public void StateCodeToRandomPlace_Test(string state) { PlaceCode randomPlace = mortalityData.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); IEnumerable <PlaceCode> allPlaces = mortalityData.PlaceCodes.Where(t => t.State.Equals(state)); // This assertion is actually backwards from how it is intended to be used, however // it works for our use case. Assert.Contains(randomPlace, allPlaces); }
/// <summary>Return a new record populated with fake data.</summary> public DeathRecord Generate(bool simple = false) { DeathRecord record = new DeathRecord(); Random random = new Random(); Bogus.Faker faker = new Bogus.Faker("en"); MortalityData dataHelper = MortalityData; // Grab Gender enum value Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender gender = sex == "Male" ? Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Male : Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female; // Was married? bool wasMarried = faker.Random.Bool(); record.Identifier = Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999)); // record.BundleIdentifier = Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999)); DateTime date = faker.Date.Recent(); record.CertifiedTime = date.ToString("s"); record.RegisteredTime = new DateTimeOffset(date.AddDays(-1).Year, date.AddDays(-1).Month, date.AddDays(-1).Day, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).ToString("s"); record.StateLocalIdentifier = Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999)); // Basic Decedent information record.GivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(gender), faker.Name.FirstName(gender) }; record.FamilyName = faker.Name.LastName(gender); record.Suffix = faker.Name.Suffix(); if (gender == Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female && wasMarried) { record.MaidenName = faker.Name.LastName(gender); } record.AliasGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(gender) }; record.AliasFamilyName = faker.Name.LastName(gender); record.FatherFamilyName = record.FamilyName; record.FatherGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Male), faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Male) }; record.FatherSuffix = faker.Name.Suffix(); record.MotherGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female), faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female) }; record.MotherMaidenName = faker.Name.LastName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female); record.MotherSuffix = faker.Name.Suffix(); record.SpouseGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(), faker.Name.FirstName() }; record.SpouseFamilyName = record.FamilyName; record.SpouseSuffix = faker.Name.Suffix(); record.BirthRecordId = Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999)); record.Gender = gender.ToString().ToLower(); record.SSN = faker.Person.Ssn().Replace("-", string.Empty); DateTime birth = faker.Date.Past(123, DateTime.Today.AddYears(-18)); DateTime death = faker.Date.Recent(); DateTimeOffset birthUtc = new DateTimeOffset(birth.Year, birth.Month, birth.Day, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero); DateTimeOffset deathUtc = new DateTimeOffset(death.Year, death.Month, death.Day, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero); record.DateOfBirth = birthUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); record.DateOfDeath = deathUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); int age = death.Year - birth.Year; if (birthUtc > deathUtc.AddYears(-age)) { age--; } record.AgeAtDeath = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "value", age.ToString() }, { "unit", "a" } }; // Birthsex record.BirthSex = gender.ToString()[0].ToString(); // Place of residence Dictionary <string, string> residence = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode residencePlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); residence.Add("addressLine1", $"{faker.Random.Number(999) + 1} {faker.Address.StreetName()}"); residence.Add("addressCity", residencePlace.City); residence.Add("addressCounty", residencePlace.County); residence.Add("addressState", state); residence.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.Residence = residence; // Residence Within City Limits record.ResidenceWithinCityLimitsBoolean = true; // Place of birth Dictionary <string, string> placeOfBirth = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode placeOfBirthPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); placeOfBirth.Add("addressCity", placeOfBirthPlace.City); placeOfBirth.Add("addressCounty", placeOfBirthPlace.County); placeOfBirth.Add("addressState", state); placeOfBirth.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.PlaceOfBirth = placeOfBirth; // Place of death PlaceCode placeOfDeathPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); record.DeathLocationName = placeOfDeathPlace.City + " Hospital"; Dictionary <string, string> deathLocationType = new Dictionary <string, string>(); deathLocationType.Add("code", "16983000"); deathLocationType.Add("system", ""); deathLocationType.Add("display", "Death in hospital"); record.DeathLocationType = deathLocationType; Dictionary <string, string> placeOfDeath = new Dictionary <string, string>(); placeOfDeath.Add("addressLine1", $"{faker.Random.Number(999) + 1} {faker.Address.StreetName()}"); placeOfDeath.Add("addressCity", placeOfDeathPlace.City); placeOfDeath.Add("addressCounty", placeOfDeathPlace.County); placeOfDeath.Add("addressState", state); placeOfDeath.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.DeathLocationAddress = placeOfDeath; record.DeathLocationJurisdiction = state; // Marital status Dictionary <string, string> maritalStatus = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Tuple <string, string>[] maritalStatusCodes = { Tuple.Create("M", "Married"), Tuple.Create("D", "Divorced"), Tuple.Create("W", "Widowed"), }; Tuple <string, string> maritalStatusCode = faker.Random.ArrayElement <Tuple <string, string> >(maritalStatusCodes); if (!wasMarried) { maritalStatusCode = Tuple.Create("S", "Never Married"); } maritalStatus.Add("code", maritalStatusCode.Item1); maritalStatus.Add("system", ""); maritalStatus.Add("display", maritalStatusCode.Item2); record.MaritalStatus = maritalStatus; // Ethnicity if (faker.Random.Bool() && !simple) { var ethnicityDetailed = dataHelper.CDCEthnicityCodes.ElementAt(2 + faker.Random.Number(15)); Tuple <string, string>[] ethnicity = { Tuple.Create("Hispanic or Latino", "2135-2"), Tuple.Create(ethnicityDetailed.Value, ethnicityDetailed.Key) }; record.Ethnicity = ethnicity; } else { Tuple <string, string>[] ethnicity = { Tuple.Create("Not Hispanic or Latino", "2186-5") }; record.Ethnicity = ethnicity; } // Race if (!simple) { Tuple <string, string>[] ombRaces = { Tuple.Create("Black or African American", "2054-5"), Tuple.Create("Asian", "2028-9"), Tuple.Create("American Indian or Alaska Native", "1002-5"), Tuple.Create("Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "2076-8") }; Tuple <string, string> ombRace = faker.Random.ArrayElement <Tuple <string, string> >(ombRaces); var cdcRaceW = dataHelper.CDCRaceWCodes.ElementAt(1 + faker.Random.Number(10)); Tuple <string, string>[] race = { Tuple.Create("White", "2106-3"), Tuple.Create(cdcRaceW.Value, cdcRaceW.Key), ombRace }; record.Race = race; } else { record.Race = new Tuple <string, string>[] { Tuple.Create("White", "2106-3") }; } // Education level Dictionary <string, string> education = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Tuple <string, string>[] educationCodes = { Tuple.Create("BD", "College or baccalaureate degree complete"), Tuple.Create("GD", "Graduate or professional Degree complete"), Tuple.Create("SEC", "Some secondary or high school education"), Tuple.Create("SCOL", "Some College education"), }; Tuple <string, string> educationCode = faker.Random.ArrayElement <Tuple <string, string> >(educationCodes); education.Add("code", educationCode.Item1); education.Add("system", ""); education.Add("display", educationCode.Item2); record.EducationLevel = education; Tuple <string, string>[] occupationIndustries = { Tuple.Create("secretary", "State agency"), Tuple.Create("carpenter", "construction"), Tuple.Create("Programmer", "Health Insurance"), }; Tuple <string, string> occInd = faker.Random.ArrayElement <Tuple <string, string> >(occupationIndustries); // Occupation record.UsualOccupation = occInd.Item1; DateTime usualOccupationEnd = faker.Date.Past(18, deathUtc.DateTime.AddYears(0)); record.UsualOccupationEnd = usualOccupationEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // Industry record.UsualIndustry = occInd.Item2; // Military Service Dictionary <string, string> military = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Tuple <string, string>[] militaryCodes = { Tuple.Create("Y", "Yes"), Tuple.Create("N", "No"), }; Tuple <string, string> militaryCode = faker.Random.ArrayElement <Tuple <string, string> >(militaryCodes); military.Add("code", militaryCode.Item1); military.Add("system", ""); military.Add("display", militaryCode.Item2); record.MilitaryService = military; // Funeral Home Name record.FuneralHomeName = faker.Name.LastName() + " Funeral Home"; record.FuneralDirectorPhone = faker.Phone.PhoneNumber(); // Funeral Home Address Dictionary <string, string> fha = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode fhaPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); fha.Add("addressLine1", $"{faker.Random.Number(999) + 1} {faker.Address.StreetName()}"); fha.Add("addressCity", fhaPlace.City); fha.Add("addressCounty", fhaPlace.County); fha.Add("addressState", state); fha.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.FuneralHomeAddress = fha; // Disposition Location Name record.DispositionLocationName = faker.Name.LastName() + " Cemetery"; // Disposition Location Address Dictionary <string, string> dispLoc = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode dispLocPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); dispLoc.Add("addressCity", dispLocPlace.City); dispLoc.Add("addressCounty", dispLocPlace.County); dispLoc.Add("addressState", state); dispLoc.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.DispositionLocationAddress = dispLoc; // Disposition Method Dictionary <string, string> disposition = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Tuple <string, string>[] dispositionTypeCodes = { Tuple.Create("449971000124106", "Patient status determination, deceased and buried"), Tuple.Create("449961000124104", "Patient status determination, deceased and cremated"), Tuple.Create("449931000124108", "Patient status determination, deceased and entombed"), }; Tuple <string, string> dispositionTypeCode = faker.Random.ArrayElement <Tuple <string, string> >(dispositionTypeCodes); disposition.Add("code", dispositionTypeCode.Item1); disposition.Add("system", ""); disposition.Add("display", dispositionTypeCode.Item2); record.DecedentDispositionMethod = disposition; // Mortician record.MorticianFamilyName = faker.Name.LastName(); record.MorticianGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female), faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female) }; record.MorticianSuffix = faker.Name.Suffix(); Dictionary <string, string> morticianIdentifier = new Dictionary <string, string>(); morticianIdentifier.Add("system", ""); morticianIdentifier.Add("value", Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999))); record.MorticianIdentifier = morticianIdentifier; // Basic Certifier information Dictionary <string, string> certifierIdentifier = new Dictionary <string, string>(); certifierIdentifier.Add("system", ""); certifierIdentifier.Add("value", Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999))); record.CertifierIdentifier = certifierIdentifier; record.CertifierFamilyName = faker.Name.LastName(); record.CertifierGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female), faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female) }; record.CertifierSuffix = "MD"; Dictionary <string, string> certifierAddress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode certifierAddressPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); certifierAddress.Add("addressLine1", $"{faker.Random.Number(999) + 1} {faker.Address.StreetName()}"); certifierAddress.Add("addressCity", certifierAddressPlace.City); certifierAddress.Add("addressCounty", certifierAddressPlace.County); certifierAddress.Add("addressState", state); certifierAddress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.CertifierAddress = certifierAddress; // Certifier type Dictionary <string, string> certificationType = new Dictionary <string, string>(); certificationType.Add("system", ""); certificationType.Add("code", "434641000124105"); certificationType.Add("display", "Death certification and verification by physician"); record.CertificationRole = certificationType; // CertifierLicenseNumber record.CertifierLicenseNumber = Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999)); // Pronouncer Dictionary <string, string> pronouncerIdentifier = new Dictionary <string, string>(); pronouncerIdentifier.Add("system", ""); pronouncerIdentifier.Add("value", Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999))); record.PronouncerIdentifier = pronouncerIdentifier; record.PronouncerFamilyName = faker.Name.LastName(); record.PronouncerGivenNames = new string[] { faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female), faker.Name.FirstName(Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female) }; record.PronouncerSuffix = faker.Name.Suffix(); // Interested Party record.InterestedPartyName = faker.Name.LastName() + " LLC"; Dictionary <string, string> interestedPartyAddress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode interestedPartyAddressPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); interestedPartyAddress.Add("addressLine1", $"{faker.Random.Number(999) + 1} {faker.Address.StreetName()}"); interestedPartyAddress.Add("addressCity", interestedPartyAddressPlace.City); interestedPartyAddress.Add("addressCounty", interestedPartyAddressPlace.County); interestedPartyAddress.Add("addressState", state); interestedPartyAddress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.InterestedPartyAddress = interestedPartyAddress; Dictionary <string, string> ipId = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ipId.Add("system", ""); ipId.Add("value", Convert.ToString(faker.Random.Number(999999))); record.InterestedPartyIdentifier = ipId; record.InterestedPartyType = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "prov" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Healthcare Provider" } }; if (type == "Natural") { Dictionary <string, string> mannerOfDeath = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mannerOfDeath.Add("code", "38605008"); mannerOfDeath.Add("system", ""); mannerOfDeath.Add("display", "Natural death"); record.MannerOfDeathType = mannerOfDeath; record.DateOfDeath = deathUtc.ToString("o"); record.DateOfDeathPronouncement = deathUtc.AddHours(1).ToString("o"); // TransportationEvent record.TransportationEventBoolean = false; Dictionary <string, string> transportationEvent = new Dictionary <string, string>(); transportationEvent.Add("code", "N"); transportationEvent.Add("system", ""); transportationEvent.Add("display", "No"); record.TransportationEvent = transportationEvent; // Randomly pick one of four possible natural causes int choice = faker.Random.Number(3); if (choice == 0) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Pulmonary embolism", "30 minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Deep venuous thrombosis in left thigh", "3 days", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Acute hepatic failure", "3 days", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma", "over 3 months", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } };; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = false; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "373067005" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; } else if (choice == 1) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Acute myocardial infarction", "2 days", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Arteriosclerotic heart disease", "10 years", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.ContributingConditions = "Carcinoma of cecum, Congestive heart failure"; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } };; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = false; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "373067005" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; } else if (choice == 2) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Pulmonary embolism", "1 hour", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Acute myocardial infarction", "7 days", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Chronic ischemic heart disease", "8 years", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.ContributingConditions = "Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Hypertension, Congestive heart failure"; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } };; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = false; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "373066001" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } }; } else if (choice == 3) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Rupture of left ventricle", "Minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Myocardial infarction", "2 Days", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Coronary atherosclerosis", "2 Years", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.ContributingConditions = "Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Cigarette smoking, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Coronary bypass surgery"; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "Y" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "Y" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } };; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = true; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "373066001" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } }; } } if (type == "Injury") { // Randomly pick one of three possible injury causes int choice = faker.Random.Number(2); if (choice == 0) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Carbon monoxide poisoning", "Unkown", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Inhalation of automobile exhaust fumes", "Unkown", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.ContributingConditions = "Terminal gastric adenocarcinoma, depression"; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "Y" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "Y" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } };; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = true; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "UNK" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "unknown" } }; Dictionary <string, string> mannerOfDeath = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mannerOfDeath.Add("code", "44301001"); mannerOfDeath.Add("system", ""); mannerOfDeath.Add("display", "Suicide"); record.MannerOfDeathType = mannerOfDeath; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjury = new Dictionary <string, string>(); record.InjuryLocationName = "Own home garage"; record.InjuryDate = new DateTimeOffset(deathUtc.Year, deathUtc.Month, deathUtc.Day, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).ToString("s"); record.InjuryLocationDescription = "Inhaled carbon monoxide from auto exhaust through hose in an enclosed garage"; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjuryAddr = new Dictionary <string, string>(); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressLine1", residence["addressLine1"]); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCity", residencePlace.City); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCounty", residencePlace.County); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressState", state); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.InjuryLocationAddress = detailsOfInjuryAddr; Dictionary <string, string> injuryPlace = new Dictionary <string, string>(); injuryPlace.Add("code", "0"); injuryPlace.Add("system", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.7374"); injuryPlace.Add("display", "Home"); record.InjuryPlace = injuryPlace; // TransportationEvent record.TransportationEventBoolean = false; Dictionary <string, string> transportationEvent = new Dictionary <string, string>(); transportationEvent.Add("code", "N"); transportationEvent.Add("system", ""); transportationEvent.Add("display", "No"); record.TransportationEvent = transportationEvent; record.DateOfDeath = new DateTimeOffset(deathUtc.Year, deathUtc.Month, deathUtc.Day, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).ToString("s"); } else if (choice == 1) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Cardiac tamponade", "15 minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Perforation of heart", "20 minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Gunshot wound to thorax", "20 minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "Y" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "Y" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "Yes" } }; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = true; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "373067005" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; Dictionary <string, string> mannerOfDeath = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mannerOfDeath.Add("code", "27935005"); mannerOfDeath.Add("system", ""); mannerOfDeath.Add("display", "Homicide"); record.MannerOfDeathType = mannerOfDeath; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjury = new Dictionary <string, string>(); record.InjuryLocationName = "restaurant"; record.InjuryDate = deathUtc.AddMinutes(-20).ToString("s"); record.InjuryLocationDescription = "Shot by another person using a handgun"; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjuryAddr = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode detailsOfInjuryPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressLine1", residence["addressLine1"]); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCity", detailsOfInjuryPlace.City); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCounty", detailsOfInjuryPlace.County); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressState", state); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.InjuryLocationAddress = detailsOfInjuryAddr; Dictionary <string, string> injuryPlace = new Dictionary <string, string>(); injuryPlace.Add("code", "5"); injuryPlace.Add("system", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.7374"); injuryPlace.Add("display", "Trade and Service Area"); record.InjuryPlace = injuryPlace; // TransportationEvent record.TransportationEventBoolean = false; Dictionary <string, string> transportationEvent = new Dictionary <string, string>(); transportationEvent.Add("code", "N"); transportationEvent.Add("system", ""); transportationEvent.Add("display", "No"); record.TransportationEvent = transportationEvent; } else if (choice == 2) { Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Cerebral contusion", "minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Fractured skull", "minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Blunt impact to head", "minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; record.CausesOfDeath = causes; record.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; record.AutopsyResultsAvailable = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "N" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; record.ExaminerContactedBoolean = true; record.TobaccoUse = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "373067005" }, { "system", "" }, { "display", "No" } }; Dictionary <string, string> mannerOfDeath = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mannerOfDeath.Add("code", "7878000"); mannerOfDeath.Add("system", ""); mannerOfDeath.Add("display", "Accidental death"); record.MannerOfDeathType = mannerOfDeath; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjury = new Dictionary <string, string>(); record.InjuryLocationName = "Highway"; record.InjuryDate = deathUtc.ToString("s"); record.InjuryLocationDescription = "Automobile accident. Car slid off wet road and struck tree."; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjuryAddr = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PlaceCode detailsOfInjuryPlace = dataHelper.StateCodeToRandomPlace(state); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressLine1", residence["addressLine1"]); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCity", detailsOfInjuryPlace.City); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCounty", detailsOfInjuryPlace.County); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressState", state); detailsOfInjuryAddr.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); record.InjuryLocationAddress = detailsOfInjuryAddr; Dictionary <string, string> injuryPlace = new Dictionary <string, string>(); injuryPlace.Add("code", "4"); injuryPlace.Add("system", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.7374"); injuryPlace.Add("display", "Street/Highway"); record.InjuryPlace = injuryPlace; // TransportationEvent record.TransportationEventBoolean = true; Dictionary <string, string> transportationEvent = new Dictionary <string, string>(); transportationEvent.Add("code", "Y"); transportationEvent.Add("system", ""); transportationEvent.Add("display", "Yes"); record.TransportationEvent = transportationEvent; } } if (gender == Bogus.DataSets.Name.Gender.Female) { Dictionary <string, string> pregnanacyStatus = new Dictionary <string, string>(); pregnanacyStatus.Add("code", "PHC1260"); pregnanacyStatus.Add("system", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.274"); pregnanacyStatus.Add("display", "Not pregnant within the past year"); record.PregnancyStatus = pregnanacyStatus; } else { Dictionary <string, string> pregnanacyStatus = new Dictionary <string, string>(); pregnanacyStatus.Add("code", "NA"); pregnanacyStatus.Add("system", ""); pregnanacyStatus.Add("display", "not applicable"); record.PregnancyStatus = pregnanacyStatus; } return(record); }