public void TestMouseMoveEventProducer_Callback()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(mouseModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(mouseMoveEventProducer != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock != null);

            /* GIVEN */

            //setting up fake nativeMouseMock behaviors, messages and corresponding expected Events
            nativeMouseMock.SetupSequence(nM => nM.GetCursorPos())
            .Returns(new INativeMouse.POINT {
                X = 100, Y = 100
            .Returns(new INativeMouse.POINT {
                X = 0, Y = 0

            // since the the cursor position varis from 100,100 to 0,0 (> threshold), we expect to
            // receive event with position 0,0
            MouseMoveEvent[] expectedEvents =
                new MouseMoveEvent {
                    MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 0, Y = 0

            /* WHEN */
            // consumedEvent.Signal() will be called gdw one event has been found and meet expectation
            using var consumedEvent = new CountdownEvent(expectedEvents.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.CurrentCount == expectedEvents.Length);

            //didStartConsumingEvent.Set() will be called in Await method gdw the consumer is attached
            using var didStartConsumingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Running the task in another thread
            var thread = new Thread(async() =>
                await foreach (var @event in Await <IAsyncEnumerable <MouseMoveEvent> >(mouseMoveEventProducer.GetEvents(), didStartConsumingEvent))
                    if (!IsMouseMoveEventFound(@event, expectedEvents))


            // true if the consumer is attached!

            // We must call the callback after the consumer is attached!
            // otherwise the message is automatically dismissed.
            /// this is where the GetMousePosition() "callback" in the producer will be called! with Timer

            /* THEN */
            //true if all events generated by the fake messages have meet expectation.
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.Wait(maxWaitTime), "Did not find all matching mouse move events in time.");

            //total shut down and resources release