예제 #1
        public static void Init()
            if( s_world != null && s_db != null )

            // Load up all the strings of interest from the web.config file.
            var strings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings;
            string dbString = strings["climoo_dbcConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            string dbClass = strings["climoo_dbcConnectionString"].ProviderName;
            //string xmlString = strings["climoo_xmlImportPathString"].ConnectionString;

            // We'll use this in multiple places below.
            var ti = new TableInfo();

            // Break up the pieces of the connection class to figure out what to load.
            string[] classPieces = dbClass.Split( ',' ).Select( x => x.Trim() ).ToArray();
            if( classPieces.Length < 2 )
            throw new ArgumentException( "Too few comma-delimited strings in the database connection class string", dbClass );

            string className = classPieces[0];
            string asmName = classPieces[1];

            // This assembly we want is possibly already loaded, but this gets us a handle to it.
            Assembly dbAsm = Assembly.Load( asmName );
            Type dbType = dbAsm.GetType( className );

            // Create the actual database class.
            IDatabase db = (IDatabase)(Activator.CreateInstance( dbType ));
            db.setup( dbString, ti );

            if (s_world == null) {
            // s_world = MooCore.World.FromXml( xmlString );
            var coredb = new CoreDatabase( db );
            var wdb = new WorldDatabase( coredb );
            s_world = CanonWorld.FromWorldDatabase( wdb, true, false );
            s_world.attributeUrlGenerator = (mob, attr) =>
                return string.Format( "/Game/ServeAttribute?objectId={0}&attributeName={1}", mob.id, attr );
            if (s_db == null) {
            s_db = db;
            // s_db = new MemoryDatabase();
            // Models.XmlModelPersistence.Import(System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath, "web.xml"), s_db);
예제 #2
        public static void Shutdown()
            if( s_world == null )

            s_world = null;