/// <summary>
    /// Used to test what kind of tile the current testNode in CalculateAllTiles.
    /// This is the Interact specific variety. That means, nodes will be appended regardless of what is at that tile.
    /// It also means that we test for only 2 different interactions: attacking and interactables (movement has been done already).
    /// If the attack range is more than 0, all these tiles will become attack tiles.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="testPos">Position of the node being tested</param>
    /// <param name="testedNodes">Reference to the List of Nodes that have been tested before</param>
    /// <param name="currentNodes">Reference to the List of Nodes that still need to be tested</param>
    private void InteractTestNode(Vector2Int testPos, List <Node> testedNodes, List <Node> currentNodes)
        Node testNode = _mAContRef.GetNodeAtPosition(testPos);

        // If there is a node there are we have not tested it before
        if (testNode != null && !testedNodes.Contains(testNode))
            // If the tile is occupied by an interactable
            if (testNode.Occupying == CharacterType.Interactable)
                // Get the interactable at that node
                Interactable interactAtNode = _mAContRef.GetInteractableByNode(testNode);
                // Only add the interactable to interact tiles if it can currently be interacted with
                if (interactAtNode != null && interactAtNode.GetCanInteractWith())
            // If I can reach with an attack
            else if (_attackRange >= 1)

            // Add the node to the tested nodes
            // Only add the node to the current nodes if the character's attack range is above 1
            if (_attackRange > 1)
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// When the user tries to interact with something after moving
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="selNode">The node that was selected</param>
    /// <returns>Returns true if the interaction was successful, false otherwise</returns>
    private bool AttemptInteract(Node selNode)
        // If there is an interactable at that location and it is in the selected character's interact tiles
        Interactable interact = _mAContRef.GetInteractableByNode(selNode);

        if (_charSelected.InteractTiles.Contains(selNode) && selNode.Occupying == CharacterType.Interactable &&
            interact != null)
            // Set the node to interact with
            _nodeToAttack = selNode;

            // When the ally finishes their interaction, return control to the user
            Interactable.OnFinishInteraction += ReturnControlAfterInteract;

            // Have the ally interact with that node
