfficiency = modifier.efficiencyMultiplier * moduleCount;
                            priority            = modifier.priority;
                            //Log.LogDebug($"Using modifier with higher priority {priority}; effectiveEfficiency now {modifier.efficiencyMultiplier}");
                        else if (modifier.priority == priority)
                            effectiveEfficiency *= modifier.efficiencyMultiplier * moduleCount;
                        // There is no else.
                float newConsumption = defaultPowerConsumption * effectiveEfficiency;
                Log.LogDebug($"HoverbikeUpdate.PostUpgradeModuleChange(): changed TechType {techType.AsString()}; found defaultPowerConsumption of {defaultPowerConsumption} and calculated new power consumption of {newConsumption}");
                parentHoverbike.enginePowerConsumption = newConsumption;

            if (TryGetDefaultFloat(nameof(Hoverbike.forwardAccel), out float defaultForwardAccel) &&
                TryGetDefaultFloat(nameof(Hoverbike.forwardBoostForce), out float defaultBoost) &&
                TryGetDefaultFloat(nameof(Hoverbike.boostCooldown), out float defaultCooldown) &&
                TryGetDefaultFloat(nameof(Hoverbike.jumpCooldown), out float defaultJumpCooldown))
                float speedMult    = 1f;
                float cooldownMult = 1f;
                int   priority     = 0;

                //Log.LogDebug($"HoverbikeUpdate.PostUpgradeModuleChange(): applying movement modifiers");
                //foreach (MovementModifierStruct modifier in movementModifiers)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <TechType, MovementModifier> modifierPair in movementModifiers)
                    //Log.LogDebug($"Using modifier {modifier.ToString()}");
                    MovementModifier modifier = modifierPair.Value;
                    int moduleCount           = GetModuleCount(modifierPair.Key);
                    if (moduleCount > 0)
                        moduleCount = Math.Min(moduleCount, modifier.maxUpgrades);
                        if (modifier.priority > priority)
                            speedMult    = modifier.speedModifier * moduleCount;
                            cooldownMult = modifier.cooldownModifier * moduleCount;
                            priority     = modifier.priority;
                            //Log.LogDebug($"Using modifier with higher priority {priority}; speedMult now {speedMult}, cooldownMult now {cooldownMult}");
                        else if (modifier.priority == priority)
                            speedMult    *= modifier.speedModifier * moduleCount;
                            cooldownMult *= modifier.cooldownModifier * moduleCount;
                            //Log.LogDebug($"Using modifier with equal priority {priority}; speedMult now {speedMult}, cooldownMult now {cooldownMult}");
                        // There is no else.
                parentHoverbike.forwardAccel      = defaultForwardAccel * speedMult;
                parentHoverbike.forwardBoostForce = defaultBoost * speedMult;
                parentHoverbike.boostCooldown     = defaultCooldown * cooldownMult;
                parentHoverbike.jumpCooldown      = defaultJumpCooldown * cooldownMult;
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Author: Denis
 /// Removes a movement modifier to the list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Mod"></param>
 public void RemoveModifier(MovementModifier Mod) => Modifiers.Remove(Mod);
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Author: Denis
 /// Adds a movement modifier to the list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Mod"></param>
 public void AddModifier(MovementModifier Mod) => Modifiers.Add(Mod);
 public void AddModifier(MovementModifier modifier)
 public GameObject RemoveModifier(MovementModifier mod)
     modifier = null;
 public GameObject AddModifier(MovementModifier mod)
     modifier = mod;