예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 组合条件查询函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="model">条件集合可以在每个value项前加sql的逻辑运算符如:>=等,在每个值加逗号则使用组合or查询,在前后加%则是模糊字符串查询,前两个日期之间加@则为在这两个日期中间的值是左到右的关系,在前面加|则为上个条件的or组合</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>
        /// <param name="dataFields">字段名(可使用as重命名)</param>
        /// <param name="isand">主框架是否为and</param>
        /// <returns>返回T所代表的类型IList</returns>
        public static IList <T> MoreTerm <T>(IList <KeyValuePair <string, object> > model, string tableName, ref PageModel PageModel, string dataFields = "", bool isand = true, string strConn = "conn", bool isAllFields = true)
            MoreTermModel objMoreTerm = ComposeSQL(model, tableName, dataFields, isand, isAllFields);

            string sql = "select " + objMoreTerm.datafields + " from " + objMoreTerm.databases;

            if (objMoreTerm.where != null)
                sql += " where " + objMoreTerm.where;
            if (PageModel != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PageModel.fldName) && PageModel.PageCount != 0 && PageModel.PageSize != 0)
                PageModel.TotalCount = DisposeSqlHelp.ReaderToList <T>(SqlHelper.SelectReader(sql, strConn)).Count;
                int firstPage = (PageModel.PageCount - 1) * PageModel.PageSize + 1;
                sql = "select top(" + PageModel.PageSize + ") *  from (SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY " + PageModel.fldName + ") RowNo,t.* from (" + sql + ") t) w where  RowNo BETWEEN " + firstPage + " and " + PageModel.PageCount * PageModel.PageSize + " ";
            return(DisposeSqlHelp.ReaderToList <T>(SqlHelper.SelectReader(sql, strConn)));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 组合SQL语句
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">条件键值对</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>
        /// <param name="dataFields">字段名</param>
        /// <param name="isand">主框架是否是and</param>
        /// <returns>MoreTermModel</returns>
        public static MoreTermModel ComposeSQL(IList <KeyValuePair <string, object> > model, string tableName, string dataFields = "", bool isand = true, bool isAllFields = true)
            string where = "";
            Regex reg = new Regex(@"([><!=]+)|^([2|]{0,2}\s*is.+)|^(not in)|^(in)|^(not like)");

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Count; i++)
                #region 运算标示符
                if (reg.IsMatch(model[i].Value.ToString()))
                    Match regValue = reg.Match(model[i].Value.ToString());
                    where += startOR(model, i, isand);
                    where += model[i].Key + " " + model[i].Value.ToString().Replace("2|", "").Replace("|", "");
                    where += endOR(model, i);
                #region like
                else if (model[i].Value.ToString().Contains("%"))
                    if (i == model.Count - 1 || model[i].Value.ToString().Replace("%", "") != "" || model[i + 1].Value.ToString().Contains("|")) //不能删除后边的,为了添加or
                        where += startOR(model, i, isand);
                        where += model[i].Key + " like '" + model[i].Value.ToString().Replace("2|", "").Replace("|", "") + "'";
                        where += endOR(model, i);
                #region in
                else if (model[i].Value.ToString().Contains(","))
                    string values = model[i].Value.ToString().Replace("2|", "").Replace("|", "");
                    where += startOR(model, i, isand);
                    string[] value  = values.Split(',');
                    int      tryint = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(value[0], out tryint))
                        where += model[i].Key + " in (" + values.Trim(',') + ")";
                        string InWhere = "";
                        foreach (string val in value)
                            InWhere += "\'" + val + "\' ,";
                        where += model[i].Key + " in (" + InWhere.Trim(',') + ")";
                    where += endOR(model, i);

                #region 时间
                else if (model[i].Value.ToString().Contains("@"))
                    string[] times = model[i].Value.ToString().Split('@');
                    where += startOR(model, i, isand);
                    if (times[0].Trim() != "")                                                             //如果-前没有内容则直接跳过
                        where += model[i].Key + ">='" + times[0].Replace("2|", "").Replace("|", "") + "'"; //由于第一个可能有|则必须删除此字符,第二个就不用删除了
                    if (times[1].Trim() != "")                                                             //如果-后没有内容则直接跳过
                        if (times[0].Trim() != "")
                            where += " and ";
                        where += model[i].Key + "<='" + times[1] + "'";
                    where += endOR(model, i);

                #region =
                    where += startOR(model, i, isand);
                    where += model[i].Key + "='" + model[i].Value.ToString().Replace("2|", "").Replace("|", "") + "'";
                    where += endOR(model, i);
            #region tableNames datafields
            string[] tableNames = tableName.Split(',');
            string   datebases  = tableNames[0].Split('.')[0];
            string   datafields = "";

            for (int i = 1; i < tableNames.Length; i = i + 2)  //拼数据库连接字段
                //增加Right Join标识 ">"
                string fstFlag = tableNames[i].Substring(0, 1);
                if (fstFlag == ">")
                    tableNames[i] = tableNames[i].Substring(1);
                    datebases    += " right  join " + tableNames[i].Split('.')[0] + " on " + tableNames[i] + "=" + tableNames[i - 1];
                    datebases += " left join " + tableNames[i].Split('.')[0] + " on " + tableNames[i] + "=" + tableNames[i - 1];
            if (dataFields != "")
                if (isAllFields)
                    List <string> dataField     = dataFields.Split(',').ToList();
                    List <string> NoRepeatNames = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.Length; i++)
                        if (!NoRepeatNames.Contains(tableNames[i].Split('.')[0]))
                    for (int i = 0; i < NoRepeatNames.Count; i++)                                                        //拼显示字段名称
                        int dataFieldCount = dataField.Count(a => a.IndexOf(NoRepeatNames[i].Split('.')[0] + ".") > -1); //找出表名称是否在重命名字段
                        if (dataFieldCount > 0)
                            string  sqlcol = "select * from syscolumns where id = object_id('" + NoRepeatNames[i].Split('.')[0] + "')";
                            DataSet ds     = SqlHelper.SelectDataSet(sqlcol);
                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                datafields += NoRepeatNames[i].Split('.')[0] + "." + dr["name"].ToString();
                                for (int j = 0; j < dataField.Count; j++)
                                    string[] fieldName = Regex.Split(dataField[j], @" as ");
                                    if (fieldName[0].Split('.')[1].ToLower() == dr["name"].ToString().ToLower() && fieldName[0].Split('.')[0].ToLower() == NoRepeatNames[i].Split('.')[0].ToLower())  //判断有没有自定义名称
                                        datafields += " as " + fieldName[1];
                                datafields += ",";
                            datafields += NoRepeatNames[i].Split('.')[0] + ".*,";    //没有重命名的表格直接写星号
                    datafields = dataFields;
                datafields = "*";
            datafields = datafields.TrimEnd(',');

            MoreTermModel objMoreTerm = new MoreTermModel();
            objMoreTerm.datafields = datafields;
            objMoreTerm.databases  = datebases;

            if (where != "")
                if (isand)
                    objMoreTerm.where = "(" + " 1=1 " + where + ")";
                    objMoreTerm.where = "(" + " 1<>1 " + where + ")";

            // return "select " + datafields + " from " + datebases + " where 1=1" + where;