///Conga Line Functions
    public void BecomeLeader()
        bool become = true;

        amLeader = false;
        foreach (GameObject Creature in AllCreatures)
            #region Check if Creature Deleted
            if (Creature == null || Creature.tag == "Player")
            MonsterChecks creatureCheck = Creature.GetComponent <MonsterChecks>();
            if (creatureCheck.AmLeader())
                //Debug.Log(Creature.name + " is the Leader of " + this.name);
                // set leader
                specialLeader = creatureCheck.specialLeader;
                // set MY target to my leader
                // set my leader's target to ME
                become = false;
            else if (creatureCheck.specialLeader != null && specialTarget == this.gameObject)
                // set leader
                GameObject lead = creatureCheck.specialLeader;
                creatureCheck = lead.GetComponent <MonsterChecks>();
                // set leader
                specialLeader = creatureCheck.specialLeader;
                // set MY target to my leader
                // set my leader's target to ME
                become = false;
        // no one is a leader, so be the leader
        if (become)
            //Debug.Log(this.name + " is the Leader now!!!");
            amLeader      = true;
            specialTarget = this.gameObject;
            specialLeader = this.gameObject;
    // Conga()
    // become the leader if no leader
    // otherwise, follow the last person in line
    public void Conga()
        float congaSpeed = 4;

        if (Checks.AmLeader())
            // YOURE THE LEADER!!
            // GO GO GO
            Wander(2f, 2f);
        else if (Checks.specialLeader != null)
            // FOLLOW THE LEADER!!
            // LEFT RIGHT LEFT
            GameObject drone = Checks.ClosestDrone();
            if (drone == null)
                GameObject near = Checks.FollowTheLeader();
                NavChase(near, congaSpeed, 2f);
                //Behaviour.MoveTo(drone.transform.position, 3f, 1f);
                NavMelee(drone, congaSpeed);
        else if (Checks.specialTarget == null)
            // still gotta conga!!
            // even with no leader
            // decide leader if no one around
            if (!runningCoRoutine)