예제 #1
    //function used to perform MCTS
    public MonteCarloPosition StartMCTS(float _curPlayerHealth, float _curEnemyHealth, Node _objNode)
        //updates the board to fit the current grid
        MonteCarloBoard _board = UpdateBoard(_curPlayerHealth, _curEnemyHealth, _objNode);

        //performs MCTS on the updated board
        _board = _mcts.findNextMove(_board);

        MonteCarloPosition _enemyPos = new MonteCarloPosition();

        //sets the new enemy pos to the positions returned from MCTS
        _enemyPos = _board.FindPlayer(MonteCarloBoard._enemyVal);

        //returns the enemy position
예제 #2
    //function used to perform MCTS and return the best node's board
    public MonteCarloBoard findNextMove(MonteCarloBoard _board)
        //gathers a start and end time, limiting the amount of MCTS cycles for the enemy to a timer
        float _start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 100;

        float _end = _start + 5;

        //gets the root of the tree
        MonteCarloNode _rootNode = _tree.getRoot();

        //sets the root node to the current board

        //checks whether learning phase has been carried out
        if (!_tree.learningPhase)
            //performs 1000 iterations of MCTS
            for (int l = 0; l < 1000; l++)
                //function used to perform MCTS

            //sets learning phase as true so that it does not occur again
            _tree.learningPhase = true;
            //performs the MCTS for the limited amount of time, terminating on the last cycle once the time is reached.
            while (Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 100 < _end)
                //function used to perform MCTS

        //finds the best child node of the root node
        MonteCarloNode _optimalNode = _rootNode.GetMaxChild();

        //sets the root node to the new winner node

        //returns the board of the root's best child node
예제 #3
    //function used to update a board
    public MonteCarloBoard UpdateBoard(float _playerHealth, float _enemyHealth, Node _objNode)
        MonteCarloBoard _board = new MonteCarloBoard();

        //loops through all values of the board
        for (int z = 0; z < GridSystem._gridSizeZ; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < GridSystem._gridSizeX; x++)
                //checks for the enemy node
                if (GridSystem._grid [x, z] == _objNode)
                    //sets value of current board x and z to enemy value
                    _board.SetSpecificBoardValues(MonteCarloBoard._enemyVal, x, z);
                //checks for the player node
                else if (GridSystem._grid [x, z]._playerNode == true)
                    //sets value of current board x and z to player value
                    _board.SetSpecificBoardValues(MonteCarloBoard._playerVal, x, z);
                //checks for unwalkable nodes
                else if (GridSystem._grid [x, z]._walkable == false)
                    //sets value of current board x and z to 10 setting the value as unwalkable
                    _board.SetSpecificBoardValues(10, x, z);
                    //sets value of current board x and z to 0, making it empty
                    _board.SetSpecificBoardValues(0, x, z);

        //sets player and enemy health values
        _board._playerHealth         = _playerHealth;
        _board._enemyHealth          = _enemyHealth;
        _board._originalPlayerHealth = _playerHealth;
        _board._originalEnemyHealth  = _enemyHealth;

        //returns the updated board
예제 #4
        public void TestMoves(int numberOfSimulations, Board board, List <MonteCarloMove> moves, int amountOfTestedMoves)
            Random random = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSimulations / 2; i++)
                MonteCarloBoard boardForSimulation = new MonteCarloBoard(board);
                string          rand  = moves[random.Next(amountOfTestedMoves)].MoveCode;
                int             score = boardForSimulation.StartNewGame(this.Name, rand);
                foreach (MonteCarloMove findMoveCode in moves)
                    if (findMoveCode.MoveCode == rand)
                        findMoveCode.wins += score;
    public MonteCarloBoard(MonteCarloBoard _board)
        this._boardValues = new int[GridSystem._gridSizeX, GridSystem._gridSizeZ];

        int[,] _boardValues = _board.getBoardValues();

        this._movedPosition = _board._movedPosition;

        this._playerHealth = _board._playerHealth;

        this._enemyHealth = _board._enemyHealth;

        this._originalPlayerHealth = _board._originalPlayerHealth;

        this._originalEnemyHealth = _board._originalEnemyHealth;

        for (int x = 0; x < GridSystem._gridSizeX; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < GridSystem._gridSizeZ; z++)
                this._boardValues [x, z] = _boardValues [x, z];
 public void SetBoard(MonteCarloBoard _board)
     this._board = _board;
 public MonteCarloState(MonteCarloBoard _board)
     this._board = new MonteCarloBoard(_board);
 public MonteCarloState(MonteCarloState _state)
     this._board  = new MonteCarloBoard(_state.GetBoard());
     this._visits = _state.GetVisits();
     this._score  = _state.GetScore();
 //class constructors
 public MonteCarloState()
     _board = new MonteCarloBoard();