예제 #1
파일: BTTE.cs 프로젝트: rajeshwarn/pkNX
        private TrainerRandomizer GetRandomizer()
            var moves = Game.Data.MoveData.LoadAll();
            var rmove = new MoveRandomizer(Game.Info, moves, Personal);

            int[] banned = Legal.GetBannedMoves(Game.Info.Game, moves.Length);
            rmove.Initialize((MovesetRandSettings)PG_Moves.SelectedObject, banned);
            int[] ban = new int[0];

            if (Game.Info.SWSH)
                var pt = Game.Data.PersonalData;
                ban = pt.Table.Take(Game.Info.MaxSpeciesID + 1)
                      .Select((z, i) => new { Species = i, Present = ((PersonalInfoSWSH)z).IsPresentInGame })
                      .Where(z => !z.Present).Select(z => z.Species).ToArray();

            var rspec = new SpeciesRandomizer(Game.Info, Personal);

            rspec.Initialize((SpeciesSettings)PG_Species.SelectedObject, ban);
            learn.Moves = moves;
            var evos  = Game.Data.EvolutionData;
            var trand = new TrainerRandomizer(Game.Info, Personal, Trainers.LoadAll(), evos.LoadAll())
                ClassCount = CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count,
                Learn      = learn,
                RandMove   = rmove,
                RandSpec   = rspec,
                GetBlank   = () => (Game.Info.SWSH ? (TrainerPoke) new TrainerPoke8() : new TrainerPoke7b()), // this should probably be less specific

예제 #2
파일: BTTE.cs 프로젝트: PP-theSLAYER/pkNX
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var moves = Game.Data.MoveData.LoadAll();
            var rmove = new MoveRandomizer(Game.Info, moves, Personal);

            int[] banned = Legal.GetBannedMoves(Game.Info.Game, moves);
            rmove.Initialize((MovesetRandSettings)PG_Moves.SelectedObject, banned);
            var rspec = new SpeciesRandomizer(Game.Info, Personal);

            var trand = new TrainerRandomizer(Game.Info, Personal, Trainers.LoadAll())
                ClassCount = CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count,
                Learn      = learn,
                RandMove   = rmove,
                RandSpec   = rspec,
                GetBlank   = () => new TrainerPoke7b(), // this should probably be less specific

예제 #3
        private TrainerRandomizer GetRandomizer()
            var moves = Game.Data.MoveData.LoadAll();
            var rmove = new MoveRandomizer(Game.Info, moves, Personal);

            int[] banned = Legal.GetBannedMoves(Game.Info.Game, moves.Length);
            rmove.Initialize((MovesetRandSettings)PG_Moves.SelectedObject, banned);
            var rspec = new SpeciesRandomizer(Game.Info, Personal);

            learn.Moves = moves;
            var evos  = Game.Data.EvolutionData;
            var trand = new TrainerRandomizer(Game.Info, Personal, Trainers.LoadAll(), evos.LoadAll())
                ClassCount = CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count,
                Learn      = learn,
                RandMove   = rmove,
                RandSpec   = rspec,
                GetBlank   = () => (Game.Info.SWSH ? (TrainerPoke) new TrainerPoke8() : new TrainerPoke7b()), // this should probably be less specific

예제 #4
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Randomizer Options tab.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0;
            var rnd = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config)
                G1 = CHK_G1.Checked,
                G2 = CHK_G2.Checked,
                G3 = CHK_G3.Checked,
                G4 = CHK_G4.Checked,
                G5 = CHK_G5.Checked,
                G6 = CHK_G6.Checked,
                G7 = CHK_G7.Checked,

                E    = CHK_E.Checked,
                L    = CHK_L.Checked,
                rBST = CHK_BST.Checked,


            // add Legendary/Mythical to final evolutions if checked
            if (CHK_L.Checked)
                FinalEvo = FinalEvo.Concat(Legendary).ToArray();
            if (CHK_E.Checked)
                FinalEvo = FinalEvo.Concat(Mythical).ToArray();

            var banned = new List <int>(new[] { 165, 621, 464 }.Concat(Legal.Z_Moves)); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Void

            if (CHK_NoFixedDamage.Checked)
            var move = new MoveRandomizer(Main.Config)
                BannedMoves = banned,
                rSTABCount  = (int)NUD_STAB.Value,
                rDMG        = CHK_Damage.Checked,
                rDMGCount   = (int)NUD_Damage.Value,
                rSTAB       = CHK_STAB.Checked

            var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList();

            for (int i = 0; i < Trainers.Length; i++)
                var tr = Trainers[i];
                if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0)

                // Trainer Properties
                if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked)
                    // ignore special classes
                    if (CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked && !SpecialClasses.Contains(tr.TrainerClass))
                        int randClass() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count);

                        int rv; do
                            rv = randClass();
                        }while (SpecialClasses.Contains(rv)); // don't allow disallowed classes
                        tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv;

                    // all classes
                    else if (!CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked)
                        int randClass() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count);

                        int rv; do
                            rv = randClass();
                        }while (rv == 082); // Lusamine 2 can crash multi battles, skip
                        tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv;

                var   avgBST   = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST);
                int   avgLevel = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => pk.Level);
                var   pinfo    = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First();
                int   avgSpec  = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo);
                int[] royal    = { 081, 082, 083, 084, 185 };

                if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value)
                    for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++)
                        tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7
                            Species = rnd.GetRandomSpecies(avgSpec),
                            Level   = avgLevel,

                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value;
                if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value)
                    tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value));
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value;
                if (CHK_6PKM.Checked && ImportantTrainers.Contains(tr.ID))
                    for (int g = tr.NumPokemon; g < 6; g++)
                        tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7
                            Species = rnd.GetRandomSpecies(avgSpec),
                            Level   = avgLevel,

                    tr.NumPokemon = 6;

                // force 1 pkm to keep forced Battle Royal fair
                if (royal.Contains(tr.ID))
                    tr.NumPokemon = 1;

                // PKM Properties
                foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon)
                    if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked)
                        int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32() % 17 : -1;

                        // replaces Megas with another Mega (Dexio and Lysandre in USUM)
                        if (MegaDictionary.Values.Any(z => z.Contains(pk.Item)))
                            int[] mega = GetRandomMega(out int species);
                            pk.Species = species;
                            pk.Item    = mega[Util.rand.Next(0, mega.Length)];
                            pk.Form    = 0; // allow it to Mega Evolve naturally

                        // every other pkm
                            pk.Species = rnd.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, Type);
                            pk.Item    = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length];
                            pk.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat);

                        pk.Gender = 0;                                           // random
                        pk.Nature = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Nature.Items.Count); // random
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        pk.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value);
                    if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked)
                        pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value;
                    if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked)
                        pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32() % 4;
                    if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked)
                        pk.IVs = new[] { 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 }
                    if (CHK_MaxAI.Checked)
                        tr.AI |= (int)(TrainerAI.Basic | TrainerAI.Strong | TrainerAI.Expert | TrainerAI.PokeChange);

                    if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && pk.Level >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(pk.Species))
                        int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % FinalEvo.Length);

                        pk.Species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()];
                        pk.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat);

                    switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex)
                    case 1:     // Random
                        pk.Moves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4);

                    case 2:     // Current LevelUp
                        pk.Moves = learn.GetCurrentMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Level, 4);

                    case 3:     // Metronome
                        pk.Moves = new[] { 118, 0, 0, 0 };

                    // high-power attacks
                    if (CHK_ForceHighPower.Checked && pk.Level >= NUD_ForceHighPower.Value)
                        pk.Moves = learn.GetHighPoweredMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, 4);

                    // sanitize moves
                    if (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex > 1) // learn source
                        var moves = pk.Moves;
                        if (move.SanitizeMovesetForBannedMoves(moves, pk.Species))
                            pk.Moves = moves;
                SaveData(tr, i);
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to .TXT button to view the new Trainer information!");
예제 #5
파일: RSTE.cs 프로젝트: evraiterrule/pk3DS
        private static void RandomizeTeam(trdata6 t, MoveRandomizer move, LearnsetRandomizer learn, ushort[] itemvals, int type, bool mevo, bool typerand)
            int last = t.Team.Length - 1;

            for (int p = 0; p < t.Team.Length; p++)
                var   pk     = t.Team[p];
                int[] stones = null;
                if (rPKM)
                    // randomize pokemon
                    int species;
                    if (typerand)
                        species = rSpeciesRand.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, type);
                        if (p == last && mevo)
                            int tries = 0;
                                stones = GetRandomMega(out species);
                            }while (Main.Config.Personal[species].Types.All(z => z != type) && tries++ < 100);
                    else if (p == last && mevo)
                        stones = GetRandomMega(out species);
                        species = rSpeciesRand.GetRandomSpecies(pk.Species);

                    pk.Species = (ushort)species;
                    pk.Gender  = 0;                                  // Set Gender to Random
                    bool mega = rRandomMegas & !(mevo && p == last); // except if mega evolution is forced for the last slot
                    pk.Form = (ushort)Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, mega, true, Main.SpeciesStat);
                if (rLevel)
                    pk.Level = (ushort)Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, rLevelMultiplier);
                if (rAbility)
                    pk.Ability = (int)(1 + rnd32() % 3);
                if (rDiffIV)
                    pk.IVs = 255;

                if (mevo && p == last && stones != null)
                    pk.Item = (ushort)stones[rnd32() % stones.Length];
                else if (rItem)
                    pk.Item = itemvals[rnd32() % itemvals.Length];

                if (rForceFullyEvolved && pk.Level >= rForceFullyEvolvedLevel && !rFinalEvo.Contains(pk.Species))
                    int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % rFinalEvo.Length);

                    pk.Species = (ushort)rFinalEvo[randFinalEvo()];
                    pk.Form    = (ushort)Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, rRandomMegas, true, Main.SpeciesStat);

                // random
                if (rMove)
                    var pkMoves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4);
                    for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                        pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m];

                // levelup
                if (rNoMove)
                    t.Moves = true;
                    var pkMoves = learn.GetCurrentMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Level, 4);
                    for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                        pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m];

                // high-power attacks
                if (rForceHighPower && pk.Level >= rForceHighPowerLevel)
                    var pkMoves = learn.GetHighPoweredMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, 4);
                    for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                        pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m];
예제 #6
파일: RSTE.cs 프로젝트: evraiterrule/pk3DS
        private void Randomize()
            List <int> banned = new List <int> {
                165, 621
            };                                             // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury

            if (rNoFixedDamage)
            var move = new MoveRandomizer(Main.Config)
                rDMG        = rDMG,
                rSTAB       = rSTAB,
                rSTABCount  = rSTABCount,
                rDMGCount   = rDMGCount,
                BannedMoves = banned,

            rImportant = new string[CB_TrainerID.Items.Count];
            rTags      = Main.Config.ORAS ? GetTagsORAS() : GetTagsXY();
            mEvoTypes  = GetMegaEvolvableTypes();
            List <int> GymE4Types = new List <int>();

            // Fetch Move Stats for more difficult randomization

            if (rEnsureMEvo.Length > 0)
                if (mEvoTypes.Length < 13 && rTypeTheme)
                    WinFormsUtil.Alert("There are insufficient Types with at least one mega evolution to Guarantee story Mega Evos while keeping Type theming.",
                                       "Re-Randomize Personal or don't choose both options."); return;
                GymE4Types.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, types.Length).ToArray());
            foreach (int t1 in rEnsureMEvo.Where(t1 => rTags[t1] != "" && !TagTypes.Keys.Contains(rTags[t1])))
                int t;
                if (rTags[t1].Contains("GYM") || rTags[t1].Contains("ELITE") || rTags[t1].Contains("CHAMPION"))
                    t = GymE4Types[(int)(rnd32() % GymE4Types.Count)];
                    t = mEvoTypes[rnd32() % mEvoTypes.Length];
                TagTypes[rTags[t1]] = t;
            foreach (string t1 in Tags)
                if (!TagTypes.Keys.Contains(t1) && t1 != "")
                    int t;
                    if (t1.Contains("GYM") || t1.Contains("ELITE") || t1.Contains("CHAMPION"))
                        t = GymE4Types[(int)(rnd32() % GymE4Types.Count)];
                        t = (int)(rnd32() % types.Length);

                    TagTypes[t1] = t;
                Console.WriteLine(t1 + ": " + types[TagTypes[t1]]);

            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0; // fake a writeback
            ushort[] itemvals = Main.Config.ORAS ? Legal.Pouch_Items_AO : Legal.Pouch_Items_XY;
            itemvals = itemvals.Concat(Legal.Pouch_Berry_XY).ToArray();

            string[] ImportantClasses = { "GYM", "ELITE", "CHAMPION" };
            for (int i = 1; i < CB_TrainerID.Items.Count; i++)
                // Trainer Type/Mega Evo
                int  type     = GetRandomType(i);
                bool mevo     = rEnsureMEvo.Contains(i);
                bool typerand = rTypeTheme && !rGymE4Only ||
                                rTypeTheme && rImportant[i] != null && ImportantClasses.Contains(rImportant[i]);
                rSpeciesRand.rType = typerand;

                byte[] trd = trdata[i];
                byte[] trp = trpoke[i];
                var    t   = new trdata6(trd, trp, Main.Config.ORAS)
                    Moves = rMove || !rNoMove && checkBox_Moves.Checked,
                    Item  = rItem || checkBox_Item.Checked

                InitializeTrainerTeamInfo(t, rImportant[i] == null);
                RandomizeTrainerAIClass(t, trClass);
                RandomizeTeam(t, move, learn, itemvals, type, mevo, typerand);

                trdata[i] = t.Write();
                trpoke[i] = t.WriteTeam();
            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 1;
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to .TXT button to view the new Trainer information!");
예제 #7
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string inPath = null, outPath = $"{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.nds";

            if (args.Length > 0)
                inPath = args[0];

            if (args.Length > 1)
                outPath = args[1];

            if (inPath == null)
                Console.WriteLine(@"Input path was not specified");

            var romHandler = new Gen5RomHandler(inPath);

            // TODO: Given pokemons were not randomized
            // TODO: Field items not randomized
            var world = new WorldRandomizer(romHandler);

            world.RandomizeIngameTrades(true, true, true);

            // TODO: Only Shedinjas
            var trainer = new TrainerRandomizer(romHandler);

            trainer.TypeThemeTrainerPokes(true, false, true, true);

            var wild = new WildRandomizer(romHandler);

            wild.RandomEncounters(EncountersRandomization.CatchEmAll, false);

            // TODO: TMs were not randomized
            var move = new MoveRandomizer(romHandler);

            move.RandomizeTmMoves(true, false, true, 1.0);
            move.RandomizeMoveTutorMoves(true, false, 1.0);

            var util = new UtilityTweacker(romHandler);


            if (File.Exists(outPath))
                for (;;)
                    Console.Write(@"{0} allready exists. Want to replace it? [Y/n]: ");
                    var readLine = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (readLine == null)

                    var answer = readLine.Trim().ToLower();

                    if (answer == "" || answer == "y")

                    if (answer == "n")
예제 #8
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Misc/Rand tab.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0;
            var rnd = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config)
                G1 = CHK_G1.Checked,
                G2 = CHK_G2.Checked,
                G3 = CHK_G3.Checked,
                G4 = CHK_G4.Checked,
                G5 = CHK_G5.Checked,
                G6 = CHK_G6.Checked,
                G7 = CHK_G7.Checked,

                E    = CHK_E.Checked,
                L    = CHK_L.Checked,
                rBST = CHK_BST.Checked,


            var banned = new List <int>(new[] { 165, 621, 464 }.Concat(Legal.Z_Moves)); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Void

            if (CHK_NoFixedDamage.Checked)
            var move = new MoveRandomizer(Main.Config)
                BannedMoves = banned,
                rSTABCount  = (int)NUD_STAB.Value,
                rDMG        = CHK_Damage.Checked,
                rDMGCount   = (int)NUD_Damage.Value,
                rSTAB       = CHK_STAB.Checked

            var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList();

            for (int i = 0; i < Trainers.Length; i++)
                var tr = Trainers[i];
                if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0)
                // Trainer Properties
                if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked)
                    int rv;
                        rv = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count);
                    } while (/*trClass[rv].StartsWith("[~") || */ Legal.SpecialClasses_SM.Contains(rv) && !CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked);
                    // don't allow disallowed classes
                    tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv;

                if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value)
                    var avgBST   = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST);
                    int avgLevel = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => pk.Level);
                    var pinfo    = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First();
                    int avgSpec  = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo);
                    for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++)
                        tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7
                            Species = rnd.GetRandomSpecies(avgSpec),
                            Level   = avgLevel,
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value;
                if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value)
                    tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value));
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value;

                // PKM Properties
                foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon)
                    if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked)
                        int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32() % 17 : -1;
                        pk.Species = rnd.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, Type);
                        pk.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat);
                        pk.Gender  = 0; // Random Gender
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        pk.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value);
                    if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked)
                        pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value;
                    if (CHK_RandomItems.Checked)
                        pk.Item = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length];
                    if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked)
                        pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32() % 4;
                    if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked)
                        pk.IVs = new[] { 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 }

                    switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex)
                    case 1:     // Random
                        pk.Moves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4);

                    case 2:     // Current LevelUp
                        pk.Moves = learn.GetCurrentMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Level, 4);

                    case 3:     // High Attacks
                        pk.Moves = learn.GetHighPoweredMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, 4);
                    // sanitize moves
                    if (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex > 1) // learn source
                        var moves = pk.Moves;
                        if (move.SanitizeMovesetForBannedMoves(moves, pk.Species))
                            pk.Moves = moves;
                SaveData(tr, i);
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to .TXT button to view the new Trainer information!");
예제 #9
파일: RSTE.cs 프로젝트: wolfauraz/pk3DS
        private static void RandomizeTeam(trdata6 t, MoveRandomizer move, ushort[] itemvals, int type, bool mevo, bool typerand)
            int last = t.Team.Length - 1;

            for (int p = 0; p < t.Team.Length; p++)
                var   pk     = t.Team[p];
                int[] stones = null;
                if (rPKM)
                    // randomize pokemon
                    int species;
                    if (typerand)
                        species = rSpeciesRand.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, type);
                        if (p == last && mevo)
                            int tries = 0;
                                stones = GetRandomMega(out species);
                            }while (Main.Config.Personal[species].Types.All(z => z != type) && tries++ < 100);
                    else if (p == last && mevo)
                        stones = GetRandomMega(out species);
                        species = rSpeciesRand.GetRandomSpecies(pk.Species);

                    pk.Species = (ushort)species;
                    pk.Gender  = 0;                                  // Set Gender to Random
                    bool mega = rRandomMegas & !(mevo && p == last); // except if mega evolution is forced for the last slot
                    pk.Form = (ushort)Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, mega, true, Main.SpeciesStat);
                if (rLevel)
                    pk.Level = (ushort)Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, rLevelMultiplier);
                if (rAbility)
                    pk.Ability = (int)(1 + rnd32() % 3);
                if (rDiffIV)
                    pk.IVs = 255;

                if (mevo && p == last && stones != null)
                    pk.Item = (ushort)stones[rnd32() % stones.Length];
                else if (rItem)
                    pk.Item = itemvals[rnd32() % itemvals.Length];

                if (rMove)
                    var pkMoves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4);
                    for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                        pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m];