public void MotionBlurEffect2() { var src = GetSourceImage("input.png"); var effect = new MotionBlurEffect(50, 25, false); effect.Render(src); Compare(src, "motionblur2.png"); }
public void MotionBlurEffect1() { var src = GetSourceImage("input.png"); var effect = new MotionBlurEffect(); effect.Render(src); Compare(src, "motionblur1.png"); }
private void MotionBlurClick() { _IsMove = true; if (motionBlur == null) { motionBlur = new MotionBlurEffect(Camera.main); } motionBlur.SetColor(image); motionBlur.ExecuteCmdBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterEverything); }
static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "/proc": if (i + 1 == args.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Use /proc <N> to specify number of processors"); return; } int numProcs; if (Int32.TryParse(args[i + 1], out numProcs)) { // only increment i if successful b/c we're going to continue the run // with the default # of processors and don't want to automatically // eat the next parameter. ++i; Processor.LogicalCpuCount = numProcs; } else { Console.WriteLine("You must specify a integer for /proc <N>, continuing with default"); } break; case "/image": if (i + 1 == args.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Use /image <filename> to specify a file to perform benchmark with"); return; } ++i; benchmarkImageName = args[i]; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(benchmarkImageName)) { Console.WriteLine("Specified image doesn't exist"); return; } break; case "/tsv": useTsvOutput = true; break; case "/?": PrintHelp(); return; default: break; } } //Processor.LogicalCpuCount = 1; Console.WriteLine("PdnBench v" + PdnInfo.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("Running in " + (8 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))) + "-bit mode on Windows " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString() + " " + OS.Revision + (OS.Revision.Length > 0 ? " " : string.Empty) + OS.Type + " " + Processor.NativeArchitecture.ToString().ToLower()); Console.WriteLine("Processor: " + Processor.LogicalCpuCount + "x \"" + Processor.CpuName + "\" @ ~" + GetCpuSpeed() + " MHz"); Console.WriteLine("Memory: " + ((Memory.TotalPhysicalBytes / 1024) / 1024) + " MB"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Using " + Processor.LogicalCpuCount + " threads."); ArrayList benchmarks = new ArrayList(); Document document; Console.Write("Loading image ... "); Stream imageStream = null; try { imageStream = (defaultImageName == benchmarkImageName) ? Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(benchmarkImageName) : new FileStream(benchmarkImageName, FileMode.Open); JpegFileType jft = new JpegFileType(); document = jft.Load(imageStream); } finally { if (imageStream != null) { imageStream.Dispose(); } } Console.WriteLine("(" + document.Width + " x " + document.Height + ") done"); Surface surface = ((BitmapLayer)document.Layers[0]).Surface; Surface dst = new Surface(surface.Width * 4, surface.Height * 4); #if EFFECTS for (double i = 0; i < (2 * Math.PI); i += 70.0 * ((2 * Math.PI) / 360.0)) { benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark("Rotate/Zoom at " + ((i * 180.0) / Math.PI).ToString("F2") + " degrees", 3, new PaintDotNet.Effects.RotateZoomEffect(), new PaintDotNet.Effects.RotateZoomEffectConfigToken( true, (float)(Math.PI * 0.3f), (float)((Math.PI * -0.4) + i), 50, 0.5f, new PointF(-0.2f, 0.3f), false, true), surface)); } for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i += 3) { for (int j = 10; j < 100; j += 75) { OilPaintingEffect e = new OilPaintingEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[OilPaintingEffect.PropertyNames.BrushSize].Value = i; props[OilPaintingEffect.PropertyNames.Coarseness].Value = j; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Oil Painting, brush size = " + i + ", coarseness = " + j, 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } } for (int i = 2; i <= 200; i += i) { GaussianBlurEffect e = new GaussianBlurEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[GaussianBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Radius].Value = i; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Gaussian Blur with radius of " + i, 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i += 3) { SharpenEffect e = new SharpenEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[SharpenEffect.PropertyNames.Amount].Value = i; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Sharpen with value of " + i, 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } for (int i = 81; i >= 5; i /= 3) { CloudsEffect e = new CloudsEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props["Scale"].Value = 50; props["Power"].Value = (double)i / 100.0; props["Seed"].Value = 12345 % 255; props["BlendOp"].Value = typeof(UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp); benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Clouds, roughness = " + i, 2, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } for (int i = 4; i <= 64; i *= 4) { MedianEffect e = new MedianEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[MedianEffect.PropertyNames.Radius].Value = i; props[MedianEffect.PropertyNames.Percentile].Value = 50; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Median, radius " + i, 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } for (int i = 4; i <= 64; i *= 4) { UnfocusEffect e = new UnfocusEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[UnfocusEffect.PropertyNames.Radius].Value = i; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Unfocus, radius " + i, 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } { MotionBlurEffect e = new MotionBlurEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[MotionBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Angle].Value = 0.0; props[MotionBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Distance].Value = 15; props[MotionBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Centered].Value = true; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Motion Blur, Horizontal", 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } { MotionBlurEffect e = new MotionBlurEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); props[MotionBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Angle].Value = 90.0; props[MotionBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Distance].Value = 15; props[MotionBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Centered].Value = true; benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Motion Blur, Vertical", 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } { ReduceNoiseEffect e = new ReduceNoiseEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Reduce Noise (3x)", 3, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), dst)); } { MandelbrotFractalEffect e = new MandelbrotFractalEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Mandelbrot Fractal", 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } { JuliaFractalEffect e = new JuliaFractalEffect(); PropertyCollection props = e.CreatePropertyCollection(); benchmarks.Add( new EffectBenchmark( "Julia Fractal", 1, e, new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(props), surface)); } #endif #if RESIZE // Resize benchmarks for (int i = 1; i < 8; i += 2) { int newWidth = i * (dst.Width / 8); int newHeight = i * (dst.Height / 8); Surface dstWindow = dst.CreateWindow(new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)); benchmarks.Add(new ResizeBenchmark("Resize from " + surface.Width + "x" + surface.Height + " to " + newWidth + "x" + newHeight, surface, dstWindow)); benchmarks.Add(new ResizeBenchmark("Resize from " + newWidth + "x" + newHeight + " to " + surface.Width + "x" + surface.Height, dstWindow, surface)); } #endif #if GRADIENT // Gradient benchmarks benchmarks.Add(new GradientBenchmark( "Linear reflected gradient @ " + dst.Width + "x" + dst.Height + " (5x)", dst, new GradientRenderers.LinearReflected(false, new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()), 2)); benchmarks.Add(new GradientBenchmark( "Conical gradient @ " + dst.Width + "x" + dst.Height + " (5x)", dst, new GradientRenderers.Conical(false, new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()), 2)); benchmarks.Add(new GradientBenchmark( "Radial gradient @ " + dst.Width + "x" + dst.Height + " (5x)", dst, new GradientRenderers.Radial(false, new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()), 2)); #endif #if COMPOSITION // Composition benchmarks Document doc1 = new Document(surface.Size); BitmapLayer layer1 = Layer.CreateBackgroundLayer(doc1.Width, doc1.Height); layer1.Surface.CopySurface(surface); doc1.Layers.Add(layer1); doc1.Layers.Add(layer1.Clone()); doc1.Layers.Add(layer1.Clone()); doc1.Layers.Add(layer1.Clone()); benchmarks.Add(new CompositionBenchmark("Compositing one layer, Normal blend mode, 255 opacity (" + CompositionBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", doc1, surface, delegate(int layerIndex, Layer layer) { if (layerIndex == 0) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 255; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()); } else { layer.Visible = false; } })); benchmarks.Add(new CompositionBenchmark("Compositing one layer, Normal blend mode, 128 opacity (" + CompositionBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", doc1, surface, delegate(int layerIndex, Layer layer) { if (layerIndex == 0) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 128; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()); } else { layer.Visible = false; } })); benchmarks.Add(new CompositionBenchmark("Compositing four layers, Normal blend mode, 255 opacity (" + CompositionBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", doc1, surface, delegate(int layerIndex, Layer layer) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 255; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()); })); benchmarks.Add(new CompositionBenchmark("Compositing four layers, Normal blend mode, 255 (layer 0) and 128 (layer 1-3) opacity (" + CompositionBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", doc1, surface, delegate(int layerIndex, Layer layer) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 128; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()); })); benchmarks.Add(new CompositionBenchmark("Compositing four layers, Normal blend mode, 128 opacity (" + CompositionBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", doc1, surface, delegate(int layerIndex, Layer layer) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 128; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()); })); benchmarks.Add(new CompositionBenchmark("Compositing three layers, Normal+Multiply+Overlay blending, 150+255+170 opacity (" + CompositionBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", doc1, surface, delegate(int layerIndex, Layer layer) { if (layerIndex == 0) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 150; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp()); } else if (layerIndex == 1) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 255; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp()); } else if (layerIndex == 2) { layer.Visible = true; layer.Opacity = 170; ((BitmapLayer)layer).SetBlendOp(new UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp()); } else { layer.Visible = false; } })); #endif #if TRANSFORM // Transform benchmarks Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.Reset(); MaskedSurface msSimple = new MaskedSurface(surface, new PdnRegion(surface.Bounds)); // simple masked surface PdnRegion complexRegion = new PdnRegion(surface.Bounds); // cut 4 holes in region 1 to form a complex clipping surface for (int x = -1; x < 3; ++x) { for (int y = -1; y < 3; ++y) { int left = (1 + (x * 3)) * (surface.Width / 6); int top = (1 + (x * 3)) * (surface.Height / 6); int right = (2 + (x * 3)) * (surface.Width / 6); int bottom = (2 + (x * 3)) * (surface.Height / 6); Rectangle rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom); PdnGraphicsPath path = new PdnGraphicsPath(); path.AddEllipse(rect); complexRegion.Exclude(path); } } MaskedSurface msComplex = new MaskedSurface(surface, complexRegion); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform simple surface, no transform, nearest neighbor resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m, false)); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform complex surface, no transform, nearest neighbor resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m, false)); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform simple surface, no transform, bilinear resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m, true)); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform complex surface, no transform, bilinear resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m, true)); Matrix m2 = m.Clone(); m2.RotateAt(45.0f, new PointF(surface.Width / 2, surface.Height / 2)); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform simple surface, 45 deg. rotation about center, bilinear resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m2, true)); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform complex surface, 45 deg. rotation about center, bilinear resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m2, true)); Matrix m3 = m.Clone(); m3.Scale(0.5f, 0.75f); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform simple surface, 50% x-scaling 75% y-scaling, bilinear resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m3, true)); benchmarks.Add(new TransformBenchmark("Transform complex surface, 50% x-scaling 75% y-scaling, bilinear resampling (" + TransformBenchmark.Iterations + "x)", surface, msSimple, m3, true)); #endif #if BLIT // Blit benchmarks benchmarks.Add(new ZoomOutBlitBenchmark("Zoom out, rotated grid multisampling, 66% (" + ZoomOutBlitBenchmark.IterationCount + "x)", surface, dst, new Size((surface.Width * 2) / 3, (surface.Height * 2) / 3))); benchmarks.Add(new ZoomOutBlitBenchmark("Zoom out, rotated grid multisampling, 28% (" + ZoomOutBlitBenchmark.IterationCount + "x)", surface, dst, new Size((surface.Width * 28) / 100, (surface.Height * 28) / 100))); benchmarks.Add(new ZoomOneToOneBlitBenchmark("Zoom 1:1, straight blit (" + ZoomOneToOneBlitBenchmark.IterationCount + "x)", surface, dst.CreateWindow(new Rectangle(0, 0, surface.Width, surface.Height)))); #endif // Run benchmarks! Timing timing = new Timing(); ulong start = timing.GetTickCount(); foreach (Benchmark benchmark in benchmarks) { Console.Write(benchmark.Name + (useTsvOutput ? "\t" : " ... ")); TimeSpan timeSpan = benchmark.Execute(); Console.WriteLine(" " + timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + (useTsvOutput ? "\t" : "") + " milliseconds"); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } ulong end = timing.GetTickCount(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Total time: " + (useTsvOutput ? "\t" : "") + (end - start).ToString() + (useTsvOutput ? "\t" : "") + " milliseconds"); Console.WriteLine(); }
protected void OnDisable() { MotionBlurEffect.DeregisterObject(this); }
// Avoid processing when not enabled protected void OnEnable() { MotionBlurEffect.RegisterObject(this); }